ChatGPT for PDF documents || Summarize academic papers using ChatGPT || Free ai tool ||

Gurru Tech Solutions
29 Sept 202308:02

TLDRGuru Tech Solutions introduces, a free AI tool that revolutionizes interaction with PDF documents. Users can upload PDFs to interact, ask questions, seek explanations, and request summaries. The tool supports uploading via drag-and-drop, browsing, or URL pasting. It highlights text出处, provides summaries, and allows sharing and exporting chats. This innovative tool enhances academic research and understanding.


  • 🌐 Introduction to ChatGPT's ability to interact with PDF documents, providing a new way to engage with academic papers and eBooks.
  • 📄 The official ChatGPT website does not have a built-in feature for uploading PDFs, but there are alternative sources available for this purpose.
  • 🔍 To use, one can access it via the OpenAI developer forum, which offers a platform to interact with PDF files without the need for an account.
  • 💡 The process of using ChatPDF involves either dragging and dropping a PDF file, browsing and selecting a document from the computer, or pasting the URL of a PDF.
  • ⏱️ Once a document is uploaded, it is processed and displayed on the interface, allowing users to interact and ask questions related to the content.
  • 📝 ChatPDF can extract specific information from the PDF, such as providing examples of non-probability sampling methods from an academic paper on sampling techniques.
  • 📊 The tool also highlights the text within the PDF where the information is derived from, offering a visual reference for the answers.
  • 📝 Summary of the entire document can be generated by asking for it, providing an overview of the content discussed in the paper.
  • 🔄 Understanding the differences between non-probability and probability sampling methods can be facilitated by asking comparative questions to the AI.
  • 🎯 ChatPDF can assist in clarifying specific techniques used in qualitative versus quantitative research, enhancing the understanding of research methodologies.
  • 📌 Features of ChatPDF include sharing the chat with colleagues, renaming the chat, exporting the chat for safekeeping, and resetting or deleting the chat history.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the tutorial in the video script?

    -The main topic of the tutorial is how to use ChatGPT to interact with PDF documents, specifically academic papers, by uploading them and extracting information, asking questions, and requesting summaries.

  • Which version of GPT is mentioned as being used in the official website?

    -The official website mentioned uses GPT 3.5 version.

  • How can one access the ChatPDF tool?

    -To access ChatPDF, one can type 'chat PDF' in their web browser, and then click on the Open AI developer forum link, which leads to the community of OpenAI ChatGPT. From there, they can click on the provided link to reach the official page of ChatPDF.

  • What are the three ways to interact with PDF documents using ChatPDF?

    -The three ways to interact with PDF documents are: 1) Dragging and dropping the PDF file into the designated area, 2) Browsing and selecting the document from your computer, and 3) Pasting the URL of the intended PDF.

  • What is an example of a non-probability sampling method discussed in the academic paper mentioned in the script?

    -Examples of non-probability sampling methods discussed include quota sampling, self-selection sampling, and snowball sampling.

  • How does the ChatPDF tool highlight text from the PDF in response to a question?

    -When a question is asked and the AI provides an answer, the user can click on a button to automatically highlight the entire text in the PDF from where the information has been taken.

  • What does the summary of the article provided by ChatPDF cover?

    -The summary of the article covers both non-probability and probability sampling methods, which are the main focus of the academic paper.

  • What is the main difference between non-probability and probability sampling methods?

    -The main difference is that in probability sampling, there is an equal chance of each member being selected, whereas in non-probability sampling, there is no equal chance of selection.

  • Which sampling techniques are used in qualitative and quantitative research according to the script?

    -In quantitative research, both probability and non-probability sampling methods can be used. However, in qualitative research, only non-probability sampling methods are typically employed.

  • What additional features does the ChatPDF tool offer for sharing and managing the chat?

    -The ChatPDF tool allows users to share their chat with colleagues and friends, rename the chat, export the chat for safekeeping, and reset or delete the entire chat.

  • How can the ChatPDF AI tool benefit academic research?

    -The ChatPDF AI tool can be used to interact with various academic papers, learn more about them, extract specific information, and enhance the understanding of literature review sections, ultimately increasing knowledge related to academic research.



📚 Introduction to Chat GPT and PDF Interaction

This paragraph introduces the concept of interacting with PDF documents using Chat GPT. It emphasizes the potential of having conversations with academic papers and extracting valuable information from them. The tutorial begins by suggesting the use of chat GPT's official website, which currently does not support direct PDF uploads. However, it guides the user to alternative sources, such as the Open AI Developer Forum, to find tools like that allow for PDF interaction without the need for an account. The paragraph outlines the ease of using this AI tool and its free access, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of its capabilities.


🤖 Interacting with PDFs Using Chat GPT

This paragraph delves into the specifics of how to interact with PDF documents using the chat GPT AI tool. It explains the three methods available for engaging with PDFs: uploading an existing file, browsing and selecting a document from the computer, or pasting the URL of a PDF. The user demonstration involves selecting a document and having it processed and uploaded. The interface then allows users to ask questions related to the academic paper, with the AI providing answers, summaries, and even highlighting specific sections of the text. The paragraph also touches on additional features of the AI tool, such as sharing the chat, renaming it, exporting, and resetting the chat. The focus is on how this tool can enhance understanding and knowledge acquisition from academic research papers.




ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence model developed by OpenAI, known for its ability to generate human-like text based on the prompts given to it. In the context of the video, ChatGPT is used to interact with PDF documents, allowing users to ask questions and receive answers directly from the text of academic papers or other documents. This innovative use of AI enhances the way we engage with written material by making it more interactive and accessible.

💡PDF documents

PDF, or Portable Document Format, is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. In the video, PDF documents are the primary focus, as the tutorial demonstrates how to use ChatGPT to engage with these files, extract information, and gain insights from their content. This process transforms static documents into dynamic, queryable resources that can be interacted with through natural language conversation.

💡Academic papers

Academic papers are scholarly articles that present research results, discussions, and reviews within various fields of study. The video script highlights the utility of ChatGPT in interacting with such papers, allowing users to ask specific questions and receive summarized information. This capability can greatly aid in academic research by streamlining the process of literature review and data extraction.

💡Information extraction

Information extraction refers to the process of obtaining structured information from unstructured or semi-structured data sources. In the video, this concept is central to the demonstration of how ChatGPT can pull relevant details from PDF documents. By asking targeted questions, users can extract precise information from academic papers, making the data more manageable and useful for further analysis or study.


Summarization is the act of condensing a longer piece of text into a shorter, more concise version while retaining the core ideas and important details. The video showcases ChatGPT's ability to summarize academic papers, providing users with a quick understanding of the main points without reading the entire document. This feature can be particularly helpful for quickly grasping the essence of research articles or other extensive writings.

💡Non-probability sampling

Non-probability sampling is a method of selecting samples from a population where each member does not have an equal chance of being chosen. The video script uses this term in the context of explaining how ChatGPT can provide examples of non-probability sampling methods from an academic paper. This sampling technique is contrasted with probability sampling, which ensures every member of the population has a known chance of selection.

💡Probability sampling

Probability sampling is a sampling technique where every member of the population has a known, non-zero chance of being included in the sample. In the video, this concept is mentioned when discussing the differences between probability and non-probability sampling. Probability sampling is highlighted as a method that can be used in both qualitative and quantitative research, ensuring a more random and potentially representative selection of data.

💡Qualitative research

Qualitative research is an approach to inquiry that seeks to understand phenomena through the analysis of words, images, or other non-numerical data. The video script refers to qualitative research in the context of discussing sampling methods. It is noted that in qualitative research, non-probability sampling is typically used, as it allows for in-depth exploration and understanding of complex social phenomena.

💡Quantitative research

Quantitative research is a systematic approach to answering questions that involve the collection and analysis of numerical data. The video script contrasts quantitative research with qualitative research, indicating that while both types of research can use non-probability sampling, quantitative research also allows for the use of probability sampling methods. This approach is often used to test hypotheses and measure variables in a more structured manner.

💡AI tool

An AI tool, or artificial intelligence tool, refers to software or a platform that utilizes AI to perform specific tasks or enhance certain processes. In the video, ChatGPT is presented as an AI tool that can interact with PDF documents, enabling users to engage with academic papers in a more interactive and efficient manner. The use of AI tools like ChatGPT is revolutionizing the way we process information and learn from written content.

💡 is mentioned in the video as a platform that allows users to interact with their PDF files using ChatGPT. It is described as an easy-to-use, free AI tool that does not require users to sign in or sign up. The website is presented as an official source where users can upload their PDF documents and engage with them by asking questions, seeking explanations, and requesting summaries, thus enhancing the user's understanding and interaction with the document's content.


Chat GPT's ability to interact with PDF documents is explored in this tutorial.

Uploading a PDF document allows extraction of information, answering questions, and summarization.

Chat GPT's official website does not have a built-in feature for uploading PDFs. is a free AI tool that enables interaction with PDF files without signing in or signing up.

There are three ways to interact with PDFs: dragging and dropping, browsing from your computer, or pasting a URL.

Once a document is uploaded, the interface allows users to ask questions and interact with the PDF content.

AI suggests questions based on the PDF content, such as providing examples of non-probability sampling methods.

Clicking on a suggested question's response highlights the text in the PDF where the information is taken from.

The summary of the entire article can be generated by asking for it.

Differences between non-probability and probability sampling methods are explained by the AI.

Qualitative research is limited to non-probability sampling methods, while quantitative research can use both.

ChatPDF's AI tool facilitates reading the entire article by answering various questions.

The tool allows sharing the chat with colleagues and friends, renaming the chat, and exporting the chat.

Resetting and deleting the entire chat is possible, enhancing user control and privacy.

ChatPDF can be used to interact with academic papers, increasing knowledge and aiding literature reviews.

The tutorial showcases the surface of Chat GPT's capabilities with PDFs, suggesting more to discover.

Support for the AI tool is encouraged through likes, shares, and subscriptions for future AI explorations.