AI Detection Bypass: Uncovering the Only Method That Works! I Tried Them All!

Andy Stapleton
22 May 202310:47

TLDRThe video script discusses the challenges of using AI tools like GPT to generate academic content and the effectiveness of various methods to avoid detection by plagiarism and AI detection software. The speaker tests different strategies, such as using synonyms, changing tone, paraphrasing, and resequencing, and finds that only a tool called successfully reduces AI detection to a minimal level. The video emphasizes the importance of original writing and using AI responsibly as an editing tool, not a content generator.


  • 🚨 AI-generated content can be detected, and current AI detection tools are effective.
  • 🔍 Methods to avoid AI detection, such as using synonyms and retaining domain-specific details, are largely ineffective.
  • 📝 Manual paraphrasing can reduce AI detection but still may not completely avoid it.
  • 🎨 Changing the tone of AI-generated text, like mimicking Albert Einstein, does not prevent AI detection.
  • 🔄 Resequencing information does not help in bypassing AI plagiarism and originality checks.
  • 📚 Adding more details to the AI prompt does not improve the chances of passing AI detection.
  • 🤖 The use of perplexity and burstiness in AI-generated text does not significantly affect AI detection results.
  • 🛠️ The '' tool appears to be the only effective method currently for bypassing AI detection.
  • 📝 Academics should disclose the use of AI tools like GPT-4 in their work and acknowledge their role as editing aids.
  • 📖 The academic community may see more transparency about AI tool usage in peer-reviewed literature and theses.
  • 🔧 AI tools should be used as editing and consistency-checking tools rather than content generators.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern with using AI tools like GPT to generate academic content?

    -The main concern is that AI-generated content can be easily detected, leading to issues with plagiarism and originality, which is unacceptable in academic writing.

  • How does the speaker demonstrate the effectiveness of AI detection tools?

    -The speaker uses two different tools, Unicheck and, to test the originality and AI detection of text generated by GPT. The results show high AI detection scores, indicating that the content is easily identifiable as AI-generated.

  • The speaker mentions using synonyms, retaining domain-specific details, changing the tone of the writing, paraphrasing, manual rewriting, resequencing, and increasing perplexity and burstiness in the AI-generated text.


  • Which method proved to be ineffective in avoiding AI detection?

    -All the methods mentioned, including using synonyms, changing the tone, paraphrasing, manual rewriting, and resequencing, were ineffective in avoiding AI detection.

  • What tool did the speaker find to be effective in bypassing AI detection?

    -The speaker found '' to be the only tool that successfully reduced the AI detection score and plagiarism percentage, making the content appear more original.

  • What is the speaker's stance on using AI tools for academic writing?

    -The speaker advises against relying on AI tools for content generation and instead suggests using them as editing tools to improve existing work, emphasizing the importance of original writing.

  • The speaker suggests including a statement at the end of papers to disclose the use of AI tools, such as GPT-4, as an editing aid, and to report the results from plagiarism and AI detection checks.


  • What are the potential implications of AI tools in the future of academic writing?

    -The speaker believes that AI tools will continue to evolve rapidly and that their use in academic writing will become more common, as long as they are used responsibly and transparently.

  • What resources does the speaker offer for academic writing?

    -The speaker offers resources such as ebooks, a blog, a forum, and a resource pack on his website,, and a newsletter with exclusive content for subscribers.

  • How does the speaker address the ethical use of AI in academic writing?

    -The speaker emphasizes the importance of using AI tools ethically, suggesting that they should be used as aids rather than substitutes for original research and writing, and that their use should be disclosed in academic work.



🚨 AI Detection and Plagiarism in Academic Writing

The paragraph discusses the challenges of using AI tools like GPT to generate academic content without being detected for plagiarism or AI-generated text. The speaker shares their experiences with various methods to evade AI detection, such as using synonyms, changing the tone, and paraphrasing, but finds these methods largely ineffective. They mention a tool called '' that seems to successfully bypass AI detection, but emphasize the importance of original writing and using AI as an editing tool rather than a content generator.


📝 Strategies for Evading AI Detection

This paragraph explores different strategies people have tried to avoid AI detection in their writing, such as increasing perplexity and burstiness to make the text less robotic. The speaker tests these strategies, including using a tool called '', and finds it to be the only effective method among various attempts. They also discuss the ethical implications of using AI in academic writing and suggest that transparency about AI usage could become a standard practice in academic publications.


📚 Resources for Academic Writing and PhD Applications

The speaker concludes the video by directing viewers to their website,, where they offer resources such as ebooks, a blog, and a forum for PhD and grad school applicants. They also encourage viewers to sign up for their newsletter at for exclusive content, including tools, podcast appearances, and tips on writing effective academic abstracts.



💡AI tools

AI tools refer to artificial intelligence applications that can perform tasks such as text generation, analysis, and detection of AI-generated content. In the video, the speaker discusses the increasing power of these tools and the temptation to use them for academic writing, which can lead to issues with originality and plagiarism.

💡Literature review

A literature review is a comprehensive summary of the existing research on a particular topic. It is a critical part of academic writing. The video script mentions the temptation to use AI tools to generate literature reviews, which is discouraged due to the potential for detection by plagiarism and AI content tools.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving proper credit or permission. In the context of the video, the speaker is concerned about the ease with which AI-generated content can be detected as plagiarized, especially in academic writing.

💡AI detection

AI detection refers to the ability of software tools to identify content that has been generated by artificial intelligence rather than a human. The video discusses various methods people use to avoid AI detection and the effectiveness of these methods.


Originality in academic writing means creating content that is unique and not copied from other sources. The video emphasizes the importance of original work and the challenges posed by AI tools that can generate content, which may be flagged as non-original by detection software.


Synonyms are words or phrases that have similar meanings. The video script suggests using synonyms as a strategy to avoid AI detection by changing the wording of AI-generated text, although this method is found to be ineffective.


Paraphrasing involves rewording or rephrasing a text to convey the same meaning using different words or structure. The speaker tries manual paraphrasing to alter AI-generated content, but this method also fails to pass AI detection tools.


Tone refers to the author's attitude or feeling conveyed through the choice of words. The video mentions changing the tone of AI-generated content, such as mimicking the style of Albert Einstein, as a strategy to avoid detection, but this approach also does not work.


Resequencing means changing the order of information or sentences within a text. The speaker attempts to resequence the AI-generated content to avoid detection, but this method is also ineffective.

💡Perplexity and burstiness

Perplexity and burstiness are linguistic terms referring to the complexity and variety in language use. The video suggests increasing these elements in AI-generated text to make it sound less robotic and potentially avoid detection, but the effectiveness is minimal.

💡 is mentioned as a tool that claims to help users bypass AI detection. The video suggests that this tool is currently the only effective method to avoid being flagged by AI detection software, although it is not recommended to use AI-generated content in academic work.


AI tools are becoming more powerful and can be tempting to use for generating academic content.

AI-generated content can be easily detected, and the tools for AI detection are currently winning the game of cat and mouse.

Chat GPT was used to generate a 500-word piece on organic photovoltaic devices, which was detected as 100% AI-generated.

Using synonyms and retaining domain-specific details did not successfully bypass AI detection or reduce plagiarism scores.

Changing the tone of AI-generated content, such as mimicking Albert Einstein, did not improve the results with AI detection tools.

Manual paraphrasing of AI-generated text still resulted in a high AI score, showing the difficulty in making AI content unique.

Resequencing information and adding more details to the AI prompt did not help in avoiding AI detection.

Increasing perplexity and burstiness in AI-generated text showed a slight improvement in avoiding AI detection but was not very effective.

The only tool found effective in bypassing AI detection is, which significantly reduced the AI score and plagiarism percentage.

The speaker suggests using AI tools as editing aids rather than content generators and encourages transparency about AI usage in academic work.

The speaker proposes a statement for academic papers to acknowledge the use of AI tools like GPT-4 for editing purposes.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of writing original content and using AI responsibly in the academic workflow.

The speaker shares resources for academic writing and PhD applications, including ebooks, a blog, and a newsletter.

The speaker invites viewers to share their experiences with AI tools and their effectiveness in avoiding AI detection.

The speaker predicts rapid evolution in AI tools and their impact on science and academic writing.