The Future of Architecture: A look beyond the AI hype

24 Oct 202349:09

TLDRThe transcript discusses the evolving role of AI in architecture, with a focus on how it might transform the field in the future. Olly Thomas, a design technology specialist at BIG in London, shares insights on the potential of AI to shift from being a tool to a collaborator in architectural design. The conversation explores AI's current applications, such as idea iteration and visualization, and the impact on architectural visualizers. It also touches on the importance of the human element in design thinking and the possibility of a resurgence in physical creation methods as a counterbalance to digital advancements. The participants express both excitement and apprehension about the rapid advancements in AI and its potential to disrupt traditional architectural practices, emphasizing the need for architects to embrace and experiment with these new technologies.


  • 🤖 The role of architectural visualizers may evolve from being tools to collaborators, indicating a shift in how AI is integrated into architectural processes.
  • 🖥️ AI has not yet fully taken over the industry, but there is speculation about its potential to do so, highlighting the need to stay updated with new technological advancements.
  • 🚀 Olly Thomas's transition from a BIM specialist to a design technology manager at BIG reflects the growing importance of AI and other technologies in architectural design.
  • 🌟 AI's current best application in architecture is seen as aiding in the iteration of ideas, particularly in the visualization and communication of design concepts.
  • 🛠️ There is ongoing experimentation with AI in design processes, including efforts to connect design tools with AI platforms like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion.
  • 🧩 AI is being used to automate certain tasks, which could potentially take over more laborious and time-consuming aspects of architectural work in the future.
  • 🎨 The value of architects lies in their thinking and research, which AI has not yet disrupted, suggesting that human creativity remains central to the field.
  • 📈 AI tools like Midjourney are seen as powerful for idea iteration, acting as a sidekick for architects rather than replacing the core creative process.
  • 🌐 There is a trend of real-time rendering and AI-generated content that could impact the role of architectural visualizers and the need for control over visual narratives.
  • ✍️ Content creation in architecture may be augmented by AI tools that assist with tasks like email formatting, idea generation, and administrative duties.
  • 🔧 The future of architecture might involve smaller, more diverse practices that collaborate closely with AI, potentially leading to new types of architectural designs and practices.

Q & A

  • What is the current role of architectural visualizers in the industry?

    -Architectural visualizers are currently tools used to assist in the visualization process, but there is a potential for them to evolve into collaborators in the future.

  • How has the role of AI in architecture been discussed in the industry?

    -AI in architecture has been a topic of much discussion, with speculation about its potential to take over the industry. However, actual implementation and use cases are still being explored.

  • What changes have occurred in the field of AI in architecture over the past three months?

    -Significant changes have occurred with the advancement of tools like Midjourney, which has seen updates from version three to four, offering improved capabilities and style.

  • How is AI being implemented at innovative architecture firms like BIG?

    -At BIG, AI is being implemented through a process of testing, integrating, and evaluating its usefulness in the design process. They are experimenting with connecting design tools to AI and training their own models for specific uses.

  • What are the potential future roles for AI in the design process?

    -AI could potentially take over more time-consuming tasks such as detailing and scheduling, allowing architects to focus more on the thinking process and value addition in design.

  • How does Olly Thomas perceive the impact of AI on the role of architectural visualizers?

    -Olly Thomas suggests that architectural visualizers might need to adapt to the changing landscape with AI, as real-time rendering and AI-generated images are becoming more prevalent and could potentially disrupt traditional rendering firms.

  • What is the current state of AI in terms of generating control over architectural images?

    -While AI has made significant strides in generating high-quality images, it still lacks the level of control that architects may desire. However, the technology is evolving, and the control aspect is expected to improve.

  • How do you see the future of architectural practices with the integration of AI?

    -The future of architectural practices may involve smaller, more diverse teams collaborating with AI. This could lead to a more varied array of architectural styles and practices, with a focus on the value that architects bring through the thinking process.

  • What is the potential impact of AI on the job market for architects?

    -AI is not expected to replace architects but rather to augment their capabilities. It may change the nature of work, reducing time spent on repetitive tasks and allowing architects to focus more on creative and value-added aspects of design.

  • How do you envision the future collaboration between architects and AI?

    -The future may see architects collaborating more closely with AI, treating it as a collaborator rather than just a tool. This collaboration could lead to new design iterations and processes that integrate the best of human creativity with the capabilities of AI.

  • What advice would you give to recent architecture graduates entering the field?

    -Recent graduates should not ignore the advancements in AI and should learn to adapt to these tools. While the core skills of architectural thinking remain vital, being proficient in AI tools can offer a significant advantage in the evolving industry.



🤔 The Future of Architectural Visualizers and AI

The paragraph discusses the evolving role of architectural visualizers and the potential impact of AI on the field. It explores whether visualizers will transition from being tools to collaborators and contemplates the resurgence of physical creation methods as a counterbalance to new technology. The conversation also features Olly Thomas, a design technology specialist at BIG in London, who shares insights on the future challenges and opportunities for architects in the tech revolution, the current best use of AI in architecture, and its implementation at innovative firms.


🔍 Exploring AI's Role in the Design Process

This section delves into how AI is being integrated into the design process, with a focus on its use for idea iteration and visualization. It discusses the practical experiments and applications of AI tools like Midjourney and D5 rendering, and the importance of keeping up with technological advancements. The paragraph also touches on the potential of AI to take over time-consuming tasks in detailing and scheduling, and the categorization of AI tools for different architectural needs.


🧐 AI and the Changing Landscape of Architectural Visualization

The paragraph examines the influence of real-time rendering and AI on the future of architectural visualization. It raises concerns for rendering firms due to the advancements in AI and speculates on the potential shift in control back to architects for visualizing their designs. The discussion also highlights the limitations of AI-generated images in terms of control and quality, and the unique value that skilled visualizers bring to the table through narrative and story behind their images.


📈 AI's Impact on Architectural Practice and Profession

This segment is optimistic about the future of AI in architecture, suggesting that it will augment rather than replace architects. It envisions a future where AI tools enable architects to focus more on the thinking process and value addition, rather than getting bogged down in time-consuming technical tasks. The paragraph also addresses concerns about job displacement due to AI, emphasizing the importance of understanding and adapting to AI in architectural education and practice.


🚀 Architect 3.0 and the Era of AI Collaboration

The paragraph introduces the concept of 'Architect 3.0', drawing parallels from Max Tegmark's 'Life 3.0', and predicts an era where architects collaborate closely with AI. It outlines the progression from manual drawing to computer-aided design and anticipates a future with smaller, more diverse architectural practices. The discussion also highlights the potential for a resurgence of artisanal methods in architecture as a counterbalance to digitalization.


🕶️ The Intersection of VR, AR, and AI in Architecture

This section discusses the current and potential future states of VR and AR technologies in architecture, noting their limited use due to technical constraints. It suggests that advancements in platforms like Unreal and NVIDIA's Omniverse may pave the way for more integrated and powerful uses of VR, AR, and AI in the field. The paragraph also emphasizes the ongoing importance of physical models in architectural design, despite digital advancements.


👩‍💼 Personal and Professional Use of AI in Architecture and Content Creation

The final paragraph covers personal experiences with AI tools in both professional and day-to-day contexts. It highlights how AI is being used to streamline mundane tasks, assist in design processes, and quickly visualize architectural ideas. The discussion also extends to content creation, where AI is aiding in generating thumbnails, captions, and even structuring narratives for videos. There is a call to action for architects and creators to experiment with AI, emphasizing the importance of human creativity and thinking in the age of algorithm-generated content.



💡Architectural Visualizers

Architectural visualizers are professionals who create visual representations of architectural designs. They use various tools and software to generate images, animations, and models that help clients and stakeholders understand the proposed structures. In the context of the video, it is suggested that these visualizers may evolve from being mere tools to becoming collaborators in the design process, potentially with the integration of AI.

💡AI in Architecture

AI in architecture refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to aid in the design, planning, and management of buildings. The video discusses the potential for AI to revolutionize the industry, with applications ranging from idea generation to automation of laborious tasks. It emphasizes the ongoing discussion and experimentation with AI tools in architectural practices.

💡Mid Journey

Mid Journey is mentioned as a version of an AI tool that architects are starting to use for design iterations and testing. It is compared to a more advanced and user-friendly tool that allows for quick visualization of architectural concepts, which is a significant shift from traditional rendering methods.

💡BIM Specialist

A BIM (Building Information Modeling) specialist is a professional who creates and manages 3D models of buildings that include geometric and non-geometric data. The video highlights the transition of a BIM specialist to a design technology manager, indicating a shift towards a broader role that includes AI, AR, VR, and other technologies.

💡AI Automation

AI automation in the context of the video refers to the use of AI to perform tasks that are typically time-consuming for humans, such as generating plans, formatting text, and creating visualizations. It is seen as a way to streamline the design process and allow architects to focus more on creative and conceptual work.

💡AI Visualization

AI visualization involves using AI tools to enhance the visual presentation of architectural designs. The video discusses how AI can be used to create high-quality images and visualizations that communicate design ideas effectively. It also touches on the potential for AI to develop its own style, which could impact the uniqueness of architectural presentations.

💡Prompt Whispering

Prompt whispering is a term used in the video to describe the skill of effectively interacting with AI tools by providing them with the right prompts or instructions to generate desired outcomes. It is a critical skill as AI becomes more integrated into the design process, allowing architects to better control and direct AI-generated content.

💡Architect 3.0

Architect 3.0 is a concept mentioned in the video that refers to the future of architectural practice, where architects collaborate with AI. It is seen as an evolution from Architect 1.0 (manual era) and Architect 2.0 (computer-aided era), suggesting a more integrated and collaborative approach to design with technology.

💡Artisanal Architects

The term 'Artisanal Architects' is used to describe a potential future trend where architects may return to more manual, hands-on methods of design as a counterbalance to the rise of digital and AI-driven design processes. It implies a value on craftsmanship and the personal touch in architectural design.

💡Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine is a game engine that is increasingly being used in architecture for creating highly detailed and realistic visualizations. The video discusses the potential of Unreal Engine, especially in conjunction with AI, to revolutionize how architects create and experience their designs.

💡AI Ethics and Job Displacement

The video touches on the ethical considerations and concerns about job displacement due to AI. It suggests that while AI is seen as disruptive, it also offers opportunities for architects to focus on more value-added tasks. The discussion emphasizes the importance of architects not ignoring AI and learning to work with it.


Architectural visualizers may evolve from being tools to collaborators in the future of architecture.

AI has not yet taken over the industry, but its potential impact on architectural practice is a topic of much discussion.

Olly Thomas, a design technology specialist at BIG in London, shares insights on the future of architects in the tech revolution.

AI's current best application in architecture is for idea iteration, helping to visualize and communicate initial concepts.

The value of architecture still lies in the thinking and research behind designs, which AI has not disrupted.

AI tools like Midjourney are seen as a sidekick for idea generation rather than a replacement for the creative process.

Architectural visualizers might face a shift in their role due to advancements in real-time rendering and AI-generated content.

The future may see a rise in 'artisanal architects' who focus on manual creation and the core thinking process of architecture.

VR and AR are still in the early stages of integration into architectural design, with technology limitations currently hindering wider adoption.

Unreal Engine and platforms like NVIDIA's Omniverse are set to revolutionize the way architects create and interact with designs.

AI is expected to augment architectural practice, allowing more time for critical thinking and less for time-consuming tasks.

The future of architecture may involve smaller, more diverse practices collaborating with AI to tackle projects.

AI's role in architecture is still developing, with the potential to become an integral collaborator in the design process.

There is a potential shift towards a more manual workflow in architecture as a counterbalance to the rise of digital and AI-driven tools.

AI-generated content is on the rise, which may lead to a greater appreciation for human creativity and the stories behind architectural designs.

Content creators are beginning to use AI for tasks such as generating thumbnails, captions, and even entire video narratives.

The importance of understanding the 'thinking behind the image' grows as AI-generated content becomes more prevalent.

Experimentation with AI tools is encouraged for those in the architectural field to stay abreast of industry changes and opportunities.