#6 - Studios are Choosing AI Over Artists - Why We Are Pro Artists

FlippedNormals Podcast
22 Jan 202470:44

TLDRIn this podcast episode, the hosts from Flip Normals discuss the impact of AI on the art industry, sharing both their concerns and excitement for the future. They express worries about AI's potential to disrupt artist careers and the authenticity of art, while also acknowledging AI's ability to enhance工作效率 and assist in tasks. The hosts emphasize their commitment to maintaining an artist-focused community and outline their policies to protect and support artists in the AI era.


  • 🚀 The rapid advancement of AI in the art industry is causing both excitement and concern among artists and platforms.
  • 🎨 Flip Normals, an artist-driven platform, is formulating policies to navigate the AI landscape while prioritizing artist interests.
  • 🚫 AI-generated promotional images and 3D models are not allowed on Flip Normals to prevent false advertising and maintain content quality.
  • 🛠️ Utility-based AI tools that enhance artists' workflows, like scripts and brushes, are supported as they benefit artists without replacing jobs.
  • 🔍 The challenge of distinguishing AI-generated content from human-made art is increasing, with potential implications for the authenticity of creative works.
  • 🌐 The widespread use of AI in various industries could lead to a shift in job markets, potentially reducing opportunities for entry-level positions.
  • 💡 AI's potential to automate tasks efficiently presents both opportunities for small teams to 'punch above their weight' and concerns about the future of creative jobs.
  • 🔗 The reliance on AI for art creation could diminish the value of fundamental artistic skills and the personal growth that comes from overcoming creative challenges.
  • 🌍 Ethical considerations around AI include the potential for bias in training data and the global implications of Silicon Valley-driven ethical standards.
  • 🤖 The future of AI in art remains uncertain, with the possibility of both positive contributions to the creative process and negative impacts on the artist community.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic discussed in the podcast episode?

    -The main topic discussed in the podcast episode is the impact of AI on the art industry, specifically focusing on the policies and guidelines that Flip Normals is implementing in response to the growing presence of AI in art creation and marketing.

  • What is Flip Normals' stance on AI-generated content?

    -Flip Normals is primarily pro-artist and has formulated policies that ban AI-generated promotional images and galleries, as they consider it false advertising and not representative of the actual products created by artists. They are also against AI-generated 3D models and AI-generated reference packs or illustration packs, as they believe these do not serve the purpose of improving an artist's workflow or learning.

  • What kind of AI tools does Flip Normals allow on their platform?

    -Flip Normals allows AI-based utility tools that aid artists in speeding up their workflow, such as scripts, alphas, brushes, and other similar items. These tools are not meant to replace artists' jobs but to assist them in improving their productivity and efficiency.

  • How does Flip Normals plan to handle the challenges posed by AI in the future?

    -Flip Normals plans to continue its case-by-case evaluation of products uploaded to the platform, ensuring that they align with the company's pro-artist stance and policies. They also intend to rely on feedback from the community to help identify and address any AI-generated content that may slip through the cracks.

  • What are some concerns Flip Normals has about the current state of AI in the art industry?

    -Flip Normals is concerned about the lack of permission and compensation for artists whose work is used to train AI models, the potential threat AI poses to artists' jobs and motivation, and the ethical issues surrounding AI-generated content, such as deep fakes and the potential for creating false narratives or histories.

  • How does Flip Normals differentiate itself from other platforms in terms of its approach to AI?

    -Flip Normals differentiates itself by focusing on being artist-friendly and prioritizing the needs and concerns of artists. They have a strong background in art and a community-driven approach, which guides their policies and decisions regarding AI. They are also transparent about their policies and actively communicate with their creators and customers to gather feedback and make adjustments as needed.

  • What is the general sentiment of the art community towards AI?

    -The general sentiment of the art community towards AI is mixed, with some artists feeling threatened by the rapid advancement of AI and the potential loss of jobs, while others are excited about the possibilities AI presents in terms of streamlining and enhancing their creative processes.

  • What are some potential negative consequences of relying too heavily on AI in the art industry?

    -Some potential negative consequences include the loss of entry-level jobs, which can hinder new artists from entering the industry and gaining essential experience; the dilution of artistic skills and fundamentals, as artists may rely on AI to generate content without learning core techniques; and the ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI-generated content, such as deep fakes and the potential for misrepresentation or manipulation of reality.

  • What is the main concern regarding AI and artist rights?

    -The main concern is that AI models are trained on data without proper permission or authorization from the original artists, leading to potential copyright infringement and a lack of compensation for the creators whose work is used in the training process.

  • How does the rapid advancement of AI in the art industry affect artists' motivation and job security?

    -The rapid advancement of AI can lead to a decrease in motivation for artists, as they may feel threatened by the potential loss of their jobs and the ease with which AI can generate content. This can also result in artists feeling discouraged from pursuing careers in the art industry, fearing that their skills may become obsolete.



🤖 AI and Future Policies on Flip Normals

The speaker discusses the evolving topic of AI, particularly in relation to Flip Normals' marketplace and policies. Initially, AI content was minimal on the platform, with a focus on artist-driven content. However, recent events have prompted the need for a clear policy on AI. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining an artist-centric approach and outlines the platform's stance on AI-generated content, including a ban on AI-generated promotional images and 3D models. The policy aims to protect the integrity of the artist community and their work.


🛠️ Allowing AI-based Utility Tools

While AI-generated content is restricted, the platform supports AI-based utility tools that enhance artists' workflows. These tools, such as scripts and brushes, are meant to assist rather than replace artists. The speaker discusses the careful consideration given to allowing such tools, ensuring they align with the platform's values and benefit the artist community. The policy is not set in stone and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with community feedback playing a crucial role in shaping the platform's approach to AI.


🌐 AI's Impact on the Artist Community

The speaker acknowledges the broader impact of AI on the artist community, noting the concerns and fears associated with AI's rapid advancement. AI's potential to disrupt traditional artistic processes and job security is discussed, along with the ethical considerations of AI training on unauthorized data. The speaker also highlights the importance of community engagement and the need for a human approach to curating content on the platform.


🚀 Excitement and Concerns about AI

The speaker expresses both excitement and concern about AI's role in the future. While AI offers tools that can significantly speed up tasks and enable small teams to achieve more, there are concerns about the potential loss of entry-level jobs and the impact on the industry's structure. The speaker also discusses the potential misuse of AI in creating deepfakes and the importance of ensuring that AI development is guided by ethical considerations.


🎨 The Role of AI in Art and Creativity

The speaker reflects on AI's influence on art and creativity, discussing the potential for AI to simplify the creation process and the implications this has for developing artistic skills and style. There's concern that reliance on AI could undermine the fundamental learning and challenges inherent in art, leading to a generation of artists who may lack core skills and a deep understanding of their craft.


🌟 The Authenticity of AI-generated Art

The speaker discusses the challenges in distinguishing between AI-generated and human-created art, and the potential consequences of this in terms of misrepresentation and the loss of genuine artistic expression. The focus is on maintaining authenticity and the importance of artists developing their own style and skills, rather than relying on AI to determine the outcome of their work.


💡 The Future of Art and AI

The speaker contemplates the future of art in the face of AI advancements, expressing both optimism and concern. While there's potential for AI to empower smaller companies and individual artists, there's also the risk of AI undermining traditional art jobs and the overall human element in creative work. The speaker emphasizes the need for balance and for supporting the artist community in adapting to these changes.


🌟 Final Thoughts on AI and Artistic Integrity

In conclusion, the speaker reiterates the commitment to supporting artists and maintaining an artist-focused platform. There's a call for unity and consideration within the industry as AI continues to evolve, with the hope that small efforts like Flip Normals' can make a positive impact. The speaker looks forward to potential future developments that could further support the artist community, such as a portfolio site, while remaining vigilant about preserving the integrity of human creativity.




Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is a central topic, with the hosts discussing its impact on the art industry, its potential to replace human artists, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use in content creation.


A policy refers to a set of rules or guidelines that are systematically implemented to govern behavior or procedures. In the video, the hosts discuss the need for a clear policy regarding AI in the context of their platform, Flip Normals, to ensure that the marketplace remains artist-focused and does not promote AI-generated content at the expense of human artists.


Artist-driven refers to an approach or initiative that is led, created, or influenced by artists themselves, prioritizing their needs, creativity, and control over the process. In the video, the hosts emphasize their commitment to maintaining an artist-driven platform by not allowing AI-generated thumbnails, galleries, or 3D models, and instead focusing on tools that aid artists in their workflow.

💡AI-generated Content

AI-generated content refers to any material, such as images, text, or audio, that is created or produced by artificial intelligence algorithms without direct human intervention. In the video, the hosts express concerns about the proliferation of AI-generated content, particularly in the art industry, and its potential to mislead consumers and devalue human creativity.

💡False Advertising

False advertising is the use of misleading, untruthful, or deceptive statements to promote a product or service. In the context of the video, the hosts argue that AI-generated images used as thumbnails or galleries can constitute false advertising, as they may not accurately represent the human-created content offered on the platform.

💡Utility Tools

Utility tools refer to software or applications designed to assist users in performing specific tasks more efficiently, often to streamline or automate parts of a workflow. In the video, the hosts distinguish between AI-generated content and AI-based utility tools that can help artists by speeding up their work, such as scripts, brushes, and other aids that do not replace the artist's role.

💡Ethical Training

Ethical training refers to the process of educating individuals on moral principles and values to guide their behavior in a way that is socially responsible and respects the rights and well-being of others. In the context of AI, ethical training would involve developing algorithms that respect copyright, privacy, and the rights of content creators.

💡Deep Fakes

Deep fakes are synthetic media in which a person's likeness—face, voice, and speech patterns—are replaced with someone else's identity, often without their consent. This technology raises concerns about misinformation, identity theft, and the manipulation of public opinion.


A marketplace refers to a platform or environment where buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods or services. In the context of the video, the hosts discuss the Flip Normals marketplace, which is an online platform for artists to sell their creations, with a focus on ensuring that the content traded is authentically created by human artists.


A community refers to a group of people who share common interests or goals and interact with each other regularly. In the video, the hosts emphasize the importance of the artist community and their desire to support and protect it through thoughtful policies and platform management.


Curation refers to the process of selecting, organizing, and presenting content or items in a meaningful and engaging way. In the context of the video, curation is discussed in relation to how the hosts manage and maintain the quality and authenticity of the content on their platform, Flip Normals.


Discussion on the impact of AI on the art industry and the future of artist-focused platforms.

Flip Normals' approach to AI, focusing on artist-driven content and learning routines.

Concerns about the minimal AI content on Flip Normals compared to other platforms.

The recent policy changes by CG Trader and its implications on the art community.

Flip Normals' decision to formulate a proper policy to protect artists and their work.

The importance of maintaining an artist-friendly environment and spirit on Flip Normals.

Banning AI-generated promotional images and thumbnails to avoid false advertising.

The potential of AI utility tools that speed up artists' workflows without replacing their jobs.

The challenge of distinguishing AI-generated content from human-created content.

The ethical concerns surrounding AI models trained on unauthorized data.

Flip Normals' commitment to staying artist-focused and not leveraging user data for AI training.

The impact of AI on entry-level jobs and the potential decline of foundational skills in the art industry.

The potential risks of relying too heavily on AI in professional workflows.

The importance of human interaction and creativity in the face of advancing AI technology.

The future possibilities for Flip Normals, including a potential portfolio site for artists.

The need for policies that protect artists and their work from the encroachment of AI-generated content.