AI Interior Room Planner: Custom Design Mockups & Virtual Staging | ReImagine Home AI Review

AR Critic
11 Mar 202311:19

TLDRIn this video, the host explores ReImagine Home AI, a tool that uses AI to suggest interior design ideas for a small living room. The AI can recognize and replace items in a provided image, offering various design options. While the tool is great for creative inspiration, the host suggests improvements for practicality, such as integrating with commercial websites to consider costs and availability. The video also highlights upcoming features, like voice commands for design changes, which could significantly enhance the user experience.


  • 🏠 The video showcases using AI for interior design, specifically for a small living room.
  • πŸ€– The website 'ReImagine' uses AI to suggest decoration ideas by analyzing images or generating new ones.
  • πŸ–ΌοΈ AI can recognize and mask current items in a room, allowing for the replacement of specific elements like furniture.
  • πŸ›‹οΈ The script demonstrates how to use the AI tool to customize a living space, starting with a basic room setup.
  • πŸ–ŒοΈ Users can manually mask areas in the room that they want the AI to focus on for redesigning.
  • 🎨 Text input is crucial for guiding the AI to generate designs that match the user's preferences, such as adding a pool outdoors.
  • πŸ“ The AI offers options to change architectural features like walls and windows, making the design process more modular.
  • πŸ›’ There's a suggestion for integrating the AI with commercial websites to consider budget and purchase options for suggested items.
  • πŸ’‘ The tool is great for inspiration, generating unique and creative design ideas that users might not have thought of.
  • πŸ“ˆ The video mentions upcoming features, such as voice commands for design changes and the ability to use inspiration photos.
  • πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ The presenter suggests that combining the AI with technologies like AR glasses could revolutionize the interior design process.

Q & A

  • What is the purpose of the ReImagine Home AI service discussed in the video?

    -The purpose of the ReImagine Home AI service is to assist users in decorating and designing their living spaces, particularly small ones, by providing AI-generated suggestions and ideas for furniture and decor.

  • How does the AI in ReImagine Home recognize and replace items in a room?

    -The AI uses a masking feature to recognize current items in the room, such as a sofa or a chair, and allows users to replace these specific items with different designs through the platform.

  • What types of inputs can be used to customize the AI's suggestions for room design?

    -Users can use text input, predefined inputs from a dropdown menu, and color preferences to customize the AI's suggestions for room design.

  • How can users provide the AI with specific instructions for outdoor design?

    -For outdoor design, users can provide text input to specify elements they want, such as a pool, to ensure the AI generates designs that include these specific features.

  • What is the masking option in ReImagine Home AI, and how can users utilize it?

    -The masking option allows users to manually select areas of the room that they want the AI to focus on when generating new designs. Users can use a brush tool to roughly outline the areas they want the AI to consider.

  • What are some limitations the user in the video script faced while using ReImagine Home AI?

    -The user faced limitations such as the AI not being able to accurately replace items like a 50-inch TV with a text input, and the need for more fine-tuned ways to help the AI understand specific requests.

  • How does the AI inspire users with creative ideas for their living spaces?

    -The AI inspires users by generating unique and interesting design options, allowing them to experiment with different inputs and find ideas that they might not have considered.

  • What future features are mentioned in the video that could enhance the ReImagine Home AI service?

    -Future features mentioned include visual staging of empty spaces, generating designs using inspiration photos, changing architectural features, redesigning specific elements, and upscale design with voice commands.

  • How does the video suggest integrating the AI with commercial websites for a more practical experience?

    -The video suggests integrating the AI with commercial websites like Amazon to allow users to purchase items directly from the AI's suggestions, taking into account the user's budget and location.

  • What role does the user's budget play in the AI's ability to generate design suggestions?

    -The user's budget can be a factor in the AI's ability to generate design suggestions, as it can use APIs from different commercial stores to create designs based on the user's budget constraints.

  • How does the video suggest using the AI for a more immersive and interactive design experience?

    -The video suggests using augmented reality and depth scanning technology in conjunction with the AI to create a more immersive and interactive design experience, allowing users to see and interact with the AI's suggestions in a 3D environment.



πŸ›‹οΈ Using AI for Home Decor Ideas

The speaker introduces a new venture into using AI to reimagine the decoration of their small living room. They have moved to a new place and are seeking AI assistance to enhance the space with a limited budget and existing furniture. The AI tool, 'reimaging,' is capable of recognizing and masking current items, suggesting replacements, and considering both indoor and outdoor elements. The process involves uploading an image, selecting the type of place, and providing text inputs to guide the AI in generating design ideas. The speaker also expresses the desire for a feature that could consider budget constraints and integrate with commercial websites to suggest purchasable items.


🎨 Exploring AI's Creative Potential for Room Design

In this segment, the speaker discusses the limitations and creative potential of the AI tool. They mention that while the AI can generate inspiring ideas, it may not always be accurate, especially with text inputs like 'Equity inch TV.' The speaker experimented with different colors and inputs to find unique and practical design solutions. They also suggest improvements, such as integrating with commercial APIs to consider budget and availability, and generating a list of favorites for future reference. The speaker also envisions future features like visual staging, using inspiration photos, changing architectural features, and voice-assisted design changes, which could significantly enhance the user experience.


🏠 Envisioning the Future of AI-Powered Home Design

The final paragraph focuses on the future enhancements of the AI tool and its potential integration with augmented reality and other technologies. The speaker imagines a scenario where depth scanning and real-time suggestions could revolutionize home design. They propose the idea of setting a budget and using AI to generate design suggestions based on available products from commercial websites like Amazon. The speaker concludes by expressing excitement about the current capabilities of the AI tool and anticipation for future improvements, which could make the home design process more interactive and precise.



πŸ’‘AI Interior Room Planner

An AI Interior Room Planner is a technology-driven tool that assists users in designing and planning the layout and decoration of interior spaces. In the context of the video, the AI tool is used to generate ideas for decorating a small living room, providing suggestions on furniture placement, and overall design aesthetics. The script mentions how the AI can 'mask current available items, recognize them and just replace them with something else,' showcasing its capability to virtually redesign spaces.

πŸ’‘Custom Design Mockups

Custom Design Mockups refer to the individualized and unique design proposals created for a specific space or client. The video script describes how the AI tool can generate custom design mockups by allowing users to upload images of their rooms and then providing design suggestions tailored to that specific space. The AI's ability to 'give you ideas' and 'replace the content' with different design elements exemplifies the creation of these mockups.

πŸ’‘Virtual Staging

Virtual Staging is a process where empty or staged spaces are digitally furnished and decorated to give a realistic impression of how the space could look. In the video, the AI tool is used for virtual staging, as it allows the user to 'furnish an empty space with virtual furniture and decor elements.' This helps in visualizing the room's potential without physically moving furniture or making changes.


In the context of the video, 'masking' is a feature of the AI tool that allows users to select specific areas of an image to be replaced or modified with new design elements. The script mentions that the AI 'can mask current available items, recognize them,' and the user can 'choose the option to mask it yourself,' which means manually indicating which parts of the room's image should be considered for redesign.

πŸ’‘Text Input

Text Input is a feature that enables users to provide instructions or preferences to the AI tool through written text. The video script explains that users can use 'text input' to guide the AI, for example, by specifying 'if you want to have a pool' or 'Equity inch TV,' allowing the AI to generate designs incorporating these elements. However, the script also notes the limitations, as the AI might not accurately reflect the text input.

πŸ’‘Color Preferences

Color Preferences refer to the specific colors that a user might want to incorporate into their room design. The video mentions that the AI tool allows users to 'use colors to tell which colors you actually prefer,' enabling a more personalized design. The user can input their color choices to influence the AI's suggestions, although the script notes that the options are currently limited.

πŸ’‘Budget Consideration

Budget Consideration involves taking into account the financial constraints or limits when planning a room design. The video script suggests a future enhancement where users could 'wait some budget' and the AI could 'create something with that based on your input for your budget.' This implies a feature that would allow the AI to generate designs that fit within a specified budget.

πŸ’‘Integration with Commercial Websites

Integration with Commercial Websites refers to the potential for the AI tool to connect with online retailers or marketplaces to source furniture and decor items. The script discusses the possibility of an API that could 'fit Things based on different things that you can actually buy,' suggesting a feature that would allow users to purchase items directly from commercial websites based on the AI's design suggestions.

πŸ’‘Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information or images onto the real world, enhancing the user's perception of their environment. The video script touches on the idea of using AR in conjunction with the AI tool, where users could 'move around your apartment and interact with AI' through AR glasses, providing a more immersive and interactive design experience.

πŸ’‘Voice Interaction

Voice Interaction is the ability to communicate with a device or system using spoken language. The video script mentions the potential for voice interaction with the AI tool, where users could 'just speak with AI' to make design changes like 'replace the wall color' or 'change the sofa.' This feature would streamline the design process, making it more intuitive and hands-free.


Introduction to ReImagine Home AI, a tool for custom interior design and virtual staging.

The presenter's personal experience using AI to decorate a small living room.

AI's ability to recognize and replace items in a room with new designs.

The option to choose between indoor and outdoor design suggestions.

Masking items in the room for AI to focus on specific areas for redesign.

Text input feature to guide AI in generating desired design elements.

Using color preferences to influence AI's design suggestions.

The creative potential of AI for generating unique and interesting design ideas.

The presenter's desire for a more practical and purchasable design solution.

Suggestion of integrating AI with commercial websites for budget-based design.

Upcoming features for ReImagine Home AI, including voice commands and 3D modeling.

The potential for AR integration to enhance the design planning experience.

The presenter's plan to use the app for inspiration and to inform future purchases.

The app's current limitations and the need for more fine-tuned design inputs.

The presenter's anticipation for future improvements to the AI design tool.

Encouragement for viewers to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for more content.