8 Steps to HUMANIZE AI Content!

2 May 202406:59

TLDRIn this informative video, Tom from Surfer discusses the use of AI-generated content and its detectability by search engines like Google. He emphasizes that while Google can often tell if content is AI-generated, it doesn't penalize it as long as the content is high-quality, original, and valuable to users. Tom shares insights from a survey indicating that users care about the authenticity of AI content and prefer it not to sound robotic. He provides eight tips to humanize AI content, including customizing input for better output, sharing personal insights, using first-person pronouns, fact-checking, communicating authority, rewriting overused phrases, using active voice, and editing like a human. The video concludes with a reminder to treat AI-generated content as a first draft and to refine it for high value and reader engagement.


  • 🤖 AI-generated content is widely used, with 80% of users confirming its use for SEO purposes.
  • 🕵️‍♂️ Google and other search engines can have difficulty detecting AI-generated content due to their training on human-written text.
  • 🚫 Search engines prioritize content value over its origin, as long as it's not low-quality or unoriginal content generated at scale for manipulation.
  • 🏆 Google values high-quality content that demonstrates expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).
  • 🛠️ AI can assist in creating content with E-E-A-T, but it must be used correctly and not for mass production of impersonal articles.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Users dislike AI content that sounds impersonal, indicating the need for a human touch in AI-generated content.
  • 📝 To humanize AI content: Customize input for better output, share personal insights, and incorporate first-person pronouns.
  • 🔍 Fact-check AI content and include citations to support claims and enhance credibility.
  • 📊 Communicate authority by supporting content with statistics, case studies, and real-life examples.
  • ✍️ Rewrite overused AI phrases and use the active voice to make content sound more natural and engaging.
  • ✂️ Edit AI-generated content like a human, varying sentence and paragraph length and simplifying language for better readability.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video by Tom from Surfer?

    -The main topic of the video is about AI-generated content, specifically whether Google can detect it and the importance of making it sound humanlike.

  • What did the recent survey conducted by Surfer reveal about AI tools for SEO content generation?

    -The survey revealed that 80% of responders use AI tools to generate SEO content, and almost 75% agreed that it's important the content is not detectable as AI-generated by Google or other algorithms.

  • What does Google care about when it comes to content produced by AI?

    -Google cares about whether the content delivers value to users, regardless of how it is produced, as long as it's not low quality or not original content generated at scale to manipulate search rankings.

  • How does Google define high-quality content?

    -Google defines high-quality content as content that demonstrates expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).

  • What is considered as misuse of AI for content creation according to the video?

    -Misuse of AI for content creation includes mass-producing articles at scale without humanizing them first, which is considered spammy behavior aimed at manipulating search engine rankings.

  • What percentage of survey respondents admitted to not liking when AI content sounds like it's written by AI?

    -80% of survey respondents admitted to not liking when AI content sounds like it's written by AI.

  • What is the first tip given by Tom to humanize AI content?

    -The first tip is to customize your input, ensuring to be as specific as possible with what you are asking of the AI tool.

  • Why is it recommended to share personal insights and enhance AI content with them?

    -Sharing personal insights and enhancing AI content with them shows firsthand experience on the topic, making the content more trustworthy and satisfying Google's E-E-A-T ratings.

  • What is the significance of using first-person pronouns in AI-generated content?

    -Using first-person pronouns such as 'I', 'we', and 'my' can make the content feel more personal and engaging, which has been shown to have a strong positive correlation with rewarding website performance and Google's updates.

  • Why is it important to fact-check AI-generated content?

    -It's important to fact-check AI-generated content because, like humans, AI can make mistakes, and including citations can enhance the credibility of the content.

  • What is the role of authority in supporting AI-generated content?

    -Communicating authority through relevant statistics, case studies, and real-life examples ensures that users know who created the content and enhances its credibility.

  • How can overused phrases be a giveaway to AI-generated content?

    -Overused phrases that AI tools tend to use can be a giveaway to AI detectors, and rewriting them can help make the AI-generated text sound more humanlike.

  • What is the recommended approach to editing AI-generated content to make it sound more natural?

    -The recommended approach is to edit like a human, varying the length of sentences and paragraphs to mirror the app and flow of human conversation, and replacing jargon with simpler, everyday language.

  • What should be the final step in treating AI articles according to the video?

    -The final step should be treating AI articles as first drafts and following the shared tips to refine them into a high-value piece that both search engines and readers will appreciate.



🤖 AI-Generated Content and Google Detection

Tom from Surfer introduces the topic of AI-generated content and its detectability by Google. He emphasizes the importance of creating high-quality, original content that delivers value to users, as per Google's guidelines. The video promises to provide tips on enhancing AI-generated content to make it sound more human-like. A recent survey reveals that 80% of users employ AI tools for SEO content, with 75% concerned about Google's ability to detect AI authorship. However, search engines prioritize content value over its method of creation, aiming to avoid low-quality or unoriginal content generated at scale for search ranking manipulation. The key takeaway is that AI can assist in creating content that demonstrates expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, provided it is used correctly and not for spammy practices.


📝 Humanizing AI Content for Enhanced Quality

The second paragraph delves into strategies for making AI-generated content sound more human and less mechanical. It suggests customizing AI tool inputs for better output, sharing personal insights to add a trustworthy and engaging touch, and using first-person pronouns to create a personal connection. The importance of fact-checking AI content and citing sources is highlighted, along with the need to communicate authority through relevant statistics and real-life examples. The paragraph also advises against using clichés and passive voice, recommending active voice for more engaging content. It concludes with the suggestion to treat AI-generated articles as first drafts, to be refined according to the provided tips, and mentions a linked article for further guidance on humanizing AI content. The goal is to create content that both search engines and readers will appreciate.



💡AI generated content

AI generated content refers to written material created using artificial intelligence tools. In the video, it is discussed that while Google can potentially detect AI content, it does not matter as long as the content is valuable, high-quality, and original. The script emphasizes the importance of humanizing AI content to avoid it sounding impersonal or spammy, which aligns with Google's focus on delivering value to users.

💡Google detection

Google detection in the context of the video refers to the search engine's ability to identify whether content is generated by AI or written by a human. The script mentions that while Google's algorithms are advanced, they may not always be clear if content is AI-generated. However, Google's primary concern is the value and originality of the content, not its source.


The term 'humanlike' is used to describe content that has a natural, human touch to it, as opposed to sounding mechanical or robotic. The video script suggests several tips to make AI-generated content sound more humanlike, such as customizing input, sharing personal insights, and using first-person pronouns, which all contribute to making the content more engaging and trustworthy.

💡Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T)

E-E-A-T is a concept defined by Google to describe the qualities of high-quality content. In the video, it is mentioned that AI can assist in creating content that demonstrates these qualities. Expertise refers to the level of knowledge, experience to practical knowledge, authoritativeness to the credibility of the source, and trustworthiness to the reliability of the information provided.

💡Spammy behavior

Spammy behavior is described in the script as the practice of using AI to mass-produce articles at scale without humanizing them first. This is considered an attempt to manipulate search engine rankings and can lead to penalties for the site. It contrasts with creating valuable, original content that benefits users.

💡Personal experiences

Personal experiences are individual stories or insights that can be shared to enhance AI content. The script suggests that adding personal experiences can make content more trustworthy and satisfying, as it shows firsthand knowledge on the topic, which can positively influence Google's E-E-A-T ratings.

💡First-person pronouns

The use of first-person pronouns such as 'I', 'we', and 'my' is recommended in the script to make AI content feel more personal and engaging. A study mentioned in the video revealed a strong positive correlation between using first-person pronouns and rewarding website performance following Google's updates.


Fact-checked refers to the process of verifying the accuracy of claims made in content. The script advises that since AI can make mistakes, it's important to fact-check AI-generated content and include citations to ensure the information is reliable and trustworthy.


Clichés are overused phrases or expressions that lack originality. The video script points out that AI tools often generate content with clichés, which can be a giveaway to AI detectors. To humanize AI content, it's suggested to spot and rewrite these clichés to make the text sound more natural and humanlike.

💡Active voice

Active voice is a grammatical term referring to sentences where the subject performs the action. The script recommends using the active voice in AI-generated content as it makes the content more straightforward, fluff-free, and engaging compared to the passive voice, which AI tends to use more frequently.

💡Human editing

Human editing involves refining and improving AI-generated content to make it sound more natural and less robotic. The script suggests treating AI articles as first drafts and then following various tips, such as varying sentence length and replacing jargon with simpler language, to enhance the quality of the content.


AI generated content is increasingly being used for SEO purposes.

Google may not always be able to detect AI-generated content due to its advanced learning capabilities.

Search engines prioritize value delivery to users over the method of content production.

High-quality content should demonstrate expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T).

AI can assist in creating content with E-E-A-T qualities when used correctly.

Mass-producing AI articles without humanizing them is considered spammy behavior.

AI lacks the ability to draw from personal experiences and make intuitive leaps like humans.

AI can streamline content creation by reducing research and writing time.

Customizing input to AI tools can result in better output.

Sharing personal insights can enhance AI content and make it more trustworthy.

Incorporating first-person pronouns can make content feel more personal and engaging.

Fact-checking AI content is crucial to ensure accuracy.

Communicating authority through statistics, case studies, and real-life examples supports content credibility.

Rewriting overused AI phrases can help make text sound more humanlike.

Using active voice instead of passive can make AI-generated content more engaging.

Editing AI content to vary sentence length and replace jargon with simpler language can improve readability.

AI articles should be treated as first drafts and refined for high value.

A guide on how to humanize AI content has been published and linked in the description.

Engagement with the video, such as likes and shares, is encouraged.