
23 Sept 202308:41

TLDRIn this video, the creator shares their experience with generating anime-style images using an IP adapter. They test various characters and parameters, including the priestess from 'Goblin Slayer' and the original witch Kiki-chan from 'Kiki's Delivery Service'. The creator discusses the challenges of capturing the unique design elements of anime characters and the influence of the model used. They also touch upon the recent news of Nippon Television acquiring Studio Ghibli, speculating on the potential impact on the distribution of Ghibli's films. The video provides insights into the process of creating fan art and the limitations of using IP adapters with different drawing styles.


  • 🎨 The speaker is experimenting with generating images using IP adapters and adjusting parameters to create anime character fan art.
  • 🔍 They are using a denoising level of 1.5 with a high-resolution fix and a control weight of 0.45 for the IP adapter.
  • 🌟 The first character tested is the priestess from 'Goblin Slayer', and the generated image is considered cute and satisfactory.
  • 📈 The control weight is adjusted to 1 for better results, and the character design is noted to be somewhat childish with round eyes.
  • 🤔 The model used is 'anime mix', and the speaker mentions that the success of character generation depends on the model and reference images.
  • 🚫 The speaker finds that only the upper units of the IP adapter are reflected when used in combination, not the lower ones.
  • 🧙‍♀️ A close-up image of the priestess is used in the 'reference-only' unit, significantly improving the generated image.
  • 👀 The eyes of the generated characters are noted to be bigger and younger when using the 'reference-only' method.
  • 🌈 The background and weather elements are randomly generated, and the speaker observes that successive XYZ plots with different parameters can lead to similar images.
  • 🧝‍♂️ The High Elf from 'Goblin Slayer' is also tested, with a similar approach to the priestess, but noting the difficulty in reproducing the hairstyle.
  • 🧹 The original witch Kiki-chan from 'Kiki's Delivery Service' is attempted, but the Ghibli style proves challenging to replicate with the IP adapter.
  • 📰 Nippon Television has acquired Studio Ghibli, aiming to address business succession and continue respecting Ghibli's creative values.
  • 🍂 The speaker expresses a personal fondness for autumn and satisfaction with the experiments conducted using the IP adapter for anime character generation.

Q & A

  • What is the main activity described in the transcript?

    -The main activity described is generating images with IP adapters by adding various anime characters and changing parameters to create fan art.

  • What is the purpose of using a high-resolution fix on 640-720 with a strength of 0.45?

    -The purpose is to improve the quality of the generated images by ensuring they are high-resolution and have a certain level of detail.

  • What does the speaker find challenging about using the IP adapter with anime characters?

    -The speaker finds it challenging because anime characters have many distinctive design parts, which can be difficult to accurately capture using the IP adapter.

  • How does the speaker feel about the initial result of the priestess from Goblin Slayer using the IP adapter?

    -The speaker is satisfied with the initial result, finding the generated image to be quite nice and cute.

  • What is the significance of the control weight in the IP adapter?

    -The control weight determines how much influence the IP adapter has on the generated image, with higher values potentially leading to a stronger resemblance to the reference image.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the use of 'Reference Only' in the process?

    -The speaker suggests that 'Reference Only' can be useful, but it's also dependent on the model and the way characteristic features like eyes and faces are drawn.

  • Why does the speaker believe that only the upper units are reflected when using an IP adapter in combination?

    -The speaker believes this because when multiple IP adapters are used, the upper limit of the weight that will fail is lowered, and only the images of the higher-ranking units are referenced.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the effectiveness of using 'Reference Only' for generating images?

    -The speaker finds that 'Reference Only' is not always effective and that it doesn't always work out very well when used for generating images.

  • How does the speaker describe the process of generating images for the High Elf from Goblin Slayer?

    -The speaker describes it as a process of finding the best control weight and using a close-up image as a reference to generate a satisfactory result.

  • What is the speaker's reaction to the news about Nippon Television acquiring Studio Ghibli?

    -The speaker is surprised and curious about the implications of the acquisition, particularly regarding the potential for Ghibli films to be distributed on platforms like Hulu.

  • How does the speaker summarize the effectiveness of using an IP adapter for generating anime character images?

    -The speaker summarizes that it can be effective for personal enjoyment and creating images that resemble anime characters, but the success depends on the reference image and the model used.

  • What does the speaker express a preference for as the season progresses?

    -The speaker expresses a preference for autumn, stating that it is their most loved season.



🖼️ Experimenting with IP Adapters for Anime Character Fan Art

The speaker discusses their recent enjoyment in using IP adapters to generate images. They detail their process of experimenting with different characters, parameters, and denoising levels to create fan art. They mention using a high-resolution fix and a specific control weight for the IP adapter. The speaker also talks about storing extracted elements in the prompt and the challenges of recreating distinctive anime character designs. They use Text 2 Image verification and share their satisfaction with the results, suggesting the use of 'Reference Only' for better illustration generation. They note that only higher-ranking units' images are referenced when using an IP adapter and demonstrate the improved results with a close-up image of the priestess from 'Goblin Slayer.' The speaker also shares their experience with generating a High Elf character and reflects on the fun of the process, mentioning the model 'Any Roller' and the anime mix model they prefer.


📰 Studio Ghibli Acquisition and Anime Character Generation

The speaker begins by discussing the challenges of generating an image of a witch character from Ghibli's distinct style, noting the difficulties in replicating certain features like eyes and the overall personality of the character. They then segue into a news update about Nippon Television acquiring Studio Ghibli, a move that addresses the studio's business succession issues. The acquisition aims to respect Ghibli's values, with Nippon Television acquiring a significant share and sending executives to support management. Studio Ghibli's producer and director Hayao Miyazaki are in agreement with this decision. The new president of Studio Ghibli, Hiroyuki Fukuda, assures fans that there will be no actions taken that would disappoint them. The speaker ponders the implications for film distribution, speculating about potential availability on Hulu and the continuation of Netflix contracts. They conclude by summarizing their successful experiments with the IP adapter for generating anime character resemblances and express their enthusiasm for the technique.



💡IP Adapter

An IP Adapter is a tool used in the context of this video to modify and generate images, particularly those of anime characters, by altering certain parameters and adding specific elements. It is central to the video's theme as it is the primary method used by the creator to experiment with anime character designs. The video demonstrates how the IP Adapter can be used to generate fan art with different control weights and resolutions.


Denoising is a process in image generation that aims to reduce noise or unwanted elements in an image to produce a cleaner, more refined result. In the video, '1.5 denoising' is mentioned, indicating a level of noise reduction applied to the generated images, which is crucial for achieving high-quality anime character illustrations.

💡High-Resolution Fix

High-Resolution Fix refers to a setting or parameter that ensures the generated images maintain a high level of detail and clarity. In the context of the video, the creator sets this to '640-720' to control the resolution of the generated anime character images, which is essential for creating fan art with a professional look.

💡Control Weight

Control Weight is a parameter used within the IP Adapter to determine the influence of the input elements on the generated image. The creator experiments with different control weights to find the optimal balance between the original character design and the generated fan art, as seen when they mention trying to find a 'good place' for the control weight.

💡Text 2 Image

Text 2 Image is a method of image generation where textual descriptions are used to create visual representations. In the video, the creator uses this method for verification, implying that they are using text inputs to generate images of anime characters, which is a key aspect of the video's content.

💡Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer is an anime series from which characters are used as examples in the video. The priestess and High Elf from this series are specifically mentioned as subjects for the IP Adapter's image generation process. The video discusses the challenges and results of generating fan art for these characters, highlighting the distinctive design elements of anime characters from the series.

💡Reference Only

Reference Only is a setting used in the IP Adapter where only the reference image's characteristics are considered during the image generation process. The creator discusses using this setting to enhance the resemblance of the generated images to the original anime characters, as it helps in capturing the unique features of the characters more accurately.

💡Any Roller

Any Roller is a term used in the video to refer to a favorite model used by the creator for generating images. It is described as an 'anime mix' model, indicating that it is designed to work well with anime-style images. The choice of this model is significant as it affects the overall style and outcome of the generated fan art.

💡XYZ Plots

XYZ Plots are mentioned in the context of generating successive images with different parameters. The creator notes that prompts written with wildcards become fixed, leading to similar images being generated. This observation is important as it reflects the process of experimentation and the nuances involved in creating varied fan art.

💡Kiki's Delivery Service

Kiki's Delivery Service is a Studio Ghibli film, and the character Kiki-chan is mentioned as the next participant in the image generation process. The video discusses the challenges of generating images for characters with distinct styles, particularly those from Studio Ghibli, which are known for their unique and strong personalities in character design.

💡Nippon Television

Nippon Television is mentioned in the news summary provided in the video, where it is stated that they have acquired Studio Ghibli. This acquisition is significant as it addresses the business succession problem of Studio Ghibli and potentially impacts the future distribution and management of Ghibli's works, which is of interest to fans of the studio and its anime.


Hulu is referenced in the context of potential future distribution of Studio Ghibli's films following the acquisition by Nippon Television. The creator speculates about the possibility of Ghibli films being available on Hulu, which would be a change from the current distribution model and is of interest to viewers who wish to access these films.


The user is experimenting with generating images using IP adapters and adjusting parameters to create fan art.

1.5 denoising is used with high-resolution fix on 640-720 and control weight of 0.45 for the IP adapter.

The challenge lies in the distinctive design parts of anime characters which makes the verification process complex.

Text 2 Image verification is employed for generating images.

The priestess from 'Goblin Slayer' is the first character tested in the IP adapter, resulting in a cute and satisfactory outcome.

A control weight of 1 is found to be effective for the priestess character.

The use of 'Reference Only' is suggested to better capture characteristic facial features.

When using an IP adapter, only the upper units' images are reflected, not a composite of all inserted images.

A close-up image of the priestess significantly improves the generation result, providing a better atmosphere.

The preferred model for generating images is 'Any Roller', specifically the 'anime mix' model.

Using 'Reference Only' is not always effective and can sometimes lead to less satisfactory results.

The High Elf from 'Goblin Slayer' is tested with the IP adapter, with a focus on finding the optimal control weight.

The original witch Kiki-chan from 'Kiki's Delivery Service' is used to test the adaptability of the model with different drawing styles.

The control weight is adjusted higher than 1 when using a close-up face image for better results.

The drawing style of Studio Ghibli is described as simple yet strong, posing a challenge for the IP adapter.

Nippon Television's acquisition of Studio Ghibli is announced, with plans to respect Ghibli's values and support its management.

The acquisition may lead to potential distribution changes, possibly allowing Ghibli films on platforms like Hulu.

The user finds the process of using an IP adapter to resemble anime characters to be interesting for personal enjoyment.

The user plans to rate and subscribe to the channel due to the engaging content on generating anime-like images.

The user expresses a fondness for autumn and how the atmosphere of the evening reminds them of the season.