4 FREE AI Website Builder : NOW Everyone CAN Create a Website!

Best AI Tools
19 May 202309:34

TLDRThis tutorial introduces four AI-powered website builders that allow anyone to create a website for free. The process is simple: input your business details, and the AI generates the site's content, design, and more within minutes. Each builder offers customization options and a free subdomain with hosting. The video guides viewers through creating a website with Hocoos, LEIA, Pineapple, and KLEAP, showcasing live examples to help choose the right tool for their needs.


  • 🌐 Everyone can create a free website with AI tools by providing basic information.
  • 🔗 AI website builders offer free subdomain names and hosting.
  • 🛠️ Four AI website builders are introduced: Hocoos, LEIA, Pineapple, and KLEAP.
  • 📝 Users can input business details, select services, and customize website elements like style and color.
  • 🎨 AI tools generate website content, including copy, images, design, and menu.
  • 🔄 The process takes only 1 or 2 minutes to create a website.
  • 🖥️ Hocoos AI allows customization of the website with an AI-provided editor.
  • 📱 LEIA AI simplifies the process by answering AI questions or choosing a quick build option.
  • 🍍 Pineapple AI provides a free plan and an AI customization feature for website creation.
  • 🌟 KLEAP AI lets users add business information and social media links to their website.
  • 🔄 After content generation, users can edit and publish their websites with these AI builders.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the tutorial video?

    -The main topic of the tutorial video is how to create a website for free using four different AI website builders.

  • What benefits do the AI website builders offer?

    -The AI website builders offer the benefits of generating website copy, images, design, menu, and more within a short time frame, along with providing a free subdomain name and hosting.

  • How can viewers access the Hocoos AI Website Builder?

    -Viewers can access the Hocoos AI Website Builder by going to the Hocoos AI website, the link for which can be found in the video description.

  • What is the process for creating a website using Hocoos AI Website Builder?

    -The process involves entering an email address, choosing a website category or theme, selecting services, specifying the business target or purpose, adding business details, and customizing the website's style before clicking 'Create My Website'.

  • How does the LEIA AI Website Builder differ from the others?

    -The LEIA AI Website Builder differs by offering a simpler process where users can choose to answer AI questions for detailed creation or opt for a quicker 'Just Build My Website' option.

  • What is the Pineapple AI Website Builder's unique feature?

    -The Pineapple AI Website Builder's unique feature is the ability to customize the color palette, text style, and button style, and it also prompts users to create an account using Google, Facebook, or GitHub to continue processing the website.

  • What steps are involved in using the KLEAP AI Website Builder?

    -The steps include selecting a website category and goal, entering business details, adding images and social media links, editing the generated website, and publishing it after signing up with a name, email, and password.

  • How can users customize their website created by the AI builders?

    -Users can customize their website by changing the logo, editing website items, modifying the menu, text, images, sections, and other components as per their preference.

  • What is the purpose of the live website versions shown in the tutorial?

    -The live website versions are shown to demonstrate the end result of using each AI website builder, giving viewers a clear idea of what to expect from the process.

  • Can users use their own domain names with these AI website builders?

    -Yes, users can use their own domain names with these AI website builders by following the provided instructions, as mentioned in the case of the Hocoos AI Website Builder.

  • What is the final call to action for viewers in the tutorial video?

    -The final call to action is for viewers to like, subscribe, and comment on the video to support the work, and to stay tuned for the next artificial intelligence tutorial video.



🛠️ Free AI Website Builders Overview

This paragraph introduces a tutorial on how to create a free website using AI tools. The host offers a step-by-step guide to using four different AI website builders, emphasizing the ease of use and the benefits of getting a free subdomain and hosting. The tutorial includes a request for viewer engagement through likes and comments, and provides a brief introduction to the first AI tool, Hocoos AI Website Builder, detailing the process of creating a website from choosing a category to customizing the design and publishing the site.


📝 Detailed Guide on AI Website Builders

The second paragraph delves deeper into the process of using the AI website builders mentioned. It sequentially explains how to use Hocoos AI, LEIA AI, Pineapple AI, and KLEAP AI to create websites. Each tool's process is outlined, from initial setup and customization options to the final steps of editing and publishing the website. The paragraph also includes a live demonstration of a website created with each builder, showcasing the results of the AI-driven website creation process.



💡AI Website Builder

An AI Website Builder is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to assist users in creating websites quickly and efficiently. In the context of the video, it refers to software that generates website content, design, and structure based on user input. The script introduces four different AI Website Builders, each offering a free plan to make website creation accessible to everyone.

💡Free Subdomain Name

A free subdomain name is a web address provided at no cost that is part of a larger domain. For instance, 'mysite.example.com' would be a subdomain of 'example.com'. The video mentions that these AI tools offer a free subdomain as part of their service, allowing users to have an online presence without the initial cost of purchasing a domain.


Hosting refers to the service of storing and maintaining files for a website so that they are accessible on the internet. In the script, the AI Website Builders provide free hosting as part of their free plans, which means users can have their websites online without worrying about the technical aspects of server management.

💡Hocoos AI Website Builder

Hocoos AI Website Builder is one of the four AI tools featured in the video. It allows users to create a website by providing an email address and selecting various options such as website category, services, and business details. The script demonstrates how to use this tool, emphasizing its user-friendly interface and customization features.

💡LEIA AI Website Builder

LEIA AI Website Builder is another AI tool mentioned in the script, which is known for its ease of use. Users can either answer AI questions for a detailed website creation or opt for a quicker process by simply instructing the AI to build the website. The video shows how to use this tool to generate and customize a website quickly.

💡Pineapple AI Website Builder

Pineapple AI Website Builder offers a free plan for creating and hosting websites. The script explains the process of using this tool, which includes selecting a website category, defining goals, and customizing the website's appearance. It also mentions the ability to use an online editor for further customization and publishing the website.

💡KLEAP AI Website Builder

KLEAP AI Website Builder is the last of the four AI tools introduced in the video. It enables users to generate a free website by selecting a category, providing business information, and customizing the site's content. The script illustrates the process of editing and publishing the website, including the option to sign up for an account and choose a domain name.


Customization in the context of the video refers to the ability to modify and personalize the generated website according to the user's preferences. Each AI Website Builder mentioned allows for some level of customization, such as changing the logo, text, images, and other elements, to make the website unique to the user's brand or business.

💡Live Website

A live website is a website that is published and accessible to the public on the internet. The script provides examples of live websites created using the AI tools, showcasing the final product of the website building process. This term is used to demonstrate the practical application and outcome of using the AI Website Builders.


A tutorial in this context is a video guide that instructs viewers on how to use a particular tool or service. The video script is a tutorial for four different AI Website Builders, providing step-by-step instructions and demonstrations to help viewers understand and utilize these tools to create their own websites.

💡Like, Subscribe, Comment

These are common requests made by content creators on platforms like YouTube, asking viewers to engage with their content. In the script, the presenter asks for likes, subscriptions, and comments as a form of support for their work, which helps to increase the visibility and popularity of the video.


Introduction to 4 FREE AI Website Builders that enable anyone to create a website easily and for free.

AI tools generate website content including copy, images, design, and menu within minutes.

Free subdomain name and hosting provided with the use of these AI website builders.

Step-by-step process to create a website using Hocoos AI Website Builder.

Customization options available with the Hocoos AI tool, including logo, menu, and website items.

LEIA AI Website Builder's simple process requiring only business or category input to start.

Option to answer AI questions or opt for a quicker build with LEIA AI.

Pineapple AI's free plan includes website creation and hosting.

Customization features in Pineapple AI, such as color palette and text style.

KLEAP AI Website Builder's process of generating a website with provided business information.

Direct editing capabilities in KLEAP AI for modifying website sections and parameters.

Instructions on using personal domain names with the AI website builders.

Live website demonstrations for each AI builder showcasing the final product.

The importance of user engagement through likes and comments for tutorial support.

A call to action for viewers to subscribe and comment on the AI tutorial channel.

Anticipation for the next artificial intelligence tutorial video.