🎹AI Song Generator | How to Write a Love Song By Suno AI V3 FREE

28 Mar 202405:24

TLDRThis video script offers a step-by-step guide on creating a personalized song for loved ones using coze.ai and suno.ai. It begins by detailing the process of setting up a custom song lyric generator on coze.ai, where users can name and describe their bot, generate an avatar, and input personal stories to create meaningful lyrics. The lyrics are then taken to suno.ai for music generation, where users can select a fitting melody. The guide emphasizes that anyone can create music by experimenting and innovating, regardless of their musical background.


  • 🎡 **Creating a Song**: The guide provides a step-by-step process for creating a heartwarming song dedicated to a loved one without any cost.
  • πŸ€– **Utilizing AI Tools**: The script introduces the use of coze.ai and suno.ai, two AI platforms, for generating lyrics and music respectively.
  • πŸ“ **Crafting Lyrics**: The first step involves creating a custom song lyric generator on coze.ai by following a simple setup process.
  • πŸ’‘ **Naming the Bot**: It's important to give the bot a meaningful name, such as 'Lyric Generation Robot', to reflect its purpose.
  • 🎭 **Personalizing the Bot**: The bot's avatar is chosen to represent its function, adding a personal touch to the lyric generation process.
  • πŸ“– **Providing Information**: The bot requires specific information to generate lyrics, which is provided by the user in the prompt box.
  • πŸ”„ **Optimizing the Prompt**: The 'optimize' button is used to refine the user's input before generating the lyrics.
  • πŸ’ž **Sharing Your Story**: Users input personal stories, meetings, moments, hopes, and dreams to create a song that reflects their personal journey.
  • 🎢 **Generating Music**: The second step is to use suno.ai to generate music by inputting the crafted lyrics and selecting a fitting tune.
  • 🎧 **Customization Options**: Suno.ai offers a variety of musical customization options, allowing users to match the melody to their lyrics' emotions.
  • πŸš€ **Innovation and Experimentation**: The guide encourages users to experiment and innovate, emphasizing that a musical background is not a prerequisite for creating music.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the guide presented in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of the guide is to teach how to create a heartwarming song for free, dedicated to a loved one.

  • Which two AI platforms are suggested for use in the song creation process?

    -The two AI platforms suggested are coze.ai for crafting custom song lyrics and suno.ai for music generation.

  • How is the custom song lyric generator named in the script?

    -The custom song lyric generator is named 'Lyric Generation Robot' in the script.

  • What is the first step in creating a song using coze.ai?

    -The first step is to go to coze.ai, click on 'create bot', and follow the process of naming the bot, describing its function, and generating an avatar.

  • What type of information is needed from the user to generate lyrics with the Lyric Generation Robot?

    -The bot needs information such as the story of the user's first meeting, moments spent together, hopes, and dreams for the future to generate lyrics.

  • How does coze.ai transform the user's story into song lyrics?

    -After the user inputs their story and optimizes the prompt, coze.ai uses its AI capabilities to generate captivating lyrics that represent the user's journey.

  • What is the role of suno.ai in the song creation process?

    -Suno.ai is used to generate music for the lyrics created by coze.ai, offering customization options to match the tone and feelings of the lyrics.

  • What kind of melody is chosen for the song in the example given in the script?

    -A gentle and romantic tune is chosen to align with the feelings expressed in the lyrics.

  • What is the prerequisite for successfully creating music according to the guide?

    -The prerequisite for successfully creating music is having a willingness to experiment and innovate, regardless of one's musical background.

  • How does the guide aim to support the user's musical journey?

    -The guide aims to serve as a starting point for the user's musical journey by providing a step-by-step process for creating a personalized song.

  • What is the final outcome of using both coze.ai and suno.ai as described in the script?

    -The final outcome is a musical track with lyrics and melody that represents the user's personal story and emotions.



🎡 Introduction to Song Creation

The video begins with a warm welcome from the musical guide, who introduces the topic of creating a heartwarming song for free. The guide outlines a step-by-step process to craft a song dedicated to a loved one, emphasizing the challenge of expressing deep emotions through music. The guide then mentions the use of coze.ai and suno.ai, two AI platforms, to help transform a personal narrative into a melodious track.



πŸ’‘musical guide

A musical guide refers to an individual or entity that provides assistance, direction, or instruction in the realm of music creation or appreciation. In the context of the video, the musical guide is the narrator who is teaching the viewers how to create a heartwarming song for their loved ones. This role is crucial as it helps bridge the gap between the viewer's desire to express themselves through music and the practical steps needed to achieve that goal.

πŸ’‘heartwarming song

A heartwarming song is a piece of music that evokes feelings of warmth, affection, and emotional connection, often intended to express love or appreciation for someone special. In the video, the heartwarming song is the end product that the viewers are encouraged to create, using their personal stories and emotions as the foundation for the lyrics and melody.


Coze.ai is mentioned as a platform or tool in the video that allows users to create a custom song lyric generator. This implies that coze.ai is a service designed for music creation, specifically for generating lyrics, and is user-friendly enough to be utilized by individuals without prior musical experience.


Suno.ai is referred to as a platform for music generation in the video. It is suggested that after creating the lyrics with coze.ai, users input those into suno.ai to generate music that matches the emotions and narrative of the lyrics. This indicates that suno.ai is a tool that helps in composing melodies and tunes for the created lyrics.

πŸ’‘lyric generator

A lyric generator is a tool or software that assists in the creation of song lyrics. It typically uses algorithms or artificial intelligence to produce text that fits the theme or story provided by the user. In the video, the lyric generator is a key component in the process of creating a personalized song, as it takes the user's personal story and transforms it into song lyrics.

πŸ’‘personal touches

Personal touches refer to the unique and individual elements that a person adds to a project or creation to make it more meaningful and reflective of their own experiences, feelings, or personality. In the context of the video, personal touches are the specific details from the user's relationship story that they input into the lyric generator to create a song that is uniquely theirs.

πŸ’‘musical background

A musical background typically refers to the knowledge, training, or experience one has in the field of music. It can include education in music theory, history, performance, or composition. In the video, the absence of a requirement for a musical background suggests that the tools provided are accessible and easy to use for everyone, regardless of their level of musical expertise.

πŸ’‘experiment and innovate

To experiment and innovate means to try out new methods, ideas, or approaches with the intention of discovering or creating something original or improved. In the context of the video, this phrase encourages viewers to be open to new experiences and creative processes in their music-making journey, using the provided tools to explore and produce a unique song.

πŸ’‘melodious track

A melodious track refers to a musical composition that is characterized by a pleasing and harmonious sequence of sounds or tunes. In the video, the term is used to describe the end result of the music creation process, which is a song that not only has meaningful lyrics but also a melody that is pleasing to the ear and complements the emotional content of the lyrics.

πŸ’‘musical journey

A musical journey metaphorically describes the process of creating, learning, and growing in the field of music. It encompasses the experiences, challenges, and achievements one encounters while engaging with music. In the video, the musical journey is the path that viewers are embarking on as they learn to create a song, with the ultimate goal of expressing their emotions and stories through music.


Creating a heartwarming song for free using coze.ai and suno.ai

Dedicated to creating a song for a loved one

Step-by-step guide for crafting song lyrics and melody

Using coze.ai to create a custom song lyric generator

Naming the bot 'Lyric Generation Robot' for clarity

Describing the bot's function for better lyric generation

Creating an avatar that represents the bot's purpose

Inputting personal stories and hopes for the future

Transforming personal narratives into captivating lyrics

Moving to suno.ai for music generation

Choosing a musical tune that matches the song's theme

Creating a melody that aligns with the song's story

No musical background required, just creativity and innovation

The guide serves as a starting point for one's musical journey

Thank you and until next time closing