ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: Zero-Shot, Few-Shot, and Chain of Thoughts

ChatGPT Tutorials
27 Jul 202308:33

TLDRThe video discusses three types of prompting techniques for language models: zero-shot, few-shot, and chain of thoughts. Zero-shot prompting allows a model to generate responses without prior examples by understanding the context. An example given was asking the color of the moon, to which the model responded without any prior examples. Few-shot prompting enhances a model's ability to generate accurate responses by providing a limited number of examples related to a specific problem. This technique was demonstrated by generating ad copy for a sneaker product, using an example to guide the model's output. Lastly, the chain of thoughts technique enables language models to maintain coherent and logical progressions in conversations by referencing prior context and information, allowing for more natural interactions. This was illustrated by generating ideas for an e-commerce business and then asking for steps on how to start a user-generated content strategy, showing how the conversation can evolve.


  • 🤖 Zero-shot prompting allows a language model to generate responses to prompts it hasn't been explicitly trained on by understanding the general context and structure.
  • 📚 No examples are needed for zero-shot prompting; the model responds based on its inherent knowledge and understanding of the prompt.
  • 🎨 An example of zero-shot prompting is asking about the color of the moon, which the model answers without prior examples.
  • 📈 Few-shot prompting enhances the model's ability to generate accurate responses by training it on a limited number of examples related to a specific problem.
  • 🛠️ Few-shot prompting involves providing a few examples to guide the model's output to match a desired structure or style.
  • 👟 An example of few-shot prompting is generating ad copy for a product, where the model is given a sample to emulate.
  • ⛓️ Chain of thoughts refers to the model's ability to maintain coherent and logical progressions in a conversation by referencing prior context.
  • 💡 When using chain of thoughts, the model can engage in continuous conversations, building on previous answers to provide more detailed responses.
  • 🛒 Few-shot prompting is recommended for generating complex templates or concepts, as it helps the model understand the desired output better.
  • ✈️ Zero-shot prompting is better for generating new ideas, as it doesn't limit the model's creativity by providing examples.
  • 🔄 The choice between zero-shot and few-shot prompting depends on the expected output and the complexity of the task at hand.

Q & A

  • What is zero-shot prompting in the context of language models?

    -Zero-shot prompting is a technique where a language model generates responses to a prompt it has never been explicitly trained on. It achieves this by understanding the general context and structure of the prompt, allowing it to generate coherent and relevant responses without the need for prior examples.

  • How does zero-shot prompting differ from few-shot prompting?

    -Few-shot prompting involves training the model on a limited number of examples related to a specific problem, enhancing its ability to generate accurate responses within that domain. Unlike zero-shot prompting, where no examples are provided, few-shot prompting requires a few examples to guide the model towards the expected output.

  • What is an example of a zero-shot prompt?

    -An example of a zero-shot prompt is asking the model, 'What is the color of the moon?' without providing any previous examples or context. The model is expected to generate an answer based on its general understanding.

  • How does few-shot prompting enhance the model's responses?

    -Few-shot prompting enhances the model's responses by providing it with examples that are related to the specific problem or task. This helps the model understand the desired structure and content of the output, leading to more accurate and relevant responses.

  • In the transcript, how is few-shot prompting demonstrated?

    -In the transcript, few-shot prompting is demonstrated by providing an example of ad copy for sneakers and then asking the model to generate ad copy for new sneaker products, using the same structure as the provided example.

  • What is the purpose of chain of thoughts prompting?

    -The purpose of chain of thoughts prompting is to allow language models to maintain coherent and logical progressions in a conversation. It enables the model to understand and reference prior context and information, leading to more engaging and natural interactions.

  • How does chain of thoughts prompting work in a conversation with a language model?

    -Chain of thoughts prompting works by allowing the user to ask questions and the model to reply, then the user can ask further questions related to the model's previous answers. The model uses the context from the previous interaction to provide more detailed and relevant responses, creating a continuous and coherent conversation.

  • What is the significance of providing examples in few-shot prompting?

    -Providing examples in few-shot prompting is significant because it guides the language model towards understanding the specific structure and content that is expected in the output. This helps the model to generate responses that are more aligned with the user's needs for a particular task.

  • Why might one choose to use zero-shot prompting over few-shot prompting?

    -One might choose to use zero-shot prompting over few-shot prompting when the goal is to generate new and creative ideas without limiting the model's creativity. Zero-shot prompting allows the model to think freely without being restricted to a particular structure or example, which can be beneficial for brainstorming sessions or generating novel concepts.

  • What is the main advantage of chain of thoughts prompting in e-commerce business discussions?

    -The main advantage of chain of thoughts prompting in e-commerce business discussions is that it allows for a continuous and evolving conversation. This can help in exploring various business strategies and ideas, such as user-generated content, by building upon previous answers and providing step-by-step guidance based on the model's understanding of the context.

  • How can a user guide a language model to generate specific types of content using few-shot prompting?

    -A user can guide a language model to generate specific types of content using few-shot prompting by providing clear examples of the desired output. By showing the model what the expected structure and content look like, the model can then generate content that closely matches the provided examples.

  • What is the key difference between zero-shot and few-shot prompting in terms of model training?

    -The key difference between zero-shot and few-shot prompting in terms of model training is that zero-shot prompting does not require any prior examples, while few-shot prompting involves training the model on a small set of examples to shape its understanding and output for a specific task or problem.



🤖 Zero Shot Prompting

Zero shot prompting is a technique where an AI language model can generate responses to prompts it has not been trained on. It does this by understanding the general context and structure of the prompt, which allows it to create coherent and relevant answers. This method doesn't require examples to be provided by the user; instead, the user only needs to set the query or instruction, and the model will respond accordingly. An example given in the script involves asking the model about the color of the moon without providing any examples, resulting in the model answering that the moon appears to be mostly gray or white.


📚 Few Shot Prompting

Few shot prompting involves training the model on a limited number of examples related to a specific problem, which enhances the model's ability to generate accurate responses within that domain. Unlike zero shot prompting, few shot prompting requires the user to provide some examples to guide the model's output. An example provided in the script is about generating ad copy for a sneaker product. The user provides an example of the desired output structure, and the model then generates ad copy in a similar format. The decision to use zero shot or few shot prompting depends on the expected output's complexity and whether the user wants to limit the model's creativity.

💡 Chain of Thoughts

Chain of thoughts refers to the ability of language models to maintain coherent and logical progressions in a conversation by understanding and referencing prior context and information. This allows for more engaging and natural interactions. The script provides an example of a continuous conversation with the model, where the user asks for ideas for an e-commerce business. The model generates several ideas, and when the user expresses interest in one (user-generated content), the model provides a step-by-step guide on how to start such a business. This demonstrates how the direction of a conversation can be influenced by the user's follow-up questions and the model's responses.



💡Zero-Shot Prompting

Zero-Shot Prompting is a technique where a language model generates responses to prompts without having been explicitly trained on them. It relies on the model's understanding of the general context and structure of the prompt to produce coherent and relevant answers. In the video, this concept is illustrated by asking the model to describe the color of the moon without providing any examples, and the model responds accurately by saying it is 'mostly gray or white.'

💡Few-Shot Prompting

Few-Shot Prompting involves training a language model on a small number of examples related to a specific problem, which enhances the model's ability to generate accurate responses within that domain. Unlike zero-shot prompting, this method requires providing examples to guide the model's output. In the script, an example of few-shot prompting is given where the model is asked to generate ad copy for sneakers, using an example ad copy structure as a guide.

💡Chain of Thoughts

Chain of Thoughts refers to the ability of language models to maintain coherent and logical progressions in a conversation by understanding and referencing prior context and information. This allows for more engaging and natural interactions. In the video, it is demonstrated by having a continuous conversation with the model, where the model builds upon previous answers to provide step-by-step guidance on starting a user-generated content business.

💡Language Model

A Language Model is a type of artificial intelligence system that is designed to understand and generate human language. It is the underlying technology that enables the functionalities discussed in the video, such as zero-shot and few-shot prompting. The language model in the script is used to answer questions, generate ad copy, and provide business ideas, showcasing its versatility.

💡Coherent Responses

Coherent Responses are logical and contextually appropriate answers generated by a language model. They are a key goal of prompting techniques, ensuring that the model's output is not only relevant but also makes sense in the context of the prompt. The video emphasizes the importance of coherence in language models, as seen when the model accurately describes the moon's color and provides structured ad copy.

💡Relevant Responses

Relevant Responses are those that directly pertain to the query or prompt given to the language model. The model's ability to provide relevant information is crucial for its utility in various applications, from answering trivia to generating creative content. The video script includes examples of relevant responses, such as the color of the moon and business ideas for an e-commerce platform.

💡Ad Copy

Ad Copy refers to the text used in advertising to persuade potential customers to take a specific action, such as making a purchase. In the context of the video, the language model is trained to generate ad copy for a sneaker product using a few-shot prompting technique, where an example of ad copy is provided to guide the model's output.

💡Product Descriptions

Product Descriptions are detailed explanations of a product's features, benefits, and specifications. They are used in marketing to inform potential buyers and highlight the product's value. In the video, the model is mentioned to potentially generate product descriptions, although the script focuses more on ad copy generation.

💡User Generated Content (UGC)

User Generated Content (UGC) is any form of content, such as text, photos, videos, or audio, that is created and shared by users rather than professional content creators. In the video, the model provides a step-by-step guide on how to start a UGC business, demonstrating the model's ability to generate ideas and instructions based on a given topic.

💡E-commerce Business

An E-commerce Business refers to a commercial activity conducted online, where goods and services are bought and sold over the internet. The video script discusses generating ideas for an e-commerce business, which could include strategies like personalized recommendations and subscription box services, showcasing the model's ability to provide business insights.


An Influencer is an individual who has the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of their authority, knowledge, or fame in a particular area. In the context of the video, the model suggests using social media influencers as part of an e-commerce business strategy, indicating the model's understanding of modern marketing techniques.


Zero-shot prompting allows a language model to generate responses without prior examples, understanding context and structure.

Zero-shot prompting does not require examples; simply set the prompt, and the model will answer.

An example of zero-shot prompting is asking about the color of the moon without providing examples.

GPT generates a coherent answer to the moon's color question, showcasing its zero-shot capability.

Few-shot prompting enhances model accuracy by training it on a limited number of examples related to a specific problem.

Few-shot prompting involves providing examples to guide the model's expected output.

An example of few-shot prompting is creating ad copy for a sneaker product using provided examples.

GPT generates ad copy with a specified structure after being given examples, demonstrating few-shot learning.

Choosing between zero-shot and few-shot prompting depends on the complexity and expected output of the task.

Zero-shot prompting is recommended for generating new ideas without limiting the model's creativity.

Few-shot prompting is better for complex tasks where the model needs to understand the desired output first.

Chain of thoughts allows language models to maintain coherent and logical progressions in conversations.

GPT can engage in continuous conversations, referencing prior context and information.

An example of chain of thoughts is generating ideas for an e-commerce business and then providing steps for one idea.

GPT provides a step-by-step guide for starting a user-generated content business after expressing interest.

The direction of conversations can naturally move based on the model's responses and user's follow-up questions.

Chain of thoughts enables more engaging and natural interactions with language models.