Unbelievable! The Easiest Way to Bypass AI Content Detection - How I Did It!

Andy Stapleton
10 Apr 202409:58

TLDRThe video discusses the effectiveness of various AI content detection bypass tools. The creator tests five services using an abstract written for a PhD thesis. The results show that while Turnitin and GPT-0 are less effective at detecting AI-generated content, Originality performs the best. The creator advises against simply submitting the output from these tools, as the language can be unnatural and recommends using them as a scaffold for original work.


  • 🔍 The video discusses testing various AI content detection bypass services using a PhD abstract written in 2011, which initially passed AI detection tests.
  • 📝 The abstract was rewritten by ChatGPT, resulting in detection by AI tools with varying results, indicating the potential for AI to generate content that can evade some detection systems.
  • 🌟 Originality performed the best in detecting AI-generated content, even after it had been processed by bypass tools.
  • 🚫 Turnitin was found to be the least effective at detecting AI-generated content, suggesting its limitations in this area.
  • 🔧 Bypass AI and stealth writer tools were able to generate content that could pass Turnitin's AI detection, but Originality still flagged the content as AI-generated.
  • 💡 Undetectable and Phrase were the only tools that managed to bypass both Turnitin and Originality's AI detection mechanisms.
  • 🛑 The video advises against simply copying and pasting AI-generated content for academic submissions, as the language and phrasing can be unnatural and potentially problematic.
  • 🎯 The recommended use of AI content generation tools is to use them as a scaffold for understanding and creating original work, not as a direct submission.
  • 🤖 The ongoing 'game' between AI content generation and detection tools highlights the evolving nature of technology and its impact on academic integrity.
  • 📈 The results of the tests show that while some AI tools can bypass detection, others are improving their ability to identify AI-generated content, emphasizing the need for vigilance in academic settings.
  • 🔗 The video encourages viewers to explore other AI tools for academics and researchers, suggesting that AI can be a valuable resource when used ethically and responsibly.

Q & A

  • What was the purpose of using the PhD abstract from 2011 in the test?

    -The purpose of using the PhD abstract from 2011 was to establish a baseline of content that was definitely not AI-generated, allowing for a control test to see if the AI detection services could accurately identify non-AI content.

  • Which AI detection service performed the best in detecting AI-generated content?

    -Originality performed the best in detecting AI-generated content, as it was able to identify the AI-generated text even after it had been processed by AI bypass tools.

  • How did Turnitin perform in detecting AI-generated content?

    -Turnitin did not perform well in detecting AI-generated content, as it gave a high percentage of AI origin to the original PhD abstract after it was rewritten by an AI, and it failed to detect AI content in some of the processed texts.

  • What was the result of using Fasley on the AI-generated content?

    -Fasley was able to bypass AI detection, as it returned a 0% chance of being AI-generated in Turnitin and a 3% chance in Originality, which are low percentages indicating a high level of success in avoiding detection.

  • Why was the text produced by the AI bypass tool 'Undetectable' considered the best?

    -UndetableName was considered the best because it managed to get a 0% AI detection score in Turnitin and a 2% chance of being AI-generated in Originality, which is the lowest percentage among the tested tools, indicating a high effectiveness in bypassing AI detection.

  • What was the main issue with the abstracts produced by the AI bypass tools?

    -The main issue with the abstracts produced by the AI bypass tools was that they contained strange word choices and were not natural enough to be passed off as human-written, which would likely be questioned by experts in the field.

  • What is the recommended use of AI-generated content according to the script?

    -The recommended use of AI-generated content is not to pass it off as one's own work directly, but to use it as a scaffold to build upon with one's own understanding, paraphrasing, and information, ensuring that the final submission is original and personalized.

  • How much was spent on testing the AI detection and bypass services?

    -Hundreds of dollars were spent on testing the AI detection and bypass services, which covered the costs of all the services that were evaluated in the script.

  • What did the script suggest about the game between AI detection and bypass tools?

    -The script suggested that there is an ongoing game between AI detection and bypass tools, with the detection tools trying to improve their algorithms to catch AI-generated content, while the bypass tools are constantly updating to avoid detection.

  • What was the outcome when the AI-generated content was put through the 'Bypass AI' tool?

    -When the AI-generated content was put through the 'Bypass AI' tool, it managed to bypass Turnitin with a 0% score but failed in Originality with a 100% chance of being AI-generated, indicating that it was not effective in bypassing all detection services.

  • Which tool was the least effective in detecting AI-generated content?

    -Turnitin was the least effective in detecting AI-generated content, as it often failed to accurately identify AI-generated texts, even when they were not processed by any bypass tools.



🔍 AI Detection Bypass Test Results

The paragraph discusses the results of testing five different AI detection bypass services using a PhD abstract written in 2011, which was confirmed to be non-AI generated. The services tested include Turnitin, GPT-0, and three others. The abstract was rewritten by Chat GPT and the results were analyzed by these services. Turnitin performed poorly in detecting AI content, while GPT-0 showed a high likelihood of AI generation. The author then discusses the effectiveness of each service in detecting AI-generated content, highlighting that while some services could be bypassed, GPT-0 remained the most accurate in detecting AI content even after bypass attempts.


📝 Evaluation of AI Bypass Tools

The second paragraph continues the evaluation of AI bypass tools, focusing on their ability to humanize text and avoid detection by AI detection services. The author shares their experience with bypass AI and hick bypass, noting that while these tools can successfully trick Turnitin, they are less effective against Originality and GPT-0. The author emphasizes the importance of not solely relying on these tools to pass off AI-generated content as one's own and suggests using them as a scaffold for personal understanding and work, rather than direct submission.



💡AI Content Detection

AI Content Detection refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to identify and evaluate the originality of written content. In the context of the video, it is used to determine whether a piece of writing is AI-generated or human-written. The video discusses various services that claim to bypass these detection systems, which is significant as it highlights the ongoing battle between AI development and detection technologies.

💡PhD Abstract

A PhD Abstract is a brief summary of a doctoral dissertation, providing an overview of the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions. In the video, the author uses their own PhD abstract, written in 2011, as a starting point to test the effectiveness of AI detection and bypass services. This serves as a control sample to gauge the accuracy of the tools being evaluated.


Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection service that helps educators verify the originality of student submissions. It compares the submitted work against a vast database of academic papers, websites, and other sources. In the video, Turnitin is portrayed as less effective at detecting AI-generated content, raising concerns about its reliability in the face of evolving AI technologies.


Originality, in the context of the video, refers to a service that detects AI-generated content. It is one of the tools tested by the author and is shown to be more effective than Turnitin in identifying AI-generated text. The term 'originality' here is used to describe the authenticity and uniqueness of the content, which is crucial in academic settings to ensure that work submitted is the original creation of the student.


Gp0 is mentioned as another AI content detection tool in the video. It is used to assess the likelihood that a piece of content is AI-generated. The video suggests that Gp0 is highly effective in detecting AI content, as it gave a 94% score for AI originality on the rewritten abstract, indicating a strong ability to identify AI-generated text.

💡AI Bypass Tools

AI Bypass Tools are services or software designed to alter AI-generated content in a way that makes it undetectable by AI content detection systems. These tools are the focus of the video, as the author tests their effectiveness against various detection services. The use of such tools raises ethical concerns, as they can potentially be misused to pass off AI-generated content as original work.


Fasley is one of the AI bypass tools tested in the video. It is designed to rewrite content in a way that makes it appear more human-like and less detectable by AI content detection systems. The video shows that Fasley was successful in reducing the AI detection scores, making it one of the more effective tools tested.

💡Stealth Writer

Stealth Writer is another AI bypass tool mentioned in the video. It aims to humanize AI-generated content to avoid detection by plagiarism and AI detection services. The video suggests that Stealth Writer was also effective, as it returned a 0% AI detection score from Turnitin and a 2% AI originality score from Originality, indicating that the content was likely human-written.


Undetectable is an AI bypass tool that the author of the video had previous positive experiences with. It is designed to make AI-generated content undetectable by AI content detection systems. In the video, Undetected performed well, with a 0% AI detection score from Turnitin and a 2% AI originality score from Originality, indicating that it was the most effective tool tested in terms of avoiding AI detection.

💡Bypass AI

Bypass AI is an AI bypass tool that the author hoped would perform well in the tests. However, it was found to be less effective than other tools like Fasley and Undetected. Bypass AI failed to deceive the Originality service, which scored the content as having a 100% chance of being AI-generated, indicating that it was not successful in making the content appear human-written.

💡Hicks Bypass

Hicks Bypass is an AI tool that claims to help users avoid detection by AI content detection systems. It is presented as an up-to-date and powerful service in the video. However, when tested, it was found to have a 56% AI originality score according to Originality, suggesting that while it can reduce the likelihood of detection, it is not completely effective.


The presenter tested five best services to bypass AI detection.

The PhD abstract written in 2011 was not detected as AI-generated by any service.

Chat GPT was used to rewrite the abstract for a PhD thesis.

Turnitin was not good at detecting AI-generated content.

Originality was the best at detecting AI content.

Fasley AI was able to bypass AI detection tools effectively.

Stealth Writer humanized text was not detected by Turnitin and GP0.

Undetectable was the best at bypassing Originality's AI detection.

Bypass AI failed to pass the Originality test, indicating 100% AI chance.

Hick Bypass was able to bypass Turnitin with a 0% AI chance.

Originality detected AI content even after bypass tools with a 56% chance.

The presenter advises against submitting AI-generated content as one's own.

AI-generated content should be used as a scaffold for understanding and work, not for direct submission.

The presenter suggests using undetectable and phrase-based tools for effective content bypass.

The abstracts generated by AI tools were unnatural and not suitable for academic submission.

The presenter emphasizes the importance of building upon AI content with personal understanding and paraphrasing.

For a comprehensive guide, the presenter recommends watching another video on the best AI tools for academics and researchers.