ChatGPT Just got Advanced Memory and it's Creepy... but SO COOL!

MattVidPro AI
26 Apr 202416:45

TLDRThe video discusses the new advanced memory feature of Chat GPT, which allows the AI to remember user details and preferences to provide more personalized responses. The host, Matthew Pierce, demonstrates how the AI can remember his name, that he has a dog named Oscar, and other personal details. He also explores the temporary chat feature, which doesn't save history or use memory. Matthew shares his thoughts on the potential of this feature, its current limitations, and how it could be improved with a customizable memory management system. The video also touches on the ethical considerations of AI knowing too much personal information and the implications for the future of AI technology.


  • 🚀 **Advanced Memory Feature**: Chat GPT now has an advanced memory feature that allows it to become more helpful by remembering details and preferences to tailor responses.
  • 📝 **Manageable Memory**: Users can manage their memory pieces directly within Chat GPT, seeing what the AI remembers about them.
  • 🔄 **Clearing Memory**: The memory can be cleared, and the chat can be started fresh, which also demonstrates the memory feature.
  • 🤖 **Compatibility**: The memory feature works with both GPT 4 and GPT 3.5, indicating a broad application across versions.
  • 🛑 **Temporary Chats**: A new temporary chat feature allows for conversations that don't save to history, use memory, or train the model, similar to incognito mode.
  • 📛 **Name and Identity**: The AI can remember and use personal details such as a user's name, which is shown to be updated in the memory.
  • 🐕 **Personal Details**: Users can instruct Chat GPT to remember personal information, such as owning a dog named Oscar.
  • 🎃 **Memory Management**: The AI can remember, update, or forget information based on user instructions, as demonstrated with the pumpkins example.
  • 👓 **Automated Memory Updates**: The AI can automatically update memory with new information, such as updating the status of an appointment for new glasses.
  • 🔍 **Research Capability**: The AI can perform web research and incorporate that information into its memory, enhancing its functionality.
  • 📈 **Channel Insights**: The AI can store detailed insights and statistics about a user's YouTube channel after being given explicit permission to do research.
  • 📱 **App Limitations**: While the memory feature is available in the Chat GPT app, it does not currently allow for memory management or notifications of memory updates within the app interface.
  • 📊 **Custom Instructions**: Users can set custom instructions for the AI within settings to guide its behavior and the type of information it remembers.
  • 🤖 **AI Emulation**: There is a potential for the AI to become so knowledgeable about a user that it could emulate or manage aspects of their life.
  • 🧐 **Creepy Factor**: The level of personalization and memory can feel creepy to some users, raising concerns about privacy and data management.
  • 🔗 **Cross-Platform Use**: The memory feature is currently more accessible and manageable on desktop than on mobile applications.

Q & A

  • What is the new feature that the author of the transcript has access to?

    -The new feature the author has access to is the memory feature of Chat GPT, which allows the AI to become more helpful by picking up on details and preferences to tailor its responses.

  • How does the memory feature work with the user's personal information?

    -The memory feature allows the user to tell Chat GPT to remember simple things, like preferences or personal details. It can also be managed directly by the user, and it updates to reflect current information.

  • What is the temporary chat feature mentioned in the transcript?

    -The temporary chat feature is akin to an incognito mode, where the chat doesn't appear in history, doesn't use memory, and isn't used to train the model.

  • How can the user manage their memories in Chat GPT?

    -The user can manage their memories through the memory management interface provided by Chat GPT, where they can view, update, or forget specific pieces of information.

  • What is the custom instructions feature in Chat GPT settings?

    -The custom instructions feature allows users to set specific guidelines for how Chat GPT should behave or respond to certain types of queries, enhancing the personalization of the AI's responses.

  • What are the potential limitations of the memory feature?

    -The potential limitations include the capacity of how much information the AI can store and process at once, and the current unpredictability of when the AI updates or forgets specific memories without notifying the user.

  • How does the memory feature handle outdated information?

    -The memory feature automatically updates outdated information with new data, removing old memories and replacing them with more current ones.

  • What is the author's concern about the memory feature being random?

    -The author wishes there was a toggle or slider to control how forgetful or memorable the AI is, as it can be unpredictable when it chooses to remember or forget information.

  • How does the author propose to make Chat GPT more aware of his personal and professional life?

    -The author suggests using the custom instructions feature and providing a screenshot of his YouTube channel to allow Chat GPT to infer and remember more about his personal and professional life.

  • What is the author's reaction to the memory feature remembering information from his YouTube channel's about section?

    -The author is surprised and finds it a bit creepy that the AI not only remembered the information but also used it to personalize a response, showing a high level of automation in managing memory.

  • What is the author's perspective on the potential of the memory feature for his YouTube channel?

    -The author is enthusiastic about the potential of the memory feature to assist with tasks related to his YouTube channel, such as researching and writing descriptions for videos.

  • How does the author feel about the future of AI and the memory feature?

    -The author is excited about the possibilities and wants to test the limits of the technology. He expresses a willingness to give the AI more personal information to see how useful it can become.



🤖 Introduction to Memory Feature in Chat GPT

The speaker introduces a new feature in Chat GPT called 'memory', which allows the AI to remember details and preferences to provide more personalized responses. The feature is being rolled out to a limited number of users and has been in the works for over a month. The speaker demonstrates how to use the memory feature, including how to tell Chat GPT to remember or forget specific information, and how to manage the stored memories. The memory feature is compatible with both GPT 4 and GPT 3.5 models and works alongside a new temporary chat feature that doesn't save history or use memory.


📝 Customizing Chat GPT with Personal Information

The speaker discusses the ability to customize Chat GPT with personal information, such as being a YouTuber and having a specific number of subscribers. The AI takes note of this information, although it doesn't always explicitly confirm when it updates the memory. The speaker also talks about the potential for the AI to learn even more about the user by analyzing images or social media profiles. There's a mention of a 'creepy' moment when the AI uses information from the speaker's YouTube channel about section, which was intended to interact with AI chat bots.


🧐 Testing AI's Memory and Personalization

The speaker experiments with the AI's memory by asking it to remember complex information about his YouTube channel and to assist with tasks such as researching and writing video descriptions. The AI demonstrates its ability to generate a succinct video description based on the stored memory. The speaker ponders the ethical considerations of an AI knowing too much personal information and the potential for it to become too integrated into a person's life. There's also a discussion about whether the AI's memory would carry over to custom GPT instances and the limitations of the feature in its early access phase.


📱 Early Access and Future of AI Personal Assistants

The speaker notes that the memory feature is currently an early access feature, available only on the desktop version of Chat GPT, and not yet on mobile apps. There's speculation about why the feature hasn't been rolled out to all users and whether it might be part of a larger update, such as the anticipated GPT 5. The speaker expresses a desire for the feature to be available to everyone, given its utility. The conversation concludes with the speaker's plans to release a video about installing large language models and his enthusiasm for the capabilities of AI technology.



💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT refers to a chatbot powered by GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), which is an artificial intelligence model used for natural language processing tasks. In the video, it is mentioned as having a new memory feature that allows it to remember user details and preferences to provide more personalized responses. This is central to the video's theme of exploring advanced AI capabilities.

💡Memory Feature

The memory feature is a new capability in Chat GPT that enables the AI to remember information provided by the user during conversations. This feature enhances the user experience by tailoring responses to individual preferences and details. In the video, the host demonstrates how this feature can be used to remember personal details like a user's name, pet information, and even preferences like liking for pumpkins.


Personalization is the process of customizing a service or product to meet individual needs or preferences. In the context of the video, Chat GPT's memory feature allows for personalization by remembering user-specific information. This is illustrated when the AI is instructed to remember that the user has a dog named Oscar and later uses this information to provide a more personalized interaction.

💡AI Technology

AI technology, or artificial intelligence technology, refers to the various tools, systems, and applications that incorporate machine learning, natural language processing, and other AI capabilities. The video focuses on the advancements in AI technology, particularly the new memory feature in Chat GPT, and how it can be applied to improve user interactions and experiences.


A YouTuber is an individual who creates and shares content on the video-sharing platform YouTube. In the script, the host identifies himself as a YouTuber, and the AI is instructed to remember this detail. This is significant as it influences how the AI tailors its responses, such as generating a video description for a YouTube video about AI models.

💡Llama 3

Llama 3 is mentioned as a new open-source large language model that is popular in the AI scene. The host of the video discusses creating content about Llama 3 and uses this as an example to demonstrate how Chat GPT can use its memory of the user's activities to provide relevant assistance, such as writing a video description.

💡Custom Instructions

Custom instructions are user-defined guidelines that can be set within the AI to shape its behavior and responses. In the video, the host sets custom instructions for Chat GPT to be more memorable and to take notes of most of his personal life and activities, which is then used by the AI to provide more contextually relevant assistance.

💡Incognito Mode

Incognito mode, in the context of the video, refers to a temporary chat feature in Chat GPT where the conversation does not appear in the user's history, does not use memory, and is not used to train the model. This is likened to an incognito mode in web browsers, providing a level of privacy and anonymity.

💡Subscriber Count

The subscriber count refers to the number of subscribers a YouTube channel has. In the script, the host discusses the AI's ability to remember and utilize information about his YouTube channel, including the subscriber count, to provide more personalized and relevant responses.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI) Focused Channel

An AI focused channel is a content platform, typically on YouTube, that centers around topics related to artificial intelligence. The host's channel is described as AI focused, which is why he is particularly interested in the advanced memory feature of Chat GPT and its potential applications for his content creation.

💡Early Access Feature

An early access feature is a new functionality or service that is made available to a limited number of users before its official release. In the video, the memory feature of Chat GPT is described as an early access feature, which means it is still in testing and not yet available to all users.


Chat GPT has been updated with an advanced memory feature that remembers user details and preferences to tailor responses.

The memory feature is currently being rolled out to a small portion of users and is available on both GPT 4 and GPT 3.5.

Users can manage their memory directly within Chat GPT, viewing and updating personal details stored.

A new temporary chat feature allows for conversations that don't use memory or appear in chat history.

The memory feature can automatically update and remove outdated information.

Users can give direct commands to remember or forget specific pieces of information.

The feature can infer user intentions and context, even when not explicitly stated.

Custom instructions can be set within Chat GPT's settings to further personalize the AI's behavior.

The memory feature raises questions about how much information the AI can store and process.

The feature is available on the desktop version of Chat GPT but not yet fully functional on mobile apps.

Users can experiment with the feature to see how well it works in practice and provide feedback.

The memory feature can potentially store a lot of personal information, raising concerns about privacy and data security.

The feature could be useful for users who want a more personalized and efficient experience with Chat GPT.

The memory feature might be part of a larger update, possibly linked to the anticipated release of GPT 5.

The ability for AI to remember and learn from user interactions could lead to more automated and personalized services.

There is a debate about whether AI should become more integrated into people's lives and the potential risks of over-reliance on technology.

The video concludes with the creator's plans to release a tutorial on installing large language models and his positive experience with Llama 3.