Checking out the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin for QGIS

Hans van der Kwast
2 Feb 202409:49

TLDRIn this video, the host explores the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin for QGIS, a tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to facilitate the digitization process. The host begins by installing the plugin and navigating to its homepage for additional information and instructions. The plugin is straightforward to use, requiring the creation of a new vector layer and a brief account setup. The host tests the plugin on a topographical map of Mount Marcy, digitizing rivers, lakes, and contour lines. The AI assists in tracing, making the process faster and easier, though manual corrections are sometimes necessary for complex shapes. The host concludes that the plugin is a valuable asset for digitizing vectors, offering a significant boost in efficiency.


  • 🌟 The Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin is designed to use AI for digitizing in QGIS.
  • 📌 Before using the plugin, it's important to visit the homepage for more information and to see examples of its capabilities.
  • 🔍 The plugin adds a new icon to the toolbar, but to use it, a new vector layer must be created.
  • 💧 For testing, the Mount Marcy topographical map is used, and rivers are chosen as the geometry type with a line string.
  • 📝 An attribute for the name of the river is added to the Fields list for the vector layer.
  • 🔗 The plugin requires an internet connection and an account to be created, which is free and offers 2,000 completions per month.
  • ✅ The plugin assists in digitizing by connecting lines quickly, even faster than manual drawing.
  • ➡️ Holding the shift key allows for correction of the digitizing path if the plugin takes a wrong junction.
  • 🟢 The plugin also works with polygon geometry types, as demonstrated by digitizing lakes.
  • 🔄 When digitizing more complex shapes, like lakes, the plugin may require more user guidance and hints.
  • ⛰️ The plugin is also capable of digitizing contour lines, showing better performance when the user actively guides it over the lines.
  • 🏆 In conclusion, the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin significantly speeds up the digitization process and simplifies vector tracing in QGIS.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the plugin being evaluated in the video?

    -The plugin being evaluated is called the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin.

  • What is the purpose of the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin?

    -The plugin is designed to use AI for digitizing, making the process of tracing vectors easier and faster.

  • How does one install the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin?

    -To install the plugin, one should first visit the plugin's homepage for more information and follow the provided installation instructions.

  • What is required before using the plugin for the first time?

    -Before using the plugin, a new vector layer needs to be created within the QGIS software.

  • What type of geometry is chosen for the river layer in the demonstration?

    -For the river layer, a Line String geometry type is chosen.

  • How many completions are included in the free service per month?

    -The free service includes access to 2,000 completions per month.

  • What is the process for correcting a mistake when digitizing with the plugin?

    -To correct a mistake, one can use the Shift key to go back to the correct path and give the AI a few hints to continue digitizing.

  • What is the name of the topographical map used for testing the plugin?

    -The Mount Marcy topographical map is used for testing the plugin.

  • How does the plugin assist in digitizing more complicated shapes like lakes?

    -The plugin assists by providing AI support, which can be manually corrected and guided by the user when the shape becomes more complicated.

  • What type of layer is used for digitizing contour lines in the video?

    -For digitizing contour lines, a new GE package layer with a Line String geometry type is used.

  • What is the conclusion about the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin?

    -The conclusion is that the plugin is a great tool for digitizing vectors in an easy and fast way, with the ability to correct the algorithm when needed.

  • How does the plugin handle the digitization of contour lines?

    -The plugin works well with contour lines, especially when the user 'pulls' the line over the contour, digitizing quickly and accurately.



🔍 Evaluating Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin

The video starts with the host introducing a new AI-powered plugin for digitizing called Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer. They guide viewers through the installation process, emphasizing the importance of visiting the plugin's homepage for additional information, examples, and instructions. The host then demonstrates the plugin's capabilities using a topographical map of Mount Marcy and a hydrological application. They create a new vector layer for rivers, selecting appropriate geometry and projection, and adding an attribute for the river's name. After accepting the terms of service and creating an account, the host begins digitizing a river, noting the plugin's ability to connect to the internet and complete lines quickly. They also mention the option to correct the AI's path using the shift key and the need for patience in more complex shapes. The host concludes the first part by testing the plugin on a lake, noting the ease of digitizing with AI assistance.


🗺️ Digitizing Lakes and Contour Lines with AI Assistance

The host continues the demonstration by creating a new layer for lakes within the same geographic package. They choose a polygon geometry type and add an attribute for the lake's name. The AI assists in digitizing the lake, though the host notes that more corrections are needed for complex shapes. They then test the plugin on an easier lake, showing the AI's ability to learn from user input. Finally, the host tries digitizing contour lines, creating a new layer and using the plugin to quickly trace the lines. They observe that the plugin works best when the user guides it over the lines. The host concludes that the Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer is a great tool for digitizing vectors efficiently, allowing for easy corrections when the algorithm faces difficulties, and significantly speeding up the digitization process.



💡AI Vectorizer Plugin

The AI Vectorizer Plugin is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to assist in the digitization of geographical features. In the video, it is used to digitize elements such as rivers, lakes, and contour lines from a topographical map. It is a key component of the video's demonstration as it significantly speeds up the digitization process compared to manual methods.


Digitizing refers to the process of converting analog information, such as images or maps, into digital formats that can be manipulated by a computer. In the context of the video, digitizing is the main task where the AI Vectorizer Plugin is used to create digital representations of geographical features from the Mount Marcy topographical map.


QGIS is an open-source Geographic Information System (GIS) that is used for working with geospatial data. The video discusses the installation and use of the AI Vectorizer Plugin within QGIS, highlighting its integration with this popular GIS software to enhance the digitization of geographical features.

💡Topographical Map

A topographical map is a type of map that shows the Earth's surface features, including terrain relief, through the use of contour lines, natural and human-made features, and elevation points. In the video, the Mount Marcy topographical map is used as the source material for digitizing with the AI Vectorizer Plugin.

💡Vector Layer

A vector layer in GIS represents geographical features as points, lines, or polygons, which are mathematically defined. In the video, the creator uses the AI Vectorizer Plugin to create new vector layers for rivers, lakes, and contour lines, which are essential for the digitization process within QGIS.

💡Geometry Type

The geometry type defines the shape of the geographical features in a vector layer, such as points, lines, or polygons. In the video, the geometry type is chosen based on the feature being digitized, with line strings for rivers and contour lines, and polygons for lakes.


An attribute in GIS is a characteristic of a geographical feature, such as the name of a river or lake. The video demonstrates adding attributes to the vector layers, such as the name of the river or lake, which provides additional information about the features being digitized.

💡Editing Mode

Editing mode in GIS software allows users to add, modify, or delete features in a map. The video shows the process of toggling on editing mode in QGIS to start using the AI Vectorizer Plugin for digitizing the geographical features.

💡Terms of Service

Terms of Service are the rules and conditions that govern the use of a service, which users must agree to before using the service. The video mentions accepting the terms of service as part of the process for using the AI Vectorizer Plugin, which involves sending data to a server.

💡Account Verification

Account verification is a process where a user confirms their identity or ownership of an email address, often through a link sent to their email. In the video, the user is required to verify their account via email to access the free AI Vectorizer Plugin services with a monthly limit of completions.

💡Contour Lines

Contour lines on a map are lines that connect points of equal elevation, helping to represent the terrain's shape and slope. The video demonstrates the use of the AI Vectorizer Plugin to digitize contour lines, showing how the plugin can assist in quickly tracing these lines.

💡Digitization Process

The digitization process involves creating a digital version of a map or geographical feature. The video's main theme revolves around the digitization process, showcasing how the AI Vectorizer Plugin can speed up this process by automating the tracing of geographical features with AI assistance.


The Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin is a new tool for digitizing using AI technology.

The plugin is designed to work with QGIS, a popular open-source Geographic Information System.

Before using the plugin, it's recommended to visit the homepage for more information and installation instructions.

The plugin has a visually appealing website with examples of its capabilities.

The installation process is straightforward, making it accessible for users to try out.

The Mount Marcy topographical map is used for testing the plugin's performance.

A new vector layer is created for digitizing, with the geometry type set to line string.

The plugin requires an account to be created and terms of service to be accepted.

The service offers 2,000 free completions per month, making it a cost-effective solution for users.

Digitizing with the plugin is faster than manual methods, with the AI connecting lines after just two clicks.

Users can correct the AI's path by using the shift key to go back and provide hints.

The plugin also supports digitizing more complex shapes, such as lakes and contour lines.

For complex shapes, the AI may require more guidance and hints from the user to complete the digitizing process.

The plugin's AI assistance makes digitizing lakes easier and more efficient than manual methods.

Contour lines can be digitized quickly by pulling the AI's path over the line.

The plugin is praised for speeding up the digitization process and making it more accessible.

The video demonstrates the plugin's effectiveness in digitizing various geographical features.

The Bunting Labs AI Vectorizer Plugin is concluded to be a great tool for easy and fast vector tracing.