只需一小时,完美克隆你自己!最新中文AI数字人制作教程, 手机可搞定的AI数字人分身, 中文领域秒杀Heygen数字人 clone yourself perfectly within one hour

10 Dec 202326:16

TLDR视频教程介绍了如何使用人工智能技术在一小时内创建一个数字分身。主讲人JingDian展示了他的数字人“Number Man”,并解释了制作数字人的过程:仅需录制两分钟视频,即可生成外观、动作和声音都非常真实的数字人形象。JingDian还比较了不同工具的优缺点,如D-ID和HeyGen,并推荐了XiaoIce Digital Man,这是一个由前微软小冰团队独立开发的产品,性价比高,操作简便。视频中还详细介绍了如何通过网站注册、上传视频、定制数字人形象,并提供了编辑和生成最终视频的步骤。此外,JingDian还探讨了AI工具在提高工作效率、降低成本方面的潜力,以及如何通过AI工具进行内容创作、图片编辑和音频处理等。


  • 🚀 通过AI技术,可以在一小时内克隆出自己的数字人分身,操作简便,手机即可完成。
  • 🎥 仅需拍摄两分钟视频,即可制作出逼真的数字人形象,包括外观、动作和声音。
  • 📈 使用数字人技术可以大幅度提高工作效率,减少实际拍摄和录制视频所需的时间和成本。
  • 💬 提到D-ID和HeyGen等工具与当前介绍的AI数字人技术相比,后者更为先进,功能更全面。
  • 🔍 指出了HeyGen在中文语音处理方面的不足,以及其较高的价格和有限的录制时间。
  • 📉 强调了其他一些国内产品如腾讯和科大讯飞的数字人产品价格昂贵,不适合中小企业和个人用户。
  • 🌐 介绍了iiii.com网站,它提供了多种数字人生产方法,并且有一个15分钟的免费体验套餐。
  • 📝 详细说明了如何使用iiii.com网站创建数字人,包括注册、上传视频、选择功能和编辑视频等步骤。
  • 🎉 强调了XiaoIce数字人产品的优势,包括价格、功能和易用性,以及它是由微软前XiaoIce团队独立开发的。
  • 📊 讨论了AI工具的实用性,包括AI绘图、内容创作、图片和视频编辑等,以及如何通过网站积分使用这些工具。
  • 🎓 提供了优惠码,用户可以通过使用优惠码以更低成本体验数字人创建和AI工具。
  • 📚 最后,鼓励用户尝试创建自己的数字人,并体验AI时代带来的便利和魅力。

Q & A

  • 如何快速克隆一个自己的AI数字人分身?


  • 制作AI数字人分身时,需要准备哪些材料?


  • 数字人技术如何帮助提高工作效率?


  • 数字人分身可以全天候工作吗?


  • 视频提到的www.iiii.com网站提供了哪些数字人生产方法?


  • XiaoIce数字人的价格是多少?


  • 如何使用www.iiii.com网站来注册和创建数字人?


  • 数字人视频制作完成后,如何进行进一步的视频编辑?


  • www.iiii.com网站除了制作数字人外,还提供了哪些AI工具?


  • 如何使用www.iiii.com网站的AI工具进行内容创作?


  • 数字人分身的制作和使用是否对技术要求很高?


  • 数字人分身的制作成本是否昂贵?




😀 Introduction to Digital Human Avatars

The speaker, JingDian, introduces the concept of digital human avatars, emphasizing how they are created through AI technology. The process is simple, requiring only a two-minute video to generate a realistic avatar that mimics the user's appearance, actions, and voice. The speaker contrasts this technology with older tools like D-ID, which are limited in functionality. The video also addresses the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of digital human technology, particularly in creating video content for AI courses, which can be time-consuming and expensive using traditional methods. The speaker highlights the benefits of using digital human technology, such as the ability to generate spoken videos without the need for extensive camera work, and the potential for 24/7 operation.


📈 Exploring Digital Human Pricing and Registration

The paragraph discusses various digital human production methods and their costs, comparing them to highlight the value proposition. It mentions different platforms like Tencent Zhiying, Silicon Digital, and XiaoIce Digital Man, developed by the former XiaoIce team of Microsoft Corporation. The speaker points out the affordability of XiaoIce Digital Man, especially with its 399 yuan package that includes 15 minutes of video and audio production, digital human customization, and voice cloning. The paragraph also explains the registration process on the www.iiii.com website, noting its accessibility for global users and the convenience of using either an email or a mobile phone number.


🎥 Recording and Customizing Your Digital Human

The speaker provides a detailed guide on recording and customizing a digital human avatar. It emphasizes the importance of a quiet environment, proper camera setup, and specific recording instructions, such as keeping the mouth closed for the first 15 seconds. The process includes uploading the recorded video, choosing between retaining the background or using a green screen, and reading a video authorization script. The speaker also mentions the safety and security measures of the website, ensuring user rights are protected.


🖼️ Editing and Finalizing Your Digital Human Video

The paragraph explains the steps to edit and finalize the digital human video. It covers how to import the video into a computer, use editing software to remove the white background, and replace it with a desired background. The speaker also discusses enhancing the video with beauty filters, adjusting color, and adding text or stickers. The process concludes with downloading the final video and suggests further editing for personalization. The speaker expresses excitement about the potential of digital humans and encourages viewers to create their own.


🛠️ Utilizing AI Tools for Enhanced Content Creation

The speaker introduces various AI tools available on the iiii.com website, emphasizing their practicality and value. The tools cover a range of functionalities, including AI drawing, sound processing, and content creation. The paragraph demonstrates how to use these tools for tasks such as generating images, creating copywriting, and editing photos. The speaker also mentions the cost-effectiveness of using these tools with the provided points, comparing it to purchasing individual paid tools. The paragraph concludes with an invitation to explore the AI tools and a reminder of the discount code available.


🌟 Conclusion and Encouragement for Digital Adoption

In the concluding paragraph, the speaker expresses hope that everyone will have their own AI digital person, highlighting the coolness and standard features of the future era. The speaker also provides a simple explanation of the tools on the website and their value, especially when considering the 10,000 points equivalent to 100 yuan in RMB. The paragraph ends with an invitation to try out the functions and a farewell message, encouraging viewers to follow the channel and share the video with friends.



💡Digital Avatar

A digital avatar refers to a virtual representation of a person in a digital environment, often used in video games, virtual worlds, or other digital media. In the context of the video, the digital avatar is created through AI and can mimic the appearance, actions, and voice of the individual, JingDian, making it a highly realistic digital replica.

💡AI-generated Image

An AI-generated image is a visual representation created by artificial intelligence algorithms. These algorithms can learn from existing data and generate new, original content. In the video, the AI-generated image is used to create a digital human avatar that looks and behaves like the real person, JingDian.


Lip-syncing is the process of matching an audio track, especially speech or song lyrics, with the movements of the mouth in a video or animation. The video discusses a method called d-id, which is used to create a talking photo where the mouth of the image opens and closes in sync with the audio.

💡Digital Human Technology

Digital human technology involves the creation and use of virtual humans that can perform tasks, interact, and appear similar to real humans. In the video, this technology is used to generate a digital human avatar that can record video courses and presentations, reducing the time and effort required from the actual person.


A teleprompter is a device used to display a scrolling text for public speakers or performers to read from, usually without an audience being aware. In the video, it is mentioned as a tool that requires speakers to memorize many lines, which can make the recording process difficult and time-consuming.

💡XiaoIce Digital Man

XiaoIce Digital Man is a product developed by the former XiaoIce team of Microsoft Corporation. It is a form of digital human technology that allows for the creation of personalized digital avatars. The video highlights its capabilities and cost-effectiveness compared to other tools in the market.

💡Voice Cloning

Voice cloning is the process of replicating a person's voice using AI and machine learning techniques. In the context of the video, voice cloning is used to generate a digital human's speech, which can then be used for various applications like video courses or presentations.


HeyGen is a digital human creation tool mentioned in the video. It is noted for its powerful capabilities in foreign language digitization but criticized for its high cost and difficulty in processing Chinese voice, indicating a limitation in language support.

💡Digital Human Production

Digital human production is the process of creating digital avatars or virtual representations of real people. The video provides an overview of how to produce a digital human using various tools and methods, emphasizing the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the process.

💡AI Classroom

AI Classroom refers to the educational content or platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to enhance the learning experience. In the video, a discount code for an AI Classroom is mentioned, suggesting that it is a resource for learning about digital and AI technology.

💡Smart Keying

Smart keying is a video editing technique that uses AI to automatically remove a background from footage, typically replacing it with a different background or a solid color. In the video, it is used to remove the white background from the AI-generated digital human footage.


Create a digital human avatar in just one hour using AI technology.

A two-minute video is sufficient to generate a highly realistic digital human avatar.

The digital human avatar can mimic both image and voice, offering a more dynamic representation than tools like D-ID.

The cost of creating a digital human is significantly lower than traditional methods, almost negligible.

Digital human technology simplifies the video recording process, reducing the need for memorization and teleprompters.

Once trained, a digital human can operate independently, generating spoken videos without the need for further recording.

Digital humans can work around the clock, increasing efficiency and saving time for creators.

The lip-syncing method d-id is limited in its ability to create dynamic digital humans.

HeyGen, while powerful, is expensive and struggles with Chinese language digitization.

XiaoIce Digital Man, developed by the former XiaoIce team of Microsoft, offers a cost-effective solution for digital human creation.

The website www.iiii.com provides various digital human production methods and a 15-minute free trial.

The XiaoIce Digital Man package at 399 yuan includes digital human customization, voice cloning, and 15 minutes of video and audio production.

Users receive 10,000 website points upon purchase, equivalent to 100 yuan, for access to advanced AI tools.

The AI tools on the website offer functionalities like AI drawing, sound processing, and content creation, which are valuable for content creators.

The video editing process with digital humans allows for easy background removal and replacement with desired environments.

Smart color adjustment and image clarity enhancement are additional features available for video editing.

The website offers a one-stop solution for various AI operations, making it highly convenient for users.

A discount code is provided for the AI classroom, offering a cost-effective way to access the platform's features.

The video concludes with an encouragement for viewers to create their own digital person for increased convenience in work and life.