GPT-4 Just Got Supercharged!

Two Minute Papers
17 Apr 202408:29

TLDRGPT-4 has received significant enhancements, offering more direct responses with less verbosity and improved capabilities in writing, math, logical reasoning, and coding. Users can customize their ChatGPT experience by providing instructions on the desired response style. GPT-4 shows marked improvements in reading comprehension and the GPQA dataset, but slightly lags in the HumanEval dataset for code generation. The Chatbot Arena leaderboard, which uses an Elo score system, ranks GPT-4 first, with Claude 3 and Command-R+ from Cohere following closely. The video also discusses the Devin AI system, which operates like a software engineer, and addresses concerns over the accuracy of its demonstrations. The host, Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér, invites viewers to try out the new GPT-4 and share their experiences.


  • 🚀 **GPT-4 Enhancements**: GPT-4 has been updated to provide more direct responses and less meandering in answers, which is a significant improvement.
  • 📝 **Customization**: Users can customize their ChatGPT experience by providing instructions on how they want the AI to respond, such as preferring brief answers and citing sources.
  • 🧠 **Improved Capabilities**: The new GPT-4 shows advancements in writing, math, logical reasoning, and coding.
  • 📚 **Reading Comprehension**: GPT-4 has improved in reading comprehension, which is crucial for understanding and generating responses.
  • 🧪 **GPQA Dataset**: GPT-4's performance on the GPQA dataset, which includes challenging questions for specialists, has significantly improved, showcasing its enhanced capabilities.
  • 🥇 **Mathematical Olympiad**: GPT-4's performance on a math dataset, where a three-time international mathematical Olympiad gold medalist can score 90%, has increased from 3-7% to 72% over three years.
  • 💻 **HumanEval Dataset**: While GPT-4 shows slight regression in code generation on the HumanEval dataset, it still demonstrates overall improvement in various tasks.
  • 🚗 **Self-Driving Car Analogy**: The evolution of GPT-4's capabilities is likened to self-driving cars, where some aspects improve while others may temporarily decline, but the overall trend is towards better performance.
  • 🏆 **Chatbot Arena Leaderboard**: GPT-4 ranks first on the Chatbot Arena leaderboard, an Elo score-based system that measures the quality of chatbot responses.
  • 🔍 **Competitive AI Systems**: Other AI systems like Claude 3 and Command-R+ from Cohere are noted for their competitive performance and specific strengths like information retrieval.
  • 💬 **Usage and Access**: To use the new GPT-4, one can check the knowledge cutoff date by asking ChatGPT directly, and if it aligns with recent dates, it indicates access to the updated model.
  • 🤖 **Devin AI Update**: There's a mention of an AI system named Devin, which works like a software engineer, but with a cautionary note about the potential overstatement of its capabilities in previous demonstrations.

Q & A

  • What is the main update in GPT-4 that has been discussed in the transcript?

    -The main update in GPT-4 is its supercharged capabilities, which include more direct responses, better writing, math, logical reasoning, and coding.

  • How can users customize their ChatGPT experience?

    -Users can customize their ChatGPT experience by clicking on their username, selecting 'customize ChatGPT', and providing instructions such as requesting brief answers and citing sources.

  • What is the significance of the improvement in GPT-4's reading comprehension?

    -The improvement in GPT-4's reading comprehension is significant because it allows the model to better understand and process complex information, leading to more accurate and relevant responses.

  • How does the GPQA dataset challenge the capabilities of language models?

    -The GPQA dataset challenges language models with questions that are so difficult that they can make specialist PhD students in organic chemistry, molecular biology, and physics blush, thus testing the model's depth of knowledge and reasoning.

  • What is the current standing of GPT-4 in the Chatbot Arena leaderboard?

    -GPT-4 takes the first place in the Chatbot Arena leaderboard, which is determined by public voting on the better of two anonymous chatbot responses.

  • How does the transcript suggest evaluating the performance of GPT-4?

    -The transcript suggests evaluating GPT-4's performance by looking at the evolution of its capabilities over time, similar to how self-driving cars improve, with some aspects getting better while others might temporarily worsen.

  • What is the significance of the Elo score in the context of the Chatbot Arena leaderboard?

    -The Elo score, similar to the one used for chess players, provides a single numerical value representing the strength of each chatbot technique in the Chatbot Arena leaderboard, based on half a million preference votes.

  • What is the role of Claude 3 in the context of the discussion about GPT-4?

    -Claude 3 is mentioned as a competitor to GPT-4, particularly in the area of logical reasoning, where it appears to be the leader, showcasing the diversity of AI models and their respective strengths.

  • How does the transcript describe the performance of Command-R+ from Cohere?

    -The transcript describes Command-R+ from Cohere as a new and competitive AI model that is particularly excellent at information retrieval from documents.

  • What is the potential issue with the Devin software engineer AI as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The potential issue with the Devin software engineer AI is that the demo might not always represent the real capabilities of the system, which could lead to overstating its results.

  • How can users check if they have access to the new GPT-4?

    -Users can check if they have access to the new GPT-4 by visiting and asking the chatbot about its knowledge cutoff date. If the date is recent, such as April 2024, it indicates access to the updated model.

  • What is the narrator's current status regarding the OpenAI lab and future plans?

    -The narrator is likely at the OpenAI lab, looking forward to meeting fellow scholars at an upcoming conference, and is excited to share new research papers and insights in the near future.



🚀 ChatGPT Enhancements and GPT-4 Updates

The video discusses the recent upgrades to ChatGPT, highlighting its improved capabilities. The new version promises more direct responses and less meandering in answers, which is a significant improvement. Custom instructions can be set for ChatGPT to tailor the experience to the user's preferences, such as requesting brief answers and citing sources. The update also includes enhancements in writing, mathematics, logical reasoning, and coding. Reading comprehension and performance on the GPQA dataset have notably improved, although Claude 3 by Anthropic still leads in certain types of reasoning. Mathematics performance has seen a substantial increase, with the latest models scoring much higher on challenging datasets compared to three years prior. However, there's a slight dip in performance on the HumanEval dataset for code generation. The video also introduces the Chatbot Arena leaderboard, which uses an Elo score system to rank chatbots based on public voting, and GPT-4 currently leads in this ranking. The presenter, Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér, shares his anticipation about trying Sora and possibly showcasing its results to the viewers.


🤖 Introducing the New ChatGPT and Devin Software Engineer AI Update

The presenter outlines how viewers can access the new ChatGPT by visiting and checking the knowledge cutoff date to confirm if they have the updated version. He encourages viewers to conduct experiments with the new model and to share their experiences. Additionally, there's a mention of Devin, an AI system designed to function like a software engineer. The presenter addresses a concern raised by a credible source that the demo of Devin may not accurately represent its capabilities, which he had previously showcased. He expresses his intention to apologize if there was any misrepresentation and commits to being more cautious and transparent about such presentations in the future. The video concludes with the presenter's anticipation of meeting viewers at an upcoming conference and his excitement to share new research findings.




The term 'supercharged' in the context of the video refers to the significant improvements made to the GPT-4 AI model. It implies that the AI has been enhanced to perform better in various tasks such as providing direct responses, writing, math, logical reasoning, and coding. This term sets the tone for the video's discussion about the advancements in AI capabilities.

💡Custom Instruction

A 'custom instruction' is a user-defined directive that can be set within the AI interface to tailor the AI's responses according to the user's preferences. In the video, it is suggested that users can customize their ChatGPT experience by providing specific instructions, such as requesting brief answers or citing sources, which directly impacts the theme of personalization and control in AI interactions.

💡Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand written text, which is a critical skill for AI models like GPT-4. The video highlights that GPT-4 has improved in this area, which is significant for its ability to process and respond to complex information. This improvement is part of the broader narrative of the video, which discusses the advancements in AI's cognitive abilities.


A 'dataset' is a collection of data that is used for analysis or training in machine learning. The video mentions the GPQA dataset, which is known for its difficulty and is used to test the AI's capabilities in specialized fields. The performance of GPT-4 on such datasets is a key measure of its intelligence and is central to the video's discussion on the AI's enhanced capabilities.

💡Mathematical Olympiad

The 'Mathematical Olympiad' is an international mathematics competition for high school students. The video uses the performance of a three-time gold medalist on a math dataset as a benchmark to illustrate the significant improvement in GPT-4's mathematical abilities. This serves as a relatable example to highlight the advancements in AI's problem-solving skills.

💡HumanEval Dataset

The 'HumanEval dataset' is a collection of programming tasks used to evaluate the performance of AI models in generating code. The video compares the performance of GPT-4 on this dataset to previous models, indicating a mixed improvement. This dataset is important for understanding the AI's capabilities in software development, which is a key theme in the video.

💡Self-Driving Cars

The video uses the evolution of self-driving cars as a metaphor to describe the iterative progress in AI development. It suggests that improvements in AI, like those in self-driving cars, may be incremental and sometimes involve setbacks, but the overall trend is towards enhanced performance. This analogy helps viewers understand the gradual yet significant advancements in AI technology.

💡Chatbot Arena Leaderboard

The 'Chatbot Arena Leaderboard' is a platform where AI chatbots are scored based on public voting on their responses to prompts. The video discusses the Elo score system used on this platform, which is analogous to the scoring system in chess. The leaderboard provides a competitive context for evaluating the performance of GPT-4 against other AI models, which is a central theme in the video.

💡Elo Score

The 'Elo score' is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in two-player games such as chess. In the context of the video, it is used to rate the performance of AI chatbots on the Chatbot Arena Leaderboard. The mention of the Elo score underscores the competitive aspect of AI development and provides a standardized measure of GPT-4's capabilities.

💡Claude 3

Claude 3 is an AI model developed by Anthropic that is mentioned in the video as being particularly adept at logical reasoning tasks. The video compares Claude 3's performance to that of GPT-4, highlighting the competitive landscape of AI development. Claude 3 serves as an example of the diversity of AI models and their specialized strengths.


Devin is an AI system that is designed to function like a software engineer, capable of writing and reviewing code. The video discusses a new source that questions the representativeness of Devin's demo, which the presenter had previously showcased. This mention of Devin adds a layer of critical evaluation to the video's narrative, emphasizing the importance of accurate representation in AI demonstrations.


ChatGPT has been supercharged with smarter and more complex capabilities.

GPT-4 promises more direct responses and less meandering in answers.

Users can customize their ChatGPT experience by providing instructions on brevity, formality, and sourcing.

GPT-4 has shown improvements in writing, math, logical reasoning, and coding.

Reading comprehension and GPQA (a tough dataset) have seen notable enhancements in GPT-4's performance.

GPT-4's performance on the GPQA dataset is superior to that of specialist PhD students in certain fields.

Despite improvements, Anthropic’s Claude 3 is recognized as superior in certain reasoning tasks.

Mathematical problem-solving capabilities have significantly improved, with a notable increase in scores on a challenging dataset.

GPT-4's performance on the HumanEval dataset for code generation appears slightly worse.

The evolution of GPT-4's capabilities is likened to the progress of self-driving cars, with overall performance improving over time.

The Chatbot Arena leaderboard provides an Elo score to measure the performance of various AI techniques.

GPT-4 ranks first on the Chatbot Arena leaderboard, with Claude 3 Opus and Command-R+ from Cohere following closely.

Claude 3 Haiku is noted for being significantly cheaper than GPT-4 while still being capable and memory-efficient.

To use the new GPT-4, users should check the knowledge cutoff date and conduct experiments based on its availability.

Devin, an AI system designed to work as a software engineer, has had its demo questioned for accuracy.

The presenter apologizes for potentially overstating the results of Devin's capabilities in an earlier video.

The presenter emphasizes the importance of peer-reviewed research and being cautious about overstating results from non-academic sources.

The presenter is currently at the OpenAI lab and anticipates sharing more insights from upcoming conferences and papers.