Affaire du colonel Bennacer : un futur "scandale d’Etat" à la veille des élections présidentielles ?

Abdou Semmar
7 Apr 202419:36

TLDRThe transcript discusses the disappearance of Colonel Bam B Naser, an influential figure in the Algerian secret service, and the serious allegations made by his brother. It highlights the brother's video message accusing high-ranking military officials of corruption and a conspiracy against the President. The speaker calls for a thorough and professional investigation, urging all parties to provide concrete evidence and avoid spreading misinformation, especially during the sensitive period of upcoming presidential elections.


  • 📢 A video was released by the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser, announcing his disappearance and making serious accusations against high-ranking military officials.
  • 🔍 The brother's video accused certain generals and alluded to the military institution as a whole, even mentioning a potential conspiracy against the President of the Republic.
  • 💌 Despite reaching out, the brother claims that neither the presidency nor other high-ranking officials responded to his attempts at communication.
  • 🚨 Colonel Bam B Naser has been confirmed to be under arrest for disciplinary sanctions, specifically for deserting or not regularly reporting to his assigned post.
  • 🛡️ The military unit that Colonel Bam B Naser was associated with is the 40th armored division at the Moroccan border, which is a sensitive area for conflict and intelligence services.
  • 🔎 The brother's accusations come during a time of heightened tension and scrutiny over the integrity and functioning of Algeria's military and intelligence institutions.
  • 🤝 The brother has called for support and has invited real journalists to contact him to discuss the matter further, emphasizing the need for a thorough and professional investigation.
  • 🚨 The brother is considered a key witness in an ongoing case involving a network of conspiring officers, which has been delayed and not yet resolved.
  • 🤔 Rumors and unconfirmed information are circulating, but the only confirmed fact is the arrest of Colonel Bam B Naser for disciplinary reasons.
  • 📢 The media and public are urged to approach this situation with caution and to rely on verified information from professional journalists and official sources.
  • 🛑 The situation is seen as potentially dangerous, especially with upcoming presidential elections in Algeria, and there is a call for calm and responsible handling of the information to avoid political manipulation and unrest.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue discussed in the transcript?

    -The main issue discussed in the transcript is the disappearance of Colonel Bam B Naser, an influential figure in the Algerian secret services, and the serious allegations made by his brother regarding a conspiracy within the military and against the President of the Republic.

  • What happened to Colonel Bam B Naser?

    -Colonel Bam B Naser has disappeared, and his brother announced both his disappearance and arrest, stating that he believes his brother is a victim of a judicial conspiracy and harassment.

  • What did the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser reveal in his video?

    -In the video, the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser announced grave accusations against certain generals and alluded to events happening within the military institution. He also claimed that his brother had information on a plot against the President of the Republic and that efforts were being made to silence him.

  • What was the brother's request regarding the handling of the situation?

    -The brother called for an investigation into the matter and urged people not to listen to manipulators, buzz enthusiasts, or those spreading disinformation. He also asked for support to make the situation as comfortable as possible during Ramadan.

  • What is the journalist's stance on the information provided by Colonel Bam B Naser's brother?

    -The journalist emphasizes the importance of verifying the information and not spreading rumors or unconfirmed details. They encourage approaching professional journalists with any information to ensure accurate and responsible reporting.

  • What is the journalist's concern about the timing of the release of this information?

    -The journalist is concerned that the release of this information coincides with the announcement of an early presidential election in Algeria, suggesting that it might be used to manipulate public opinion and create uncertainty.

  • What happened to the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser in terms of his military service?

    -The brother, referred to as T ben Nassar, was sanctioned with severe disciplinary action for deserting or not regularly reporting to his assigned post, which led to his arrest.

  • What is the journalist's advice to T ben Nassar?

    -The journalist advises T ben Nassar to approach independent journalists with any concrete information or evidence he has, so they can investigate and report the truth responsibly.

  • What is the journalist's view on the role of the media and public opinion in this situation?

    -The journalist believes that the media should handle the situation with professionalism and integrity, avoiding the spread of misinformation and focusing on factual reporting. They also stress the importance of not manipulating public opinion, especially during sensitive times like elections.

  • What is the significance of the father of Colonel Bam B Naser and his potential involvement in this case?

    -The father of Colonel Bam B Naser was a high-ranking military official and a respected figure in the military institution. His involvement suggests that the case might have serious implications for the military's credibility and moral integrity.

  • What is the journalist's final message regarding this case?

    -The journalist's final message is a call for calm and serenity, urging all parties involved to handle the case professionally and responsibly. They emphasize the need to protect the integrity of the state institutions and the public from manipulation and misinformation.



📢 Public Support and Accusations in Algeria

The paragraph discusses the public's support and participation in following a particular event on the 6th of April 2024. It highlights the importance of Ramadan and the community's involvement. The main focus, however, is on serious allegations made by the brother of a high-ranking and influential Algerian intelligence officer, Colonel Bam B Naser. The brother, referred to as Ben Nasar, has disappeared and has accused certain generals and military figures of corruption and conspiracy within the military institution. He has also claimed to have information on a plot against the President of the Republic and has accused the presidency of not responding to his communications. The paragraph emphasizes the need for an investigation into these claims and the importance of not falling for manipulators, buzz creators, or those who use current affairs for personal gain.


🔍 Ongoing Investigations and the Quest for Truth

This paragraph delves into the ongoing investigations surrounding the allegations made by Ben Nasar. It mentions a key trial involving a network of conspiring officers that has been postponed and not yet concluded. The paragraph stresses the importance of truth and the role of journalists in verifying facts rather than spreading rumors or being influenced by personal agendas. It also discusses the potential manipulation of public opinion and the need for a fair and transparent judicial process, especially considering the upcoming presidential elections in Algeria. The speaker calls for calm and urges those with information to come forward and work with professional journalists to uncover the truth.


🤝 Encouraging Professionalism and Patriotism in Addressing Serious Allegations

The paragraph continues the discussion on the need for professionalism and patriotism in handling serious allegations, particularly those related to national security and military conduct. It emphasizes the importance of not using personal tragedies for political gain and the potential harm that can be done to families and the reputation of respected figures. The speaker urges Ben Nasar to provide concrete evidence of his claims and to work with independent journalists to reveal the truth. The paragraph also highlights the potential dangers of spreading unverified information and the importance of a calm and fair political climate, especially with upcoming elections.


🚨 The Dangers of Disinformation and the Need for a Calm Political Climate

The final paragraph addresses the broader issue of disinformation and its impact on Algeria's political climate. It calls for a focus on the truth and the need for a thorough and unbiased investigation into the allegations made. The speaker warns against the use of scandals for political purposes and the potential for instability that can arise from spreading unverified claims. The paragraph concludes with a call for unity and a collective effort to protect the integrity of the state and its institutions, urging all parties involved to act with professionalism and in the best interest of the country.




Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. In the context of the video, Ramadan is mentioned to provide a cultural backdrop to the events being discussed, indicating that the events are unfolding during a time of religious significance for many in the audience.

💡Colonel Bam B Naser

Colonel Bam B Naser is referred to as an influential figure in the Algerian secret services, specifically in intelligence. His disappearance and the subsequent announcement by his brother form the central mystery around which the video's narrative revolves. The keyword signifies a high-ranking military official whose situation raises questions about the inner workings and potential scandals within the military and intelligence institutions.


The term 'disappearance' refers to the act of a person being missing or their presence no longer being detected. In the video, it is associated with the vanishing of Colonel Bam B Naser, which triggers a series of allegations and investigations. The keyword is significant as it sets the stage for a discussion on potential cover-ups, conspiracies, and the integrity of state institutions.


Accusations are charges or assertions that someone has done something illegal or wrong. In the video, the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser makes serious allegations against certain generals and the military institution, suggesting a potential conspiracy or misconduct within the ranks. The keyword is crucial as it introduces the core conflict of the video, which is the pursuit of truth amidst claims and counterclaims.

💡Military Institution

The military institution refers to the organized structure of a country's armed forces or service members. In this video, it is the target of the accusations made by Colonel Bam B Naser's brother, who implicates high-ranking officials in a potential scandal. The keyword is significant as it represents the entity under scrutiny and raises questions about its transparency, integrity, and accountability.


A conspiracy refers to a secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal or harmful act. In the video, the mention of a conspiracy suggests that there may be a coordinated effort to undermine or manipulate the military institution and the state. The keyword is integral to the narrative as it implies a level of secrecy and potential threat to the state's stability.


An investigation is a systematic examination or inquiry conducted to discover the truth about something. In the context of the video, an investigation is promised to the audience in response to the serious allegations made. The keyword signifies the journalistic commitment to uncovering the truth and holding power accountable.

💡Disciplinary Sanction

A disciplinary sanction is a penalty imposed as a result of violating rules or codes of conduct. In the video, it is mentioned as the reason for Colonel Bam B Naser's arrest, implying that his actions were deemed to be in breach of military discipline. The keyword is important as it provides a potential explanation for the officer's detention and offers insight into the military's response to the situation.


Testimony refers to a formal statement made, particularly in a court of law, by a witness or expert. In the video, the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser is described as a key witness in an upcoming trial, emphasizing the importance of his potential evidence. The keyword highlights the role of eyewitness accounts in legal proceedings and the pursuit of justice.

💡Political Objectives

Political objectives are goals related to the governance, power structure, or policy of a country or organization. In the video, the mention of political objectives suggests that there may be personal or group interests at play, potentially influencing the actions and decisions of those involved in the case. The keyword is significant as it raises questions about the motivations behind the events being discussed and whether they serve the public interest or private agendas.


Disinformation refers to the deliberate spread of false information to deceive or mislead. In the video, the concern about disinformation highlights the potential manipulation of public opinion and the importance of verifying information before it is disseminated. The keyword is crucial as it underscores the need for journalistic integrity and the dangers of misinformation in a society, especially in the context of elections and political instability.


Integrity refers to the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. In the video, the mention of integrity is in relation to the moral standards expected from individuals within the military and government institutions. The keyword is significant as it reflects the broader societal values and the expectations placed on those in positions of power and responsibility.


The transcript discusses the disappearance of Colonel Bam B Naser and the serious allegations made by his brother.

The brother of Colonel Bam B Naser has released a video with grave accusations against certain generals and the military institution.

The video mentions a potential conspiracy within the army against the President of the Republic.

Colonel Bam B Naser has been arrested for disciplinary sanctions due to desertion or not reporting to his assigned post.

The transcript highlights the unusual assignment of an external intelligence officer to a combat unit at the Moroccan border.

The brother of Colonel Bam B Naser is considered a key witness in a case involving a network of conspiring officers.

The case involves officers who have manipulated information, media, and influential figures within the state.

The journalist emphasizes the importance of verifying information and not spreading rumors or unconfirmed reports.

The transcript calls for calm and serenity in the face of the upcoming presidential elections in Algeria.

The journalist urges the brother of Colonel Bam B Naser to provide concrete evidence and to work with professional journalists.

The transcript mentions the return of a politically exiled judge to Algeria who is also a witness in the case.

The situation is complicated by the timing of the allegations, coinciding with the announcement of early presidential elections.

The journalist warns against the use of social media for spreading unverified information and the potential for manipulation.

The transcript stresses the need for professionalism and patriotism in handling such serious matters of national security.

The brother's allegations are seen as potentially damaging to the integrity and credibility of the state's institutions.

The transcript emphasizes the importance of a fair and transparent judicial process to maintain public trust.

The journalist calls for an end to the culture of spreading unverified information and sensationalism in the media.