Day 2 | Different types of Prompting | Prompt Engineering Zero to Hero (5 Days)

17 Oct 202394:01

TLDRThe session focused on prompt engineering, emphasizing its significance in refining AI models' responses. The instructor discussed various types of prompts, including zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot prompting, and their applications. Techniques like Chain of Thought and Ask Before Answer were explored to enhance output quality. The session also included a practical quiz for participants to apply their knowledge and a discussion on improving educational practices from an experienced educator's perspective.


  • 📝 The class is about Prompt Engineering, focusing on optimizing prompts for natural language processing models like ChatGPT.
  • 🎯 The main goal of prompt engineering is to design and refine prompts that yield the most accurate and useful responses from AI models.
  • 🥇 There will be a quiz session around 7:30 PM based on the topics covered, with the top three winners receiving a shoutout on social media.
  • 💡 Prompts should be clear, concise, and in a single language to avoid confusion for the AI model.
  • 📌 Good prompts often include providing a persona for the AI to adopt, such as a writing expert or a fitness trainer.
  • 📈 The three major principles of prompt engineering are: be specific, work in a step-by-step format, and reiterate to improve the output.
  • 🛠️ Prompt framing (prompt PRing) involves giving initial inputs or a specific format to the model before generating a response.
  • 📝 Starting a prompt can be done by elaborating on the purpose of something, creating templates, or brainstorming new ideas.
  • 📊 There are different types of short prompting including zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot prompting, each with its own use cases and outcomes.
  • 🤖 Chain of Thought prompting asks the AI to provide answers in a step-by-step format, which can help in understanding the reasoning behind the response.
  • 🏆 The session ended with a quiz to reinforce learning and engage the participants.

Q & A

  • What is prompt engineering and how does it optimize AI models?

    -Prompt engineering is the process of designing and optimizing prompts used in natural language processing models. It involves creating clear, concise, and specific questions or instructions that guide AI models to provide desired outputs more efficiently.

  • What are the three major principles of prompt engineering?

    -The three major principles of prompt engineering are: 1) Be specific with your questions, 2) Break down your prompts into small pieces, and 3) Reiterate over your prompts to improve the output and clarity of the AI model's responses.

  • How can the Chain of Thought prompting be utilized effectively?

    -Chain of Thought prompting is used to guide the AI model to think step by step, providing a logical sequence of reasoning behind the answer. This method is effective when a detailed explanation or breakdown of a process is required, enhancing understanding and clarity of the response.

  • What is the purpose of using personas in prompt engineering?

    -Personas in prompt engineering are used to define a specific role or character that the AI model should adopt while generating a response. This helps in tailoring the output according to the context and expectations of a particular scenario, making the responses more relevant and targeted.

  • How can you ensure that your prompts are clear and concise?

    -To ensure that your prompts are clear and concise, use unambiguous language, avoid mixing multiple topics or ideas in a single prompt, and stick to one language to avoid confusion. Additionally, providing examples and context can help in making the prompt more understandable for the AI model.

  • What is the significance of reiterating in prompt engineering?

    -Reiterating in prompt engineering involves repeating or refining the prompt to improve the AI model's understanding and the quality of its response. This can lead to more accurate and detailed outputs as the model gets a better grasp of the query and the desired outcome.

  • What are the different types of short prompting?

    -The different types of short prompting include zero-shot prompting, where no prior data or guidelines are given; one-shot prompting, where one piece of data or guideline is provided; and few-shot prompting, where a set of guidelines is given to the AI model to follow.

  • How can you use prompt engineering to brainstorm new ideas?

    -To use prompt engineering for brainstorming new ideas, you can ask the AI model to elaborate on a specific subject or area of interest. You can also request the model to suggest topics or provide creative writing prompts that align with your goals or interests.

  • What is the role of tabular format prompting in prompt engineering?

    -Tabular format prompting is used when the user requires the AI model's response in a structured table format, similar to a spreadsheet or CSV file. This method organizes the information into categorized columns, making it easier to understand and analyze complex data or comparisons.

  • What is the Ask Before Answering (ABA) technique in prompt engineering?

    -The Ask Before Answering (ABA) technique involves instructing the AI model to seek clarification or additional information from the user before providing an answer. This ensures that the AI model fully understands the query and can deliver a more accurate and relevant response.



🎤 Introduction and Agenda Setting

The speaker begins by apologizing for a technical glitch and ensures that their voice and screen are working properly. They then set the agenda for the day, mentioning a quiz session scheduled for 7:30 PM based on the topics covered the previous day. The top three winners of the quiz will be recognized on social media platforms. The speaker emphasizes the importance of participating in the quiz and encourages everyone to stay until the end.


📝 Understanding Prompt Engineering

The speaker delves into the concept of prompt engineering, explaining it as a process of designing and optimizing prompts used in natural language processing models. They clarify that prompt engineering can be applied to any model, such as Chat GPT or BERT. The speaker outlines the three major principles of prompt engineering: being specific with questions, breaking down large tasks into smaller parts, and reiterating problems for clarity. They also discuss the importance of clear and concise language, using personas, and providing examples when constructing prompts.


📈 Principles of Good Prompts

The speaker emphasizes the importance of clear and concise language in prompts and the use of personas to guide the AI model's output. They discuss the need to provide detailed examples and information to help the model understand the task at hand. The speaker also highlights the necessity of specifying the task that the model is expected to perform and the value of refining prompts based on the output received.


📝 Prompting Steps and Prompt PR

The speaker outlines the main steps of prompting, which include defining the problem, using relevant keywords and phrases, writing a prompt, and testing and evaluating the output. They introduce the concept of 'prompt PR', which involves providing initial inputs to the model to define the desired output format. The speaker provides examples of how to use prompt PR to get specific types of responses from the model.


🎨 Starting Your Prompt

The speaker offers advice on how to start constructing a prompt, suggesting various starter phrases for different scenarios. They provide examples of prompts for brainstorming new ideas, creating a budget plan, and suggesting creative writing prompts. The speaker encourages the audience to explore these practical everyday prompts and to utilize the resources provided in previous sessions.


🤖 Zero Shot, One Shot, and Few Shot Prompting

The speaker explains the concepts of zero shot, one shot, and few shot prompting. Zero shot prompting involves no prior information or guidelines, one shot prompting provides a single piece of data or guideline, and few shot prompting offers a set of guidelines. The speaker demonstrates these concepts through examples, showing how different types of prompting can yield different results.


💡 Chain of Thought Prompting

The speaker introduces chain of thought prompting, a method that encourages the AI model to provide answers in a step-by-step format. This allows the user to understand the reasoning behind the AI's response. The speaker illustrates this by asking the model to calculate the diameter of the sun, first using zero shot prompting and then applying chain of thought prompting to reveal the calculation process.


📊 Tabular Format Prompting and Ask Before Answer

The speaker discusses tabular format prompting, where the AI model's response is structured in a table format with categories separated into different columns. They also explain 'ask before answer' prompting, where the AI model asks clarifying questions before providing an answer. The speaker provides examples of how to use these prompting techniques and how they can lead to more detailed and customized responses.


🛠️ Fill in the Blank Prompting and Project Guidance

The speaker describes fill in the blank prompting, a tool for focusing on specific aspects of a sentence or idea, and encourages deeper thinking. They guide the audience on how to use this technique effectively. The speaker then moves on to discuss how to apply chain of thought and ask before answer prompting in the context of a project on virtual health assistants, providing a step-by-step guide for the project development.


🏆 Quiz Time and Summary

The speaker concludes the session with a quiz to engage the audience and test their understanding of the day's topics. They explain the rules of the quiz, which involves answering questions quickly for maximum points. The speaker also mentions that winners will be recognized on social platforms and encourages everyone to participate. They end the session by summarizing what has been learned and reminding the audience to practice the techniques discussed.



💡Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the process of designing and optimizing prompts used in natural language processing models, such as chatbots or AI assistants. The goal is to craft prompts that elicit the most accurate and useful responses from the AI. In the context of the video, prompt engineering is central to improving interactions with AI models and making them more efficient in tasks like problem-solving and content creation.

💡Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a type of AI model that is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts given to it. It is used in various applications, including chatbots, content creation, and language translation. In the video, Chat GPT is used as an example of an AI model that can be optimized through prompt engineering to produce more accurate and relevant outputs.

💡Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. It involves teaching machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both meaningful and useful. In the video, NLP is the underlying technology that enables AI models like Chat GPT to understand and respond to prompts.


A quiz is a form of assessment or game that involves answering questions, often in a competitive setting. In the video, a quiz is used as an interactive element to engage participants and test their understanding of the concepts discussed, with the top performers receiving recognition on social media platforms.


Instagram is a popular social media platform primarily focused on sharing images and videos. In the context of the video, Instagram is mentioned as one of the platforms where the winners of the quiz will be recognized and tagged, indicating the use of social media for community engagement and promotion.


Reiteration in the context of prompt engineering refers to the act of repeating or refining a prompt to an AI model to improve the clarity and accuracy of its response. It is a technique used to ensure that the AI understands the intent behind the query and can provide a more precise answer.


In the context of AI and prompt engineering, a persona refers to a specific character or role that an AI model is asked to assume for the purpose of generating responses. By adopting a persona, the AI can tailor its outputs to fit the expected behavior or knowledge base of that persona, thereby providing more relevant and contextually appropriate answers.

💡Clear and Concise Language

Clear and concise language refers to the use of straightforward, easily understandable words and phrases when communicating, which eliminates ambiguity and ensures the message is effectively communicated. In the context of prompt engineering, using clear and concise language helps AI models grasp the user's intent more accurately and respond appropriately.

💡Practical Session

A practical session refers to an interactive or hands-on learning opportunity where participants engage directly with the subject matter, often through exercises or activities. In the video, the practical session involves participants diving deep into the mechanics of prompt engineering and applying the concepts learned to real-world scenarios.

💡Chain of Thought Prompting

Chain of Thought prompting is a technique in which the AI model is instructed to think step by step and provide a detailed explanation of its reasoning process when answering a question. This method helps users understand the logic behind the AI's response and can lead to more insightful and transparent interactions.


Introduction to prompt engineering and its role in optimizing AI model interactions.

Explanation of the three major principles of prompt engineering: being specific, working in a step-by-step form, and reiterating problems for clarity.

Discussion on the importance of clear and concise language in crafting effective prompts for AI models.

The concept of 'persona' in prompt engineering, where the AI model is asked to assume a specific role or character to provide targeted responses.

The significance of providing examples and information to AI models to improve the accuracy and relevance of their outputs.

Explanation of 'prompt pruning', a technique where initial inputs are provided to the model to shape the desired output format.

Demonstration of how to use different types of prompts, including zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot prompting.

The application of 'Chain of Thought' prompting to guide the AI model through a step-by-step thought process.

Introduction to 'tabular format prompting' for receiving organized and categorized information from the AI model.

The concept of 'ask before you answer' prompting, where the AI model is instructed to clarify doubts before providing a response.

Explanation of 'fill in the blank' prompting as a tool for focused and deeper thinking in AI interactions.

Discussion on the limitations of different versions of AI models, such as chat GPT 3.5 and its newer versions.

Engagement through a live quiz to apply the learned concepts of prompt engineering, with the top performers receiving recognition on social platforms.

Emphasis on the practical application of prompt engineering in everyday scenarios, such as creating content or solving specific problems.

Encouragement for participants to practice the techniques learned and to invite friends to increase participation in future sessions.

Conclusion of the session with a reminder for the next meeting and an encouragement to enjoy the festival of Navaratri.