Parcoursup 2022 : vos réactions suite à la phase d'admission

3 Jun 202205:55

TLDRThe speaker reflects on their experience with the French higher education admission process, Parcoursup. They express mixed feelings about their results, noting acceptance into some preferred schools but also disappointments with certain rejections. The speaker emphasizes the stress and uncertainty of waiting for results, the relief of achieving some desired outcomes, and the anticipation of further decisions to come. Their narrative highlights the challenges and rewards of navigating the complex educational landscape.


  • 📄 The individual had a positive experience with the admission process on Parcoursup, receiving acceptance directly for some of their higher-ranked choices.
  • 🎉 They had good wishes (vœux) that led to direct acceptance into certain schools, providing a sense of reassurance and security for their future.
  • 🤔 Despite having many expectations, they are still waiting to see the final results and whether they will be accepted into their preferred schools.
  • 🏫 They applied to different schools and programs, including preparatory classes (prépas) and technical institutes ( BTS, NDRC, SAM), reflecting a diverse range of educational interests.
  • 📉 There was some disappointment in not ranking higher in certain preparatory classes and post-baccalaureate schools, but the outcome was not as bad as initially feared.
  • 👩‍🎓 The person was accepted into a different context than their initial preference, but they are satisfied with the opportunities it presents.
  • 🕒 They experienced a mix of emotions, including stress and anticipation, especially when results started to come in and there were initial doubts about the system due to some rejections.
  • 🚫 The individual faced rejections from all five architecture schools they applied to in the Paris region, which was an unpleasant surprise.
  • 🤝 They value the relational aspect of their education, such as the manager-assistant program, and are looking forward to finding an enterprise for apprenticeships.
  • 🌟 Despite some negative outcomes, they remain hopeful and are crossing their fingers for positive results from their remaining pending applications.
  • 🎓 They have a backup plan with other post-bac schools and are generally content with their results, even if they did not get into some of their top choices.

Q & A

  • How did the individual's admission process through Parcoursup go?

    -The individual's admission process through Parcoursup went relatively well. They received good wishes that were directly accepted, which provided reassurance.

  • What was the outcome of the individual's first admission results?

    -The individual was admitted to a program that was quite different from their initial preferences. They were accepted into a lycée that they had initially wanted to apply to and received their admission result five hours after submitting their pre-registration application.

  • What were the individual's expectations regarding their ranking in certain preparatory classes and post-baccalaureate schools?

    -The individual had high expectations for their ranking in certain preparatory classes and post-baccalaureate schools. However, they were somewhat disappointed as they did not rank as high as they had hoped in some of these institutions.

  • What type of education was the individual looking for?

    -The individual was looking for an apprenticeship-based education. They had applied for a formation that is an NDRC and SAM, focusing on managerial assistant roles.

  • How did the individual feel about the prestige of the school they work at affecting their choices?

    -The individual felt that the prestige of the school they work at might have limited their choices to some extent. They had imagined that being associated with a prestigious institution would provide them with greater options.

  • What was the individual's experience with the Parcoursup system?

    -The individual described the Parcoursup system as working in a peculiar and somewhat strange manner. They mentioned that they were often ranked lower than expected in certain areas but had backup options with post-baccalaureate schools.

  • How did the individual handle the stress of waiting for admission results?

    -The individual was quite stressed about the admission results. They had a concert on the same day as the results were released, which added to their stress. However, they managed to check the results and were relieved to find that they were accepted in their options.

  • What was the individual's experience with the architecture schools in the Parisian region?

    -The individual had applied to all five architecture schools in the Parisian region but was rejected by all of them, which was not a pleasant experience for them.

  • What was the individual's strategy for dealing with rejections?

    -The individual had a backup plan with other schools and programs. They were waiting for responses from their license applications in various fields, including sciences, to see if they could still pursue their interests.

  • How did the individual feel about their overall results from the admission process?

    -The individual felt that while they did not get all the results they wanted, they were content with some of the outcomes. They had been accepted into some of their preferred programs and had other options in place.

  • What was the individual's final decision regarding their education?

    -The individual decided to accept a place in a program in orthophonics, which was their desired field. They were relieved to have this option and looked forward to starting this new chapter in their education.



📚 College Admission Experiences and Results

The speaker discusses their journey through college admissions, highlighting the stress and anticipation of receiving acceptance letters. They mention having applied to various engineering schools and being accepted into some, while also expressing disappointment at not being ranked higher in certain preparatory classes and post-high school institutions. Despite some rejections, they remain optimistic about their prospects, having a backup plan with vocational schools and apprenticeships. The speaker also talks about their experiences with different educational pathways, such as Parcours Su and the unique process it entails. They emphasize the importance of having a range of options and being prepared for various outcomes.


🎓 Mixed Results and Future Architectural Ambitions

The speaker reflects on their mixed experiences with college admissions, particularly in the field of architecture. They express disappointment at being rejected from all five architecture schools in the Paris region, which was a significant letdown. However, they also mention having applied to several licenses in sciences and other fields, maintaining a sense of hope and uncertainty about the future. The speaker acknowledges the stress and pressure of the admissions process, but they also recognize the value of having a diverse set of choices and being open to different educational paths. They conclude with a sense of relief at having received at least one acceptance in their desired field of orthophonie (speech therapy), which they plan to accept.




Admission refers to the process of being accepted into an educational institution. In the context of the video, it is central to the narrative as the individual discusses their experiences and outcomes of applying to various schools and programs. The term is used to describe both the anticipation of results and the relief of being accepted into desired programs.

💡 Parcoursup

Parcoursup is the name of the centralized platform for higher education applications in France. It is the system through which students apply to universities and specialized schools after their high school studies. In the video, the individual shares their experiences navigating Parcoursup, including the stress and uncertainty of waiting for admission results.


Results in this context refer to the outcomes of the application process, specifically whether the individual has been accepted or rejected by the institutions they applied to. The results are a significant source of stress and anticipation for the individual, as they determine the future educational and career path.


Prépas, short for 'préparation aux grandes écoles', are specialized intensive courses in France that prepare students for entrance exams to prestigious grandes écoles, which are higher education institutions offering specialized advanced education, particularly in engineering and business. The individual in the video discusses their experiences and expectations related to prépas, indicating the competitive nature of these programs.


BTS, or 'Brevet de Technicien Supérieur', is a French vocational qualification that provides practical and theoretical training in various technical fields. It is a two or three-year post-secondary education program that leads to a professional diploma. In the video, the individual discusses their acceptance into a BTS program, which is part of their educational journey and a potential stepping stone to further studies or career opportunities.


Stress is a psychological and physiological response to situations that are perceived as challenging or demanding. In the context of the video, stress is associated with the pressure of waiting for admission results and the uncertainty about future academic and career paths.

💡results announcement

Results announcement refers to the moment when students are informed about the outcomes of their applications, including acceptances, rejections, or placement on waiting lists. This is a critical juncture in the application process, often associated with a mix of excitement and anxiety.

💡waiting lists

Waiting lists are used by educational institutions to manage applications when there are more candidates than available spots. Students placed on a waiting list may still have a chance of being admitted if spaces open up.

💡educational choices

Educational choices refer to the decisions made by students regarding their academic paths, including the selection of schools, programs, and types of degrees. These choices can significantly impact future career opportunities and personal development.

💡career aspirations

Career aspirations are the professional goals or ambitions that individuals have for their future. They often drive the choice of education and training programs.


Competitiveness refers to the level of challenge and rivalry in a particular field or context. In the context of the video, it relates to the highly competitive nature of the French educational system, especially when it comes to gaining admission to prestigious schools and programs.

💡educational system

The educational system encompasses the structure and organization of educational institutions and the processes involved in education. In the video, the individual navigates the French educational system, which includes various paths such as professional schools, grandes écoles, and university programs.


The individual had a positive experience with the admission process on Parcoursup, as they received good wishes that were accepted directly.

They express relief and satisfaction due to having some favorable school choices, particularly engineering schools and preparatory classes.

The person was admitted to a different context, initially going to desired high schools to submit their pre-enrollment files and receiving responses quickly.

They checked the results to be certain and found out they were admitted to a lower-tier school, but still see it as a positive outcome.

The individual has an apprenticeship opportunity and wishes to find a company for it, as they requested training in NDRC and SAM.

There's a sense of disappointment due to expectations of better rankings in certain preparatory classes and post-high school institutions.

The individual acknowledges the unique and somewhat peculiar functioning of Parcoursup, which sometimes leads to less favorable rankings.

Despite the disappointment, they remain hopeful and have backup options, such as post-high school institutions.

The person was accepted in their preferred apprenticeship link and is satisfied with the outcome.

They experienced stress during the admission process, coinciding with a concert they attended.

There was an initial shock and confusion when results started coming in, with many rejections among classmates.

The individual was not expecting to be rejected from all the five architecture schools in the Parisian region but remains somewhat content.

They are waiting for responses from several science licenses they applied for, maintaining a sense of anticipation.

The person is in a waiting list for some schools they wanted but feels it's not going well due to their low ranking.

Despite the stress and challenges, they are relieved to have received their desired wish in speech therapy and plan to accept it.

They reflect on the overall experience, acknowledging the stress and uncertainty but also recognizing some positive outcomes.

The individual expresses frustration with the process, especially with the large number of applicants and the competitiveness.

They mention feeling pressured to apply to certain schools by their teacher, even though they were not personally interested.

The person concludes with a mix of emotions, including disappointment, but also acceptance and a forward-looking attitude.