Monetize Your Podcast in 2023 with Apple Podcasts Subscriptions (Complete Walkthrough)

Buzzsprout β€” Learn How to Podcast
11 Apr 202227:59

TLDRIn this informative video, podcaster and YouTuber Steven Robles shares his experience with Apple Podcast Subscriptions, a platform for monetizing shows through premium content. He discusses the benefits of selling ad-free content and bonus episodes directly within the Apple Podcast app, highlighting its ease of use and higher subscription rates compared to Patreon. Robles also outlines the setup process, including creating a channel, defining subscription benefits, and pricing strategies. Despite some limitations, such as lack of chapter support and direct subscriber communication, he recommends the service for its potential to attract more paid supporters.


  • πŸš€ Apple Podcast Subscriptions is a feature launched by Apple to help podcasters monetize their shows by selling premium content within the Apple Podcast app.
  • πŸ“… Since its launch, there has been a significant increase in the number of subscribers directly signing up through the Apple Podcast app compared to other platforms like Patreon.
  • πŸ’° The setup for Apple Podcast Subscriptions costs $20 per year, with a 70/30 revenue split in favor of the podcast creator for each subscription.
  • πŸ“ˆ Apple Podcast app is the number one way people listen to podcasts, making it a powerful platform for creators to reach their audience easily.
  • πŸ”’ Apple Podcast Subscriptions offers built-in one or two-tap subscription and management, making it seamless for listeners to join or cancel without leaving the app.
  • 🎁 The platform allows offering various benefits such as ad-free listening, early access to content, and bonus episodes, which can be set up during the subscription creation process.
  • πŸ†“ A free trial can be included with the subscriptions, with customizable lengths and start/end dates, encouraging potential listeners to try before they commit to a paid plan.
  • πŸ“† Apple Podcast Subscriptions requires at least one piece of bonus content published and marked as such in the podcast before a subscription promotion can be submitted for review.
  • πŸŽ™οΈ Creating bonus content or ad-free versions of episodes involves precise matching of episode titles, numbers, and release dates to ensure proper synchronization with the public RSS feed.
  • πŸ“Š Analytics for subscriber numbers and earnings are available in the Podcast Connect dashboard, under the Payments tab, but more detailed analytics on follower and listener behavior are expected to be added.
  • πŸ”„ Currently, Apple Podcast Subscriptions lacks direct integration with platforms like Discord for offering additional community benefits to subscribers, and does not provide podcasters with individual subscriber information.

Q & A

  • What is Apple Podcast Subscriptions and how does it help podcast creators monetize their shows?

    -Apple Podcast Subscriptions is a feature that allows podcast creators to sell premium content within the Apple Podcast app. This can include early access to content, ad-free versions, bonus episodes, and more. It helps podcasters monetize by providing a convenient and seamless way for listeners to subscribe and pay for additional or exclusive content, directly within the app.

  • How does the Apple Podcast Subscriptions model differ from third-party platforms like Patreon or Memberful?

    -While third-party platforms like Patreon or Memberful also offer ways for creators to monetize their content, the Apple Podcast Subscriptions model is integrated directly into the Apple Podcast app, making it easier for listeners to subscribe and pay without leaving the app. This reduces friction and can lead to higher conversion rates. Additionally, Apple Podcast Subscriptions offers a built-in free trial option, which is not commonly found on other platforms.

  • What are the costs associated with setting up Apple Podcast Subscriptions for a podcast show?

    -The cost to set up Apple Podcast Subscriptions is a flat fee of $20 per year. After that, there is a 70/30 revenue split between the podcast creator and Apple, with the creator receiving 70% of the subscription fees collected.

  • How does one set up a new channel for Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -To set up a new channel, one needs to go to Podcast Connect, click on 'New Channel', and follow the prompts to name the channel, add a logo and background, describe the channel, and add the podcast show to the channel.

  • What benefits can podcast creators offer to their subscribers through Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -Podcast creators can offer a variety of benefits to their subscribers, including ad-free listening, exclusive bonus episodes, early access to content, and access to the full back catalog of the show's archives.

  • What is the process for uploading bonus content for paid subscribers in Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -To upload bonus content, creators need to go to the 'Episodes' tab in Podcast Connect, create a new episode, specify that it is bonus content, set the appropriate access (subscriber-only), schedule the release date, and upload the audio file.

  • How does the free trial feature work in Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -The free trial feature allows potential subscribers to try out the paid subscription for a set period, which can range from three days to up to a year. After the free trial ends, subscribers are automatically signed up for ongoing monthly support unless they choose to cancel.

  • What are some limitations of Apple Podcast Subscriptions compared to other platforms?

    -Some limitations include the lack of direct integration with services like Discord, absence of individual subscriber information for creators, and currently, no support for chapter markers in subscriber audio.

  • How can podcast creators view their earnings and subscriber counts for Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -Creators can view their earnings and subscriber counts under the 'Payments' tab in the Podcast Connect dashboard, where they can also set up their banking information for receiving payments.

  • What is the recommended strategy for creators who want to offer both ad-free and bonus content through Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -Creators should ensure that the ad-free version of their show coincides with the public RSS feed by matching the episode title, number, and original release date exactly. This way, paid subscribers receive the ad-free version at the same time as the free listeners receive the ad-supported version.

  • How does the process of creating an ad-free version of a podcast episode for paid subscribers work within Apple Podcast Subscriptions?

    -To create an ad-free version, creators need to upload a separate audio file for subscribers only, ensuring that the episode title, number, and release date match exactly with the public RSS feed version. This ensures that Apple Podcasts can correctly match and deliver the appropriate audio to free and paid listeners.



πŸŽ™οΈ Introduction to Apple Podcast Subscriptions

The paragraph introduces the concept of Apple Podcast Subscriptions, a feature that allows podcast creators to monetize their content by offering premium content within the Apple Podcast app. It discusses the launch of this feature about a year ago and the lack of in-depth analysis on how to make a successful subscription model. The speaker, Steven Robles, shares his experience with running two Apple Podcast Subscriptions and provides insights on setting up a subscription for one's own show.


πŸ’‘ Setting Up Your Apple Podcast Subscription

This paragraph delves into the process of setting up an Apple Podcast Subscription. It explains the benefits of using the Apple Podcast app for subscriptions, such as the ease of sign-up and the ability to offer ad-free content, early access, and bonus episodes. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a new channel, add a podcast to the channel, and set up the subscription benefits. It also discusses the pricing model, which involves a yearly fee and a 70/30 revenue split with Apple.


πŸ“… Scheduling and Uploading Bonus Content

The speaker describes the process of creating and uploading bonus content for subscribers. This includes scheduling the release of bonus episodes, setting them as subscriber-only, and uploading the audio files. The paragraph also touches on the limitations of the Apple Podcast Subscriptions, such as the lack of support for chapters in subscriber audio and the inability to offer features like Discord integration, which are available on other platforms like Patreon.


πŸ”„ Matching Subscriber Audio with RSS Feed

This section explains the importance of matching the subscriber audio with the RSS feed to ensure that paid and free listeners receive their respective versions of the podcast at the same time. The speaker provides instructions on how to create an ad-free version of the podcast for paid subscribers while also publishing a free version with the RSS feed. It emphasizes the need for precise coordination between the podcast host and the Apple Podcast dashboard.


πŸ“Š Analytics and Payments for Podcast Subscriptions

The speaker discusses the analytics and payment features of Apple Podcast Subscriptions. While the podcast app provides good analytics for listener engagement, the specific subscription data is found under the payments tab in the Podcast Connect dashboard. The speaker notes the need to set up a banking account for receiving payments and highlights the lack of direct communication with individual subscribers, which is a feature available on other platforms.


πŸš€ Conclusion and Recommendations

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker summarizes the benefits of Apple Podcast Subscriptions for creators, emphasizing the ease of sign-up and the potential for increased revenue. Despite the additional work required for content management and the current limitations of the platform, the speaker recommends using Apple Podcast Subscriptions due to the high conversion rate of listeners to paid supporters. The speaker also expresses hope for future improvements to the platform, such as the addition of chapter markers and more direct engagement features with supporters.



πŸ’‘Apple Podcast Subscriptions

Apple Podcast Subscriptions is a service introduced by Apple that allows podcast creators to monetize their content by offering premium content such as ad-free listening, early access to episodes, and bonus episodes to their listeners within the Apple Podcasts app. This service is seen as a significant move by Apple into the paid podcasting world and is presented as a convenient and streamlined way for listeners to support their favorite podcasters directly within the app.

πŸ’‘Podcast monetization

Podcast monetization refers to the strategies and methods podcast creators use to generate income from their podcasts. This can include selling merchandise, securing sponsorships, or offering premium content through subscriptions. The video highlights Apple Podcast Subscriptions as a new avenue for monetization that simplifies the process for both creators and listeners.

πŸ’‘Content tiers

Content tiers refer to the different levels of access or types of content that podcast creators can offer to their audience. In the context of the video, this could include free content available to all listeners, as well as premium or bonus content that is only accessible to subscribers who pay a monthly or annual fee. This allows creators to segment their audience and provide additional value to those who choose to support them financially.


Fridgment, in the context of the video, refers to the resistance or difficulty a user faces when trying to perform an action, such as signing up for a service. The term is used to describe the challenges podcast listeners might experience when trying to support creators through platforms like Patreon, as opposed to the streamlined experience offered by Apple Podcast Subscriptions.

πŸ’‘Apple Podcasts app

The Apple Podcasts app is a pre-installed application on Apple devices that allows users to discover, listen to, and manage podcasts. It is the primary platform through which Apple Podcast Subscriptions operates, offering a seamless experience for users to access both free and premium podcast content.


Patreon is a membership platform that provides business tools for creators to earn a monthly income by providing exclusive experiences to their subscribers, or 'patrons.' In the context of the video, Patreon is compared to Apple Podcast Subscriptions as an alternative platform for monetizing podcast content.

πŸ’‘Chapter markers

Chapter markers, also known as podcast chapters, are segments within a podcast episode that allow listeners to navigate to specific points in the audio. They are useful for longer podcasts where listeners may want to skip to particular topics or sections. The video mentions that Apple Podcast Subscriptions currently does not support chapter markers in subscriber audio, which is seen as a limitation compared to other platforms like Patreon and Memberful.

πŸ’‘Revenue source

A revenue source refers to the methods or channels through which a business or individual receives income. In the context of the video, podcast creators are exploring different revenue sources, such as ad revenue, sponsorships, and now Apple Podcast Subscriptions, to support their work and continue producing content.

πŸ’‘Podcast hosting

Podcast hosting refers to the service provided by companies that store and distribute podcast content to various podcast directories and platforms. In the video, BuzzSprout is mentioned as one of the best hosting providers, and it is implied that podcasters need to have their shows hosted somewhere in order to submit their podcast to Apple Podcasts and set up subscriptions.

πŸ’‘Free trial

A free trial is a period during which users can access and test a service without charge, usually to evaluate its features and decide whether to continue with a paid subscription. In the context of the video, Apple Podcast Subscriptions allows podcast creators to offer a free trial to their potential subscribers, which can be a significant incentive for listeners to try out the premium content.


Analytics refers to the collection and analysis of data to understand and optimize performance. In the context of the video, podcast creators can use analytics provided by Apple Podcasts to track listener engagement, subscription numbers, and revenue. However, the video notes that certain analytics, such as subscriber sign-on and drop-off rates, are not currently available in the analytics tab but can be found in the payments tab.


Apple Podcast Subscriptions was launched as a way to monetize podcasts by selling premium content within the Apple Podcast app.

Steven Robles, a podcaster and YouTuber, shares his experience with running two Apple Podcast Subscriptions since their launch.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions allows podcast creators to offer paid content such as early access, ad-free content, and bonus episodes.

Listeners can subscribe to premium content within the Apple Podcast app with ease, without leaving the app.

The process of setting up a Patreon or Memberful account can be cumbersome compared to Apple Podcast Subscriptions.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions has a 70/30 revenue split for creators and Apple, with a $20 annual fee for creators to set up the service.

Creating a new channel on Podcast Connect is necessary for offering paid subscriptions, even for a single show.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions provides built-in analytics for creators to track their show's performance.

A free trial period can be offered to subscribers, with options ranging from three days to a year.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions does not currently support chapter markers in subscriber audio, a feature available on Patreon and Memberful.

Creators cannot access individual subscriber information on Apple Podcast Subscriptions, unlike Patreon and Memberful.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions simplifies the sign-up process, leading to more subscribers compared to other platforms.

The ease of offering ad-free versions of shows and bonus content on Apple Podcast Subscriptions is a significant advantage for creators.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions requires manual uploading of subscriber-only audio, with no automation available.

Creators can offer additional benefits like Discord access to their Patreon supporters, which is not directly possible with Apple Podcast Subscriptions.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions is a relatively inexpensive and easy way for podcast creators to gain paid supporters.

The setup process for Apple Podcast Subscriptions is straightforward and can be managed through Podcast Connect.

Apple Podcast Subscriptions provides a platform for creators to offer exclusive content and build a regular revenue stream.