The Only FREE Method That Bypasses AI Detectors (October 2023)

Digital Creator Avi
17 Oct 202305:38

TLDRThe video discusses a method to lower AI detection scores in content creation by using an AI tool named Claude. The speaker shares tips from Claude on writing human-like content, such as using active voice, varying sentence structure, and including examples. They combine these tips with their own prompts to create high-quality articles that can bypass AI detection tools like Original.A and Writer, achieving a balance between AI and human scores. The method is recommended for those wanting to create content that can evade AI detection.


  • 🤖 The challenge of lowering AI detection scores is addressed, with a focus on writing more human-like content.
  • 📝 The speaker has found success using Cloud-based AI (Claude) for high-quality content generation.
  • ✍️ Tips for reducing AI detection include using active voice, varying sentence structure, and avoiding complex words.
  • 💡 The importance of combining AI-generated tips with personal prompts to create a comprehensive writing strategy is emphasized.
  • 📈 The script provides an example of how to instruct AI to write an article on becoming a better listener, incorporating specific factors to reduce AI detection.
  • 🎯 The goal is to produce content that is rich, comprehensive, and free from plagiarism, with a focus on originality and human-like quality.
  • 🔍 The use of AI detection tools like Original.A and Writer is discussed, with results showing varying degrees of success.
  • 📊 A 50% original score on Original.A is considered good, as achieving a 100% score is rare and difficult.
  • 🛠️ The process of converting markdown to HTML before scanning with AI detection tools is recommended for more accurate results.
  • 🥇 Cloud-based AI (Claude) is highlighted as the most effective method for generating content that can bypass AI detection tools.
  • 📚 The video aims to educate viewers on how to create content that is less likely to be flagged as AI-generated, enhancing its value and usability.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern addressed in the video transcript?

    -The main concern addressed in the video transcript is how to reduce the AI detection score of written content, making it sound more human-like and less robotic.

  • What is the method the speaker found to effectively reduce AI detection?

    -The speaker found that using an AI writer called Cloud, which is known for its high quality, can effectively help in writing content that is less likely to be detected as AI-generated.

  • What are some tips given by the AI writer to sound more human-like?

    -The tips given include using an active voice, varying sentence structure, avoiding overuse of complicated words, using contradictions, including examples, and utilizing varied vocabulary.

  • How did the speaker combine the AI's instructions with their own prompt?

    -The speaker combined the AI's instructions with their own by telling the AI to write an article that not only follows the tips but also includes factors like perplexity, combines longer and shorter sentences, avoids commas, focuses on quality content, and is written in the writer's own words without plagiarism.

  • What was the result of using the combined method on AI detection tools?

    -The result was a significant reduction in AI detection scores, with a 50% original score and a 50% AI score on the Original.A tool, and a 100% human-generated content score on the Writer AI tool.

  • Why is achieving a high score on Original.A considered a good result?

    -Achieving a high score on Original.A is considered a good result because it is a difficult tool to bypass, and a high score indicates that the content is well-written and very human-like.

  • How did the speaker ensure the content was original and not plagiarized?

    -The speaker ensured the content was original and not plagiarized by instructing the AI to write in its own words and by double-checking the content for plagiarism.

  • What was the final outcome when the method was applied to write an article on starting a grocery store?

    -The final outcome was an article with an 84% original score and 16% AI score, indicating a high level of human-like content that is less likely to be detected by AI detection tools.

  • Why is it important to convert markdown content into HTML before scanning with AI detection tools?

    -It is important to convert markdown content into HTML before scanning because some AI detection tools may not properly interpret or recognize markdown formatting, which could affect the accuracy of the plagiarism and originality scores.

  • What was the speaker's conclusion about using the Cloud AI writer for reducing AI detection?

    -The speaker concluded that using the Cloud AI writer with the specific prompts provided is currently the only method that has been effective in generating content that is more human-sounding and able to bypass AI detection tools like Original.A.



🤖 Reducing AI Detection in Content Writing

The paragraph discusses the challenge of lowering AI detection scores in content creation. The speaker shares a method effective with Claude AI, an AI writing tool, to produce more human-like content. The strategy involves getting tips from Claude on how to avoid sounding robotic, such as using active voice, varying sentence structure, and using a mix of complex and simple sentences. The speaker emphasizes the importance of combining these tips with one's own prompts to ensure the content is original, well-written, and not flagged by AI detection tools like Original.a and Writer AI. The paragraph concludes with the speaker's success in achieving a high originality score, suggesting confidence in posting the content without penalties from search engines.


📝 Effective Method for Bypassing AI Detection Tools

This paragraph highlights the speaker's preferred method for creating content that can bypass AI detection tools. The speaker explains that while trying various AI platforms, only Claude AI has proven successful in generating human-sounding content that can evade detection. The speaker encourages viewers to use the shared prompts and method for their own content creation, reiterating the effectiveness of this approach. The paragraph ends with a call to action for viewers to like, subscribe, and apply the shared knowledge to improve their content writing and avoid AI detection.



💡AI detection score

AI detection score refers to the measurement of how likely a piece of content is to have been generated by an artificial intelligence rather than a human. In the context of the video, it is a critical metric for evaluating the effectiveness of the methods discussed for writing content that can evade AI detection tools. The video aims to lower this score to increase the human-like quality of the content.

💡Cloud AI

Cloud AI refers to an AI writing tool or platform that operates over the internet, often providing services such as content generation, editing, and optimization. In the video, the speaker highly recommends using Cloud AI for its high quality and its ability to help writers produce more human-like content that can reduce AI detection scores.

💡Active voice

Active voice is a grammatical construction where the subject of a sentence performs the action or causes the state of being. It is often more direct and engaging than passive voice. In the context of the video, using active voice is one of the tips given by Cloud AI to make content sound more human-like and to lower AI detection scores.

💡Sentence structure

Sentence structure refers to the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences. Varying sentence structure can enhance readability and interest by preventing monotony and providing a rhythm to the text. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of varying sentence structure to reduce the AI detection score and to make the content sound more human-like.


In the context of writing, contradictions refer to the inclusion of contrasting ideas or statements within a text. This can add depth and complexity to the content, making it more engaging and thought-provoking. The video suggests using contradictions as a technique to make content sound more human-like and to lower AI detection scores.


Perplexity is a measure used in language modeling to indicate how well a model predicts a sample. In the context of the video, it refers to the complexity and unpredictability of the content. The speaker instructs Cloud AI to create content with a certain level of perplexity, meaning the content should not be too predictable and should include a mix of simple and complex sentences.


Original.a is an AI detection tool mentioned in the video that assesses the likelihood of a text being human-generated versus AI-generated. It is noted as one of the more challenging tools to bypass, and achieving a high score on Original.a is considered a mark of well-written, human-like content.

💡Writer AI

Writer AI is another AI detection tool mentioned in the video that determines the human-likeness of generated content. It is used as a benchmark to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies employed to reduce AI detection scores. The goal is for the content to be recognized as fully human-generated by such tools.


Plagiarism refers to the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving proper credit or permission. In the context of the video, the content created should be original and free from plagiarism to ensure it is unique and not copied from other sources. This is part of the instructions given to Cloud AI when generating the article.

💡Grocery store

A grocery store is a retail establishment that primarily sells food, both fresh and packaged, as well as other household goods. In the video, the speaker uses the topic of starting a grocery store as an example of how to apply the strategies learned for creating content that is less likely to be detected as AI-generated.

💡Human-like content

Human-like content refers to written material that mimics the style, tone, and complexity of human writing. The goal is to create content that is indistinguishable from that written by a person, both in terms of quality and authenticity. The video's main theme revolves around methods and strategies to produce such content while avoiding detection by AI tools.


The transcript discusses a method to reduce AI detection scores in content writing.

Using an AI tool named Claude can help in writing more human-like content.

The speaker shares their experience of priming Claude for better content writing.

Tips from Claude include using active voice and varying sentence structure.

The importance of including examples and using varied vocabulary is emphasized.

The speaker combined Claude's instructions with their own prompts for enhanced results.

The content produced was checked for plagiarism and originality.

Original.A is mentioned as a challenging AI detection tool to bypass.

The speaker achieved a 50% original score on Original.A, which is considered good.

Writer AI confirmed the content as 100% human-generated.

GPD0 detected the text as likely written by a human, with a few AI-like sentences.

The method of using prompts in Claude is recommended for bypassing AI detection tools.

The speaker tried the method on other AI platforms but found Claude to be the most effective.

The video aims to educate on creating less detectable AI-written content.

The speaker encourages viewers to use the shared prompts for their own writing.

The transcript concludes with a call to action for likes and subscriptions.