Are we going to get BEES??! /The Greenhouse is Finished! #617

Working Horses With Jim
5 Apr 202440:29

TLDRIn this engaging video transcript, Jim and his team tackle a variety of tasks on their farm. The day begins with Jim and William harrowing the fields, preparing the soil for planting. They discuss the intricacies of their new motor for the sawmill and its electronic choke system. Meanwhile, Leo, an experienced beekeeper, introduces a swarm capture box, explaining the process of catching wild swarms for natural pollination and honey production. The team also experiments with different horse combinations for plowing and discing, highlighting the importance of versatility and efficiency. Additionally, they work on expanding their greenhouse with a heat-maintaining extension, using a combination of composted manure and soil for optimal plant growth. The video showcases the diverse and rewarding nature of farm life, with a focus on sustainable practices and the joy of working with animals and nature.


  • 🌾 Farming activities are underway with Jim and William working on various tasks, including harrowing and preparing the land for planting.
  • 🚜 Jim is busy with farm machinery, notably fixing and starting up a new motor for the sawmill, which now features an electronic choke for easier starting.
  • 🐝 Beekeeping is a significant part of the farm's activities, with Leo introducing the concept of swarm capture boxes to naturally catch and propagate bees for pollination and honey production.
  • 🐴 Horse management is a key theme, with different horse combinations being tried out for various tasks to assess their effectiveness and adaptability.
  • 🌳 Gardening and soil preparation are essential, with efforts being made to create a raised bed for Brenda, using composted manure and soil for optimal plant growth.
  • 💡 Innovation and problem-solving are highlighted, such as using a cart for safety and efficiency when working with young horses, and creating a greenhouse extension for better plant care.
  • 🌱 The importance of crop rotation and planting is discussed, with plans to seed oats or grass in the fields after discing and leveling the land.
  • 🎥 The video script serves as a diary of a day on the farm, documenting the progress and challenges faced by the farmers in their daily tasks.
  • 🌞 Weather plays a significant role in farming activities, with the script mentioning the impact of drying conditions and the anticipation of rain and snow on the farm schedule.
  • 🏡 Farm improvements and infrastructure are continuously being worked on, such as the Sawmill and the greenhouse extension, to enhance productivity and sustainability.
  • 👨‍🌾 The value of teamwork and collaboration is evident, as various individuals contribute their skills and knowledge to the overall success of the farm.

Q & A

  • What was Jim initially busy with in the video?

    -Jim was busy with disc harrowing, as the conditions had dried out enough for him to start the task.

  • What did Jim and William do regarding the horses?

    -Jim and William have been swapping horses for the harrowing work, with Earl and Bill also being part of the process.

  • What issue did Jim encounter with the new motor for the sawmill?

    -The issue was the lack of an adapter for the whip from the new motor to the whip on the sawmill, as the new motor had eight plugs while the sawmill whip had three or four.

  • What was Earl's role in the video?

    -Earl was involved in the mixture of tasks, including harrowing and later, assisting with beekeeping activities by setting up a swarm capture box.

  • What was the purpose of the swarm capture box?

    -The swarm capture box was designed to catch wild bee swarms, which can later be safely taken to a hive box on the ground, aiming to improve pollination on the farm.

  • What were Jim's plans for the field after harrowing?

    -Jim planned to plant seeds, possibly a mix of oats and grass seeds, after completing the harrowing process.

  • What changes did Jim make to the sawmill's motor?

    -Jim installed a new motor with an electronic choke system, eliminating the need for a manual choke and making it easier to start, especially in cold conditions.

  • What was the purpose of the raised bed extension to the greenhouse?

    -The raised bed extension was intended to create a warmer environment for plants, using composted manure and soil, and heated by pipes from a stove.

  • How did the tile drainage project affect the field's drying?

    -The tile drainage project significantly improved the field's drying, making the usually wet areas much drier than in previous years, which pleased Jim.

  • What was the plan for the excess soil and manure?

    -The excess soil and manure were planned to be spread around the garden, and any additional amount would be used to top off other raised beds.



🌾 Farming and Equipment Maintenance

The paragraph discusses the morning activities on a farm, including Jim's work with horses on a disc harrow and the challenges of swapping horses for the task. It also touches on the technical aspects of starting a new motor for the disc harrow, the need for an adapter due to different plug configurations, and the process of running the whip to the mill. Additionally, there's a mention of Earl, Bill, and Kenny's roles in the operation, and a brief introduction to the horses' breeds.


🍯 Beekeeping and Swarm Capture

This section delves into beekeeping practices, with a focus on capturing wild swarms for natural pollination and honey production. It explains the process of setting up a swarm capture box, the importance of the queen bee, and how the bees will fill the box with honeycomb and larvae. The discussion also covers the benefits of catching natural swarms, the propagation of beehives through swarming, and the anticipation of the bees' behavior as the season progresses.


🚜 Horse Team Dynamics and Field Preparation

The paragraph covers various activities on the farm, including the use of different horse teams for field work and the anticipation of changing teams for better performance. It also discusses the fixing of a sawmill, the introduction of a new electronic choke motor, and the benefits it brings. Moreover, the paragraph talks about the planning and execution of harrowing fields in preparation for seeding, and the teamwork between Jim, William, and the horses as they work on field preparation and stone picking.


🌱 Greenhouse Extension and Soil Preparation

This segment focuses on the construction of a greenhouse extension and the preparation of soil for planting. It details the process of laying pipes for warmth, mixing composted manure and old corn salad for soil enrichment, and the considerations for the raised bed's design. The paragraph also mentions the use of poly and tubing for insulation, and the anticipation of completing the roof for the extension.


🎥 Video Updates and Future Plans

The final paragraph discusses the creation of video content, with the speaker reflecting on the process of making videos and sharing updates on various farm activities. It mentions the anticipation of seeding, the progress on the farm, and the plans for future videos. The speaker also invites viewers to subscribe and engage with their content, and shares a positive note on the day's accomplishments.




Harrowing is a farming process used to break up soil, control weeds, and cover seeds after sowing. In the video script, Jim and William are involved in harrowing, indicating the time of year is suitable for preparing the fields for planting. The process of harrowing is crucial in agriculture to ensure a suitable seedbed for crops. The use of horses for harrowing links to traditional farming methods, showcasing an eco-friendly approach to agriculture.

💡Disc Harrowing

Disc harrowing is a specific type of harrowing that involves the use of a disc harrow, a farm implement that features steel discs to cut the soil. This method is effective in breaking up clumps of soil and incorporating crop residues into the soil, which is essential for preparing a fine seedbed for planting. In the transcript, Jim is busy disc harrowing, highlighting the activity as a preparatory step for the upcoming planting season.

💡Swapping Horses

Swapping horses refers to the practice of changing the horses being used for work, allowing some to rest while others take over the tasks. This practice is mentioned early in the script when Jim is busy with farm work. It underlines the physical demands of agricultural labor on animals and the need for their management and care, ensuring the horses are not overworked.


A sawmill is a facility where logs are cut into lumber. In the script, Jim runs to the mill to talk to someone about an adapter for a new motor, illustrating the integration of woodworking and machinery maintenance with agricultural practices. The mention of the sawmill reflects the diversified nature of farm work, extending beyond planting and harvesting to include equipment maintenance and wood processing.


Beekeeping, or apiculture, is the maintenance of bee colonies, typically in hives, by humans. The script discusses setting up a swarm capture box to attract wild swarms, which is part of beekeeping. This activity is introduced as a project by Leo, aiming to enhance pollination and biodiversity on the farm. Beekeeping is portrayed as a complementary agricultural practice that supports crop production and ecological balance.


Pollination is the act of transferring pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts, resulting in the fertilization and production of seeds. In the script, Leo discusses the benefits of beekeeping, particularly how attracting wild swarms can improve pollination on the farm. This underlines the ecological importance of bees in agriculture, highlighting their role in increasing crop yields through effective pollination.


Combining refers to the process of harvesting crops with a combine harvester, a machine that reaps, threshes, and cleans grain. The script hints at the possibility of combining oats as one of the options for processing the crop. This term illustrates the various stages and methods involved in crop production, from planting and caring to the final harvest and processing.

💡Seed Down

Seed down is a term used to describe the action of planting seeds in the ground. In the transcript, Jim contemplates seeding down oats or grass seed. This activity is a fundamental aspect of farming, indicating the cyclical nature of agricultural work and the planning involved in crop rotation and soil management to sustain fertility and productivity.

💡Greenhouse Extension

A greenhouse extension is an addition or annex to a greenhouse that increases its capacity or functionality. In the script, there is mention of making an outdoor extension to the greenhouse, which indicates efforts to optimize growing conditions for plants. This demonstrates an advanced level of agricultural practice, focusing on controlled environments to enhance plant growth.

💡Cold Frame

A cold frame is a transparent-roofed enclosure, used to protect plants from cold weather while allowing access to sunlight. The transcript discusses constructing a cold frame as part of a greenhouse extension, which showcases techniques for extending the growing season and protecting young or delicate plants from harsh weather. This highlights the adaptation strategies in agriculture to ensure year-round production.


Jim begins the day by swapping horses for the task of harrowing, indicating the importance of efficient tool usage and animal management on the farm.

The addition of Earl to the mix of horses showcases the dynamic nature of farm work, where different animals are utilized based on the task at hand.

Jim's efforts to start his new motor for the sawmill reflect the ongoing maintenance and technological aspects of running a farm.

The mention of the whip with eight plugs and the sawmill with fewer plugs highlights the complexity and technical differences in farm machinery.

The introduction of beekeeping through Leo's project emphasizes the multifaceted nature of farming, incorporating both agriculture and animal husbandry.

Leo's use of a swarm capture box demonstrates innovative methods in beekeeping, aiming to harness natural swarms for improved pollination and honey production.

The discussion about the queen bee's role in laying eggs and the bees' natural tendency to propagate highlights the intricate ecosystem within the beehive.

The practical advice for beekeepers, such as using old wax to attract bees, underscores the value of experience and traditional knowledge in farming practices.

Jim's satisfaction with the new electronic choke on the sawmill motor illustrates the benefits of embracing modern technology in farm equipment.

The various horse combinations used for harrowing, like Duke and Earl with K, reflect the experimentation and optimization of farm labor and resources.

The mention of the tile drainage system and its effectiveness in drying out the field highlights the importance of infrastructure in agricultural productivity.

The plan to use the spring tooth to level the field after discing showcases a methodical approach to soil preparation for planting.

The discussion about the possibility of early seeding due to favorable ground conditions emphasizes the flexibility and adaptability required in farming.

William's work on the outdoor extension to the greenhouse indicates the expansion and improvement of farming facilities to accommodate diverse needs.

The use of composted manure and old corn salad in the soil mix for the raised bed highlights the practice of recycling farm waste into valuable resources.

The installation of the poly roof on the greenhouse extension and the heating system reflects the meticulous planning and preparation for the growing season.

The video concludes with a reminder of the importance of adapting to changing conditions, as the expected snow might affect the farm's plans, showcasing the unpredictability of farming.