3 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast with Buzzsprout

Buzzsprout — Learn How to Podcast
9 Oct 202017:21

TLDRThis video script outlines three key strategies for independent podcasters to monetize their content using Buzzsprout's platform. It introduces the Support the Show feature for direct audience contributions, the affiliate marketplace for promotional partnerships, and sponsorship integration through Podcorn. The script provides a step-by-step guide on setting up these features, emphasizing ease of use and the potential to generate revenue with minimal time investment.


  • 🎧 Monetizing a podcast can be achieved through various methods, with Buzzsprout offering three primary ways to help podcasters earn revenue.
  • 💰 The 'Support the Show' feature allows listeners to contribute directly to the podcast, with options like Patreon, PayPal, Cash App, and Buy Me a Coffee.
  • 🔗 Once a donation link is set up, it appears in the podcast's show notes, on the podcast website, and in the embed player, making it easily accessible for listeners.
  • 🤝 Podcasters can partner with brands and promote products/services through the affiliate marketplace, which includes companies like Instacart and Buzzsprout itself.
  • 📝 Affiliate links and promotional content can be added to podcast show notes automatically, with Buzzsprout handling the inclusion of necessary disclaimers.
  • 🌟 Custom brands can be added to the affiliate marketplace, allowing podcasters to promote products or services not listed in the default marketplace.
  • 🔗 Buzzsprout's integration with Podcorn connects podcasters with potential sponsors, streamlining the process of finding and securing sponsorships.
  • 📅 Podcorn offers a calendar view to manage sponsorship campaigns and track available slots for ad placements.
  • 📣 Podcasters can pitch their show to potential sponsors through Podcorn, detailing the value of sponsoring their podcast and how it aligns with the sponsor's goals.
  • 🏷️ Once a sponsor is secured, their information can be added to the Buzzsprout dashboard, and their promotional content can be easily included in podcast episodes and show notes.

Q & A

  • What are the three ways Buzzsprout helps podcasters monetize their podcasts?

    -Buzzsprout helps podcasters monetize through the Support the Show feature for direct listener contributions, the affiliate marketplace for promoting products and services, and sponsorships via integration with Podcorn.

  • How do listeners contribute directly to a podcast through the Support the Show feature?

    -Listeners can contribute by using links provided in the podcast show notes, on the podcast website, and within the embed player. Podcasters set up these links through various platforms like Patreon, PayPal, Cash App, and Buy Me a Coffee.

  • What is the process for a podcaster to sign up for an affiliate program through Buzzsprout's Affiliate Marketplace?

    -To sign up for an affiliate program, podcasters choose a brand they're familiar with, click 'become an affiliate', and follow the instructions to complete the application. Once approved, they receive an affiliate link to use in their promotions.

  • How can podcasters add custom sponsorships or affiliate links to their show notes?

    -Podcasters can add custom sponsorships or affiliate links by navigating to the Affiliate Marketplace in their Buzzsprout account, where they can enter a headline, description, affiliate URL, and artwork for the product or service they're promoting.

  • What is Podcorn and how does it assist podcasters in finding sponsorships?

    -Podcorn is a podcast sponsorship marketplace that connects podcasters with companies looking to sponsor podcasts. It operates as a matchmaking service, helping podcasters find and secure sponsorship deals that suit their podcast's audience and content.

  • How does Buzzsprout automate the process of adding affiliate links and disclaimers to podcast show notes?

    -When a podcaster adds a brand mention through Buzzsprout's platform, the system automatically inserts the affiliate link and a required legal disclaimer into the show notes, ensuring compliance with advertising laws.

  • What kind of artwork is recommended for custom affiliate links?

    -The recommended artwork for custom affiliate links should be at least 400 pixels wide and in a square format. It can be any image related to the product or service being promoted, and does not necessarily have to be the company's logo.

  • How often does Buzzsprout publish new content on their YouTube channel?

    -Buzzsprout publishes multiple videos each week on their YouTube channel, covering a range of topics from gear reviews to podcasting strategies.

  • What are some of the topics covered by Buzzsprout's internal podcast, the Buzzcast?

    -The Buzzcast covers a variety of topics related to podcasting, including gear and equipment reviews, software tutorials, and strategy insights, similar to the content found in Buzzsprout's YouTube channel videos.

  • What is the role of the 'brand mentioned' feature in Buzzsprout's monetization strategy?

    -The 'brand mentioned' feature allows podcasters to easily add mentions of sponsored brands or affiliate products into their episodes. This feature automatically adds the relevant links and artwork to the podcast's show notes, streamlining the process of promoting these brands.

  • What is the benefit of using Buzzsprout's podcast website for podcasters?

    -Buzzsprout's podcast website provides a platform that is accessible from any device, ensuring listeners can easily listen to episodes regardless of the apps they have on their phones. It also integrates the Support the Show button and affiliate links, making it convenient for listeners to support the podcast or explore promoted products.



💰 Monetizing Your Podcast with Buzzsprout

This paragraph introduces the video's focus on monetizing podcasts through Buzzsprout. It outlines three primary methods: the Support the Show feature for direct listener contributions, affiliate marketing partnerships, and sponsorships through an integration with Podcorn. The video aims to guide independent podcasters on how to earn revenue from their audience, offering strategies best suited for their podcasting needs.


🔗 Setting Up Support the Show Link

The paragraph explains the process of setting up a Support the Show link in the Buzzsprout dashboard, which allows podcasters to collect donations from listeners. It details the integration with various platforms like Patreon, PayPal, Cash App, and Buy Me a Coffee, and emphasizes the visibility of the link in show notes, on the podcast website, and within the episode player to encourage listener support.


🛍️ Affiliate Marketing with Buzzsprout

This section delves into affiliate marketing, explaining how podcasters can promote products and services from partnered companies. It walks through the process of signing up as an affiliate, using the example of Instacart, and highlights the ease of adding custom brands. The paragraph also discusses the automatic inclusion of affiliate links in podcast show notes and the integration of affiliate artwork on podcast websites, emphasizing the convenience and legal compliance of Buzzsprout's system.


🤝 Partnering with Sponsors via Podcorn

The paragraph introduces Podcorn as a platform for connecting podcasters with potential sponsors. It outlines the three-step process of setting up an account on Podcorn, verifying download numbers, and securing sponsors. The video provides a walkthrough of Podcorn's dashboard, explaining how to find and pitch to sponsors, negotiate ad formats and fees, and ultimately add the sponsorship details back into Buzzsprout to automate the inclusion of sponsor information in show notes and podcast websites.

🎧 Maximizing Podcast Earnings

In the concluding paragraph, the video summarizes the three methods of monetization discussed: Support the Show, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships through Podcorn. It encourages podcasters to choose the strategy that best aligns with their audience and offers the most efficient return on investment. The video also promotes the Buzzsprout YouTube channel as a resource for podcasters seeking guidance and tips on their podcasting journey.




Monetizing refers to the process of generating revenue from a non-profitable asset or activity. In the context of the video, it specifically pertains to earning income from a podcast. The video outlines various strategies for podcasters to monetize their content, such as through listener contributions, affiliate marketing, and sponsorships.


Buzzsprout is a podcast hosting platform that provides tools and services for podcasters to host, distribute, and monetize their podcasts. The video highlights Buzzsprout's features that facilitate podcast monetization, such as the Support the Show feature, affiliate marketplace, and custom brand feature.

💡Support the Show

Support the Show is a feature that enables podcast listeners to financially contribute to the podcast they enjoy. This feature is designed to help podcasters receive direct support from their audience, which can be set up through various platforms like Patreon, PayPal, or Buy Me a Coffee, and is integrated into the podcast's show notes and website.

💡Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. In the video, podcasters are introduced to Buzzsprout's affiliate marketplace where they can partner with brands to promote products and services to their audience in exchange for a commission.


Podcorn is a podcast sponsorship marketplace that connects podcasters with potential sponsors. It acts as a matchmaking service, helping podcast hosts find and secure sponsorship deals from companies interested in sponsoring podcasts. The platform streamlines the process of negotiation and agreement between podcasters and sponsors.

💡Show Notes

Show notes are detailed descriptions or outlines of a podcast episode that typically include information about the episode's content, guest bios, timestamps, and relevant links. In the context of the video, show notes are also a strategic location for including monetization elements such as Support the Show links, affiliate links, and sponsor mentions.


Sponsorship refers to the support or endorsement of a podcast by a company or organization, usually in exchange for advertising space or product placement within the podcast's content. Sponsorships are a common way for podcasters to generate revenue by partnering with businesses that align with their podcast's theme or audience interests.

💡Custom Brand Feature

The custom brand feature in Buzzsprout allows podcasters to add personalized branding elements to their podcast, such as custom affiliate links and sponsor mentions. This feature enables podcasters to promote products or services that they choose and earn revenue through these custom affiliations.

💡Podcast Website

A podcast website is a platform where podcast episodes are hosted and made accessible to listeners. It often includes features like episode archives, show notes, and ways for listeners to support the podcast. The video mentions that Buzzsprout provides podcasters with a podcast website that can be used to showcase their content and monetize through various features.

💡Brand Mentions

Brand mentions refer to the act of referencing or promoting a particular brand or product within the content of a podcast episode. Podcasters can use brand mentions as part of their monetization strategy by partnering with brands and including their products or services in their episodes, often in exchange for a fee or commission.


Three ways Buzzsprout helps podcasters monetize their podcast

Support the Show feature allows listeners to contribute directly

Affiliate marketplace for partnering with brands to promote products and services

Integration with Podcorn, a podcast sponsorship marketplace

Setting up Support the Show link in Buzzsprout dashboard

Popular platforms for collecting donations: Patreon, PayPal, Cash App, Buy Me a Coffee

Support the Show link appears in show notes and on the podcast website

Affiliate Marketing explained and simplified for podcasters

Process of becoming an affiliate and using affiliate links

Adding custom brands and products for promotion in the Affiliate Marketplace

Automatic addition of affiliate links and disclaimers in show notes

Process of finding and securing sponsors through Podcorn

Creating a pitch to propose sponsorship to companies

Adding secured sponsors to Buzzsprout and linking them to episodes

Show notes automatically updated with sponsor information and affiliate links

Guidance for independent podcasters on tactics, strategies, and resources