Make AI Articles human written in 2 minutes - Free AI detector for article writers

African Giant by Blessing Kolawole
5 Mar 202409:26

TLDRThe video script introduces a method to transform AI-generated content into human-like articles and check originality. The presenter tests various platforms, including GPT,, Zero GPT, Copyleaks, and AI Detector Pro, to evaluate their effectiveness in detecting AI-written content. The results vary significantly among platforms, with Zero GPT and AI Detector Pro performing well. The video also explores the use of WriteHuman for converting AI content to a more human-like style, offering a free trial. Ultimately, the advice is to write articles directly to avoid potential issues with AI detection and originality.


  • 🌟 The introduction of a tool that can transform AI-generated content to mimic human writing and also check the originality of content.
  • 🛠️ The tool is available for free and has a simple two-step process for users to follow.
  • 📝 The first step involves writing a document using AI, in this case, a piece written with GPT 3.5 about strengthening the naira against the dollar.
  • 🔍 The second step is to check the document on various platforms to determine if the content is AI-generated or human-written and to gauge the percentage of AI involvement.
  • 📊 Different platforms provided varying results, with some identifying the content as mostly AI-generated and others as mostly human-generated.
  • 💡 The best performing platforms in detecting AI content were Zero GPT and AI Detector Pro, with 100% and 98% AI writing detection respectively.
  • 🚫 The worst performing platform was, which identified only 69% of the content as AI-generated.
  • 📑 After testing, the document was further processed using WriteHuman to 'humanize' the AI text, resulting in a 92% human-like content.
  • 🔄 Even after processing, some AI detectors still flagged the content as AI-generated, indicating that results can vary between different AI detection tools.
  • 📝 The conclusion drawn from the experiment is that writing articles directly by humans is the most reliable method to ensure originality and avoid potential issues with AI-generated content.
  • 🎓 The video serves as a tutorial on how to write articles to avoid AI detection and ensure originality, offering a solution for bloggers and content creators.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the tool introduced in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of the tool introduced in the transcript is to transform AI-generated content into humanly written articles and to determine the originality of the content, specifically whether it is AI-written or not.

  • How many steps are mentioned in the process of using the AI writing document tool?

    -There are two steps mentioned in the process: the first is the introduction to the AI writing document tool, and the second involves checking the AI-generated content on various platforms for originality and AI detection.

  • What AI model is used to generate the document in the transcript?

    -The AI model used to generate the document in the transcript is GPT 3.5.

  • What topic was the AI writing about in the transcript?

    -The AI was writing about 'how to make naira stronger against dollars' in the transcript.

  • How many platforms were used to check the AI-generated document in the transcript?

    -Five platforms were used to check the AI-generated document in the transcript.

  • What was the highest percentage of AI-generated content detected by a platform in the transcript?

    -The highest percentage of AI-generated content detected by a platform was 100% by Zero GPT.

  • What was the lowest percentage of human-generated content detected by a platform in the transcript?

    -The lowest percentage of human-generated content detected was 69% by, which indicated the content was not fully human-generated.

  • Which platform provided a free trial for AI content transformation?

    -Writehuman.a provided a free trial for AI content transformation, allowing up to three free requests upon sign-up.

  • What was the recommendation given in the transcript for writing articles?

    -The recommendation given in the transcript for writing articles is to write them directly by oneself, especially for blog use, to avoid potential issues with AI-generated content detection and plagiarism.

  • What was the final outcome after using the humanization tool on the AI-generated content?

    -After using the humanization tool, the content was detected as 92% human by Writehuman.a, but some AI detectors still flagged it as AI-generated.

  • How much does the unlimited report cost on AI detector Pro?

    -The unlimited report on AI detector Pro costs about $25 per month.



🤖 Introduction to AI Writing Detection Tools

The paragraph introduces viewers to various AI writing detection tools that can identify whether content is AI-generated or human-written. The speaker demonstrates the process using a piece of content written by an AI model, specifically GPT 3.5, on the topic of strengthening the naira against the dollar. They test the content on five different platforms to see which ones can accurately detect AI writing, with a focus on the ease of use and accuracy of each tool. The platforms tested include GPT Zme,, zero GPT, copy leaks, and AI detector Pro. The results vary, with zero GPT and AI detector Pro performing the best in detecting AI writing, while gives the lowest AI detection percentage.


💰 Cost and Effectiveness of AI Writing Detection and Humanization Tools

This paragraph discusses the cost associated with using AI writing detection tools and the effectiveness of AI content humanization services. The speaker compares the pricing plans of different platforms, such as AI detector, copy scape, and copy, which offer monthly subscriptions for a certain number of AI detection reports. They also introduce a platform called Write human, which allows for a limited number of free requests before requiring payment. The speaker then demonstrates how to use Write human to humanize the AI-generated content, resulting in a more human-like article. After humanization, the content is rechecked on the AI detection platforms, with some showing the content as humanly written and others still flagging it as AI-generated. The speaker concludes by advising that writing articles directly is the best approach to avoid potential issues with AI detection and content originality, especially for blog usage where the detection software used by search engines like Google can vary.



💡AI-generated content

AI-generated content refers to any content, such as articles, essays, or reports, that are produced by artificial intelligence algorithms rather than human authors. In the context of the video, the main theme revolves around the challenges and tools related to identifying and transforming AI-generated content to mimic human writing. The video demonstrates how AI can produce content on a topic like 'how to make naira stronger against dollars' and the subsequent steps to verify and modify the content to ensure originality.


Originality refers to the quality of being unique, creative, and not copied or imitated from other sources. In the video, the concept of originality is crucial as it discusses the importance of ensuring that content is not only AI-generated but also appears to be human-written and non-plagiarized. The various platforms mentioned in the video analyze the content's originality and determine whether it is likely to have been created by a human or an AI.

💡AI writing documents

AI writing documents are texts created by artificial intelligence systems that can mimic the writing style of a human author. These systems use complex algorithms and machine learning models to generate content that can range from simple texts to complex articles. In the video, the focus is on using AI to write a document about strengthening the naira and then transforming it to seem as if it were written by a human.

💡Content verification

Content verification is the process of checking the authenticity and originality of content, particularly to determine if it has been AI-generated or human-written. The video script discusses various platforms that offer content verification services, which can assess the likelihood of a document being generated by AI and provide a percentage score indicating its originality.

💡Platform comparison

The video script includes a detailed comparison of different online platforms that specialize in detecting AI-generated content and assessing originality. By comparing the results from these platforms, the video aims to identify the most reliable and accurate tools for content verification, highlighting the discrepancies in their analysis and the importance of choosing the right platform for content verification purposes.

💡Humanization of AI text

Humanization of AI text refers to the process of modifying or editing AI-generated content to make it appear as though it was written by a human. This may involve rephrasing, adding personal touches, or making other adjustments to mimic human writing style. The video discusses using specific platforms that offer services to humanize AI text, with the goal of increasing the percentage of human-like content in the final output.

💡Free vs. paid services

The video script explores the differences between free and paid services offered by various platforms for content verification and humanization. While some platforms offer limited free trials or a certain number of free requests, others require a subscription or payment to access their full range of services. The video highlights the importance of understanding what each platform offers and the potential costs involved.

💡Disposable emails

Disposable emails are temporary email addresses that can be used for one-time use, often to sign up for services without revealing one's real email. In the video, the concept of disposable emails is discussed as a strategy to take advantage of free trials on platforms that limit the number of free content verifications or humanization requests.

💡Write human

Write human refers to the process of transforming AI-generated or machine-like text into content that appears to be written by a human, with natural language and a personal touch. The video mentions a platform called 'Write human' that offers services to humanize AI text, allowing users to input AI-generated content and receive a version that is more likely to be perceived as human-written.

💡Content originality and plagiarism

Content originality and plagiarism are central themes in the video. Originality refers to the uniqueness of content, while plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work without proper attribution. The video emphasizes the importance of creating original content and avoiding plagiarism, especially when using AI-generated texts that may inadvertently copy existing works.

💡Writing articles directly

Writing articles directly means composing content using one's own thoughts, ideas, and writing style, rather than relying on AI-generated content. The video concludes with a recommendation to write articles by oneself whenever possible to ensure originality and avoid the complexities and potential issues associated with AI-generated content and its verification.


A revolutionary tool is introduced that can transform AI-generated content to humanly written articles in seconds.

The platform can also determine the originality of content and whether it is AI-written.

The AI writing document is created using a tool like GPT 3.5, focusing on a topic such as 'how to make naira stronger against dollars'.

Five different platforms are used to check the AI-generated content, each providing a percentage of AI-generated text.

GPT Zme detected a 96% probability of AI-generated content. indicated 69% human-generated content, which was the lowest confidence among the platforms.

Zero GPT and Copyleaks identified the content as 100% AI-generated.

AI detector Pro, after registration, reported 98% AI writing.

The platforms offer services to erase AI content and humanize documents, but most require payment.

Writehuman.a offers a free trial for a limited number of words to convert AI content to human-like text.

After humanizing the AI content with Writehuman.a, the text was rated 92% human.

Upon re-checking the humanized content, some platforms still flagged it as AI-generated, with varying percentages.

The best recommendation is to write articles directly to avoid issues with AI-generated content and potential detection by different platforms.

The tutorial aims to teach how to write articles to avoid plagiarism and ensure originality.

The differences in detection percentages among platforms highlight the variability in AI content analysis.

The use of disposable emails is suggested for trialing services that limit free usage.

The importance of original content is emphasized for blog usage to prevent potential conflicts with search engine algorithms.