Inside Look: Midjourney Alpha Website Tour

NonFungibleAI By Surzayon Ghosh
20 Feb 202420:08

TLDRIn April 2023, Midjourney lowered the access threshold for its Alpha platform from 10,000 to 1,000 images created, allowing more users to experience the website. The Alpha website offers features like image creation with various stylistic preferences, aspect ratios, and an intuitive user interface. Users can explore, create, and archive images, as well as provide feedback to improve Midjourney's AI image processing capabilities. The platform remains accessible via Discord, with the Alpha website providing an enhanced, dedicated space for creative exploration.


  • 🚀 In April 2023, Midjourney had a cap of 10,000 for access to the Alpha, which has now been lowered to users who have made at least 1,000 images.
  • 🎨 To check eligibility for the Alpha, users can visit the website and click on 'info' to see their image count.
  • 🌐 Access to Midjourney's Alpha website is granted if a user has created over 1,000 images, and the website offers a more streamlined experience compared to the open website.
  • 🖌️ The Alpha website introduces new user interface elements, such as image creation preferences like aspect ratio, stylization, and variety, which were previously set through Discord.
  • 🔄 Users can create images with various aspect ratios and stylizations directly on the Alpha website, providing more control over the output.
  • 📚 The 'View Help' section offers documentation and support for users, directing them to the appropriate resources.
  • 🔄 The Alpha website allows users to see different versions of their images, similar to the versions available in Discord, but in a more accessible format.
  • 🎨 The 'Create' section is robust and in-depth, offering a variety of functionalities and features for users to explore and utilize.
  • 🗂️ The 'Archives' section provides organization options for users, allowing them to categorize and manage their images effectively.
  • 🏆 The 'Rate Image' feature encourages users to select images they consider good, thereby training Midjourney's image processing software and potentially earning fast hours.
  • 🔄 The Alpha website also supports the use of image prompts, allowing users to incorporate specific images into their prompts for more tailored outputs.

Q & A

  • What was the initial cap for accessing Midjourney's Alpha in April 2023?

    -The initial cap for accessing Midjourney's Alpha in April 2023 was 10,000.

  • How did Midjourney open up the Alpha access in February 2023?

    -In February 2023, Midjourney opened up the Alpha access to people who have made at least 1,000 images.

  • How can users check if they have made a thousand images?

    -Users can check if they have made a thousand images by going to the Midjourney website, clicking on 'info', and seeing how many images they've made.

  • What are the new features introduced in the Midjourney Alpha website compared to the previous version?

    -The new features introduced in the Midjourney Alpha website include the ability to create images, a community section, view help documentation, and the option to switch between light and dark mode. Users can also set preferences such as aspect ratio, stylization, and variety directly on the website.

  • How does the 'Create' section in the Midjourney Alpha website work?

    -In the 'Create' section, users can click on 'imagine' and enter a prompt. They can then adjust the image's preferences such as aspect ratio, stylization, and variety. Once set, users can create an image, and it will appear in the 'Create' section with options to further refine or share the image.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Archives' section in the Midjourney Alpha website?

    -The 'Archives' section allows users to organize their images into folders for better organization. It also provides insights into liked, unrated, hidden, and upscaled images.

  • How can users provide feedback on images in the Midjourney Alpha website?

    -Users can provide feedback on images by selecting images they think are good in the 'Rate Image' section. This helps train Midjourney's image processing software and can reward users with fast hours.

  • What is the significance of the 'Explore' section in the Midjourney Alpha website?

    -The 'Explore' section showcases the community's work and allows users to draw inspiration from different styles and prompts. It also provides a platform for users to see the results of their own prompts and those of others.

  • How does the Midjourney Alpha website handle published and unpublished content?

    -The 'Published' section displays content that has been made public and is accessible for others to use or modify. The 'Unpublished' section contains content that has not been made public, allowing users to keep their prompts and images private.

  • What are the benefits of using the Midjourney Alpha website over the Discord platform?

    -The Midjourney Alpha website offers a more structured and user-friendly interface compared to the Discord platform. It provides a dedicated place for users to create, organize, and explore images with more functionalities and features.

  • What is the future outlook for Midjourney's Alpha according to the script?

    -The future outlook for Midjourney's Alpha is that it will become more accessible to everyone. Users can continue to use Midjourney on Discord, but the Alpha website is designed to offer a more comprehensive and accessible experience for the community.



🚀 Accessing Mid Journey's Alpha Version

The paragraph discusses the transition from a limited access alpha version of Mid Journey, which initially had a cap of 10,000 users, to an expanded access that allows users who have created at least 1,000 images to participate. It explains the process of checking one's eligibility by visiting the Mid Journey website and provides a step-by-step guide on how to navigate the site and what features are available to eligible users. The speaker also mentions the similarity between the alpha version and the main website, highlighting the new direction Mid Journey is taking and its integration with the existing Discord community. Additionally, it touches on the housekeeping aspects of the alpha version, such as the light and dark mode options, and the ability to check one's image count by typing 'info'.


🎨 Customizing Creations in Mid Journey Alpha

This paragraph delves into the detailed customization options available for users in the Mid Journey Alpha. It explains how users can create images with various aspect ratios and stylizations, and the different settings available, such as 'weirdness' and 'variety'. The speaker demonstrates how to use these features by creating an image of a cat sitting on a bench and adjusting the preferences through user interfaces. It also mentions the 'stealth' mode and the different versions of the image that can be generated. The paragraph emphasizes the robustness and depth of the creation tools in the Alpha version and how it differs from the Discord implementation.


🗂️ Organizing and Rating Images in Mid Journey

The paragraph covers the organizational features of the Mid Journey Alpha, such as the archives section where users can categorize and manage their images. It discusses the ability to filter images based on their status, such as liked, unrated, hidden, and upscaled images. The speaker explains the different versions of images and how users can access them, from version 1 to version 6. It also touches on the publishing options, where users can choose to publish their images to the explore section for the community to use or keep them unpublished for personal use. The paragraph highlights the visual representation of the images in various sizes and layouts and the functionalities available for each image, such as copying the report, downloading, hiding, or opening in Discord.


🏆 Engaging with the Community and Image Rating

The final paragraph focuses on the community aspect of Mid Journey Alpha, where users can engage with others by exploring and rating images. It explains the 'rate image' feature, which allows users to select images they believe are good, thereby helping to train the image processing software. The speaker mentions that Mid Journey rewards users with fast hours for their participation in rating images. The paragraph also discusses the explore section, where users can find inspiration from different prompt styles and effects, and how it serves as a platform for users to share their work and gain fast hours. The speaker encourages users to utilize this feature not only to contribute to the community but also to potentially gain more fast hours.




Midjourney is an AI-based platform that focuses on creating images through artificial intelligence. In the context of the video, it is the main subject where the speaker discusses the access to its Alpha version and the features it offers to users who have created at least 1,000 images. The platform is noted for its community aspect, where users can share and explore AI-generated images, and it is accessible both on its website and through Discord.


In the video, 'Alpha' refers to a pre-release or early access version of the Midjourney platform. It is a stage in software development where the features and functionalities are still being tested and refined based on user feedback. The Alpha version of Midjourney is open to users who have made at least 1,000 images, allowing them to experience and provide input on new features before a wider release.


Access in this context means the ability or permission to use or enter the Alpha version of Midjourney. Initially, the access was limited to 10,000 users, but as of February 8th, 2023, it has been opened up to users who have created at least 1,000 images. Accessing the Alpha version provides users with an opportunity to explore and interact with the platform's advanced features and contribute to its development.


Community within the Midjourney platform refers to the collective group of users who engage with each other and the AI to create, share, and explore AI-generated images. The video emphasizes the importance of the community aspect, as it allows users to learn from one another, provide feedback, and collaborate on creative projects. The community is also directed to a Discord page, indicating a strong social and interactive element to the platform.


The 'Create' function in Midjourney's Alpha is a key feature that allows users to generate new images using AI. Users can input text prompts or use existing images to guide the AI in producing the desired output. The video provides a walkthrough of how to use this feature, including setting preferences for aspect ratio, stylization, and other parameters that influence the final image. The create process is highlighted as a significant aspect of the platform's appeal and utility.

💡Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio in the context of the video refers to the proportional relationship between the dimensions of an image. Users can adjust the aspect ratio to create images with different shapes, such as portrait, square, or landscape. The video explains how the Alpha version of Midjourney allows users to customize the aspect ratio with a variety of options, providing more control over the final appearance of the generated images.


Stylization is a term used in the video to describe the process of applying a specific artistic style or aesthetic to the AI-generated images. Users can adjust the level of stylization to achieve different visual effects, with higher values leading to more pronounced styles. The video mentions the use of stylization in the creation process, allowing users to refine the look of their images according to their preferences.


Discord is a communication platform mentioned in the video that is used in conjunction with the Midjourney Alpha. It serves as a community hub where users can interact, share their creations, and seek help or support. The video indicates that users can access Midjourney's Alpha through Discord, highlighting the platform's focus on community engagement and collaboration.


In the context of the video, 'Upscaled' refers to the process of enhancing or refining AI-generated images. The term is used to describe versions of images that have been improved or altered in some way, such as through adjustments to the aspect ratio, stylization, or other parameters. The video mentions U1, U2, U3, U4 as examples of different upscaled versions, indicating a progression or evolution of the image's quality or style.


Published in the video refers to the act of making images or prompts publicly available on the Midjourney platform's 'explore' section. This allows other users in the community to view, interact with, or use the published content. The video discusses the option to publish or keep prompts unpublished, depending on the user's preference for sharing their work with the broader community.

💡Rate Image

The 'Rate Image' feature, as described in the video, is a mechanism for users to provide feedback on the quality of AI-generated images. By selecting images they consider good, users contribute to training the AI and improving its image processing capabilities. The video mentions that Midjourney rewards users with 'fast hours' for their participation in rating images, incentivizing engagement and contributing to the platform's development.

💡Image Prompt

An 'Image Prompt' is a user-provided image used as a reference or inspiration for the AI to generate new images. The video explains that users can upload an image and combine it with a text prompt to guide the AI in creating a specific visual outcome. This feature allows for a more interactive and personalized creative process, as users can experiment with different combinations of text and visual inputs.


In April 2023, Midjourney had a cap of 10,000 for access to the alpha, but as of February 8th, the alpha is now open for those who have made at least 1,000 images.

Users can check if they have made a thousand images by clicking on 'info' on the website.

The Midjourney Alpha website is designed to be similar to the existing Midjourney website, with new features and functionalities.

The Alpha website introduces new user interface elements, such as image creation preferences like aspect ratio and stylization options.

Users can now create images on Midjourney with the Alpha website, which was not possible before.

The Alpha website includes a 'Creations' section where users can manage and view their images.

The 'Create' section of the Alpha website offers a robust and in-depth set of features and functionalities for users to explore.

Users can now view and manage their 'Archives', organizing folders and accessing different versions of their images.

The Alpha website introduces a 'Rate Image' feature, allowing users to provide feedback to improve image processing software.

By participating in the 'Rate Image' feature, users can earn 'fast hours' to expedite their image creation process.

The 'Explore' section of the Alpha website provides a cleaner and more user-friendly interface compared to the Discord server.

The Alpha website allows users to add images directly to their prompts, expanding the creative possibilities.

The 'Published' and 'Unpublished' sections help users manage their public and private image collections.

The Alpha website introduces new filters and sorting options, making it easier for users to find specific images.

The 'Community' section of the Alpha website provides access to the Discord page and various documentations for support.

The Alpha website maintains the option to use Midjourney on Discord, ensuring users can continue their familiar workflow.

The 'Style' feature in the Alpha website allows users to create images with different artistic styles and genres.

The Alpha website offers a 'Variety' parameter, enabling users to introduce more variations into their image creations.