CANCER: They Can't Stop Thinking About Your First Kiss, First EVERYTHING. Still DEEPLY In Love.

Lumen Moon Tarot LLC
7 Apr 202421:40

TLDRIn this Luma Moon Tarot reading for Cancer, a karmic relationship and a broken engagement are highlighted. The narrative focuses on a masculine figure who is entangled with a toxic partner and yearns for the Cancer's presence. Despite the challenges and potential drama, the Cancer is advised to release this connection and move forward, embracing new beginnings and abundance. The reading suggests that the person will attempt to reconnect with Cancer, driven by a strong desire to recapture the initial magic of their relationship. The Cancer is encouraged to be cautious and protect their heart, as their feelings towards this person may have changed.


  • 🌟 The reading is specifically for individuals born under the Cancer zodiac sign.
  • 🃏 The script involves a tarot reading using the Baby Tarot deck.
  • 💔 There is a mention of a broken-off engagement or marriage due to a toxic relationship, described as karmic.
  • 😡 The individual involved (the masculine) feels increasingly angry and stuck in the toxic situation.
  • 👀 The masculine person is observing the Cancer's happiness from a distance and desires to be part of it.
  • 🚨 A significant change or confrontation is expected to occur, possibly over the weekend.
  • 📞 Anticipated communication from two parties, including the karmic individual, is highlighted.
  • 😢 The karmic person is depicted as deeply hurt and seeking revenge.
  • 🥺 The masculine individual is regretful, still in love with the Cancer, and wants to reconnect.
  • 🌠 The reading suggests a strong, unforgettable connection between the Cancer and the masculine individual.
  • 🔮 The Cancer is advised to be cautious and protect their heart, as their feelings towards the past relationship have changed.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the reading for Cancer in the Luma Moon Tarot video?

    -The main theme of the reading is about a Cancer individual who is experiencing a complicated relationship situation involving a karmic relationship and a past love interest.

  • What does the masculine figure in the reading represent?

    -The masculine figure represents a past love interest of the Cancer individual who is caught in a toxic relationship and is longing to reconnect with the Cancer.

  • What is the significance of the karmic relationship mentioned in the reading?

    -The karmic relationship signifies a deep, possibly unhealthy connection that the masculine figure is currently involved in, which is causing them to feel trapped and longing for the Cancer individual.

  • How does the Cancer individual feel about the situation?

    -The Cancer individual is moving on and releasing the connection with the toxic people in their life, including the karmic relationship, and is focusing on their own happiness and growth.

  • What is the expected outcome of the situation according to the reading?

    -The expected outcome is that the past love interest will attempt to reconnect with the Cancer individual, but the Cancer individual has healed and grown, and may not be interested in rekindling the relationship.

  • What is the significance of the communication mentioned in the reading?

    -The communication signifies that the past love interest is about to reach out to the Cancer individual, potentially to confess their feelings and the situation with the karmic relationship.

  • What does the reading suggest about the past love interest's feelings towards the Cancer individual?

    -The past love interest is still deeply in love with the Cancer individual and has been unable to forget them, despite the time and circumstances that have passed.

  • What is the role of the karmic figure in the reading?

    -The karmic figure represents a toxic and potentially dangerous individual who the past love interest is or was involved with, and who may seek revenge or cause further complications.

  • How does the reading suggest the Cancer individual should handle the upcoming communication?

    -The reading suggests that the Cancer individual should be cautious and protect their heart, as they have moved on and healed from the past relationship, and should not easily trust the person who is reaching out.

  • What are some of the key astrological signs mentioned in the reading for the potential past love interest?

    -The key astrological signs mentioned include Leo, Virgo, Aries, Sagittarius, Libra, and Gemini, which are associated with Fire and Air signs.

  • What is the significance of the 'What Have I Done' card in the reading?

    -The 'What Have I Done' card signifies regret and the realization of a mistake, indicating that the past love interest acknowledges their error in leaving the Cancer individual and is filled with remorse.



🌟 Karmic Breakup and Earth Angel Yearning

The paragraph discusses a karmic relationship that has ended, with a focus on a masculine figure who is breaking off an engagement or marriage due to its toxic nature. This individual is described as being deeply entangled with a 'karmic' person, but is now fixated on the Cancer sign, longing for their presence and the happiness they once shared. The narrative suggests that this person is observing the Cancer's success and happiness from a distance, feeling a mix of anger and desire to reconnect. The message emphasizes that the Cancer sign is moving on, releasing toxic connections, and embracing a new beginning, while the other person grapples with their feelings of regret and a desire for reconciliation.


💔 Returning Love and the Temptation of the Past

This section delves into the emotions of the person who left the Cancer sign, highlighting their persistent longing and the recognition of a mistake made in leaving the relationship. The individual is said to be battling with the urge to return and confess their true feelings, despite the complications involving the 'karmic' person. The narrative suggests that external influences may have contributed to the initial separation, but the person's love for the Cancer sign remains strong. They are depicted as being trapped in a cycle of regret and a desperate wish to rekindle the past, even as they navigate the fallout from their previous decisions.


😔 Unforgettable Memories and the Desire to Reconnect

The paragraph focuses on the unforgettable impact the Cancer sign had on the life of the person who left them. It emphasizes the deep emotional connection that remains, despite the time and distance. The person is described as being unable to forget the Cancer sign and is actively trying to manifest their return. The narrative suggests that the person is in love with the Cancer sign and is actively cutting ties with others in their life to focus on this desire. However, it also notes a shift in the Cancer sign's feelings, indicating a release from the past and a cautious approach to any potential reconnection.


🎇 Reflecting on the Beginning and the Intensity of First Moments

This part of the script centers on the memories of the beginning of the relationship, with a particular emphasis on the first kiss and the magical moments shared between the Cancer sign and the person who left them. The individual is depicted as fixated on these memories and the intense emotions they evoked. The narrative suggests that the person is trying to reconnect with the Cancer sign by focusing on recapturing that initial magic. It also hints at a possible astrological connection, mentioning signs like Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Libra, and Gemini as potential matches for the Cancer sign's situation.


🌈 Hope for Reconciliation and Future Possibilities

The final paragraph offers a hopeful outlook on the potential for reconciliation between the Cancer sign and the person who left them. It suggests that despite the challenges and the 'karmic' situation, the person is determined to find a way back into the Cancer sign's life. The narrative encourages the Cancer sign to be open to the conversation that is about to happen, and to consider the deep love and longing that the person feels. It ends with an invitation for the audience to follow for updates and to join a supportive community, while also teasing an upcoming giveaway.



💡Luma Moon Tarot

Luma Moon Tarot is the name of the channel and presumably the brand under which the speaker operates. It is central to the video's theme as it represents the source of the reading and guidance being provided. The channel focuses on tarot readings and spiritual guidance, as indicated by the context of the video script.


In the context of this script, 'Cancer' refers to individuals born under the zodiac sign of Cancer. The video is specifically tailored to provide insights and predictions for these individuals. The Cancer sign is associated with themes of nurturing, emotional depth, and intuition, which are explored throughout the reading.

💡Baby Deck

The 'Baby Deck' is likely a specific set of tarot cards used by the speaker for the reading. Tarot decks often have unique themes or designs, and the 'Baby Deck' may suggest a particular style or symbolism relevant to the reading. It is a key element in the video as it is the tool through which the insights and predictions are channeled.

💡Karmic Relationship

A 'Karmic Relationship' refers to a deep, often intense connection between individuals that is believed to have roots in past lives or spiritual contracts. In the video, this concept is used to describe a complex and possibly toxic relationship that has significant emotional impact on the individuals involved.

💡Breaking Off

The phrase 'Breaking Off' in the context of the video refers to the act of ending a relationship, specifically mentioning the dissolution of an engagement or marriage. It signifies a significant change or turning point in the personal life of the individual receiving the reading.

💡Earth Angel

An 'Earth Angel' is a term often used in spiritual contexts to refer to a person who is seen as a guide, healer, or source of positive energy and love. In the video, this term is used to describe the person the 'masculine' figure is longing for, suggesting their nurturing and loving qualities.


In the context of the video, 'Revenge' refers to the intention of the 'karmic' figure to seek retaliation or retribution due to the ending of the relationship. It suggests a strong negative emotion and a potential for conflict or drama.


Ghosting is the act of suddenly cutting off all communication with someone without explanation. In the video, it's used to describe a past event where the 'masculine' figure ended a relationship abruptly, leaving the other person without closure or understanding.


A 'Healer' in this context refers to an individual who has the ability to provide emotional or spiritual comfort, guidance, and support to others. It is used to describe the nurturing and restorative qualities of the person the 'masculine' figure is missing.


The term 'Unforgettable' is used to describe someone who leaves a lasting impression and is impossible to forget due to the significant impact they have had on one's life. In the video, it is used to emphasize the enduring emotional connection between the 'masculine' figure and the viewer.


Manifesting is the practice of bringing something into reality through focused thought, intention, and belief. In the video, it is used to describe the 'masculine' figure's attempts to draw the viewer back into their life through their thoughts and desires.


The reading is conducted using the baby deck for Cancer signs.

There is a masculine figure in the Cancer's life who has ended a toxic engagement or marriage.

The relationship with the masculine figure is described as karmic and significant.

The masculine figure is observed to be increasingly angry and fixated on the Cancer sign.

The masculine figure desires to reconnect with the Cancer sign and is expected to make contact.

The Cancer sign is experiencing a release from past connections and moving towards new beginnings.

The karmic individual is seeking revenge and is emotionally unstable, crying tears of blood.

A past relationship where the Cancer was ghosted is mentioned, with the masculine figure making a wrong choice.

The masculine figure is said to have always wanted the Cancer sign and made a mistake by leaving.

The Cancer sign is warned about upcoming communication from both the masculine figure and the karmic individual.

The reading suggests the Cancer sign has moved on and does not want to engage in karmic situations anymore.

The masculine figure is trying to protect the Cancer sign from the karmic individual's wrath.

The Cancer sign is described as an Earth Angel, someone who has deeply touched the masculine figure's soul.

The masculine figure is said to be unforgettable to the Cancer sign and wants to rekindle the relationship.

Memories of the first kiss and the start of the relationship are replayed in the masculine figure's mind.

The karmic individual is expected to cause a big fight and seek revenge, but the masculine figure wants to come back to the Cancer sign.

The reading concludes with the Cancer sign being advised to be cautious and protect their heart.