How To Create A Hit Song With Suno ai V3, Plus Tips And Tricks

Chris Unlocks AI
5 Apr 202443:54

TLDRIn this tutorial, Chris demonstrates how to create a hit song using Suno ai V3, detailing the process from start to finish. He shares tips on adding instrumentals, adjusting vocals, and fine-tuning the track for an upbeat pop sound. Despite some imperfections, Chris showcases the capabilities of Suno ai V3 in crafting a catchy, radio-ready song, complete with a walkthrough of editing and mastering the final product.


  • ๐ŸŽต The video is a tutorial on creating a hit song using Suno ai V3, including tips and tricks for the process.
  • ๐ŸŽน Suno ai V3 is used to generate a song from start to finish, with the ability to add instrumentals, bass, drums, and other elements.
  • ๐Ÿš€ The video demonstrates how to use the free version of Suno ai V3, noting that some features are temporarily restricted to subscribers.
  • ๐Ÿ“ The creator uses Wikipedia to research 'Uptown Funk' for inspiration, focusing on its genre, key, and tempo.
  • ๐ŸŽค The process involves generating a prompt based on the desired song characteristics, such as 'Funk pop, Boogie disco song with light EDM influence'.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The video shows how to iterate and refine the song by trying different prompts and listening to the generated results.
  • ๐ŸŒ‰ The creator discusses the possibility of adding bridges and other song elements to create a more complex structure.
  • ๐ŸŽง Tips are given on how to manipulate the song's elements, such as making it base-only or adjusting the spoken parts.
  • ๐Ÿ”„ The video highlights the use of parentheses for structuring song parts like Chorus, Verse, and Bridge.
  • ๐Ÿ“š The creator suggests using the Explorer library to find inspiration from other users' public libraries and prompts.
  • ๐ŸŽน The video concludes with the creator making edits in Logic and discussing the potential of AI-generated songs to be radio hits.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is creating a hit song using Suno ai V3, including tips and tricks for the process.

  • Which version of Suno ai is the video focusing on?

    -The video is focusing on Suno ai V3.

  • What kind of song was the creator inspired to make?

    -The creator was inspired to make an upbeat pop song similar to 'Uptown Funk' with male vocals.

  • What was the key and BPM used for the song creation?

    -The key used was D and the BPM was 115.

  • How did the creator generate the initial prompt for the song?

    -The creator generated the initial prompt by referring to the Wikipedia page for 'Uptown Funk' and using its description.

  • What is a technique used in the video to improve the song?

    -One technique used is adding custom elements like a bridge or additional chorus, and experimenting with different instrumental and vocal settings.

  • What issue did the creator encounter with the generated song?

    -The creator encountered issues with the song not finishing properly and needing to manually edit parts of the song.

  • How does the creator plan to further refine the song?

    -The creator plans to use a digital audio workstation (DAW) like Logic to splice, edit, and master the song for a polished finish.

  • What feature does the creator wish Suno ai had forๆ›ดๆ–นไพฟ็š„็ผ–่พ‘?

    -The creator wishes Suno ai had stems with MIDI support for easier editing.

  • What was the final outcome of the song creation process?

    -The final outcome was a song that the creator considered to be radio-ready, which they planned to further refine in a DAW.

  • What advice does the creator give to others using Suno ai for song creation?

    -The creator advises users to experiment with different prompts, explore public libraries for inspiration, and not be afraid to make edits to achieve the desired result.



๐ŸŽถ Introduction to COV V3 and Song Creation

The paragraph introduces the audience to an episode focused on utilizing COV V3 for creating a song from start to finish. The host, Chris, discusses the capabilities of the software, such as adding instrumentals, bass, drums, and other embellishments. He shares his experience with the software, mentioning the free version and the temporary restrictions for subscribers due to system upgrades. Chris outlines his process of generating a prompt based on the description of 'Uptown Funk,' including its genre, key, and tempo, and demonstrates the creation process by hitting the 'create' button to generate the song's content.


๐ŸŽต Customizing the Song Structure and Elements

In this paragraph, Chris delves into customizing the song's structure by using COV V3's custom mode. He talks about adding a bridge and another chorus to the song, and experimenting with different configurations like base-only sections. Chris also discusses the use of parentheses for adding specific elements and shares his attempts at creating a unique song structure. He mentions the possibility of using public libraries in the software to draw inspiration from others' creations and provides a detailed account of his efforts to fine-tune the song, including adjusting the ending and exploring various editing techniques.


๐ŸŽน Exploring Prompts and Song Manipulation

Chris continues to experiment with different prompts and song manipulation techniques in COV V3. He talks about adding a robotic, funky French new disco element to the instrumental and shares his prompts for musical introduction, lowering course, and outro. Chris emphasizes the importance of recognizing and using prompts effectively to achieve the desired song elements. He also discusses the challenges of editing and perfecting the song, such as dealing with glitches and incomplete endings. Chris provides a comprehensive walkthrough of his attempts to improve the song, including picking up from a specific timestamp and trying different editing approaches.


๐ŸŽง Splicing and Exporting the Final Song

The paragraph focuses on the final stages of song creation, where Chris talks about splicing the song together seamlessly and exporting it. He expresses his wish for more advanced editing features within COV V3, such as stems with MIDI and a web-based editor for precise modifications. Chris demonstrates how to pick up from a specific point in the song and adjust its ending. He also discusses the importance of mastering the song for improved sound quality and shares his plans to use software like Logic for further editing and mastering. Chris provides a detailed account of his editing process, including cutting and adjusting parts of the song to achieve a radio-ready final product.


๐ŸŽผ Final Edits and Mastering

In the final paragraph, Chris discusses the process of fine-tuning the song's ending and preparing it for mastering. He shares his thoughts on the importance of leaving enough break in the song to maintain the listener's interest. Chris talks about his approach to cutting and adjusting the song's sections, including removing unwanted parts and aligning the vocal and instrumental tracks. He also mentions the challenges of combining different song elements and ensuring they work well together. Chris provides a detailed walkthrough of his editing process, highlighting the steps he took to achieve a polished and professional sound ready for radio play.


๐Ÿ™ Conclusion and Call to Action

Chris concludes the tutorial by thanking the viewers for their attention and encouraging them to ask questions or share their creations in the comments section. He expresses his willingness to help and support the audience in their own creative endeavors. Chris also shares his excitement about the potential of AI-created songs making it to the radio and invites the viewers to share their thoughts and feedback on the process he demonstrated.



๐Ÿ’กSuno ai V3

Suno ai V3 is a reference to an artificial intelligence music creation tool, presumably the third version of its kind. In the context of the video, it is used to generate a song from scratch, including various musical elements like vocals and instrumentals. The script mentions that the host has been using this tool to learn and improve, burning a lot of credits in the process.


Embellishments, in a musical context, refer to additional decorative notes or small rhythmic changes that are added to a melody or harmony to make it more interesting or expressive. In the video, the host discusses adding embellishments to the song such as different instrumental sections, like bass and drums, to enhance the overall composition.

๐Ÿ’กUpbeat Pop Song

An 'upbeat pop song' is a type of music that is characterized by its lively, energetic, and positive mood, often featuring catchy melodies and rhythms that are easy to dance to. In the script, the host expresses a desire to create a song similar to 'Uptown Funk', which is an example of an upbeat pop song with funk, pop, and soul influences.


Wikipedia is a free, open-source, online encyclopedia that allows users to access a vast amount of information on a multitude of topics. In the video, the host uses Wikipedia to research 'Uptown Funk' to understand its musical characteristics, such as key and tempo, to inform the creation of a similar song with Suno ai V3.

๐Ÿ’กFunk Pop

Funk Pop is a genre of music that combines elements of funk, which is known for its rhythmic groove and strong basslines, with pop music, which is characterized by its catchy hooks and wide appeal. In the script, the host aims to create a song that falls under this genre, with a light EDM influence and a focus on uplifting and energizing listeners.


BPM stands for 'beats per minute' and is a measure of the speed or tempo of a piece of music. In the context of the video, the host specifies that the desired song should be created with a tempo of 115 BPM, which is a moderate pace often found in upbeat dance music.


The chorus is a part of a song that is repeated after each verse and is typically characterized by a catchy and memorable melody and lyrics. In the video, the host discusses the importance of the chorus in the song and how it should have a 'pretty decent hook' to make it engaging and appealing to listeners.


A bridge in music is a section that connects different parts of a song, often providing contrast or a break from the main melody. In the script, the host talks about wanting to add a bridge to the song for variety and to create a more dynamic structure.

๐Ÿ’กCustom Mode

Custom Mode likely refers to a setting or feature within the Suno ai V3 software that allows users to tailor the generated music to their specific preferences or requirements. The host uses this mode to manipulate the song's structure and elements, such as adding a chorus and bridge, and experimenting with different instrumental arrangements.


Mastering is the final step in music production where the overall sound of the track is polished and optimized for playback across various audio systems. In the video, the host mentions the intention to master the AI-generated song using a program like Logic to enhance its sound quality and ensure it is radio-ready.


Exploring COV V3 for creating a hit song from start to finish.

Using Suno AI for generating music with specific embellishments like instrumentals, bass, and drums.

Getting inspired by Uptown Funk for creating an upbeat pop song with male vocals.

Describing the song's characteristics as a funk pop, boogie disco song with light EDM influence.

Utilizing Wikipedia's page for Uptown Funk to gather information for the music creation process.

Experimenting with different prompts to improve the AI's music generation.

Adding a bridge and another chorus to the song for structural variety.

Trying base-only and bridge-only sections to manipulate the song's arrangement.

Editing and splicing the generated music in a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) for final touches.

Continuing the song from a specific point by inputting the time stamp to refine the output.

Using public libraries in the Explorer to draw inspiration from other users' prompts and creations.

Experimenting with different styles and tempos to achieve the desired song feel.

Mastering the generated song using Logic Pro for a radio-ready sound.

Discussing the potential of AI-generated songs making it to the radio.

Sharing the final edited and mastered song for an engaging listener experience.