ChatPDF vs InfraNodus vs ChatDoc | Chat with PDF Documents using ChatGPT AI

Nodus Labs
7 Jul 202312:32

TLDRThis video compares three AI tools for analyzing PDF documents: ChatPDF, ChatDoc, and InfraNodus. It explores their features, such as visual text analysis and query interfaces, and demonstrates how each tool can provide insights into a research paper on meditation and addiction. The video highlights the unique capabilities of each tool, like InfraNodus's Gap Insights, which identifies unconnected topics for further exploration and question generation.


  • 🔍 The video compares three AI tools for analyzing PDF documents: ChatPDF, InfraNodus, and ChatDoc.
  • 🌐 ChatPDF is a popular tool with 8 million monthly users, allowing full document upload and integration with ChatGPT for querying.
  • 📈 InfraNodus uses visual text analysis and vector search techniques to provide insights from PDFs.
  • 💡 ChatDoc offers similar functionalities to ChatPDF but with additional features like language selection and a wider range of questions.
  • 📚 The video uses a research paper on meditation and addiction to demonstrate the capabilities of each tool.
  • 🤔 ChatPDF provides example questions but may have a 'cold start' issue, limiting exploration without guidance.
  • 🌐 InfraNodus visually represents document content, helping users understand the main topics and concepts.
  • 🔗 InfraNodus identifies unconnected topics within the document, prompting users to explore potential links.
  • 💭 The 'Gap Insights' tool in InfraNodus generates research questions to bridge knowledge gaps between topics.
  • 📝 Users can save insights and questions directly into notes for future reference or further research.
  • 🔄 InfraNodus encourages focusing on what's missing in the text rather than just the content itself.
  • 🎥 The video invites viewers to try InfraNodus and engage with the creator for further questions or support.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to compare three different tools: ChatPDF, InfraNodus, and ChatDoc, which can be used to analyze PDF files and research papers with the help of ChatGPT AI.

  • How does ChatPDF work?

    -ChatPDF uploads the entire PDF document into its system and connects it to a chat interface, allowing users to query the document using ChatGPT AI. It provides example questions to help users explore the document.

  • What is the limitation of ChatPDF?

    -The limitation of ChatPDF is that it only provides a few example questions, which might lead to a 'cold start problem' where users may not know what to explore or ask next.

  • How does ChatDoc differ from ChatPDF?

    -ChatDoc is similar to ChatPDF but is made in China and is considered more powerful because it provides more questions at the beginning and allows users to choose different languages for the document and chat interface.

  • What is the primary function of InfraNodus?

    -InfraNodus uploads the document into a graph which visualizes the content, allowing users to quickly identify main topics or concepts and explore their connections and relationships within the document.

  • What is the significance of the graph in InfraNodus?

    -The graph in InfraNodus helps users to understand the document's content by showing main topics in larger text and identifying topical clusters, which gives a clear representation of what the document is about.

  • How does InfraNodus aid in developing further research?

    -InfraNodus has a tool called Gap Insights, which identifies unconnected topics in the discourse, encouraging users to generate research questions that link these topics together, thereby focusing on areas that are missing in the text.

  • What is an example of a question generated by InfraNodus' AI to link two topics?

    -An example question generated by InfraNodus' AI is: 'How do differences in neural activation in the prefrontal cortex between individuals with substance abuse disorder and healthy ones impact relapse rates and treatment outcomes?'

  • How can the insights from InfraNodus be used in research?

    -The insights from InfraNodus can be used to develop research questions, explore unconnected topics within a document, and generate new ideas or connections that were not previously considered, thus aiding in furthering the understanding of the subject matter.

  • What is the recommendation for users interested in exploring documents with these tools?

    -Users are encouraged to try out InfraNodus at for their own documents, as it can be a powerful tool for questioning documents in a more traditional way, as well as exploring the gaps in the discourse and focusing on what's missing in the text.



📄 Introduction to PDF Analysis Tools

The speaker introduces the video's purpose, which is to compare three different tools for analyzing PDF files and research papers using GPT AI. The tools discussed are Visual Text Analysis tool Infernodus, Chat PDF, and Chat Dock. The speaker has a research paper on meditation and addiction and aims to explore it using these tools. The video will showcase the main features of each tool, starting with Chat PDF, a popular tool used by millions, which uploads the entire PDF into its system for querying through GPT AI. The speaker explains the process and limitations of using the tool, such as the 'cold start problem' of not knowing what to explore initially.


🧠 Analyzing with Infernodus and Understanding Concepts

The speaker moves on to discuss Infernodus, a tool that visualizes the content of the document in a graph format, highlighting main topics and concepts. The graph helps to understand the document's focus areas, such as mindfulness, craving, and brain study. The speaker can explore specific subjects, like mindfulness-based meditation practices, directly from the document. Infernodus also offers AI-generated content and the ability to identify gaps in the discourse, prompting the creation of research questions that connect different topics, such as neural circuits and substance abuse. The speaker demonstrates how to use these features to develop a deeper understanding of the document's content and to generate new insights.


🔍 Expanding Knowledge Beyond the Document with GPT-4

In the final section, the speaker explains how to use GPT-4 to expand knowledge beyond what's written in the document. After generating a research question linking neural circuits and substance abuse, the speaker uses GPT-4 to answer the question, gaining insights into how brain regions affect self-control and relapse in addiction. The speaker emphasizes the value of Infernodus in exploring information by identifying gaps and focusing on what's missing in the text, rather than just the content itself. The video concludes with an encouragement to try Infernodus and a reminder to subscribe for updates on AI tools and text analytics.




ChatGPT AI is an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, it is used to interact with and analyze PDF documents, providing insights and answering queries related to the content of research papers and other documents. The video demonstrates how ChatGPT AI can be utilized through various tools to enhance the understanding and exploration of complex information, such as the research paper on meditation and addiction discussed in the video.

💡PDF Documents

PDF, or Portable Document Format, is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. In the video, PDF documents are the primary focus, as the tools being compared are designed to analyze and interact with these files. The research paper on meditation and addiction is an example of a PDF document that the presenter uploads and explores using different tools, highlighting the versatility and utility of these applications in understanding and extracting information from PDFs.

💡Visual Text Analysis

Visual Text Analysis refers to the use of graphical and visual techniques to analyze and understand textual data. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a feature of the InfraNodus tool, which visualizes the content of a document in the form of a graph. This allows users to quickly identify main topics or concepts within the document, understand their interrelations, and explore specific areas of interest more effectively. The visual representation aids in gaining a comprehensive overview of the document's content and structure, which is crucial for in-depth analysis and research.


InfraNodus is a visual text analysis tool mentioned in the video that allows users to upload documents and visualize their content in a graphical format. It helps identify main topics, concepts, and their relationships within the document. InfraNodus stands out for its ability to generate insights and identify gaps in the discourse, prompting users to think about connections between different topics that may not be explicitly linked in the text. This tool is particularly useful for researchers and analysts who need to understand complex information and generate new research questions or hypotheses.


ChatDoc, as described in the video, is a tool similar to ChatPDF that enables users to interact with documents through a chat-like interface. It allows users to ask questions and receive answers directly from the content of the uploaded documents. This tool is beneficial for quickly obtaining information and insights from text files, as it provides a conversational way to engage with the material, much like chatting with a knowledgeable assistant.

💡Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness practices are mental exercises that help individuals maintain awareness and focus on the present moment. In the video, the research paper explores the connection between mindfulness practices and addiction, specifically how these practices can potentially prevent or aid in the treatment of addiction. Mindfulness is highlighted as a key topic within the document, and the tools being compared are used to extract and analyze information related to its role in addiction recovery and prevention.


Addiction, as discussed in the video, refers to a complex condition, a brain disorder that involves compulsive engagement in rewarding and reinforcing activities despite adverse health or social consequences. The video focuses on the research paper that investigates the relationship between mindfulness practices and addiction, aiming to understand how the latter can be managed or prevented through the former. The term is central to the document's theme and is analyzed using various AI tools to extract insights and formulate new research questions.


Neurobiology is the scientific study of the nervous system and its functions, particularly as they relate to behavior and cognitive processes. In the context of the video, neurobiology is relevant to the discussion of how meditation practices can impact the brain and potentially influence addiction and relapse prevention. The document being analyzed explores the neural circuits and brain regions involved in drug addiction and recovery, and the tools compared in the video help to extract and analyze this neurobiological information.

💡Cold Start Problem

The 'cold start problem' mentioned in the video refers to the challenge of initiating an effective conversation or query when there is limited information or context available. This is particularly relevant when using the tools to interact with the document, as the user may not know what specific questions to ask initially. The video discusses how some tools provide example questions to help overcome this problem, while others rely on the user to come up with relevant queries to extract meaningful information from the document.

💡Gap Insights

Gap Insights is a feature of the InfraNodus tool that identifies unconnected topics within a document's discourse. It prompts users to think about potential connections between seemingly unrelated concepts, thereby encouraging the generation of new research questions or hypotheses. In the video, Gap Insights is used to find a connection between neural circuits and substance abuse, demonstrating how it can help users explore areas of the document that may not have been immediately apparent, thus fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.


GPT-4 is a reference to a hypothetical advanced version of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model, which is a type of AI used for language processing. In the context of the video, GPT-4 is mentioned as the system that powers the AI in InfraNodus, capable of generating questions and providing answers based on the document's content. The video shows how GPT-4 can be used to answer questions generated by the tool, extending the user's understanding of the document's topics and helping to explore broader knowledge around the subject.


Introduction of three tools for analyzing PDF files with AI: ChatPDF, ChatDoc, and InfraNodus.

ChatPDF allows users to upload PDFs and interact with the content via a chat interface using AI.

ChatPDF processes large documents by combining vector search techniques and long chains, overcoming space limitations of direct text input to AI.

ChatDoc, similar to ChatPDF, offers enhanced interaction by providing multiple initial questions and supporting multilingual document uploads.

InfraNodus uses a graphical representation to visualize main topics and conceptual relationships in the document.

ChatPDF's limitation of only providing three starter questions, which might cause a 'cold start' problem for users.

ChatDoc offers a powerful analysis by generating more initial questions and including a wider range of interaction options.

InfraNodus reveals the structure of the document’s discourse through network visualization, identifying main topics and gaps.

Comparison of how each tool supports user interaction with document content and aids in deeper analysis.

InfraNodus's unique feature of 'Gap Insights' helps users generate new research questions by identifying unconnected topics.

ChatDoc and ChatPDF's ability to directly respond to queries with excerpts from the text, while InfraNodus provides a broader conceptual overview.

Advantages of using AI to explore and connect ideas in documents rather than traditional reading methods.

InfraNodus encourages exploration of new ideas by suggesting connections between disparate topics.

Demonstration of how InfraNodus can be used to develop a research project by generating and refining research questions.

Encouragement to utilize multiple tools for comprehensive analysis, recognizing the unique capabilities of each.