How I "Humanize" ChatGPT AI Content...

Matt Diggity
28 Feb 202411:06

TLDRMatt Diggity shares his method for making AI-generated content sound more human. He tested 67 prompts and identified 8 effective ones, categorized under personas, personal experience, fact insertion, and more. These prompts help to mimic a specific human's writing style, inject personal stories, avoid AI clichés, and ensure the content is engaging and factual. Matt's approach includes using Surfer AI to automate the process of integrating compelling facts and tailoring content to target audiences, resulting in highly human-like and SEO-friendly articles.


  • 🎯 The video discusses methods to make AI-generated content sound more human-like by using specific prompts.
  • 🧠 Matt Diggity shares his experience of testing 67 prompts and narrowing down to 8 effective ones.
  • 📈 The 8 effective prompts are categorized into personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting.
  • 💡 The video introduces a method to train ChatGPT to mimic a specific person's writing style by analyzing their tone, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
  • 🔍 Personal experience is added to the AI's content by providing it with personal stories and opinions to make the content unique.
  • 🚫 The script highlights the need to avoid AI-specific phrases and jargon that lack emotion and expertise.
  • 📝 The importance of varying sentence and paragraph lengths to create a more natural and 'bursty' writing style is emphasized.
  • 🔍 Fact insertion is crucial for creating fact-dense and up-to-date content, which can be challenging for AI models.
  • 📊 The script suggests using Surfer AI to extract facts and insights from top-ranking articles for content creation.
  • 🎉 The combination of all these prompts results in content that sounds very human and can potentially surpass human-written content.
  • 💸 The video promotes Surfer AI as a tool that automates the process of extracting and inserting relevant facts and targeting specific audiences.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the video?

    -The main goal of the video is to demonstrate how to make ChatGPT sound more human by using specific prompts, and to introduce the viewer to a set of 'humanizing prompts' that can help achieve this.

  • How did Matt Diggity test the effectiveness of the humanizing prompts?

    -Matt Diggity assembled a team of 30 channel viewers and asked them to rate the likelihood of the content being AI-generated or human-written on a scale from 0 (strongly AI) to 10 (strongly human).

  • What are the eight categories of prompts that Matt Diggity found to be effective in humanizing AI content?

    -The eight categories of prompts are personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting.

  • How did Matt use his own writing style as a training prompt for ChatGPT?

    -Matt provided an article he had written and asked ChatGPT to analyze his tone, sentence and paragraph structure, level of detail, humor, questioning, readability, vocabulary, and emotional conveyance. He then asked for a 200-word summary to check the AI's understanding.

  • What is the purpose of the 'perplexity' prompt?

    -The purpose of the 'perplexity' prompt is to encourage ChatGPT to avoid using the same unnatural words and phrases that AI typically uses, making the content sound more human and less robotic.

  • How did Matt incorporate personal experience into the AI-generated content?

    -Matt provided ChatGPT with his about page and a personal opinion about Google's understanding of content, which the AI then integrated into the article to add a unique personal touch.

  • What is 'burstiness' in the context of writing?

    -In the context of writing, 'burstiness' refers to the variation in sentence and paragraph lengths, as well as the mix of short, straightforward sentences with longer, more complex ones, which is a characteristic of human writing.

  • How did Matt ensure that the content was fact-dense and up-to-date?

    -Matt provided specific, recent facts and figures to be included in the content, and also mentioned that Surfer AI can extract facts from top-ranking articles to automatically insert compelling ones into the generated content.

  • What is 'unfluffing' and why is it important?

    -'Unfluffing' is the process of removing unnecessary or filler content to ensure that every sentence provides value and contributes to the overall goal of the content piece. It is important for making the content concise, informative, and engaging.

  • How did Matt make the content sound more like it was written for a specific target audience?

    -Matt provided specific characteristics of the target audience, including demographic information, tone preferences, and reading level preferences, and instructed ChatGPT to create content that would appeal to this audience.

  • What does Surfer AI do to enhance the humanization and SEO optimization of content?

    -Surfer AI analyzes top-ranking articles for a given keyword, extracts relevant facts, critical words, phrases, and entities, and identifies the best reading level and tone for the target audience. It then uses this information to automatically insert the most compelling elements into the generated article, ensuring it is both humanized and SEO-optimized.



🤖 Humanizing AI Content with ChatGPT Prompts

Matt Diggity shares his experience with testing 67 different prompts to make ChatGPT sound more human. He found eight effective prompts that can be categorized into personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting. These prompts help in creating content that is not only human-like but can mimic specific individuals, incorporate personal experiences and stories, and target a specific audience. Matt also discusses his testing methodology, which involved a team of viewers rating the human-likeliness of the content on a scale from 0 (strongly AI) to 10 (strongly human).


🌟 Leveraging Seasonal Trends for SEO Success

The paragraph discusses a strategy for SEO success by leveraging seasonal trends. Matt Diggity's team anticipated increased air travel during the summer and created a guide on how to fall asleep on a plane. They used MuckRack to identify travel journalists and sent them the guide, resulting in their client's content being featured on major news websites. The key takeaway is to anticipate what journalists will be interested in and provide them with relevant stories, which can lead to valuable backlinks.


🔍 Surfer AI: Advanced Content Optimization

Matt Diggity introduces Surfer AI as a tool that enhances content by analyzing top-ranking articles for a keyword and extracting facts and SEO optimization factors. Surfer AI identifies the best domestic and international airlines, hotels with the best reward points, and the ideal reading level and tone for the target audience. It also determines the critical words, phrases, and entities used in top-ranking articles and their frequencies. The tool aims to produce humanized, SEO-optimized content that can perform well on Google.



💡Humanizing AI Content

The process of making AI-generated content sound more like it was written by a human, rather than a machine. This involves using specific prompts and techniques to mimic human writing styles, tones, and the use of personal experiences. In the video, the speaker discusses various strategies and prompts to achieve this, aiming to create content that is indistinguishable from human writing.


An AI language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is the AI tool that the speaker is trying to make sound more human through the use of specific prompts and writing styles.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The practice of optimizing websites and online content to make them more visible and accessible on search engines like Google. The video emphasizes the importance of creating original, informative, and easily readable content for SEO, which aligns with Google's helpful content guidelines.


The process of tailoring content to reflect the specific personality, style, and experiences of an individual. In the video, personalization is key to making AI content sound human, as it involves training AI to write like a specific person, using their tone, vocabulary, and storytelling elements.


In the context of AI content, perplexity refers to the use of unusual or complex words and phrases that are not typically used by humans in everyday writing. The video discusses how to reduce perplexity by avoiding certain words and phrases to make the content sound more natural and human.


Refers to the variation in sentence and paragraph lengths in written content. Humans naturally write with varying lengths, and burstiness is used to make AI-generated content mimic this natural writing pattern, avoiding the monotony often found in AI text.

💡Fact Insertion

The practice of incorporating factual information into content to make it more informative and credible. In the video, fact insertion is used to bring up-to-date and relevant data into AI-generated content, enhancing its value and appeal to readers.


The process of removing unnecessary or filler content to ensure that every sentence in a text provides value and contributes to the overall message. Unfluffing is used to make AI content more concise and focused, similar to how a human writer would edit for clarity and relevance.


In the context of writing, flavor refers to the unique style, tone, and creativity that makes content engaging and enjoyable to read. The video emphasizes adding flavor to AI content by incorporating idiomatic expressions, metaphors, and humor to make it more relatable and human-like.

💡Audience Targeting

The strategy of writing content with a specific audience in mind, considering their demographic characteristics, preferred tone, and reading level. Audience targeting helps to create content that resonates with and appeals to the intended readers.

💡Surfer AI

A tool mentioned in the video that is designed to help with SEO by analyzing top-ranking articles and extracting relevant facts, optimization factors, and audience preferences to create compelling, humanized content.


The speaker tested 67 different prompts to humanize ChatGPT's responses.

Eight of the tested prompts were found to be game changers for humanizing AI content.

The eight effective prompts can be categorized into personas, personal experience, fact insertion, perplexity, burstiness, unfluffing, flavor, and audience targeting.

The speaker, Matt Diggity, is the founder of multiple SEO businesses and an investor in Surfer AI.

Google's helpful content guidelines emphasize the importance of original information, personal experience, and easy readability, which ChatGPT doesn't excel at without the right prompts.

A team of 30 channel viewers was assembled to rate the human-likeliness of content produced by ChatGPT.

A baseline was established by having the viewers rate a standard ChatGPT output, which scored a 1.3, indicating strong AI content.

Persona prompts allow training ChatGPT to mimic a specific person's writing style.

Personal experience prompts integrate the author's background and opinions into the AI-generated content.

Perplexity prompts encourage the use of varied vocabulary and phrasing to avoid AI-typical language patterns.

Burstiness prompts ensure varied sentence and paragraph lengths for a more human-like writing style.

Fact insertion prompts enable the inclusion of up-to-date and relevant facts into the content.

Unfluffing prompts focus on making every sentence valuable and informative.

Flavor prompts aim to make content more engaging by incorporating humor, idioms, and natural dialogue.

Audience targeting prompts help tailor content to a specific demographic, tone preference, and reading level.

Combining all the prompts results in AI-generated content that is nearly indistinguishable from human-written content.

Surfer AI automates the process of extracting and inserting relevant facts and optimizing content for SEO based on top-ranking articles.