AI tools for writers

58keys William Gallagher
15 May 202417:21

TLDRIn this episode of 58 Keys, William Gallagher discusses the integration of AI tools in the writing process. He shares his experiences with AI transcription for interviews, emphasizing the importance of keeping the original audio recording for accuracy. Gallagher also highlights the use of AI in image enhancement and the reliance on AI for research and information gathering, specifically mentioning the AI tool 'Perplexity'. Despite acknowledging its occasional inaccuracies, he appreciates its efficiency and plans to upgrade to the Pro version. The video concludes with a look forward to Apple's WWDC on June 10th, where new AI tools are expected to be revealed, reinforcing the notion that AI tools are the future for writers.


  • 📝 The integration of AI tools in writing is becoming more prevalent and useful, even if we don't always recognize them as AI.
  • 🔍 William Gallagher, the host of 58 Keys, has incorporated AI into his writing business without initially realizing it.
  • 🎤 For interviews, William prefers not to use AI during the recording process but relies on AI for transcription afterwards, keeping the original audio for reference.
  • 📱 Whisper Memos is an example of an app that can transcribe speech in real-time, but William chooses to transcribe audio recordings through Whisper Transcription for accuracy.
  • 📌 William emphasizes the importance of keeping the original audio recording to verify the AI-generated transcript if needed.
  • 🖼️ AI is also useful for image enhancement; William uses pixel Pro's super resolution feature to upscale older images for modern high-resolution screens.
  • 🔎 Perplexity DoAI is a tool that William uses for research, which can sometimes outperform Google in providing direct answers from source material.
  • 🤖 Despite some inaccuracies, Perplexity DoAI has become an integral part of William's research process, often used before resorting to Google.
  • 📉 William cautions that AI tools are not perfect and should be used as a support to, not a replacement for, human judgment and effort.
  • 📅 Apple's WWDC on June 10th is anticipated to reveal more AI tools, which are expected to be practical and specific to task completion rather than general chat applications.
  • 🚀 William predicts that once the hype around AI dies down, we will be left with useful tools that enhance our capabilities without replacing the need for human creativity and effort.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the video?

    -The main topic of discussion is the use of AI tools for writers, specifically focusing on how AI has been integrated into the writing process without the user always being aware of it.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on using AI for transcribing interviews?

    -The speaker is against using AI solely for transcribing interviews. They believe it's important to keep the original audio recording for reference and verification purposes.

  • What AI tool does the speaker mention for transcription purposes?

    -The speaker mentions using a Mac app called Whisper Transcription for transcribing audio recordings after the fact.

  • What is the issue with relying solely on AI for interview transcriptions?

    -Relying solely on AI for transcriptions can lead to inaccuracies that cannot be verified without the original audio. It also presents a problem if an interviewee disputes the quoted content, as there is no way to check the original recording.

  • What is the speaker's view on AI tools replacing human writers?

    -The speaker believes that AI tools will not replace human writers. Instead, they will serve as useful tools to assist in the writing process.

  • What AI tool is mentioned for enhancing the resolution of images?

    -The speaker mentions using an app called Pixel Pro and its super resolution feature to enhance the resolution of old, small images.

  • How does the speaker describe their experience with the AI tool Perplexity?

    -The speaker describes Perplexity as a useful tool that has changed how they conduct certain tasks. However, they also acknowledge that it has provided incorrect information at times.

  • What is the speaker's recommendation regarding the use of AI tools in writing?

    -The speaker recommends using AI tools like Perplexity but advises caution and verification, especially when accuracy is crucial.

  • What is the significance of the Apple WWDC event mentioned in the video?

    -The Apple WWDC event is significant as it is rumored to introduce new AI tools that will help users get things done more efficiently, potentially including AI features for Siri.

  • What is the speaker's stance on AI tools for scriptwriting?

    -The speaker is adamant about not using AI for scriptwriting. They believe that if a writer cannot be bothered to write a script, there is no reason for anyone else to read it.

  • What is the general outlook for AI tools in the future according to the speaker?

    -The speaker is optimistic about the future of AI tools, predicting that once the hype settles down and issues like job losses and copyright problems are resolved, AI will provide useful tools for writers.



📅 Live Episodes and AI in Writing Tools

The speaker, William Gallagher, proposes hosting live episodes called '58 Keys' monthly to discuss topics related to writing, AI, and other areas where the audience might need answers. He invites comments on desired topics and expresses his belief that despite the hype, AI will eventually provide useful tools for writers. He shares his experience with AI tools that he has been using without realizing their AI nature, such as autocorrect and email categorization. He also introduces a new AI writing tool that has made him realize his dependency on AI in his writing business.


🎤 AI Transcription and Interview Recording

Gallagher discusses his approach to recording interviews, emphasizing the importance of keeping the original audio recording rather than relying solely on AI transcription. He mentions using the Whisper transcription app on his Mac after the interview to create transcripts, which has become an essential part of his workflow. He also shares an anecdote about how an audio recording helped verify a statement during an interview that led to significant consequences for a TV executive.


📚 AI Tools in Research and Image Enhancement

The speaker highlights his use of AI tools for research and image enhancement in his writing business. He talks about using the Wayback Machine to find old images and an AI tool called Pixel Pro to increase their resolution for modern screens. He also mentions using an AI tool called Perplexity for searches, which sometimes provides more direct answers than Google. He provides examples where Perplexity was useful, such as finding public transport information and verifying facts for news stories, but also acknowledges instances where it provided incorrect information.


🚀 Embracing AI Tools for the Future of Writing

Gallagher expresses optimism about the future of AI tools for writers, stating that once the hype and challenges are overcome, these tools will prove invaluable. He recommends the AI tool Perplexity, despite having found some errors in its outputs, for its usefulness in his work. He concludes the episode by reiterating the importance of AI tools in the writing process and hints at upcoming AI developments from Apple that could further enhance productivity.



💡AI tools for writers

AI tools for writers refer to applications and software that utilize artificial intelligence to assist in the writing process. In the video, these tools are discussed as being increasingly integrated into the workflow of writers, enhancing productivity and offering new ways to approach content creation. The host mentions using AI for transcription and research, which demonstrates the practical applications of AI in the writing industry.

💡Live 58 Keys

Live 58 Keys is a reference to a potential live episode or interactive session related to the 58 Keys video series. The host suggests doing a live session to discuss topics related to writing and AI, indicating a desire to engage with the audience and share knowledge in a more dynamic format.

💡AI transcription

AI transcription is a technology that converts spoken language into written text using artificial intelligence. The host of the video discusses their reliance on AI transcription for converting interview recordings into text, highlighting its efficiency and the shift away from manual transcription methods.

💡Whisper Memos

Whisper Memos is an application mentioned in the video that provides transcription services. It is used to transcribe spoken words into text in real-time, which can be particularly useful for writers who need to capture and organize their thoughts or interview content quickly.

💡Perplexity DoAI

Perplexity DoAI is an AI-powered search tool that the host uses as an alternative to traditional search engines like Google. It is showcased as a tool that can provide detailed and summarized information from various sources, which can be beneficial for research and fact-checking in writing.

💡Pixel Pro

Pixel Pro is an application with a super resolution feature that uses AI to enhance the quality of images, making them suitable for higher resolution screens. The host uses this tool to upscale older images for use in contemporary articles, demonstrating how AI can improve the visual aspects of writing content.

💡AI recording app

An AI recording app is a type of software that uses AI to record and transcribe interviews or other spoken content. The host expresses concerns about relying solely on AI for recording interviews due to the potential for inaccuracies and the lack of an original audio recording for verification purposes.

💡Voice Memos on iOS

Voice Memos on iOS is a native application on Apple devices that allows users to record audio. The host mentions that the app automatically labeled a recording with a location name, showcasing how AI can assist in organizing and categorizing content without manual input.

💡AI and job impact

The impact of AI on jobs is a topic of discussion in the video, where the host expresses the belief that despite the hype and potential job displacement, useful AI tools will remain as they have already been integrated into many aspects of the writing process. This reflects on the broader societal conversation about AI's role in the future of work.

💡Apple's WWDC

Apple's WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) is an annual event where Apple announces new software and technologies. The host anticipates that future AI tools specific to productivity and task completion will be revealed at the conference, indicating the ongoing development and integration of AI in consumer technology.

💡Co-Pilot Microsoft

Co-Pilot Microsoft is mentioned in the context of potential AI tools that may be integrated with other systems like Siri in the future. It represents the ongoing development of AI assistants and their increasing role in aiding various tasks, including writing.


The speaker, William Gallagher, discusses the integration of AI tools in the writing process and their potential impact on the future of writing.

AI tools are already being used in everyday writing tasks, such as spell correction and email categorization, without being explicitly recognized as AI.

The addition of a specific AI writing tool, Fullon AI, to the speaker's writing business made him realize the extent of AI's current involvement in his work.

The speaker shares three examples from his writing business where AI has become indispensable, including transcription services, image enhancement, and research assistance.

Despite concerns about accuracy, the speaker has not transcribed an interview by hand for at least three years, relying on AI transcription instead.

The use of AI for transcription is preferred as long as the original audio recording is kept for reference.

Voice Memos on iOS can automatically label recordings with location information, showcasing AI's ability to add metadata without user intervention.

Pixel Pro's super resolution feature is used to enhance old, small images for modern high-resolution screens, demonstrating AI's utility in image processing.

Perplexity DoAI is praised for its ability to provide detailed information and summaries from source websites, offering a more comprehensive search experience than traditional search engines.

The speaker highlights the importance of AI tools providing their sources transparently, allowing for verification and trust in the information.

Despite some inaccuracies, Perplexity DoAI has become the speaker's primary search tool due to its reliability and convenience.

The speaker anticipates upgrading to the Pro version of Perplexity DoAI, indicating a high level of satisfaction with the free version.

AI tools are expected to evolve into more specific, task-oriented applications rather than general chat applications, according to the speaker's insights.

Apple's rumored integration of AI tools into Siri in future iOS versions is discussed, suggesting a potential shift in how AI is incorporated into everyday devices.

The speaker expresses a personal preference against using AI for scriptwriting, valuing the human touch in creative writing.

AI's role in the future of writing is seen as supportive rather than replacement, with tools enhancing the writing process rather than taking over creative tasks.

The episode concludes with a reminder of the importance of AI tools in the writing industry and their potential to shape the future of the profession.