Day 1 | Introduction to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering | Prompt Engineering Zero to Hero (5 Days)

16 Oct 202396:50

TLDRIn this introductory session to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering, Prasad from Let's Upgrade sets the stage for a 5-day program designed to master prompt engineering. The session is led by Rishab Sharma, a front-end developer, who provides an overview of the course content, emphasizing the utility of ChatGPT as a conversational tool that can elevate industry standards rather than replace human jobs. Rishab outlines the benefits of ChatGPT, including time-saving and seamless integration with various devices, and contrasts it with Google's search engine functionality. The session also covers how to structure effective prompts to guide ChatGPT in generating desired outputs, highlighting the importance of clear and specific instructions. The transcript concludes with a Q&A segment where participants can engage with the trainer, and a teaser for the next day's session, which will delve deeper into the practical applications of ChatGPT in programming and content creation.


  • πŸ‘‹ Introduction: Prasad introduces the session on Chat GPT and prompt engineering, emphasizing its utility in the next 5 days of the course.
  • πŸ“š Registration: Students are instructed to register for the program through the provided link to access all necessary documentation.
  • πŸ”— Documentation: Essential links and resources are available in the chat or description for a smooth program completion.
  • πŸ—“ Program Structure: The course is structured to cover the basics of Chat GPT and prompt engineering, with daily sessions at 6:30 for the next 5 days.
  • πŸ’‘ Chat GPT Overview: Rishab explains that Chat GPT is a conversational tool designed to solve problems through interaction, rather than a job replacement.
  • πŸš€ Future of Chat GPT: It is highlighted that Chat GPT will offer seamless integration with various devices and platforms in the future.
  • ⏰ Time Efficiency: Chat GPT's primary benefit is time-saving by reducing human effort and providing precise answers or solutions.
  • πŸ” Search Comparison: Chat GPT is differentiated from Google search, as it provides summarized, precise answers rather than a sea of links.
  • πŸ“ Content Creation: The tool can be utilized for content creation, including scripts, articles, and even songwriting, catering to both tech and non-tech individuals.
  • 🀝 Audience Interaction: The session encourages audience participation, allowing queries and ensuring that all participants understand the concepts before moving on.
  • πŸ“ˆ Career Advancement: Prompt engineering is presented as a valuable skill for resumes, with growing opportunities in the AI industry.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the session described in the transcript?

    -The main topic of the session is 'Introduction to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering' as part of a 5-day program aimed at mastering prompt engineering with ChatGPT.

  • Who is the speaker introducing himself in the beginning of the transcript?

    -The speaker introducing himself is Prasad, a team member at Let's Upgrade, welcoming participants to the session on ChatGPT and prompt engineering.

  • What is the purpose of the document link provided in the chat?

    -The document link contains all the necessary information, links, and resources required to complete the program successfully, including how to enroll, how to complete the program step by step, and access to presentation notes.

  • Why is registration for the program important?

    -Registration is important to officially enroll in the program, which allows participants to fully engage with the course material, receive updates, and be eligible for a certificate upon completion.

  • What is the role of the trainer mentioned in the transcript?

    -The trainer, Rishab, is responsible for teaching the participants about ChatGPT and prompt engineering over the course of the 5-day session.

  • How does the speaker address the issue of the non-working link?

    -The speaker asks the mods to check why the link is not working and to put the direct link in the chat instead of a short link, ensuring that participants can access the necessary resources without any issues.

  • What is the significance of prompt engineering in the context of AI tools?

    -Prompt engineering is significant as it allows users to effectively communicate with AI tools like ChatGPT, enabling them to get precise and useful outputs, streamline their work, and improve efficiency.

  • What are the key benefits of using ChatGPT according to the speaker?

    -The key benefits of using ChatGPT include saving time, reducing human effort, seamless integration with various devices and platforms, and providing precise answers to queries.

  • How does the speaker differentiate between the outputs of ChatGPT and Google?

    -The speaker differentiates the outputs by stating that Google provides a sea of information where users must find their answers, while ChatGPT offers precise and summarized answers based on the prompts given by the user.

  • What is the future scope of ChatGPT as discussed in the session?

    -The future scope of ChatGPT includes acting as a game-changer in the industry by providing seamless integration with computers, smartphones, editors, and other devices, and offering advanced functionalities for more efficient use.

  • How does the speaker emphasize the importance of attending all five days of the session?

    -The speaker emphasizes the importance of attending all five days by stating that consistent attendance will enable participants to understand the real power of prompt engineering and significantly improve their work efficiency.



🎀 Audio Check and Introduction

The speaker, Prasad, checks the audio and ensures that it is audible to the audience. He introduces himself as a member of the C team at Let's Upgrade and welcomes everyone to a session on prompt engineering with GPT, which will be taught by Rishab. Prasad emphasizes the importance of registering for the program and outlines the resources available in the provided documentation link.


πŸ“š Program Overview and Enrollment

Prasad explains the step-by-step process for completing the program, which includes enrollment, attendance, and obtaining a certificate. He instructs the audience to follow the direct link provided in the chat for enrollment and to check the documentation for detailed instructions and screenshots. The session also covers how to access notes and presentations for the next five days of learning about prompt engineering and AI tools.


πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Meet the Trainer and Session Overview

Rishab Sharma, a front-end developer, introduces himself and provides an overview of the topics that will be covered in the five-day session. The focus is on understanding prompt engineering, using AI tools like GPT for various tasks, and creating effective prompts. Rishab also addresses non-tech audience members, discussing how AI can aid content creation, scriptwriting, and songwriting.


🚫 Setting Ground Rules and Expectations

The speaker sets ground rules for the session, asking participants not to spam the chat and to focus on learning about prompt engineering. The session's duration and the importance of attending all five days are highlighted. The speaker also emphasizes the potential of prompt engineering to increase productivity and reduce work hours, sharing personal experiences.


πŸ“ˆ Chat GPT vs. Google: A Comparative Analysis

The speaker discusses the differences between Chat GPT and Google, focusing on their purposes, types of inputs and outputs, and the scope of their functionalities. Chat GPT is described as a conversational tool designed to solve problems through dialogue, while Google is a search engine that provides links to web pages. The benefits of using Chat GPT, such as time-saving and reduced human effort, are also covered.


πŸ” Exploring Chat GPT's Capabilities and Interface

The speaker provides a detailed walkthrough of the Chat GPT interface, explaining its features and how to use them effectively. This includes customizing instructions, generating outputs based on prompts, and understanding the types of outputs Chat GPT can provide, such as synthesizing information, content creation, and learning and research support.


πŸ€” Prompt Engineering: The Art of Effective Communication with AI

The speaker emphasizes the importance of prompt engineering in interacting with AI like Chat GPT. By providing clear and specific prompts, users can guide the AI to generate desired outputs. The session touches on the concept of reinforcement learning and how feedback can be used to improve future responses from the AI.


πŸ“ Creating Effective Prompts for Desired Outputs

The speaker demonstrates how to create effective prompts for Chat GPT, showing how different phrasing can lead to different outputs. The session explores the use of prompts to generate advice, create content, and even interact with the AI as if it were a JavaScript console. The importance of being specific and clear in prompts is stressed to achieve the best results.


πŸ“ˆ Practical Applications of Prompt Engineering

The speaker discusses practical applications of prompt engineering, such as generating Excel sheets, creating sample arrays, and producing CSV files. The session also addresses the limitations of Chat GPT, particularly its inability to process images or real-time data. The focus is on how prompt engineering can be used to simplify tasks and increase efficiency.


πŸ’‘ Prompt Engineering for AI: Importance and Job Opportunities

The speaker explains why prompt engineering is crucial for AI, likening it to asking the right questions to get the right answers. The session also touches on the job opportunities and scope for prompt engineers, encouraging participants to include this skill in their resumes. The importance of knowing the problem to find the solution is highlighted.


🌟 Enhancing Prompts for Better AI Outputs

The speaker provides tips on enhancing prompts for better outputs from AI, such as using modifiers and being specific. The session includes live examples of how different modifiers can change the AI's responses. The speaker also addresses the importance of feedback for improving AI interactions and the potential for making money using Chat GPT.


πŸ“š Accessing Notes and Certificate Information

The speaker guides participants on how to access the session notes and information about the certificate. Details are provided on how to sign up, enroll in the program, and mark attendance. The process for accessing the notes and the schedule for the program is explained, along with the requirements for obtaining a certificate.


πŸ“’ Closing Remarks and Encouragement for Future Sessions

The speaker concludes the session with thanks to the audience and the host, Rishab. They encourage participants to implement what they've learned and to bring more students to future sessions. The possibility of a special surprise if attendance reaches a thousand students is mentioned. The speaker also provides information on how to get shout-outs on social platforms for active participation.




ChatGPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI that is designed to interact with humans in a natural language conversational format. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is presented as a tool that can be used for various purposes, including content creation, debugging code, and generating ideas. It is central to the theme of the video, which is about prompt engineering to effectively utilize AI tools like ChatGPT.

πŸ’‘Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the process of formulating questions or instructions (known as prompts) in a way that guides AI models like ChatGPT to generate the desired output. It is a key concept in the video, as the session aims to teach participants how to master prompt engineering to effectively use ChatGPT for various tasks. The video emphasizes the importance of creating effective prompts to get accurate and useful responses from AI.

πŸ’‘AI Tools

AI tools, as mentioned in the video, encompass a range of artificial intelligence applications that can perform tasks usually requiring human intelligence. ChatGPT is an example of an AI tool. The video discusses how prompt engineering can be applied not just to ChatGPT, but to any AI tools to enhance their utility and effectiveness in solving problems or generating content.

πŸ’‘Content Creation

Content creation involves producing original works such as articles, videos, or scripts. In the video, it is shown as one of the applications of ChatGPT, where it can assist in generating scripts for YouTube videos or even creating songs. This highlights the versatility of AI in creative processes, which is a significant part of the video's narrative on the utility of AI tools.


Debugging is the process of identifying and removing errors or bugs from a computer program. The video discusses how ChatGPT can be used to aid in this process, suggesting that AI can provide insights or solutions to coding problems, which is a practical application of AI in software development.


In the context of prompt engineering, modifiers are words or phrases that can be added to a prompt to refine or intensify the request made to the AI. The video emphasizes the use of modifiers like 'most', 'extremely', or 'quickly' to get more specific or better-quality responses from ChatGPT, thereby improving the effectiveness of prompt engineering.


Integration, as discussed in the video, refers to the seamless combination of ChatGPT with various devices, platforms, or applications to enhance their capabilities. The future of ChatGPT is portrayed as an integrated tool that can work across different technologies, making it a versatile AI solution.


Efficiency in the video is highlighted as one of the key benefits of using AI tools like ChatGPT. It is mentioned that prompt engineering can help save time and manpower by allowing users to delegate tasks to AI, thus increasing the efficiency of work processes.

πŸ’‘Learning and Research

The video script mentions that ChatGPT can be utilized to enhance the learning and research process by providing precise and summarized information. This contrasts with traditional search engines like Google, which offer a broader range of results, making ChatGPT a valuable tool for focused research.


Output in the context of the video refers to the results or responses generated by ChatGPT based on the prompts given to it. The discussion around output emphasizes the difference between the types of outputs provided by ChatGPT versus traditional search engines, with ChatGPT offering more direct and concise answers.

πŸ’‘Telegraph and WhatsApp Channels

These are communication platforms mentioned in the video where participants can join for further updates and interaction regarding the program. They serve as additional channels for community engagement and information dissemination, which is a part of the broader strategy to involve and educate a larger audience about AI and prompt engineering.


Introduction to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering in a 5-day session by Prasad from Let's Upgrade

Registration and enrollment process for the program explained

Access to documentation and program links provided in the chat

Daily 6:30 sessions for learning about ChatGPT and prompt engineering

Rishab Sharma, a front-end developer, will be the trainer for the session

Understanding the basics of ChatGPT as a conversational tool

Difference between ChatGPT and Google in terms of purpose and functionality

Benefits of using ChatGPT include time-saving and reduced human effort

ChatGPT's ability to synthesize information and aid in content creation

How ChatGPT can be utilized for learning, research, and debugging code

The importance of prompt engineering in interacting effectively with AI

Demonstration of creating effective prompts for specific tasks using ChatGPT

Using modifiers in prompts to refine and improve ChatGPT's output

ChatGPT's limitations and its inability to handle real-time data like stock trading

Practical example of using ChatGPT for content creation, such as scripting for a YouTube blog

Instructions on how to mark attendance and access the program materials

Eligibility criteria for receiving the program certificate

Invitation to join Telegram and WhatsApp channels for further engagement and rewards

Encouragement for students to implement what they learned and share their experiences