
Master Tang
12 Apr 202310:07

TLDRThe video introduces a method to create a children's book business leveraging AI technology, from generating story ideas to producing high-quality illustrations without effort or cost. It showcases how a simple children's book can generate significant passive income, as exemplified by high-selling books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. The process involves using Chatbot for story creation, AI art generators like Midjourney for illustrations, and Canva for combining text and images to produce a professional-looking storybook. The video offers a step-by-step guide to creating a children's book for passive income, emphasizing the ease and affordability of the process.


  • 📈 The video introduces a method to create a children's book business leveraging AI technology, generating a passive income of over 2.5 million yen.
  • 🚀 The process starts with generating ideas for a children's book using AI, from the main content to high-quality illustrations.
  • 📚 A simple children's book sold on Amazon has managed to earn over 2.5 million yen, inspiring the creation of a similar business model.
  • 💡 The video promises valuable information not found elsewhere, using AI technology to create a book that can generate a passive income while the creator sleeps.
  • 🛠️ The creation of the book involves using AI to generate story ideas, outlines, and detailed scenes for each chapter.
  • 🎨 AI art generators, such as Midjourney, are used to create 100% free illustrations for the book, eliminating the need to pay thousands of yen to artists.
  • 📖 The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use ChatGPT to generate the story and Midjourney to create the illustrations, combining them into a professional-looking storybook.
  • 📝 Camba is recommended as a user-friendly platform for combining the generated text and images into a storybook, without requiring design skills and available for free.
  • 💰 The final steps include publishing the book on Amazon and encouraging viewers to subscribe to the channel for future videos.
  • 📌 The script emphasizes the efficiency and creativity of using AI technology to rapidly generate story ideas and content, making the process accessible to many.
  • 🔗 The video provides links to necessary resources, such as Midjourney's Discord server and Camba, to facilitate the creation process.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about creating a children's book business using AI technology to generate ideas, content, and illustrations, and publishing them on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing for passive income.

  • How much income can be generated from selling a simple children's book on Amazon?

    -The video mentions that a simple children's book can generate over 2.5 million yen in passive income, based on the sales and the number of copies sold.

  • How can one use AI technology to create a children's book?

    -AI technology can be used to generate ideas for the book, create the main content, and produce high-quality illustrations. The video specifically mentions using Chatbot for story generation and Midjourney for AI art generation.

  • What is the first step in creating a children's book as described in the video?

    -The first step is to generate ideas for the book. The video demonstrates using a Chatbot to come up with a title and story idea for a children's book.

  • How does the video suggest creating the story outline?

    -The video suggests using the Chatbot to generate a detailed outline for the story, including scenes for each chapter, based on the initial story idea.

  • What is the role of AI art generators like Midjourney in the book creation process?

    -AI art generators like Midjourney are used to create all the illustrations for the book based on the story outline and descriptions, without the need to hire an artist.

  • How long does it take to generate illustrations for a book using AI?

    -The video does not specify an exact time, but it implies that the process is relatively quick, as the user can generate and scale images within minutes using AI art generators.

  • What platform is used for publishing the book according to the video?

    -The platform used for publishing the book is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

  • How does the video suggest combining the text and illustrations?

    -The video suggests using a platform like Camba to upload the AI-generated images and add the text from the Chatbot-generated story. Users can then adjust the design, colors, and fonts to their liking.

  • What is the final step in the book creation process as per the video?

    -The final step is to save the book as a PDF print file and publish it on Amazon.

  • What is the main advantage of using AI in the book creation process?

    -The main advantage is that it allows for the creation of a children's book without the need for writing skills or hiring an artist, making the process accessible and cost-effective, and enabling the generation of passive income.



📚 Creating a Children's Book Business with AI

This paragraph introduces the concept of generating a passive income by creating a children's book business using AI technology. The video promises to guide viewers through the process, from idea generation to producing high-quality illustrations with AI. It starts by sharing the discovery of a successful children's book on Amazon that has earned over 2.5 million yen and emphasizes the potential of using AI to create a similar product. The video encourages viewers interested in passive income to watch till the end, as it contains valuable information not found elsewhere.


🎨 Utilizing AI for Story and Illustration Creation

The second paragraph delves into the specifics of using AI to generate both the story and illustrations for a children's book. It explains how the user found the idea for their book while searching for new business ideas on Amazon. The paragraph details the process of using Chatbot to generate story ideas and outlines, and then using AI art generators like Midjourney to create illustrations based on the story's themes. The user shares their experience with the AI art generator, explaining how they were able to quickly generate images that fit the story's style and how viewers can also try it for free. The paragraph concludes by summarizing the steps taken to create the book's content and encourages viewers to try the process themselves.



💡AI Technology

AI Technology refers to the use of artificial intelligence to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI is used to generate ideas for children's books, create high-quality illustrations, and automate the process of writing and publishing. This technology is central to the video's theme of creating a passive income through the automation and ease of content creation.

💡Passive Income

Passive income refers to earnings that are generated with minimal effort and continue to arrive without continuous work. In the video, the concept is introduced as a way to earn money by publishing children's books on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, leveraging AI technology to automate the creation and publishing process, allowing the author to earn money even while not actively working on new content.

💡Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a platform that allows authors and publishers to independently publish their books directly to the Amazon marketplace. In the video, it is presented as a tool for publishing AI-generated children's books, emphasizing the ease of use and the potential for authors to earn royalties from their work without any upfront costs.

💡Book Idea Generation

Book idea generation is the process of coming up with creative concepts for a book. In the video, this is achieved through the use of AI chatbots, which are fed prompts related to children's books to produce engaging and marketable titles and stories. This process is crucial for the video's narrative as it sets the foundation for the creation of a book that can generate passive income.


Illustration refers to the creation of visual representations, such as drawings or pictures, that accompany and enhance the text in a book. In the context of the video, AI art generators are used to produce high-quality illustrations that match the story's theme and content, eliminating the need for hiring professional artists and reducing costs.

💡Story Outline

A story outline is a structured plan that summarizes the main points and sequence of events in a narrative. It serves as a guide for writers to organize their ideas and ensure a coherent flow of the story. In the video, the outline is generated by an AI chatbot, providing a detailed scene-by-scene breakdown that helps in crafting the final book content.

💡AI Art Generator

An AI art generator is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create original images based on textual prompts or descriptions provided by users. These generators are leveraged in the video to produce illustrations for the children's book, offering a cost-effective and efficient alternative to hiring human artists.


Midjourney is an AI art generator mentioned in the video that is used to create illustrations for the children's book. It is praised for providing a high-quality experience and for being able to generate images that align with the user's vision. The use of Midjourney exemplifies the video's theme of leveraging AI technology to streamline the book creation process.


Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create visual content, such as presentations, social media graphics, and books, with ease. In the video, Canva is used to combine the AI-generated text and illustrations into a professional-looking storybook format, emphasizing its user-friendly interface and suitability for beginners.


Publishing refers to the process of making written content, such as books, available to the public. In the video, publishing is discussed in the context of using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing to release AI-generated children's books, highlighting the simplicity and accessibility of self-publishing in the digital age.

💡Book Creation Process

The book creation process encompasses the steps involved in producing a book, from conceptualization and writing to illustration and publication. The video presents a streamlined version of this process, utilizing AI technology to automate and simplify each step, from generating book ideas and writing the story to creating illustrations and publishing the final product.

💡Digital Marketplace

A digital marketplace is an online platform where goods or services are bought and sold. In the video, Amazon is presented as a digital marketplace where the AI-generated children's books can be published and sold, reaching a wide audience globally and providing opportunities for authors to earn a passive income.


The video introduces a method to create a children's book business using AI technology, generating a passive income of over 2.5 million yen.

The book idea was discovered while scrolling on Amazon, revealing a simple children's book earning sellers a significant amount.

The book has nearly 2000 reviews, and with a product price of 1287 yen, the seller earns over 2.5 million yen from this book alone.

Another book is earning over 800,000 yen with the same pricing strategy, showcasing the profitability of this business model.

Books can be published for free using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, making it an accessible platform for authors.

The video promises valuable information not found elsewhere, appealing to those interested in passive income opportunities.

A story idea for a children's book is generated using a chatbot, starting with the title 'Magic Garden' and refining it to 'Tommy and Timmy's Adventure: The Lost Treasure'.

The story is targeted at children aged 5 to 8, involving two young friends embarking on an adventure to find a lost treasure hidden in the jungle.

The outline for the story is created with the help of a chatbot, providing detailed scenes for each chapter.

The video demonstrates how to use AI technology to generate the story content without the need for manual writing.

AI art generators are introduced as a means to create high-quality illustrations for the book at no cost.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on using AI art generators like Midjourney to generate images based on the story's themes.

The process of upscaling and creating variations of the generated images is explained, offering customization options for the book's illustrations.

Combining the generated text and images, the video outlines how to create a professional-looking storybook using Canva.

Canva is praised for its user-friendly design, allowing beginners to create storybooks without design skills and for free.

The final step is to publish the book on Amazon, completing the process of creating a passive income stream through children's books.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe to the channel for future content and to press the like button if they enjoyed the video.