AI is Getting Terrifying

17 Feb 202411:11

TLDRThe video discusses the impact of OpenAI's new AI model, Sora, which can create highly realistic videos from text prompts. The creator expresses concern over the potential societal effects of this technology, including the spread of misinformation and the threat to jobs across various sectors. The video highlights the impressive capabilities of Sora and raises questions about the future of authenticity in media and the potential for AI to replace human creativity and labor.


  • 🚨 The speaker discusses the profound impact of learning about OpenAI's new project, Sora, which can create highly realistic videos from text prompts.
  • 🌟 Sora's AI model is capable of generating videos that are indistinguishable from reality, raising concerns about the future of trust in media content.
  • 🤖 The AI's ability to create such videos has improved significantly, to the point where even short, 8-second clips appear completely real.
  • 🎥 The speaker expresses concern that the availability of this technology will lead to widespread misinformation and a lack of trust in online content.
  • 📸 OpenAI currently restricts access to Sora to a select group of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers for feedback, but the speaker questions the true extent of this limitation.
  • 🌐 The internet is already a place of skepticism, but the speaker argues that AI-generated content will make discerning truth even more challenging.
  • 🏛️ The potential misuse of AI in creating fake videos could have legal implications, such as dismissed evidence in courts due to doubts about authenticity.
  • 👴 The speaker is particularly concerned about the impact on older generations who may be more susceptible to falling for AI-generated scams or misinformation.
  • 🤖 The advancement of AI in creative fields could lead to a loss of human jobs, as AI can potentially replace the work of artists and filmmakers.
  • 🏢 Non-creative jobs are not immune to the threat of AI replacement, and the speaker suggests that anyone without a highly specialized job should be concerned.
  • 🗑️ The speaker criticizes those who prioritize technology advancement over human creativity and expresses concern about the potential loss of human expression and hard work.

Q & A

  • What significant event from the speaker's childhood is mentioned in the beginning of the script?

    -The speaker recalls being five years old and learning that the sun will explode in a couple of billion years, which terrified them due to not understanding the concept of a billion.

  • What is the name of the AI model developed by OpenAI that the speaker discusses in the script?

    -The AI model discussed is called Sora, which is capable of creating highly realistic videos from text prompts.

  • What is the primary concern the speaker has about the release of AI-generated videos like those produced by Sora?

    -The speaker is concerned that these AI-generated videos pose a threat to humanity and society, as they can lead to an age of misinformation where people can no longer trust content on the internet.

  • According to the speaker, who is currently being granted access to use the Sora AI model?

    -OpenAI is granting access to a number of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to gather feedback on how to advance the model for creative professionals.

  • What is the speaker's prediction regarding the availability of AI-generated video technology to the general public?

    -The speaker predicts that it will likely take no more than a year before a service like Sora is offered to the public on a subscription basis.

  • How does the speaker feel about the potential impact of AI on creative jobs?

    -The speaker is worried that AI will replace human creativity in fields like art and filmmaking, as AI can generate content that would normally require the efforts of many people.

  • What example does the speaker give to illustrate the potential misuse of AI-generated videos?

    -The speaker mentions the possibility of using AI to create fake security footage of someone committing a crime and then sending it to the police, which could lead to false accusations.

  • What does the speaker suggest might be the attitude of 'Tech Bros' or Elon Musk fans towards AI advancements?

    -The speaker suggests that these groups might be overly enthusiastic about AI advancements, prioritizing technology over human creativity and not considering the potential negative consequences.

  • What is the speaker's concern about the impact of AI on jobs that are not highly specialized?

    -The speaker is concerned that AI, once trained on a job, could perform it better than a human, leading to job obsolescence and widespread unemployment.

  • What does the speaker predict will be the government's response to the challenges posed by AI?

    -The speaker predicts that the government will not take the issue seriously due to political stalemate, and that nothing will be done to address the potential problems caused by AI.

  • What is the speaker's final message to the viewers regarding the future with AI?

    -The speaker expresses a pessimistic view of the future with AI, suggesting that society is heading towards a reality filled with misinformation and potential misuse of technology, and encourages viewers to consider these implications.



😨 Encountering AI's Impact on Reality

The speaker shares two pivotal moments that significantly impacted their understanding of technology. The first was learning about the sun's eventual explosion, and the second was discovering OpenAI's new project, Sora. Sora is an AI model that can create hyper-realistic videos from text prompts, raising concerns about the potential for widespread misinformation. The speaker is alarmed by the implications of AI-generated content, fearing that it could erode trust in media and lead to a future where reality cannot be discerned from AI creations.


🚨 The Future of AI and its Societal Implications

The speaker delves into the potential negative consequences of AI technology, particularly focusing on the Sora AI model's ability to generate convincing videos. They envision a future where AI could be used maliciously, such as creating fake footage of crimes or manipulating evidence, leading to legal and ethical dilemmas. The speaker also expresses concern for older generations who may be more susceptible to falling for AI-generated scams, highlighting the urgent need for society to adapt and address the challenges posed by rapidly advancing AI technology.


🤔 Reflecting on AI's Role in Society and the Future

In the final paragraph, the speaker reflects on the mixed reactions to the discussion about AI's impact on society. They categorize dissenters into two groups: those who prioritize technological advancement above all else and those who underestimate the transformative power of AI. The speaker argues that AI's influence extends beyond the creative sector and could render many jobs obsolete. They conclude with a bleak outlook on the government's ability to effectively address the issue, fearing that inaction will lead to a future dominated by AI, with significant repercussions for humanity.



💡AI model

An AI model refers to a system designed to process input data and make predictions or decisions based on patterns it has learned during its training phase. In the context of the video, the AI model named Sora is capable of creating realistic videos from text prompts, raising concerns about the potential misuse and impact on society.


Reality refers to the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or fictional representation. The video emphasizes the challenge of discerning reality from AI-generated content, as the technology becomes advanced enough to create highly convincing fakes.


Misinformation is false or misleading information that is spread, regardless of the intent to deceive. The video highlights the potential for AI-generated content to exacerbate the spread of misinformation, as it becomes increasingly difficult to verify the authenticity of digital media.

💡Creative professionals

Creative professionals are individuals who work in fields that involve the creation of new ideas, art, or other forms of original content. The video mentions that OpenAI is granting access to a select group of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to provide feedback on the AI model, suggesting a potential shift in the creative industry.

💡Subscription-based service

A subscription-based service is a business model where users pay a recurring fee to access a product or service. The video speculates that AI-generated video technology like Sora could soon be available to the public through a subscription service, indicating a commercialization of this advanced technology.

💡Public eye

Public eye refers to individuals who are widely known or who receive significant attention from the public and media. In the video, the speaker expresses concern for people in the public eye, as AI-generated content could be used to create misleading or damaging portrayals of them.


A meme is a concept, behavior, or idea that spreads from person to person within a culture, often through imitation or viral content on the internet. The video uses the example of the sun exploding as a meme to illustrate the speaker's early realization of the potential for widespread dissemination of information, true or false.

💡Technical knowhow

Technical knowhow refers to the practical knowledge and skills required to perform a particular task, especially in a technical or specialized field. The video suggests that the AI model Sora reduces the need for technical knowhow in video creation, as it can generate content from simple text prompts.


Catastrophic refers to a sudden and extreme disaster or misfortune. In the video, the term is used to describe the potential negative impact of AI-generated content on society, particularly in terms of trust and the reliability of information.

💡Ransom videos

Ransom videos are recordings that are demanded as a form of payment, often in situations involving kidnapping or extortion. The video discusses the potential for AI-generated content to be used maliciously, such as creating fake ransom videos to deceive and manipulate people.

💡Government regulation

Government regulation refers to the rules and restrictions imposed by a governing body to control certain activities or industries. The video suggests that government intervention may be necessary to address the societal impacts of AI technology, but also expresses skepticism about the likelihood of effective regulation.


The speaker shares a personal anecdote about learning information that had a profound impact on them, comparing it to the recent revelation about OpenAI's project Sora.

Project Sora is an AI model capable of creating highly realistic videos from text prompts, raising concerns about the potential for widespread misinformation.

The speaker expresses their fear about the rapid advancement of AI and its potential to replace human creativity and jobs, especially in the creative industry.

OpenAI's current approach to Sora involves granting access to a select group of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers to gather feedback for model improvement.

The speaker speculates on the likelihood of AI-generated video services becoming publicly available within a short timeframe.

The implications of AI-generated media extend to trustworthiness in online content, with photos and videos no longer being reliable evidence.

The speaker highlights the potential for AI to cause significant harm to society, particularly in the realm of public figures and misinformation.

The level of detail and realism in AI-generated videos is so high that it's difficult to discern them from real-life footage.

The speaker discusses the potential misuse of AI in creating fake videos for malicious purposes, such as scamming or defamation.

The impact of AI on older generations is discussed, with concerns about increased susceptibility to scams and misinformation.

The speaker satirizes a potential retirement plan involving AI, illustrating the potential for misuse of the technology.

The speaker addresses two groups who may not fully recognize the severity of AI's impact: tech enthusiasts and those who dismiss the issue.

The potential for AI to replace non-creative jobs is highlighted, urging individuals to consider the future of their work in the face of AI advancements.

The speaker criticizes the mindset that values technology over human creativity and expresses concern for the loss of human-made art and media.

The video concludes with a call for government action on AI, predicting a stalemate in addressing the issue due to political polarization.

The speaker ends on a pessimistic note about the future with AI, suggesting a potential takeover by robots and the end of human significance.