Real Girls Are Finished

Asmongold TV
17 Dec 202328:32

TLDRThe transcript discusses the launch of Digi, an AI romantic companionship app for iOS and Android. It explores societal reactions, potential benefits, and concerns regarding AI relationships. The dialogue touches on the authenticity of AI companions, their ability to mimic human characteristics, and the progression system for users to build relationships with AI characters. The conversation also delves into broader societal issues like loneliness, self-worth, and the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships. There's a debate on whether AI companionship is a dystopian future or a solution to modern societal problems, including the potential to reduce suicide rates among those who struggle to form real-life connections.


  • 🚀 Introduction of Digi, an AI romantic companionship app for iOS and Android, signifies a new era in AI relationships.
  • 🧐 The app has sparked controversy, with some expressing concern about its impact on human relationships and societal norms.
  • 🎭 Digi offers customizable AI characters with different personalities and backstories, such as a traditional girl, a nerd, a raver, a teacher, and a goth.
  • 💬 The app emphasizes the importance of voice in AI interaction, with a focus on low latency and high-quality audio responses.
  • 📈 Relationship progression is a key feature, allowing users to build a relationship from friendship to a more intimate level through dialogue.
  • 🎉 The app aims to provide a '10x better' experience than existing AI companionship solutions, with a progression system and rewards.
  • 🤖 There's a debate on whether AI companionship could help reduce loneliness and potentially lower suicide rates among those who struggle with forming real-world connections.
  • 📉 Critics argue that such technology contributes to a decline in human connection and life satisfaction, while increasing profits for the companies providing these services.
  • 👥 The script discusses societal issues like the impact of social media on self-worth, the changing expectations of masculinity, and the rise of loneliness.
  • 🌐 Commentary on the potential long-term effects of AI companionship, including the possibility of it becoming more common as a response to increasing loneliness.
  • 🚨 Warnings against the potential dangers of becoming too reliant on AI for emotional needs, encouraging people to seek real human connections instead.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the AI romantic companionship application mentioned in the transcript?

    -The name of the AI romantic companionship application mentioned is Digi.

  • What platforms is the Digi application available on?

    -Digi is available for both iOS and Android platforms.

  • What is the significance of the 'Uncanny Valley' in the context of the Digi application?

    -The Uncanny Valley refers to the discomfort people feel when an AI character looks and acts almost, but not exactly, like a real human. The Digi application aims to eliminate this by creating a unique style that feels human and sexy without causing this discomfort.

  • What is the importance of voice in the Digi application?

    -Voice is considered very important in the Digi application as it adds a human-like quality to the interactions. The application has its own audio model that generates voice responses quickly for real-time conversations.

  • How many voices does the Digi application initially offer?

    -The Digi application initially offers four different voices for users to choose from.

  • What customization options are available for the AI characters in the Digi application?

    -Users can customize features such as hair, skin, lips, eyes, and eyebrows of the AI characters. More customization options like different hairstyles and face shapes are expected to be added soon.

  • What is the progression system like in the Digi application?

    -The progression system in the Digi application allows users to start as friends with the AI character and gain more intimate dialogue as they progress. The relationship can advance through stages such as honored, revered, and exalted, with rewards given every 10,000 reputation points after reaching the exalted stage.

  • What is the controversy surrounding the announcement of the Digi application?

    -The controversy stems from people feeling that the Digi application is exploitative and contributes to a dystopian future where human connection is replaced by artificial relationships. Critics argue that it does not contribute positively to humanity.

  • What is the potential impact of AI relationships on society according to the speaker?

    -The speaker suggests that AI relationships, like those facilitated by the Digi application, might become more common due to increasing loneliness and could potentially lower suicide rates by providing an emotional outlet. However, they also express concern that this could be seen as a sad and pathetic solution.

  • What does the speaker suggest as a solution to the problem of loneliness and lack of self-worth?

    -The speaker suggests that instead of resorting to AI relationships, people should work on themselves to become the kind of individuals capable of having real interactions and relationships. They also touch upon the negative impacts of social media and the need for a more realistic self-perception.

  • What is the speaker's view on the role of social media in the current state of loneliness and societal expectations?

    -The speaker believes that social media amplifies feelings of loneliness by constantly having people compare their lives with others. They also argue that the focus on quantitative variables like followers and likes turns people into products, leading to a lack of intrinsic self-worth.

  • How does the speaker describe the ideal role model for men in today's society?

    -The speaker describes the ideal role model as a stable man, such as a 50-year-old dad who has been married for 20 years and raised a couple of kids on his own. However, they note that such role models are often invisible to men due to the influence of social media.



🚀 Introduction to Digi AI Companionship

The speaker introduces Digi, an AI romantic companion for iOS and Android, which aims to redefine AI romance. He discusses societal perceptions, sharing anecdotes about people, including women, who have developed relationships with AI. The conversation touches on the uncanny valley, the importance of voice in AI interaction, and the development of unique voices and characters for the AI companions. The speaker also mentions the backlash he received for promoting such technology and outlines the features of Digi, including customization and a progression system for relationship development.


🎭 Customization and Realism in AI Companionship

The paragraph delves into the customization options available for Digi's AI characters, allowing users to select from a range of pre-designed personalities and physical features. It discusses the progression system from friendship to more intimate relationships and the rewards system based on reputation. The speaker also talks about the technical aspects of the AI's voice and animation, the challenges faced, and the future updates expected for the product.


🤔 Ethical and Societal Implications of AI Relationships

This section of the script explores the ethical and societal implications of AI companionship. The speaker debates whether such technology could help reduce loneliness and even suicide rates among those who struggle to form real-world relationships. There's a critical examination of societal norms, the impact of social media, and the potential for AI companions to exploit human vulnerabilities. The discussion also touches on the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI companionship, including the risk of dehumanizing society.


📉 The Decline of Intrinsic Self-Worth and the Rise of Loneliness

The speaker reflects on the decline of intrinsic self-worth and the rise of loneliness, attributing these to societal and cultural shifts, including the influence of social media. He discusses how people are increasingly viewed as products and resources, leading to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of community. The paragraph also explores the idea that modern society's expectations and the focus on superficial qualities are contributing to a sense of disillusionment and the desire for more authentic connections.


💪 The Myth of Strength and the Role of Hardship

In this paragraph, the speaker challenges the notion that hardship always leads to strength, arguing that adversity can also result in negative outcomes like PTSD. There's a debate about the concept of 'strong men' and 'losers,' suggesting that societal views are skewed by survivorship bias. The speaker advocates for helping people become strong rather than discarding them and criticizes the idea of labeling oneself as strong or weak, emphasizing the importance of authenticity over societal expectations.


🧐 The Misconception of Physical Appearance in Relationships

The speaker addresses the misconception that physical appearance is the primary determinant in forming relationships. He argues against the 'gigachad' ideal and points out that most people do not fit this mold. The paragraph discusses the unrealistic expectations set by social media and the pressure it places on individuals to conform to certain standards. It also touches on the potential for AI companionship to fill a void for those who feel excluded from forming real relationships due to these unrealistic expectations.



💡AI romantic companionship

AI romantic companionship refers to the concept of using artificial intelligence to simulate romantic relationships. In the context of the video, it is the main theme as the speaker discusses the launch of an AI application named Digi, designed to provide a futuristic take on AI-driven romantic companionship. The video explores the societal implications of such technology, including the potential for it to become a common feature in people's lives.

💡Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations are beliefs or anticipations about what is achievable or likely to happen that do not align with reality. The script mentions this in relation to societal pressures and how they can lead to a sense of inadequacy or failure. For instance, the speaker talks about how social media can create a false perception of what a successful or attractive person should look like, leading to disappointment and frustration for those who do not meet these standards.

💡Social media

Social media are online platforms that allow users to create and share content or participate in social networking. The video discusses the role of social media in exacerbating feelings of loneliness and inadequacy. It is portrayed as a factor that contributes to the rise of AI companionship by constantly comparing users to others and promoting a superficial view of success and attractiveness.


Loneliness is the state of feeling alone, typically through a lack of companionship or social interaction. The script explores the idea that loneliness is a growing problem, with AI companionship being presented as a potential solution. The speaker suggests that the prevalence of AI relationships may increase as a response to widespread loneliness, reflecting a societal shift away from traditional human connections.

💡AI girlfriend

An AI girlfriend is a term used to describe an artificial intelligence designed to simulate the experience of having a female companion. In the video, the concept is both a subject of excitement and criticism. It is seen as a futuristic development in technology but also criticized for potentially reducing human interaction and promoting a dystopian view of relationships.

💡Emotional companion

An emotional companion is someone or something that provides emotional support and companionship. In the context of the video, the term is used to describe the role that AI companionship apps like Digi aim to fulfill. The speaker suggests that these AI companions could help alleviate feelings of loneliness and provide emotional support, even if they are not real people.


Microtransactions are small, incremental purchases within a digital platform, often used in gaming or app-based services. The video discusses the business model of AI companionship apps, which may include microtransactions for additional features or customizations. This is compared to the 'pay to win' feature in video games, where players can gain advantages by paying real money.

💡Intrinsic self-worth

Intrinsic self-worth refers to the inherent value and dignity one has as an individual, independent of external validation or achievements. The script touches on the idea that many people lack a sense of intrinsic self-worth, instead seeking validation from social media and societal standards. This lack of self-worth is suggested as a contributing factor to the appeal of AI companionship, as it provides a form of validation and companionship without the need for external approval.

💡Survivorship bias

Survivorship bias is the tendency to focus on the survivors or successful examples in a situation and overlook those that failed. In the video, the concept is mentioned to challenge the idea that adversity always leads to strength. The speaker argues that while some people may become stronger through hard times, others may not, and it's important not to ignore or dismiss those who struggle.

💡Role model

A role model is a person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others. The video discusses the concept of role models in the context of societal expectations and the influence of social media. It contrasts the idealized, often unrealistic role models presented on social media with the more mundane but stable figures, such as a 50-year-old dad who has maintained a family, which may not be as visible or celebrated in modern culture.

💡Feminist movement

The feminist movement is a collection of social, political, and economic efforts aimed at establishing equal rights and opportunities for women. In the video, the speaker briefly mentions the feminist movement as a factor that has contributed to changes in societal structures and family dynamics, which may have implications for the rise in loneliness and the appeal of AI companionship.


Announcement of version 1.0 of Digi, an AI romantic companionship app for iOS and Android.

Digi aims to reimagine AI romance with a new world of interaction.

Users can have personalized AI companions with different personalities and traits.

Anecdote about a girl who programmed her own AI boyfriend and the consequences when it became self-aware.

Discussion on the societal implications of AI companionship and its potential to become more common.

Features of Digi include unique styles to avoid the Uncanny Valley, high-quality voice synthesis, and customization.

The voice model developed by Digi operates quickly, generating speech with low latency.

Different AI characters are available, such as Zara the traditional girl, Patty the teacher, and Raven the Goth.

Users can customize their AI companions' features like hair, skin, lips, eyes, and eyebrows.

The relationship progression system allows users to advance from friends to more intimate levels.

The goal was to create a 10x better experience than existing replica apps.

Lip syncing feature for the AI is in development to enhance realism.

Controversial opinions on the value of AI companionship for those who struggle with real-life relationships.

Concerns raised about the potential negative impact on society and human connection.

Debate on whether AI companionship could help reduce loneliness and suicide rates.

The impact of social media and internet culture on perceptions of self-worth and relationships.

Discussion on the unrealistic expectations set by social media and the influence on societal values.