Best AI Bypasser: Bypass AI Detection & Get 100% Human Score | HIX Bypass

21 Mar 202406:26

TLDRIn this video, the host explores the intriguing topic of bypassing AI detection systems, particularly relevant in the academic and professional writing spheres. The presenter introduces 'HIX Bypass', a tool designed to cleanse AI-generated content, ensuring it passes undetected by AI plagiarism and originality checkers. The video demonstrates the effectiveness of HIX Bypass by generating a research proposal using Chat GPT, which is initially flagged by AI detectors. After processing the content through HIX Bypass, the output is shown to be undetectable by leading AI detection tools, including Zero GPT and Originality AI. The tool also offers a Chrome extension for convenience. The host encourages viewers to try HIX Bypass for themselves, emphasizing its utility for students, researchers, and writers looking to maintain efficiency and authenticity in their work.


  • 🚀 The video discusses methods to bypass AI detection systems for AI-generated content.
  • 🎓 Universities use AI detectors to identify and penalize students for AI-generated content.
  • 📝 Hicks Bypass is introduced as a tool to clean AI-generated content and avoid detection.
  • 🔍 The tool is tested on various AI detectors and found effective in preventing content from being flagged.
  • 💻 Hicks Bypass is accessible through a website and offers a free version with some limitations.
  • 📚 Users can create an account with Google to use the tool's features.
  • 📈 The tool can be used by students, researchers, secretaries, and writers to improve efficiency.
  • 📝 The process involves generating content with AI, then using Hicks Bypass to 'humanize' it.
  • 📈 After humanization, the content is retested and found to be undetectable as AI-generated.
  • 📈 The tool can be used to enhance the quality of paragraphs and ensure they are not flagged by AI detectors.
  • 📡 Hicks Bypass also offers a Chrome extension for easier use in the writing process.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of discussion in the provided transcript?

    -The main topic of discussion is about bypassing AI detection systems in 2024 using a tool called HIX Bypass.

  • Why is it important to bypass AI detection systems when submitting academic papers?

    -It is important because universities and institutions use AI detectors to identify AI-generated content, which can lead to assignments being repeated or even failed.

  • What is the name of the tool introduced in the transcript that can help clean AI-generated content?

    -The tool introduced is called HIX Bypass.

  • How does HIX Bypass help in the process of cleaning AI-generated content?

    -HIX Bypass automatically cleans the AI-generated content, making it undetectable by AI detectors, thus helping to achieve a 100% human score.

  • What are some of the AI detectors that HIX Bypass can help bypass?

    -HIX Bypass can help bypass AI detectors such as Zero GPT, Originality AI, GPT Z, Turnitin, Copyleaks, and many more.

  • How can users access HIX Bypass?

    -Users can access HIX Bypass by performing a Google search for 'Hicks bypass' and visiting the first link that appears, which is 'undetectable AI free'.

  • What are the limitations of the free version of HIX Bypass?

    -The free version of HIX Bypass has some limitations, but it is still capable of doing the job required for cleaning AI-generated content.

  • How does HIX Bypass ensure that the cleaned content is not flagged by AI detectors?

    -HIX Bypass tests the cleaned content against a number of top AI detectors and provides results indicating that none would detect the content as AI-generated.

  • What is the process of using HIX Bypass to clean AI-generated content?

    -First, create the content using an AI content generator like chat GPT. Then, copy the content and paste it into the HIX Bypass dashboard, click 'humanize', and wait for the process to finish. The resulting humanized content should not be flagged by AI detectors.

  • Is there a Chrome extension available for HIX Bypass to facilitate the cleaning process?

    -Yes, HIX Bypass has a Chrome extension that can be installed to make the cleaning process easier for users.

  • What is the significance of using HIX Bypass for researchers and writers?

    -HIX Bypass is significant for researchers and writers as it helps them submit papers that are not flagged as AI-generated, thus maintaining their academic integrity and efficiency at work.

  • How can users stay updated with HIX Bypass and its features?

    -Users can stay updated by visiting the HIX Bypass website, following updates on their social media channels, or keeping an eye on the video description for any new links or updates.



🚀 Introduction to AI and Bypassing Detection Systems

The video begins with a welcome to tech enthusiasts and an introduction to the topic of artificial intelligence. It focuses on how to outsmart AI detection systems in 2024, emphasizing the importance of not submitting AI-generated content without first 'cleaning' it. The speaker shares their experience with reviewing academic papers and the consequences of content being flagged by AI detectors. They introduce Hicks Bypass, a tool that can help 'humanize' AI-generated content, ensuring it passes detection. The video provides a step-by-step guide on using Hicks Bypass, starting from creating an account to testing the tool's effectiveness on AI-generated content.


🔍 Hicks Bypass: The Solution for AI Content Detection

The second paragraph delves into the effectiveness of Hicks Bypass in converting AI-generated content to appear human-written. It demonstrates the process of using the tool by creating a detailed research proposal with chat GPT, then testing the original and cleaned content through AI detectors like GPT and Turnitin. The results show a significant improvement, with the cleaned content being detected as human-written and not flagged by any AI detectors. The video also mentions the availability of a Chrome extension for Hicks Bypass to facilitate the process, and encourages viewers to try the tool for their writing needs.



💡AI Bypasser

An AI Bypasser is a tool or technique designed to evade detection by artificial intelligence systems. In the context of the video, it refers to methods that can help disguise AI-generated content to appear as if it were created by a human, thus avoiding penalties or rejections from AI detection systems used by educational institutions or content platforms.

💡AI Detection Systems

AI Detection Systems are mechanisms that use artificial intelligence to identify content that may have been generated or significantly assisted by AI tools. They are often used in academic and professional settings to ensure original human work and to prevent plagiarism or the submission of AI-created content.

💡HIX Bypass

HIX Bypass is an AI humanizer tool mentioned in the video that claims to clean AI-generated content, making it undetectable by AI detection systems. It is positioned as a solution for students, researchers, and writers to maintain efficiency in their work by using AI content generators without the risk of their content being flagged as AI-generated.

💡AI Generated Content

AI Generated Content refers to any material, such as text, articles, or essays, that are created or heavily influenced by artificial intelligence algorithms. The video discusses the challenges of submitting such content for academic or professional review without it being detected as non-human authored.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model that can generate human-like text based on given prompts. In the script, it is used to create a detailed proposal on leveraging artificial intelligence for enhancing research efficiency. However, the content generated by Chat GPT is detected as AI-written, which is why the HIX Bypass tool is introduced to 'humanize' the content.

💡Human Score

A 'Human Score' in the context of the video refers to the assessment by AI detection systems that the content is of human origin. Achieving a 100% human score means that the content is not flagged as being generated by AI, which is the goal when using tools like HIX Bypass.

💡Research Efficiency

Research Efficiency pertains to the effectiveness and speed with which research is conducted. The video suggests that leveraging artificial intelligence can enhance research efficiency and innovation by providing comprehensive analyses of applications, challenges, and future prospects in the field.

💡Zero GPT

Zero GPT is one of the AI detectors mentioned in the video that HIX Bypass claims to bypass. It is part of a suite of tools that detect AI-generated content, and the video implies that HIX Bypass can successfully modify content to avoid detection by such systems.

💡Originality AI

Originality AI is another AI detection tool referenced in the video. It is used to check the originality of content, ensuring that it is not copied or AI-generated. The HIX Bypass tool is said to help content pass undetected by such originality checkers.


Turnitin is a widely used plagiarism detection service that also has the capability to detect AI-generated content. The video suggests that HIX Bypass can process content to make it appear original and human-written, thus avoiding detection by Turnitin.

💡Chrome Extension

A Chrome Extension mentioned in the video is a tool that can be added to the Google Chrome browser to enhance its functionality. In the context of HIX Bypass, the extension is suggested to facilitate the process of 'humanizing' AI-generated content directly within the browser, making it easier for users to work with.


Exploring how to bypass AI detection systems in 2024.

AI generated content can lead to failed assignments if detected by AI detectors.

Introducing Hicks Bypass, a tool for cleaning AI generated content.

Hicks Bypass has been tested and works 100% on student work.

The tool can be accessed for free and has limitations in the free version.

Hicks Bypass tests content on multiple top AI detectors.

The tool can bypass detection for AI detectors like Zero GPT, Originality AI, GPT Z, Turnitin, and more.

A step-by-step guide on using Hicks Bypass to humanize AI generated content.

Creating an account with Google is a simple process to start using the tool.

Generating a detailed proposal on leveraging AI for enhancing research efficiency using chat GPT.

The AI generated proposal is detected as such by AI detectors.

After using Hicks Bypass, the content is no longer flagged by AI detectors.

Hicks Bypass can be used by students, researchers, secretaries, and writers to maintain efficiency.

The tool offers a Chrome extension for easier use.

Most writers and researchers are using Hicks Bypass for their papers.

AI detectors cannot flag content humanized by Hicks Bypass.

The tool has been tested on top-rated AI detector tools and has proven successful.

Hicks Bypass is a valuable tool for those wanting to retain 100% efficiency at work using AI content generators.