Apple and OpenAI in talks to include ChatGPT on next iPhone: Report

Yahoo Finance
13 May 202404:34

TLDRApple is reportedly in advanced talks with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into its next iPhone operating system, iOS 18, according to a Bloomberg report. This development could be a strategic move for Apple to catch up in the AI race and leverage the strong brand recognition of ChatGPT, which is widely known as a leading AI technology. The partnership could potentially boost Apple's appeal in the upcoming iPhone cycle, encouraging users to upgrade their devices. While the integration of ChatGPT might not be a sole reason for users to purchase a new iPhone, it adds to the growing list of features that Apple is incorporating to stay competitive in the tech industry. The report also highlights the potential use cases for AI in everyday scenarios, such as managing group texts or responding to messages, which could enhance user experience.


  • 📱 Apple is reportedly in talks with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into the next iPhone's iOS 18.
  • 📈 Apple's stock price has risen by about 1%, possibly reflecting positive market sentiment towards this potential integration.
  • 🤔 Apple has been considered a laggard in the AI space compared to other tech giants, and this move could be a strategic catch-up.
  • 🔍 The absence of Google, Apple's search partner, from this agreement is notable, as Google is also heavily invested in AI technology.
  • 🎯 ChatGPT is recognized as a strong AI brand, which could significantly enhance Apple's appeal to consumers interested in AI capabilities.
  • 📲 The potential inclusion of ChatGPT could be a major selling point for the next iPhone cycle, encouraging users to upgrade.
  • 🤝 The partnership with OpenAI signifies Apple's willingness to collaborate with leading AI entities to stay competitive in the market.
  • 📈 Analysts suggest that this integration could lead to a successful financial quarter for Apple, driven by new iPhone sales.
  • 💬 There is debate about the actual technical superiority of different AI models, but ChatGPT's brand recognition is a significant factor.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 The use of AI in everyday scenarios, such as family group chats, is discussed, indicating potential practical applications for ChatGPT.
  • 📉 Some skepticism is expressed about whether the ChatGPT feature alone would be a strong enough incentive for users to purchase a new iPhone.

Q & A

  • Which companies are reportedly in talks to include ChatGPT on the next iPhone?

    -Apple and OpenAI are reportedly in talks to include ChatGPT on the next iPhone.

  • According to the report, what is the next version of Apple's operating system?

    -The next version of Apple's operating system is iOS 18.

  • What is the significance of Apple's stock performance in relation to this news?

    -Apple's stock is up about 1%, which is outperforming the broader market, indicating a positive market reaction to the news.

  • Why is it notable that Google is not part of this agreement, given that they are Apple's search partner?

    -It is notable because Google is a major player in AI technology, and their absence from the agreement could suggest a strategic move by Apple to differentiate its AI offerings.

  • What is the importance of the ChatGPT brand in the context of this report?

    -ChatGPT is a strong and well-recognized brand in the AI space, which could help Apple attract users and differentiate its products.

  • What is the potential impact of this partnership on Apple's upcoming iPhone cycle?

    -The partnership with OpenAI and the inclusion of ChatGPT could potentially drive sales and lead to a blowout quarter for Apple's next iPhone cycle.

  • How does the speaker view the current state of AI adoption among major tech companies?

    -The speaker views Apple as a laggard in AI adoption compared to other tech companies, which have been more aggressive in their AI initiatives.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the frequency of ChatGPT usage among the general public?

    -The speaker is skeptical about how many people use ChatGPT on a daily or even weekly basis, questioning whether the excitement around AI will translate into actual usage.

  • What is the potential use case for ChatGPT in the context of group text messages?

    -ChatGPT could be used to generate responses to group text messages, especially in situations where the user may not want to engage in the conversation or is overwhelmed by the volume of messages.

  • Why might the inclusion of ChatGPT not be a strong enough incentive for the speaker to upgrade their phone?

    -The speaker believes that while ChatGPT might be convenient, it is not a compelling enough feature to justify the cost of upgrading their phone.

  • What is the speaker's current frequency of upgrading their iPhone?

    -The speaker upgrades their iPhone approximately once every four years.



📱 Apple's Potential Deal with OpenAI for iPhone Integration

Apple is reportedly nearing a deal with OpenAI to incorporate technology, specifically chat GPT, into the next iOS version, iOS 18, according to Bloomberg. This development is significant as it indicates Apple's move to embrace AI technology more aggressively, which it has been criticized for lagging in compared to other tech giants. The stock market has responded positively to the news with Apple's stock up by about 1%. The potential partnership with OpenAI is notable because it positions Apple alongside a strong AI brand, chat GPT, which is widely recognized even among those with a basic understanding of AI. This move could be a strategic play for Apple to have a standout quarter in the upcoming iPhone cycle, potentially driving users to upgrade their devices. However, it's uncertain if the integration of chat GPT will be a significant enough draw for users to justify the cost of a new phone, as the personal use cases for such technology need further development. The discussion also highlights the potential impact on Google, Apple's search partner, which is also making strides in AI but is not part of this agreement.




ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI. In the script, it's highlighted as a leading brand in AI, known to the general public. The mention of ChatGPT in Apple's potential new product offerings illustrates its widespread recognition and appeal, potentially driving consumer interest and influencing smartphone upgrades. This is emphasized by discussions of Apple incorporating ChatGPT into their devices to make a significant impact on the market and user experience.

💡iOS 18

iOS 18 refers to the forthcoming version of Apple's mobile operating system, as speculated in the transcript. The integration of ChatGPT into iOS 18 suggests a significant enhancement in user interaction with Apple devices, enabling more advanced AI-driven features. This partnership represents a strategic move by Apple to embed sophisticated AI technology into their ecosystem, appealing to tech-savvy consumers looking for cutting-edge functionalities.


The Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is an annual event hosted by Apple to showcase new software and technologies. Mentioned in the transcript, it's the platform where Apple could potentially announce their collaboration with OpenAI. This event is crucial as it sets the stage for upcoming technology introductions that could influence the tech industry and consumer expectations.


Brand in the context of the script refers to Apple's reputation and image in the technology sector. The discussion highlights how Apple's brand is synonymous with quality and innovation, and how associating with another strong brand like ChatGPT could enhance its market position. The strategic branding move is to maintain its competitive edge and appeal in a fast-evolving tech landscape.


Upgrade refers to the action consumers take to move to a newer version of a product. In the transcript, it is debated whether the inclusion of ChatGPT in iPhones will be a compelling enough feature to drive users to upgrade to the latest model. This concept is critical in understanding consumer behavior and the product lifecycle in the tech industry.

💡AI push

AI push in the script refers to the efforts by tech companies, including Apple, to integrate advanced artificial intelligence capabilities into their products. The transcript points out Apple's relatively late but significant entry into this area, indicating a strategic shift to capitalize on AI technology's current and future potential in enhancing user experience and functionality.


Analysts in this context refer to industry experts who interpret and forecast trends and impacts in the technology market. The script mentions analysts discussing the potential implications of Apple's AI integration on its market performance, highlighting their role in shaping perceptions and expectations around new tech releases.

💡Personal use cases

Personal use cases refer to the practical applications of technology in everyday life, as discussed in the script. The integration of ChatGPT in iPhones challenges developers to create meaningful, everyday uses for AI, which could determine the technology's success and consumer adoption rate.

💡Search Partner

The term 'search partner' typically refers to a business relationship involving search engine services. Google has been a longstanding search partner with Apple, providing search capabilities on Apple devices. The transcript touches on the complexities and potential tensions arising from Apple's new partnership with OpenAI, especially since it may affect existing arrangements with Google.


Event in the script refers to Google's AI-focused event. It's used to contrast with Apple's activities and strategies in the AI space. The transcript discusses how these events are crucial for companies to showcase AI advancements and try to outperform competitors by winning consumer interest and media coverage.


Apple is reportedly in talks with OpenAI to include ChatGPT technology on the next iPhone.

The companies are aiming to finalize terms for integration with iOS 18, according to Bloomberg.

Apple's stock has risen by about 1%, outperforming the broader market.

The World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) is scheduled for early next month.

Apple has been considered a laggard in the AI space compared to other tech companies.

Google, a search partner of Apple, is notably absent from this agreement.

ChatGPT is recognized as a strong AI brand, which could be beneficial for Apple's branding efforts.

The potential partnership with OpenAI could help Apple make a significant impact in the AI market.

Analysts suggest that integrating ChatGPT might be necessary for Apple to have a successful iPhone release cycle.

The use cases for personal AI applications need further development to drive consumer adoption.

Apple has faced criticism for not being more aggressive in its AI initiatives.

Teaming up with OpenAI and ChatGPT could provide a significant push for Apple's AI presence.

The discussion suggests potential uses of AI in managing group texts and responding to messages.

The speaker notes that while AI integration is convenient, it may not be a strong enough incentive to upgrade phones.

The speaker upgrades their iPhone every four years, not necessarily due to new features like AI.

The potential convenience of AI in handling texts without the need to read each one is acknowledged.

The report concludes with a speculative outlook on whether the ChatGPT feature will drive significant upgrades.