AI News: The AI World Just Changed Forever (Again)

Matt Wolfe
22 Mar 202427:16

TLDRThis week in AI saw Mustafa Suan, co-founder of Inflection AI and creator of the Piie chatbot, join Microsoft as CEO of Microsoft AI. NVIDIA's GTC conference unveiled the next-gen Blackwell GPU, promising significant performance improvements for AI models. Additionally, NVIDIA introduced Groot, an AI platform for humanoid robots, and Earth 2, a digital twin for climate simulation. Stability AI's video 3D technology made strides, while key researchers left the company. Elon Musk open-sourced Grock 1, the largest open-source model to date. Apple may partner with Google for AI on iPhones, and Tennessee passed a law protecting artists from AI mimicry.


  • πŸ“° Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Inflection AI and creator of the Pie chatbot, has joined Microsoft as the CEO of Microsoft AI.
  • πŸ’‘ Microsoft did not acquire Inflection AI directly but paid $650 million to hire its staff, possibly to avoid anti-trust scrutiny.
  • πŸš€ NVIDIA unveiled the next-gen Blackwell GPU at GTC conference, promising significant performance improvements for AI and large language models.
  • 🌍 NVIDIA's new AI platform, Groot, aims to be a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots.
  • 🌐 Earth 2, a digital twin of the entire planet, was announced by NVIDIA, offering APIs for advanced weather and climate simulation.
  • πŸ’‘ The concept of 'digital twin' is gaining prominence, referring to virtual environments that mimic real-world settings for AI testing and development.
  • πŸ€– Training robots was a significant theme at NVIDIA's GTC, with a focus on using digital twins for simulation and testing.
  • πŸ–₯️ Quantum Computing was discussed by NVIDIA, with the company claiming to be the largest player in the field without owning a quantum computer.
  • πŸ“ Three key terms highlighted in the GTC conference are 'digital twin', 'synthetic data', and 'multimodality', indicating future trends in AI development.
  • πŸŽ₯ YouTube now requires creators to disclose if their videos were generated with AI, with certain exceptions for animated content.

Q & A

  • What was the most shocking news in AI this week according to the transcript?

    -The most shocking news was Mustafa Suan, co-founder of Inflection AI and one of the original founders of Google DeepMind, joining Microsoft as the CEO of Microsoft AI.

  • What is the significance of Mustafa Suan's move from Google DeepMind to Inflection AI and then to Microsoft?

    -Mustafa Suan's move signifies the intense competition in the AI industry, with key figures transitioning between major tech companies to lead AI development. It also indicates the strategic importance of AI talent in driving innovation and competitive advantage.

  • What did Microsoft agree to pay Inflection AI to hire its staff?

    -Microsoft agreed to pay Inflection AI $650 million to hire its staff.

  • What is the potential reason behind the speculated structure of Microsoft's acquisition of Inflection AI's staff?

    -The speculated reason is to avoid a lengthy review from anti-trust regulators.

  • What was a major announcement made at Nvidia's GTC conference?

    -A major announcement was the unveiling of the next-gen Blackwell GPU, which has up to a 30 times performance increase for large language model (LLM) inference.

  • How does the new Blackwell GPU from Nvidia benefit organizations in terms of AI development?

    -The new Blackwell GPU enables organizations to build and run real-time generative AI on trillion parameter large language models at 25 times less cost and energy consumption than its predecessor.

  • What is the concept of a digital twin as discussed in the Nvidia GTC conference?

    -A digital twin is a virtual environment designed to mimic the real-world environment where AI systems will operate. It allows for simulation and testing within the digital twin before deploying in the real world.

  • What is Earth 2, as mentioned in the Nvidia GTC conference?

    -Earth 2 is a digital twin of the entire Earth that offers groundbreaking APIs designed to simulate and visualize weather and climate at an unprecedented scale, enabling more accurate forecasts and timely warnings for extreme weather events.

  • What are the three key terms that were repeatedly emphasized during the Nvidia GTC conference?

    -The three key terms are digital twin, synthetic data, and multimodality.

  • What is the new AI platform for humanoid robots announced by Nvidia?

    -The new AI platform announced by Nvidia is called Groot, which is a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots that can be fine-tuned by robot developers for optimization in robotics.

  • What is the reported partnership between Apple and Google that could potentially affect Siri?

    -The reported partnership is that Apple is exploring a collaboration with Google to use Gemini-powered features on iPhones, which could potentially mean that Gemini 1.5 might be the model powering Siri in future updates.



πŸ€– Mustafa Suan's Shift from Inflection AI to Microsoft

The video begins with the surprising news that Mustafa Suan, co-founder of Inflection AI and known for creating the popular Piie chatbot, has joined Microsoft as the CEO of Microsoft AI. Suan was originally a founder of Google DeepMind before leaving to start Inflection AI. The move is notable as Google and Microsoft are currently competing heavily in the AI space. While Inflection AI is not shutting down completely, they will halt development on the Piie chatbot. Microsoft's acquisition of Inflection AI's staff for $650 million is seen by some as a strategic move to avoid extensive antitrust scrutiny.


πŸš€ NVIDIA GTC Conference and AI Advancements

The speaker shares insights from the NVIDIA GTC conference, dubbed 'Woodstock for AI nerds,' where Jensen Huang unveiled the next-gen Blackwell GPU. This new GPU promises up to a 30 times performance increase for large language model (LLM) inference, enabling real-time generative AI at a fraction of the cost and energy consumption of its predecessor. NVIDIA also announced the Groot AI platform for humanoid robots and the concept of a digital twin, with Earth 2 being a prominent example, offering APIs to simulate and visualize weather and climate for better predictions and warnings about extreme weather events.


🌐 Key Themes from NVIDIA's GTC: Digital Twins, Synthetic Data, and Multimodality

Three key terms were highlighted during the GTC conference: digital twin, synthetic data, and multimodality. A digital twin refers to a simulated clone of a real-world entity for testing within a virtual environment. Synthetic data is AI-trained data created by computers, not humans, like video simulations. Multimodality indicates the future of language models integrating various media types like audio, video, and images. These concepts are expected to be significant in AI development and application moving forward.


πŸŽ₯ AI in Video Creation and YouTube

The speaker discusses the impact of AI on video creation and YouTube content, highlighting their personal experience with Nido AI, a tool that generates long videos from a single text prompt. The tool includes features like stock video, a script, voiceover, sound effects, and music. The speaker also covers Elon Musk's open-sourcing of the Grock 1 model, Apple's rumored partnership with Google for AI features, and the introduction of Stable Video 3D, a generative model advancing 3D technology.


🌟 Stability AI's Challenges and Updates in AI Industry

The speaker shares updates on Stability AI, which has faced challenges as key researchers behind Stable Diffusion left the company. The departure follows concerns over the company's financial health and leadership. Despite these issues, Stable Diffusion remains publicly available. The speaker also mentions Mid Journey's new terms and conditions, which place responsibility for legal issues on the user, and the potential impact of AI on global elections.


πŸ“± AI Gadgets and Legal Developments

The speaker talks about the Open Interpreter 01, an open-source AI gadget that can be trained to perform tasks on a computer and then controlled via voice commands away from the computer. The device is set to compete with the Rabbit R1 but with an open-source twist. Additionally, the speaker discusses a new Tennessee law protecting artists from AI mimicry and YouTube's requirement for creators to disclose AI-generated content, highlighting the growing intersection of AI, law, and content creation.

πŸŽ‰ AI News Recap and Future Content

The speaker wraps up the video with a brief recap of the week's AI news and expresses interest in creating a full breakdown of the NVIDIA GTC conference. They also promote their AI newsletter and the resources available on their website, Future Tools, for those interested in staying up-to-date with AI news and tutorials. The speaker thanks the audience for their support and the sponsor, Envido AI, for their contribution to the video.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is the central theme, with discussions on advancements, applications, and key figures in the AI world.

πŸ’‘Nvidia GTC conference

The Nvidia GTC conference is an annual event focused on AI and deep learning where industry professionals gather to discuss the latest technologies and breakthroughs. In the video, the narrator shares insights from the conference, highlighting new AI developments and their potential impact on the industry.

πŸ’‘Digital Twin

A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical entity, such as a machine, building, or even the Earth itself, that can simulate real-world conditions and behaviors. In the video, the concept of a digital twin is used to describe a virtual environment for testing AI systems before they are deployed in the real world.

πŸ’‘Synthetic Data

Synthetic data is artificially generated data that mimics real-world data but is created by computer algorithms rather than being collected from actual events or observations. In the video, synthetic data is discussed as a method to train AI systems, particularly in the context of creating realistic simulations for AI training purposes.


Multimodality in AI refers to the ability of AI systems to process and understand multiple types of data inputs, such as text, audio, images, and video. The term highlights the trend towards AI models that can engage with users through various forms of media, enhancing their interactive capabilities.

πŸ’‘Open Source

Open source refers to a type of software or content that is freely available for use, modification, and distribution by the public. In the context of the video, open-sourcing AI models like GPT-3 allows developers and researchers to access, build upon, and customize these models for various applications without restrictions.

πŸ’‘AI Ethics

AI ethics involves the examination of the moral implications and responsibilities associated with the development and use of AI technologies. It addresses issues such as fairness, privacy, transparency, and the potential for misuse. In the video, AI ethics is touched upon in the context of legal considerations for AI-generated content and the need for regulations to protect artists' rights.

πŸ’‘AI Gadget

An AI gadget refers to a hardware device that incorporates AI technology to perform specific tasks or functions. These devices can range from simple smart home appliances to more complex AI-enabled robots. In the video, AI gadgets are presented as tangible, consumer-friendly products that bring AI capabilities to everyday life.

πŸ’‘AI in Content Creation

AI in content creation refers to the use of AI technologies to assist in the generation, editing, or enhancement of various types of content, such as videos, articles, and images. This can include automated video editing, scriptwriting, or even the creation of entire pieces of content.

πŸ’‘AI Partnerships

AI partnerships involve collaborations between companies or organizations to leverage AI technologies for mutual benefit, often resulting in the sharing of resources, expertise, and innovation. In the video, AI partnerships are highlighted as strategic moves to advance companies' positions in the AI race.


Mustafa Suan, co-founder of Inflection AI and creator of the Pie chatbot, has joined Microsoft as the CEO of Microsoft AI.

Microsoft did not acquire Inflection AI but paid $650 million to hire its staff, possibly to avoid anti-trust scrutiny.

Nvidia's GTC conference showcased the new Blackwell GPU, with up to 30 times the performance increase for LLM inference.

The Blackwell GPU enables real-time generative AI on large language models at 25 times less cost and energy consumption.

Nvidia introduced Groot, a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robots, signaling a focus on training robots at the conference.

The concept of a digital twin was a key theme, with Nvidia announcing Earth 2, a digital twin of the entire Earth for climate simulation.

Nvidia claims to be the largest Quantum Computing company without owning a quantum computer, offering digital twins for quantum simulations.

Three key terms from the GTC conference are digital twin, synthetic data, and multimodality, which are expected to be significant in the AI field.

Elon Musk open-sourced Grock 1, the largest open-source model available, under the Apache 2.0 license.

Apple is reportedly exploring a partnership with Google for a Gemini-powered feature on iPhones, potentially using GPT models.

Stability AI introduced Stable Video 3D, advancing the field of 3D technology with improved quality and view consistency.

Key researchers behind Stable Diffusion have left Stability AI, raising questions about the company's future.

Mid Journey altered their terms and conditions, requiring users to indemnify them against legal issues arising from the use of their service.

Tennessee passed the ELVIS act, protecting artists against AI mimicry, requiring YouTubers to disclose AI-generated content.

Open Interpreter launched the Open Interpreter 01, an open-source AI gadget for controlling computer tasks away from the device.