Chat GPT - Pass Detection 100% Human Written With This Prompt

Success With AI
30 Jan 202306:08

TLDRThe video demonstrates a method to evade AI content detectors by manipulating the text to increase perplexity and burstiness, two factors crucial for assessing AI-generated content. The host rewrites an article initially flagged as AI-generated by using these techniques, resulting in a 100% human-generated score on AI detectors. This approach bypasses the need for additional software and maintains the quality of the content.


  • 📝 The video discusses techniques to bypass AI content detectors without additional software.
  • 🛠️ Previous videos mentioned using paid tools like Quill Bot for re-drafting content to avoid AI detection.
  • 📈 The speaker used Chat GPT to create a 250-word article on the impact of AI on the real estate industry.
  • 🔍 was identified as a common AI detection tool, with a 97% confidence level in detecting AI-generated content.
  • 🤖 A secondary scan on showed 90% human-generated content, suggesting less aggressive detection.
  • 📝 The video introduces a method to rewrite content with increased perplexity and burstiness to avoid detection.
  • 🔄 Perplexity measures text complexity, while burstiness compares sentence variation, both crucial for mimicking human writing.
  • 📝 The rewritten article with enhanced perplexity and burstiness was re-scanned on AI detection tools, yielding 100% human content scores.
  • 🚀 The technique offers benefits like not needing extra tools and maintaining content quality.
  • 🧪 The speaker suggests testing with various content types, as results may vary depending on the content's nature.
  • 📺 The video encourages viewers to engage with the channel for more AI-related success strategies.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is about demonstrating methods to bypass AI content detectors without using additional software.

  • What tool was previously discussed in the video series for re-drafting content to pass AI detection?

    -In previous videos, Quill Bot was discussed as a paid tool that can help re-draft content to pass AI detection.

  • What AI did the speaker use to write a 250-word article on real estate agents?

    -The speaker used Chat GPT to write a 250-word article on how Chat GPT can revolutionize the real estate agent industry.

  • Which AI detection tool showed a 97% confidence that the original article was AI-generated? showed a 97% confidence that the original article was AI-generated.

  • How did the AI detection tool on differ from in its assessment?'s AI detector assessed the article as 90% human-generated content, indicating a lower aggressiveness in detection compared to

  • What two factors are crucial when assessing AI-generated content?

    -The two crucial factors when assessing AI-generated content are perplexity, which measures the complexity of the text, and burstiness, which compares the variations of the sentences.

  • How did the speaker instruct Chat GPT to create content with increased perplexity and burstiness?

    -The speaker provided a prompt to Chat GPT explaining the concepts of perplexity and burstiness and requested the AI to create content with a good balance between the two.

  • What was the outcome after rewriting the article with increased perplexity and burstiness?

    -After rewriting the article with increased perplexity and burstiness, AI detection tools showed 100% confidence that the content was human-generated, passing the AI detection.

  • What is the benefit of using the method demonstrated in the video?

    -The benefit of using this method is that it avoids the need for additional tools and improves the quality of content by adding variations in sentence structure, making it less likely to be detected as AI-generated.

  • How successful was the method in the speaker's tests?

    -In the speaker's tests, the method resulted in very similar outcomes, with an 80-100% human content score on AI detectors, demonstrating a high level of success.

  • What advice does the speaker give to viewers regarding the method?

    -The speaker advises viewers to test the method with different types of content, as the success rate might vary depending on the content type, and to engage with the channel for more information on achieving AI success.



🤖 Bypassing AI Content Detectors

This paragraph introduces the video's main objective, which is to demonstrate methods for evading AI content detectors without the need for additional software. The speaker references previous videos discussing tools like Quill Bot, a paid service for re-drafting content to pass AI detection. However, the focus here is on using Chat GPT to avoid detection. The speaker shares their experience of writing a 250-word article on how Chat GPT could revolutionize the real estate industry and its detection by AI, with a 97% confidence level from They also mention a secondary scan on, which found the content to be 90% human-generated, indicating varying detection levels. The speaker then outlines a strategy to rewrite the article with increased perplexity and burstiness, two factors crucial for avoiding AI detection, and plans to recheck the revised content with AI detectors.


📈 Enhancing Content with Perplexity and Burstiness

In this paragraph, the speaker discusses the benefits of enhancing content with perplexity and burstiness to avoid detection by AI content assessment tools. They explain that perplexity measures the complexity of the text, while burstiness compares the variations in sentence lengths. By instructing Chat GPT to create content with these elements, the speaker aims to produce text that mimics human writing patterns, thus reducing the likelihood of detection. The speaker then shares their successful results after applying this method, showing 100% confidence in originality from and 100% human-generated content scores from other detectors. They encourage viewers to test this approach and share their experiences, emphasizing that while results may vary, the method has consistently yielded high human content scores in their tests.



💡AI content detectors

AI content detectors are tools or software programs designed to identify and evaluate whether a piece of content has been generated by artificial intelligence. In the video, these detectors are used to analyze the content created by chat GPT to determine if it can be distinguished from human-written content.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is an AI language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, Chat GPT is used to draft an article on how it could revolutionize the real estate industry.

💡Quill bot

Quill bot is a paid tool designed to help rewrite and re-draft content to improve its uniqueness and help it pass AI detection algorithms. Although it is mentioned in the video, the focus is on methods to bypass AI detectors without using additional software like Quill bot.


In the context of the video, perplexity refers to the complexity or unpredictability of a text. High perplexity in a text indicates a variety of sentence structures and word usage, which is a characteristic of human writing. The video suggests increasing perplexity to help AI-generated content evade detection by AI content detectors.


Burstiness, as used in the video, compares the variation in sentence lengths within a text. Human writers tend to use a mix of longer, more complex sentences alongside shorter ones, which creates a sense of burstiness. The video emphasizes the importance of incorporating burstiness to make AI-generated content appear more human-like.

💡 is one of the AI content detectors mentioned in the video. It is used to assess the originality of a text and determine the confidence level that the content is AI-generated. The video demonstrates how the AI detection confidence was reduced after rewriting the article with increased perplexity and burstiness.

💡Human-generated content

Human-generated content refers to any content, such as articles, essays, or texts, that are created by people rather than machines or AI. The video's main objective is to teach viewers how to make AI-generated content appear as if it were human-generated, thus bypassing AI content detectors.


In the context of the video, a rewrite involves altering the original AI-generated content to include more complexity and variation in sentence structure. The purpose of this is to mimic the natural writing style of humans and avoid detection by AI content detectors.

💡 is another AI content detector mentioned in the video. It is used to analyze the content for AI-generated characteristics. The video shows that by adjusting the content's perplexity and burstiness, the detector's confidence in the content being AI-based can be significantly reduced.

💡Plagiarism check

A plagiarism check is a process used to determine if a piece of content is copied from another source. In the video, it is advised to avoid checking the rewritten content for plagiarism as it may consume credits and may not be relevant to the goal of passing AI detection.


The video demonstrates a method to bypass AI content detectors without additional software.

Previous videos discussed using paid tools like Quill Bot for re-drafting content to evade AI detection.

The presenter has developed a technique using Chat GPT to avoid detection by AI content detectors.

A 250-word article was written using Chat GPT about its impact on the real estate industry. was used as an example of an AI detection tool with a 97% confidence level in detecting AI-generated content.'s AI detector showed contrasting results, suggesting the content was 90% human-generated.

Content assessment by AI detectors focuses on two factors: perplexity and burstiness.

Perplexity measures text complexity, while burstiness compares sentence variation.

Human writing tends to have greater burstiness with a mix of complex and simple sentences.

AI writing is often more uniform, lacking the natural burstiness of human writing.

The video shows a process of rewriting the AI-detected article with increased perplexity and burstiness.

Rewritten content achieved 100% confidence in being original and human-generated across three AI detectors.

The method improves the quality of writing while evading AI detection, avoiding the need for additional tools.

The presenter suggests that testing with various content types is necessary for consistent results.

The video provides a practical application for those looking to succeed with AI-generated content.

The presenter encourages viewers to engage with the content and share their experiences.