Artists Are Fighting AI With AI

Mental Outlaw
22 Jan 202416:51

TLDRThe transcript discusses the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on various jobs, particularly focusing on the artistic community. Contrary to expectations, manual labor jobs have not been as affected by AI as initially thought. However, digital artists are facing challenges due to AI tools like Dolly, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, which are trained on the work of human artists, leading to job displacement. Artists have been fighting back through legal avenues with limited success. A new tool called 'Glaze,' developed by the University of Chicago, allows artists to alter their images slightly to prevent AI from learning from their work. This technique, along with others like 'Nightshade,' not only protects the original art style but can also sabotage AI training sets, causing significant disruptions if the AI is exposed to these 'poisoned' images. The discourse raises questions about the legality and ethics of such protective measures, as well as the ongoing battle between AI advancement and the preservation of human creativity and jobs.


  • 🤖 The fear of automation taking jobs has been heightened by the rise of AI, but the fields affected were often misunderstood, with manual labor jobs being the initial concern.
  • 🎨 The internet has been a boon for artists, removing many barriers to entry and allowing for easier sharing and monetization of their work.
  • 🛠️ Contrary to expectations, manual labor jobs like carpentry and plumbing have not yet been significantly impacted by AI.
  • 🚚 AI technologies, such as self-driving vehicles, are improving but are not yet trusted for critical tasks like managing large, valuable cargo.
  • 🖼️ The digital art industry has been heavily impacted by AI tools that can replicate the styles of human artists, causing concern and backlash.
  • 📚 Artists have been fighting back against AI-generated art through legal means, but with limited success due to the complexity of applying copyright laws to AI creations.
  • 🛡️ A technique called 'glazing' has been developed to protect artwork from being used in AI training, by adding minor visual distortions that prevent neural networks from effectively learning from the image.
  • 🔍 Glazing tools like Nightshade not only protect art but can also sabotage AI systems that use the altered images in their training, leading to misidentification and poor performance.
  • 💻 There is a debate over whether tools like Nightshade should be considered malware and potentially be illegal, as they corrupt AI systems.
  • 🌐 The development and use of these protective tools contribute to the growing body of free software available to artists and others, offering new ways to safeguard creative work.
  • ⚖️ The ongoing struggle between AI and artists reflects a broader conversation about the ethical use of AI, the protection of intellectual property, and the potential consequences of AI on creative industries.

Q & A

  • What is the general concern about automation and AI in recent years?

    -The general concern is that automation and AI, particularly through the rise of neural networks and large language models, are going to take away jobs, with a common belief that manual labor jobs, especially low-skill ones, would be the first to go.

  • How has the advent of industrialization impacted the nature of work for humans?

    -Industrialization has greatly reduced the need for manual labor in agriculture and other fields, allowing people to specialize in a wide range of jobs unrelated to food production, thus increasing the variety of work available to humans.

  • What role has the internet played in the field of art and for artists?

    -The internet has been highly beneficial for artists by removing many of the traditional gatekeeping barriers. It has allowed artists to showcase their work to a broader audience without needing the approval of art show organizers or museum owners, thus democratizing the exposure and monetization of art.

  • How have AI tools impacted the digital art industry?

    -AI tools like Dolly, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion have significantly impacted the digital art industry by training on the artwork of skilled artists, which has led to concerns about job displacement and copyright infringement.

  • What legal actions have artists taken against AI-generated artwork?

    -Artists have been filing lawsuits against companies that create AI art tools, but these efforts have not been very successful due to the difficulty of applying current copyright laws to the actions of AI tools.

  • What is glazing and how does it help artists protect their artwork from AI?

    -Glazing is a technique developed at the University of Chicago that involves making small alterations to an image, similar to adding a filter. The purpose of this filter is to prevent neural networks from being trained on the image, thus protecting the artist's work from being replicated by AI.

  • What are the visual effects of using the glazing tool on artwork?

    -Glazing introduces minor visual distortions to the artwork, such as yellowing and other artifacts, which are amplified when the neural network attempts to learn from the image, resulting in a significantly altered output that does not resemble the original style.

  • What are some of the offensive tools developed to sabotage neural networks?

    -Tools like Nightshade are offensive tools that sabotage neural networks by introducing 'poisoned' images into their training sets, which can significantly impair the network's ability to learn and reproduce certain subjects accurately.

  • How do poisoned images affect the training of neural networks?

    -Poisoned images, when included in the training set, can corrupt the neural network's learning process, leading to abnormal and incorrect outputs. Identifying and removing these poisoned images can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process.

  • What is the debate around the legal status of tools like Nightshade?

    -There is a debate on whether tools like Nightshade should be considered harmful malware and thus be illegal. Critics argue that they corrupt other people's computer systems, while others believe that artists should have the freedom to use such tools to protect their artwork.

  • What are some countermeasures being developed to fight against the effects of poisoned images?

    -Tools like Nightshade Antidote are being developed to counteract the effects of poisoned images. These tools aim to identify and neutralize the impact of poisoned images on neural network training.

  • How does the introduction of tools like glazing and Nightshade affect the overall landscape of AI and art?

    -The introduction of these tools adds more free software into the world that can be used by anyone. It reflects a broader trend of using AI tools to both create and protect artwork, highlighting a kind of 'fight fire with fire' approach where AI is used to combat the potential misuse of AI in art.



🤖 AI and the Job Market: Misconceptions and Realities

The paragraph discusses the common fear that automation and AI will lead to job loss, particularly in manual labor sectors. Contrary to expectations, the author argues that AI has not significantly impacted jobs like carpentry or truck driving. Instead, AI has made significant inroads in the digital art industry, with tools like Dolly, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion replicating the work of human artists, causing concern and backlash within the artistic community.


🖼️ The Legal Battle and the Rise of AI Art Tools

Artists are fighting back against AI-generated artwork by filing lawsuits, but with limited success due to the complexity of applying current copyright laws to AI. The paragraph highlights the role of 'prompt engineers' in creating AI art and the challenges in distinguishing between human and AI-created art, especially in simpler designs. It introduces 'glazing' as a defensive technique developed at the University of Chicago to prevent AI from learning from artists' work.


🛡️ Glazing and the Defense of Artistic Integrity

The paragraph explains the use of glazing tools to alter images in a way that prevents AI from effectively training on them. It presents examples of how glazing can distort an image enough to hinder AI replication. The discussion also touches on 'offensive tools' like Nightshade, which actively sabotage neural networks by introducing poisoned images that corrupt the AI's training data.


⚖️ Ethical and Legal Considerations of AI Art Tools

This paragraph debates whether tools like Nightshade should be considered malware due to their corrupting effect on AI systems. It argues against the notion that such tools should be illegal, emphasizing the importance of artistic freedom. The author expresses a desire for more free software solutions and mentions the existence of tools designed to counteract the effects of Nightshade, framing the situation as a battle between computers.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is a central theme as it discusses how AI, particularly through neural networks and large language models, is impacting various job sectors, including the arts. The script mentions how people initially thought manual labor jobs would be most at risk from automation, but the discussion shifts to how AI is actually affecting the field of art and artists.

💡Neural Networks

Neural networks are a subset of AI that are modeled after the human brain. They are designed to recognize patterns and are capable of learning from observational data. The video script talks about how neural networks are trained on the work of artists, which has led to the creation of AI tools that can generate artwork, potentially threatening the jobs of human artists.


Automation refers to the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. The script discusses the fear that automation will take away jobs, particularly in manual labor sectors. However, it points out that the impact of AI on jobs has been different from initial expectations, with certain fields like digital art facing more immediate disruption.

💡Digital Art

Digital art is a form of art that uses digital technology as an essential part of the creative or presentation process. The video emphasizes how digital art has been significantly affected by AI, with tools like Dolly, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion being developed to generate artwork that can potentially replace human artists.


Glazing is a technique mentioned in the video that artists can use to protect their work from being replicated by AI. A tool called Glaze, developed at the University of Chicago, applies minor visual alterations to an image, making it difficult for neural networks to train on and replicate the original style. This is a form of defense against AI-generated artwork.

💡Prompt Engineers

Prompt engineers are individuals who are skilled at using AI tools to generate specific types of images. The video discusses how these engineers can use AI to create artwork that may compete with or displace human digital artists, as they can generate images that are popular and appealing without the need for human creativity.

💡Copyright Laws

Copyright laws are legal frameworks that protect original works of authorship. The script mentions that artists have been filing lawsuits against companies that create AI art tools, arguing that these tools infringe on their copyright. However, it's been challenging to apply current copyright laws to the new context of AI-generated art.


Industrialization is the period during which human labor is replaced by machines. The video uses the example of industrialization to illustrate how technological innovation has historically transformed labor markets. It draws a parallel to how AI might similarly transform the job market, particularly in the arts.

💡Uncanny Valley

The uncanny valley is a concept in which humanoid objects that appear almost, but not quite, like real humans evoke a response of revulsion among some people. The video refers to the uncanny valley when discussing how AI struggles with creating realistic human hands and faces, which can trigger this unsettling response if not accurately depicted.

💡Poisoned Images

Poisoned images are a type of sabotage where specific images are crafted to disrupt the training of neural networks. The video mentions Nightshade, a tool that creates poisoned images to interfere with AI systems that use them for training, thereby protecting the original artwork from being replicated by AI.

💡Free Software

Free software refers to software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, including the freedom to redistribute it. The video discusses how tools like Glaze and Nightshade are examples of free software that artists can use to protect their work from AI, emphasizing the importance of open access to tools in the digital age.


People feared that automation would take away jobs, but the actual fields disrupted by AI were not as initially predicted.

Historically, technological innovations in farming and industrialization have led to more specialized jobs, including in the arts.

The internet has significantly reduced gatekeeping for artists, allowing more people to showcase their work.

Digital tools have made it easier and more cost-effective for artists to create and edit their work.

Contrary to expectations, manual labor jobs like carpentry and truck driving have not yet been significantly impacted by AI.

The digital art industry has been heavily impacted by AI tools like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion.

Artists are fighting back against AI-generated artwork through legal means, but with limited success so far.

Prompt engineers are skilled at generating specific images using AI tools, posing a challenge to digital artists.

A technique called glazing has been developed to protect artists' work from being trained on by neural networks.

Glaze, a free tool from the University of Chicago, applies minor alterations to images to prevent AI training.

Glazing tools like Nightshade are not only defensive but can also sabotage neural networks if used in their training.

Poisoned images, used in Nightshade, can significantly impair an AI's ability to learn and reproduce certain subjects.

The process of removing poisoned images from a training set and retraining a neural network is time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Some argue that tools like Nightshade should be considered malware, but others believe they are a valid method for artists to protect their work.

The development and use of glazing tools represent a form of 'fighting fire with fire', using AI to protect against AI.

The ongoing battle between AI art generation and artist protection tools reflects the evolving nature of technology and its impact on creative industries.

The availability of free tools like Glaze and Nightshade represents an increase in free software that can be used by anyone to protect their digital artwork.