Best AI tool for writing research papers in 2024 (ZERO plagiarism)

Academic English Now
27 Mar 202416:20

TLDRDiscover the power of AI in academic writing with Jenny AI, a tool that streamlines the research paper creation process. It generates outlines, prompts, and even references, cutting down writing time significantly. With features like text simplification, fluency enhancement, and a chat function for personalized writing assistance, Jenny AI is a revolutionary platform for PhD students and researchers looking to publish in top journals efficiently and ethically.


  • 🚀 AI tools like Jenny AI can significantly reduce the time spent on writing research papers, from months to days or even hours.
  • 📝 Jenny AI helps in creating a structured outline for research papers, providing logical headings and prompts to fill in with text.
  • 📈 The tool operates by understanding the task description provided by the user and generating content based on that input.
  • 🔍 Jenny AI can gauge the accuracy of the prompt and suggest improvements, such as adding keywords for better results.
  • ✍️ It offers features like paraphrasing, improving fluency, and simplifying text to help researchers refine their writing.
  • 🔗 The AI tool can suggest and add real references from existing academic papers, which can be verified and read by the user.
  • 📚 Jenny AI has a chat feature that allows users to ask questions and get suggestions for their writing, acting as a personal writing assistant.
  • 💡 The tool can assist in expanding on initial sentences and developing arguments, preventing writers from feeling stuck.
  • 📊 Both free and paid plans are available, with the paid plan offering additional features like reference insertion and more styling options.
  • 🔧 Jenny AI integrates with other tools like Zotero for managing sources and references, making the research and writing process more efficient.
  • 📈 The video encourages researchers and PhD students to consider using AI tools like Jenny AI to enhance their academic writing and publication process.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the AI tool Jenny.a mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main purpose of Jenny.a is to assist researchers and PhD students in writing and structuring their research papers, theses, and academic texts more efficiently by providing outlines, writing prompts, and suggestions for improving fluency and coherence.

  • How does Jenny.a help in reducing the writing time for research papers?

    -Jenny.a helps in reducing writing time by providing a detailed outline based on the user's input, offering writing prompts for each section, suggesting sentence structures, and aiding in the expansion of ideas. It also assists in simplifying text and paraphrase existing content.

  • What are some of the features that differentiate the free and paid plans of Jenny.a?

    -The free plan of Jenny.a offers basic writing assistance, while the paid plan provides additional features such as reference search and addition, citation formatting, and access to AI chat for personalized writing support.

  • How does Jenny.a ensure the references it suggests are real and not invented?

    -Jenny.a uses keywords from the user's text to search academic databases for real, existing papers. Users can verify the references by opening them in a new tab within the software, ensuring the authenticity of the suggested sources.

  • What is the role of the AI chat feature in Jenny.a?

    -The AI chat feature in Jenny.a acts as a personal writing assistant, providing knowledgeable responses to questions about the user's writing, suggesting improvements, and helping to develop specific sections of the text.

  • How can Jenny.a assist with the fluency and coherence of a written text?

    -Jenny.a can improve the fluency of a text by suggesting more natural sentence structures and helping to paraphrase existing content. It also assists in simplifying complex sentences and reducing wordiness, which enhances the overall coherence of the text.

  • What is the significance of the 'hallucinations' in Chat GPT and how does Jenny.a differ in this aspect?

    -In Chat GPT, 'hallucinations' refer to the invention of references or information that do not exist. Jenny.a differs by providing grounded and authentic information based on real academic sources, avoiding the creation of non-existent references.

  • How does Jenny.a support the user in managing their sources and references?

    -Jenny.a allows users to upload sources, automatically adding them to a library within the software. It also supports the import of BibTeX files and enables users to cite sources directly within the document, streamlining the reference management process.

  • What are some ethical considerations when using AI tools like Jenny.a for academic writing?

    -While using AI tools like Jenny.a can significantly aid the writing process, it is essential to ensure that the final work is original and not plagiarized. Users should use the tool to gain insights and inspiration but must write their content in their own words to maintain academic integrity.

  • How can users benefit from the export feature in Jenny.a?

    -The export feature in Jenny.a allows users to convert their written text into various formats such as Word, LaTeX, or HTML. This flexibility makes it easier for users to share, publish, or further edit their work in their preferred platforms.

  • What additional support does the speaker offer for researchers and PhD students struggling with writing research papers?

    -The speaker offers one-to-one consultations through Academic English Now, where expert advisers provide personalized guidance and support to help researchers and PhD students overcome challenges in writing and publishing papers in top journals within their fields.



📄 Introducing AI in Academic Writing

The paragraph introduces the concept of using AI to significantly reduce the time spent on writing research papers or theses. It emphasizes the efficiency of AI in structuring academic papers with logical headings and the potential to condense writing time from months to days or weeks. The speaker, Mov, highlights the growing acceptance of AI in academia despite some institutions' resistance and suggests that not using AI could lead to missing out on opportunities. The speaker then introduces Jenny AI as a powerful tool, akin to an advanced version of Grammarly, to assist in academic writing.


🚀 Streamlining Writing with Jenny AI

This paragraph delves into the functionality of Jenny AI, illustrating how it streamlines the writing process. The speaker explains that Jenny AI can help gauge the accuracy of a writing prompt and suggests improvements, such as adding keywords. It provides an outline for the paper, making the structure clear from the start. The tool then offers writing prompts for each section, assisting with initial sentence construction and further development of ideas. The speaker also mentions that Jenny AI helps in expanding and improving the fluency of text, simplifying complex sentences, and managing word count, which is crucial for adhering to journal limitations.


📚 Enhancing Writing with References and AI Chat

The speaker discusses the advanced features of Jenny AI, such as its ability to source and suggest real, existing academic papers as references. Unlike other AI tools that invent non-existent references, Jenny AI provides accurate citations that can be opened in a new tab for verification. The paragraph also covers the differences between the free and paid versions of Jenny AI, with the paid version offering additional features like reference insertion. The speaker further explores the AI chat feature, which allows users to ask questions and receive suggestions for their writing, providing a personal writing buddy experience.


🎓 Tailoring AI Assistance for Academic Success

In the final paragraph, the speaker addresses the practical application of Jenny AI in enhancing the writing process for researchers and PhD students. The tool aids in structuring the paper, providing prompts for each section, and ensuring that the writing remains on track. It also assists in managing the library of sources and offers the ability to cite them directly within the document. The speaker then transitions to promote their own service, Academic English Now, which offers personalized assistance in writing and publishing research papers in top journals. The paragraph concludes with an invitation for viewers to book a free consultation to discuss their academic writing challenges.



💡AI tool

An AI tool, in the context of this video, refers to artificial intelligence software designed to assist in writing research papers. The tool, named Jenny AI, is described as being capable of generating text, providing writing prompts, and structuring academic papers efficiently. It is compared to 'grammarly on steroids', indicating its enhanced capabilities over traditional grammar and writing aids. The video emphasizes the ethical use of AI tools like Jenny AI to expedite the writing process without resorting to plagiarism.

💡Research papers

Research papers are scholarly writings that present original research results, typically in the form of articles that are published in academic journals. They are a crucial part of the academic and scientific community, as they contribute to the advancement of knowledge. In the video, the focus is on the use of AI to streamline the writing of research papers, making the process more efficient and less time-consuming, while maintaining academic integrity and originality.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without proper attribution, thus presenting it as one's own. It is a serious ethical offense in academia and can lead to severe consequences, including the rejection of papers and damage to a researcher's reputation. The video emphasizes the importance of using AI tools ethically to avoid plagiarism, ensuring that all content generated is original and properly attributed when incorporating external sources.

💡Academic writing

Academic writing refers to the style of writing used in scholarly and scientific communication, which is characterized by a formal tone,严谨的论证, and adherence to specific formatting and citation guidelines. The video highlights the challenges faced by PhD students and researchers in academic writing, such as structuring papers and generating content, and how AI tools like Jenny AI can assist in overcoming these obstacles to produce high-quality, publishable work.


A thesis is a lengthy academic document presenting original research or scholarship on a particular topic, typically required for completion of a Master's or Doctoral degree. The video discusses the application of AI tools in thesis writing, emphasizing the potential to reduce the time and effort involved in crafting a comprehensive and structured academic work.

💡Jenny AI

Jenny AI is the specific AI tool discussed in the video, designed to assist with academic writing tasks such as drafting research papers and theses. It is portrayed as a powerful aid that can generate content, provide writing prompts, create outlines, manage references, and even paraphrase text to enhance fluency and originality. The video suggests that Jenny AI can significantly improve the efficiency and quality of academic writing.

💡Writing process

The writing process refers to the series of steps involved in creating a written work, from initial idea generation to final revision and publication. The video highlights the challenges of the writing process, especially for academic papers, and how AI tools like Jenny AI can facilitate each step, from outlining and drafting to editing and citation management, ultimately aiming to reduce the time and effort required to produce a high-quality research paper.


References are the citations made to the sources of information used in a written work, which are essential for academic writing to give credit to the original authors and to allow readers to locate the sources for further study. The video discusses the importance of accurate references and how Jenny AI can assist in finding and formatting them correctly, ensuring that the research paper adheres to academic standards and avoids plagiarism.


An outline is a structured plan that summarizes the main points and subpoints of a written work, providing a roadmap for the organization of content. In the context of the video, an outline is crucial for structuring a research paper and is one of the key features offered by Jenny AI to help users efficiently organize their thoughts and research findings into a coherent and logical format.


Fluency in writing refers to the smooth, coherent, and effective expression of ideas in a natural and easy-to-understand manner. The video emphasizes the importance of fluency in academic writing and how AI tools like Jenny AI can enhance the fluency of a text by suggesting improvements to sentence structure, word choice, and overall clarity.

💡Chat feature

The chat feature in Jenny AI is a real-time communication tool that allows users to interact with the AI directly, asking questions or seeking advice on their writing. This feature is likened to having a personal writing assistant that is knowledgeable and available 24/7, providing immediate feedback and suggestions to enhance the writing process.


Imagine writing an entire research paper in just a matter of hours with AI assistance.

AI in Academia can significantly cut down writing time from months to weeks or even days.

Jenny.AI is a powerful AI tool that can help you write research papers ethically and efficiently.

Jenny.AI works like an enhanced version of Grammarly, designed for academic research.

The AI provides a detailed outline for your research paper based on the prompt you provide.

Jenny.AI helps you gauge the accuracy of your prompt and suggests improvements.

The tool offers prompts to kickstart your writing and helps develop your ideas further.

Jenny.AI can paraphrase your own writing and improve its fluency.

The AI tool simplifies complex text, helping you adhere to strict word limits in journals.

Jenny.AI generates real references from existing papers, unlike other AI that invents non-existent references.

With Jenny.AI, you can easily add and reformat citations in various referencing styles.

The paid plan of Jenny.AI offers reference features, which is a significant upgrade from the free plan.

Jenny.AI chat acts as a personal writing buddy, providing instant knowledge and suggestions for your writing.

The AI tool can assist in structuring your paper, providing prompts for each section, including the introduction and conclusion.

Jenny.AI helps you expand on your initial sentences and deepens your arguments.

The tool offers a library feature to store and manage sources for your paper, with the ability to cite them immediately.

Export your finished document in various formats like Word, LaTeX, or HTML with ease.

Jenny.AI prevents writer's block by providing continuous prompts and support throughout the writing process.