6 Ways To Earn Money With Prompt Engineering

Hasan Aboul Hasan
10 Aug 202309:51

TLDRIn this video, the speaker introduces six methods to earn money through prompt engineering, which involves crafting effective prompts to extract valuable information from language models. The methods include selling prompt templates on marketplaces like PromptBase, creating and selling automated scripts for tasks such as article rewriting, developing customized AI solutions for clients, building an AI API to sell on platforms like RapidAPI, starting a SaaS business with online tools or services, and offering education and consultation on prompt engineering. The speaker also recommends several resources for learning prompt engineering, emphasizing the current low competition and the opportunity to build a business around this emerging skill.


  • 📝 **Prompt Engineering Definition**: It's the art of interacting with language models to get the best answers by asking the right questions.
  • 💡 **Crafting Powerful Prompts**: Creating prompts that yield better responses from language models like charging PT or Googlebot.
  • 💰 **Selling Prompt Templates**: Monetizing by selling individual prompts on marketplaces or a library of prompts on personal websites.
  • 🤖 **Automated Scripts**: Combining prompts with scripts to automate workflows, which can be sold on platforms like Gumroad.
  • 🛠️ **Custom AI Solutions**: Building tailored AI tools for clients, like the YouTube title generator, and offering these as services.
  • 🔌 **AI API Marketplace**: Developing AI APIs, such as content generators, and selling them on platforms like Rapid API for a recurring revenue.
  • 📚 **Educational Resources**: Recommending free courses and resources to learn prompt engineering, including edx, Coursera, and YouTube playlists.
  • 🚀 **SaaS Business Model**: Starting a Software as a Service (SaaS) business by creating online tools that can be monetized through subscriptions.
  • 💼 **Consultation Services**: Providing consultation services or creating educational content like ebooks or courses after gaining expertise in prompt engineering.
  • 📈 **Market Opportunities**: There's a current low competition in the field, making it an opportune time to start offering new services and gigs.
  • 🌟 **Free Resources for Learning**: Emphasizing the availability of free resources to learn and master prompt engineering, which can lead to building a business around this skill.

Q & A

  • What is prompt engineering?

    -Prompt engineering is the art of interacting with language models to get the best answers. It involves crafting the right questions or inputs to feed the language model in order to receive relevant and effective responses.

  • How can one earn money using prompt engineering?

    -There are several ways to earn money with prompt engineering, including selling prompt templates, creating and selling automated scripts, building customized AI solutions or tools for clients, selling AI APIs on marketplaces, starting a SaaS business with online tools, and providing education and consultation services.

  • What are some marketplaces where individual prompts can be sold?

    -Individual prompts can be sold on marketplaces like PromptBase.com and Snack Prompt.

  • How can one sell a prompt library?

    -A prompt library can be sold by packaging multiple prompts together and offering them for sale on one's own website or through platforms that support the sale of digital products.

  • What is an example of an automated script that can be sold?

    -An example of an automated script that can be sold is one that rewrites articles, converting them into social media posts or performing automated content research.

  • How can one build and sell customized AI solutions or tools?

    -One can build customized AI solutions or tools by creating AI tools on platforms like WordPress and then offering these services to clients. This can also be done by following guides and tutorials that teach the process of building such tools.

  • What are some resources to learn prompt engineering?

    -Some resources to learn prompt engineering include free courses on edx and Coursera, a free playlist on the creator's YouTube channel, and websites like planning.ai, learnprompting.org, and prompting guide dot AI.

  • How can one start a SaaS business with AI tools?

    -To start a SaaS business with AI tools, one can build online tools that offer services such as content generation and monetize them with a monthly recurring membership or through advertising. These tools can also serve as a side project to promote other products and build an email list.

  • What is the benefit of providing educational resources or consultation services in prompt engineering?

    -Providing educational resources or consultation services allows one to capitalize on their expertise in prompt engineering. This can be done by selling courses, ebooks, or offering one-on-one consultation services to help businesses automate their workflows.

  • Why is now considered a good time to start offering services in prompt engineering?

    -Now is a good time to start offering services in prompt engineering because the field is still relatively new, leading to low competition. This presents an opportunity to establish a presence and grow a business before the market becomes more saturated.

  • How can one promote their prompt engineering services or products?

    -One can promote their prompt engineering services or products through various channels, such as creating a website to showcase their tools, using social media platforms to reach a wider audience, and offering valuable content like free guides or tutorials to attract potential customers.



🚀 Introduction to Prompt Engineering and Monetization Strategies

The speaker introduces the concept of prompt engineering as the art of effectively interacting with language models to elicit the best responses. They share their experience testing various methods to generate income using this technique. The paragraph outlines six methods, starting with selling prompt templates on marketplaces like Promptbase.com or creating a premium prompt library for sale on one's own website. It also touches on the creation of automated scripts to perform tasks such as article rewriting, which can be sold on platforms like Gumroad. The speaker emphasizes the importance of crafting powerful prompts and provides resources for beginners to learn prompt engineering.


💼 Advanced Prompt Engineering Strategies and Resources

The second paragraph delves into more advanced strategies for monetizing prompt engineering skills. It discusses building customized AI solutions or tools for clients, such as an AI tool for WordPress that the speaker previously showcased. The speaker also talks about creating and selling an AI API on marketplaces like Rapid API, providing a guide for getting started with building and marketing APIs. The paragraph further explores the potential of starting a SaaS business by building online AI tools that can generate revenue through monthly subscriptions or by offering them as a free service to grow business and capture email leads. Lastly, it suggests offering educational content, consultations, and one-on-one services to businesses looking to automate their workflows. The speaker provides a list of top courses and resources for learning prompt engineering, including free courses on edX, Coursera, and their own YouTube channel.



💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art of effectively interacting with language models to elicit the most useful responses. It involves crafting specific inputs, or prompts, to guide the language model towards generating desired outputs. In the video, prompt engineering is central to generating domain names, automating workflows, and creating AI solutions. It's the foundation upon which the six methods to earn money are built.

💡Language Model

A language model is a type of artificial intelligence system that is designed to understand and generate human language. In the context of the video, language models like Charging PT (presumably a reference to an AI model or tool) are used to generate content based on the prompts provided by the user. The effectiveness of prompt engineering directly impacts the quality of the output from these models.

💡Domain Names

Domain names are the human-friendly addresses used to reach websites on the Internet. In the video, the speaker demonstrates how prompt engineering can be used to generate domain names related to a specific niche, such as email marketing. This is an example of how prompt engineering can be applied to create valuable digital assets.

💡Automation Scripts

Automation scripts are sets of instructions that automate certain tasks or workflows. In the video, the speaker discusses creating scripts that combine with powerful prompts to automate tasks such as article rewriting. These scripts are a key component in the strategies for earning money through prompt engineering by automating repetitive tasks and enhancing efficiency.

💡Prompt Templates

Prompt templates are pre-made inputs designed to be used with language models to generate specific types of content. The video mentions selling these templates as a method to earn money. They can be sold individually or as part of a library, providing users with a ready-to-use tool for generating content.

💡AI Solutions

AI solutions refer to applications or tools that utilize artificial intelligence to solve problems or perform tasks. The video describes building customized AI solutions or tools for clients as a strategy for earning money. An example given is a YouTube title generator tool, which uses AI to create compelling video titles.


An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. In the context of the video, the speaker talks about building an AI content generator and selling it as an API on marketplaces like Rapid API. This allows customers to integrate the AI tool into their own applications or services.

💡SaaS (Software as a Service)

SaaS refers to a software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet. The video discusses starting a SaaS business by building online tools that can be monetized with a monthly recurring membership. This is one of the strategies for creating a revenue stream through prompt engineering.

💡Education and Consultation

Education and consultation services involve teaching or advising others on a particular subject or skill. In the video, the speaker suggests that after gaining expertise in prompt engineering, one can offer consultation services or create educational resources such as courses or ebooks to sell. This is presented as a method to monetize knowledge in the field of prompt engineering.

💡Free Resources

Free resources are materials or tools that are made available at no cost. The video highlights several free courses and resources for learning prompt engineering, such as a free course on edx, a playlist on the speaker's channel, and other online guides. These resources are important for individuals looking to acquire the skills necessary to engage in prompt engineering and the strategies discussed in the video.


Monetization refers to the process of converting non-monetary assets into money. Throughout the video, the speaker outlines various strategies for monetizing prompt engineering skills, including selling prompt templates, automated scripts, building AI solutions, creating APIs, starting a SaaS business, and offering education and consultation services.


Prompt engineering is the art of interacting with language models to get the best answers by asking the right questions.

Crafting powerful prompts can lead to better responses from language models like charging PT or Googlebot.

Selling prompt templates is a simple way to earn money, with options to sell individual prompts or a prompt library.

Automated scripts can be combined with power prompts to automate certain workflows, such as article rewriting.

Customized AI solutions or tools can be built for clients, offering services like AI tool development on WordPress.

Building an AI API and selling it on marketplaces like Rapid API can provide a recurring monthly income.

Free resources and courses are available to learn prompt engineering, such as edx and Coursera offerings.

Starting a SaaS business involves creating online tools or services that can be monetized with a monthly subscription.

Education and consultation services can be provided after gaining experience in prompt engineering.

PromptBase.com and snackprompt.com are marketplaces where individual prompts can be sold.

Gumroad is a platform for selling digital products like scripts and prompts.

The GPT Max Edition and the Charge EPT Earthquake are examples of scripts that can be built and sold.

Building AI tools for clients can provide a competitive edge in a market with low competition.

Free guides and resources are available to learn how to build and sell APIs, such as those found on the speaker's website.

Building an AI kit or online tools can serve as a side project to promote other products and build an email list.

Promoter kit is an example of a marketing tool set that can be used to monetize a SaaS business.

The speaker's channel offers a free playlist on prompt engineering, providing valuable insights without ads.

Learning prompt engineering can lead to creating and selling educational resources or providing one-on-one consultation services.