Gaussian Splatting | Luma AI plugin for UE5

miwa maroon
14 Nov 202312:36

TLDRIn this tutorial, the presenter introduces Gaussian Splatting, a technique for high-quality 3D scanning and rendering, made accessible through Luma AI for Unreal Engine 5. The process involves three main steps: scanning using Luma AI, importing the scan into Unreal Engine 5, and setting up a project to work with Luma AI files. The presenter provides a step-by-step guide, including tips for scanning, such as moving slowly and capturing from various angles. Additionally, they discuss the benefits of using Luma AI's sample scenes for practice and the advantages of the .py file format for optimized performance and ease of use. The tutorial concludes with a teaser for the next video, which will cover dynamic lighting for Gaussian Splatting.


  • 🎉 **Gaussian Splatting in UE5**: Introduced by Luma AI, this technique revolutionizes the game by providing high-quality scans with less noise compared to traditional photogrammetry.
  • 🚀 **Easy to Use**: Despite sounding complex, Gaussian Splatting is straightforward to implement in Unreal Engine 5.
  • 🔍 **Scanning with Luma AI**: Utilize Luma AI for scanning, which offers a user-friendly interface and even sample scenes for practice.
  • 📸 **Scanning Tips**: For better scans, move slowly and capture from as many unique angles as possible.
  • ☕ **Processing Time**: After capture, uploading the scan to Luma AI takes about 20-30 minutes.
  • 🌐 **Sample Scenes**: Luma AI provides downloadable sample scenes to practice Gaussian Splatting without needing to scan physical objects.
  • 📁 **File Types**: There are two main file types for Gaussian Splatting in UE5: Luma Interactive Scene and Luma Field.
  • 🔧 **Customization**: .py files allow for tweaking exposure and cropping the scene, offering more control and lighter files.
  • 💻 **Project Setup**: For working with Luma AI files, create a new C++ project in Unreal Engine 5 and install the necessary Luma AI plugins.
  • 📂 **Importing Scans**: Download optimized .py files for UE5 from Luma AI and import them into your Unreal Engine project.
  • 🌟 **Dynamic vs. Baked**: Choose between baked splats (unaffected by lighting changes) and dynamic splats (affected by lighting) based on your project needs.
  • 🔦 **TAA Option**: For systems with performance concerns, use the TAA (Temporal Anti-aliasing) option for smoother handling and lighter files.

Q & A

  • What is Gaussian Splatting and how does it change the game for photogrammetry?

    -Gaussian Splatting is a technique used in Unreal Engine 5 that enhances photogrammetry by reducing noise and providing a more refined and detailed scan of objects or environments. It has significantly improved the quality of 3D scans, making them more suitable for high-end visual effects.

  • Which AI plugin is used for Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5?

    -Luma AI is the plugin used for Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5. It provides a user-friendly interface and tools for scanning and importing high-quality 3D models into the engine.

  • What are the steps involved in scanning and importing a scan into Unreal Engine 5 using Luma AI?

    -The steps are: 1) Scanning using Luma AI, where you capture the object or environment from multiple angles; 2) Finishing the capture and uploading the scan, which takes about 20-30 minutes; 3) Importing the scan into Unreal Engine 5, which involves downloading the optimized .py file for UE5 and creating a new project with the Luma AI plugin installed.

  • How does Luma AI help in practicing Gaussian Splatting without scanning an actual object?

    -Luma AI offers sample scenes that users can download and use for practice. These sample scenes are pre-scanned environments that allow users to familiarize themselves with the scanning and importing process without needing to scan a physical object.

  • What are the benefits of using a .py file for Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5?

    -The .py file is optimized for Unreal Engine 5 and is lighter on the system, making it easier to work with. It also allows for cropping and adjusting exposure and clipping planes, providing more control over the final scan.

  • How does the process of scanning with Luma AI differ from traditional photogrammetry?

    -With Luma AI, the process is simplified and more streamlined. Users can move slowly and capture from as many unique angles as possible for a more detailed scan. The AI then processes the scan, reducing noise and providing a cleaner, higher-quality result compared to traditional photogrammetry.

  • What is the recommended file format to download for Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5?

    -The recommended file format is the .py file, which is optimized for Unreal Engine 5. It is advised not to download other file formats as they may not be as efficient or compatible with the engine.

  • How does the baked version of Gaussian Splatting differ from the dynamic version?

    -The baked version of Gaussian Splatting keeps the splats immutable to lighting changes, meaning it won't be affected by lighting as it's pre-baked. The dynamic version, on the other hand, will reflect lighting changes in real-time, providing a more interactive and responsive visual experience.

  • What is TAA and how does it affect the performance of Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5?

    -TAA stands for Temporal Anti-Aliasing. It is a technique that helps to smooth out jagged edges in a 3D scene. When using Gaussian Splatting with TAA, it can make the file lighter and easier to handle, thus improving performance on the system.

  • What are the system requirements for working with Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5?

    -While the script does not explicitly mention system requirements, it implies that a system capable of running Unreal Engine 5 with C++ support is needed. Additionally, having a system that can handle the processing of .py files and the Luma AI plugin would be beneficial for optimal performance.

  • Can you use Gaussian Splatting without scanning your own scene?

    -Yes, you can use Gaussian Splatting without scanning your own scene by downloading pre-scanned scenes or using the sample scenes provided by Luma AI. This allows users to enjoy the benefits of Gaussian Splatting without the need for their own scanning equipment or process.



🎨 Introduction to Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5

The video begins with an introduction to Gaussian Splatting, a technique presented by Luma AI that is set to revolutionize the game development industry. The host, Maron, expresses initial skepticism about the complexity of using this technique in Unreal Engine 5, but quickly reassures viewers that it is surprisingly easy to implement. The video promises a step-by-step guide on scanning, importing, and utilizing Gaussian Splatting to achieve high-quality visuals in game environments or objects. Maron also mentions trying out Nerf photogrammetry but found it noisy, indicating that Gaussian Splatting offers a significant improvement.


📸 Scanning and Importing with Luma AI

The host outlines the process of scanning objects or environments using Luma AI, emphasizing the importance of capturing from various angles to ensure a detailed scan. He shares tips for achieving better scans, such as moving slowly and methodically. After capturing, the process involves uploading the scan to Luma AI, which takes about 20 to 30 minutes. In the meantime, Maron discusses the availability of sample scenes for practice, which can be downloaded from a provided link. He also explains the difference between a Luma interactive scene and a Luma field, showing how to import both types into Unreal Engine 5.


🚀 Creating a Project for Luma AI Gaussian Splatting

The final paragraph focuses on the creation of a project in Unreal Engine 5 specifically for working with Luma AI Gaussian Splatting. Maron guides viewers on how to download and import the optimized .py file for Unreal Engine 5, cautioning against downloading other file types that could be time-wasting. He also covers the installation of necessary Luma AI plugins into the Unreal Engine project. The host then demonstrates how to create a new level and import the Gaussian Splatting files, explaining the difference between baked and dynamic splats and the impact of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) on system performance. The video concludes with a teaser for the next video, which will cover dynamic lighting.



💡Gaussian Splatting

Gaussian Splatting is a technique used in computer graphics to achieve high-quality rendering effects. In the context of the video, it is a feature provided by Luma AI for Unreal Engine 5, which allows for the creation of detailed and realistic 3D environments or objects from scans. The process is described as a game-changer that reduces noise and enhances the quality of the final render compared to traditional photogrammetry.

💡Luma AI

Luma AI is a company that provides advanced AI-driven tools for 3D scanning and rendering. In the video, Luma AI is mentioned as the creator of the Gaussian Splatting feature for Unreal Engine 5. They offer a user-friendly interface and tools that simplify the process of scanning real-world objects or environments and importing them into the game engine.

💡Unreal Engine 5

Unreal Engine 5 is a game engine developed by Epic Games used for creating high-end video games and other interactive experiences. The video discusses the implementation of Gaussian Splatting within this engine, emphasizing its capabilities for creating realistic and immersive virtual environments.


Photogrammetry is a technique that captures photographs of an object or scene from different angles and uses them to create 3D models. In the video, it is mentioned as a previous method the author tried for creating 3D scans, but Gaussian Splatting is presented as a superior alternative due to its higher quality and reduced noise.


Scanning in the context of the video refers to the process of capturing real-world objects or environments using Luma AI's tools to create 3D models. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform this scanning process, emphasizing the importance of moving slowly and capturing from multiple unique angles.


Importing in this video script refers to the process of bringing the scanned 3D models into Unreal Engine 5 for further use in game development. The video outlines the steps for importing Gaussian Splatting files, which can be done using different file types like .py files for optimized results.

💡Sample Scenes

Sample scenes are pre-made environments provided by Luma AI that users can download and practice with without having to scan their own objects. The video mentions downloading a sample project to explore the capabilities of Gaussian Splatting and get familiar with the tools before scanning their own scenes.

💡Luma Interactive Scene

A Luma Interactive Scene is a type of file format used for the scanned data that allows for interactive manipulation within Unreal Engine 5. The video differentiates between this and the Luma Field file, noting that the former is heavier and offers more options for tweaking the scene.

💡Dynamic vs. Baked Splats

The terms 'Dynamic' and 'Baked' in the context of the video refer to two different types of Gaussian Splatting files. Baked Splats are unaffected by lighting changes as they are pre-rendered, while Dynamic Splats can reflect changes in lighting, offering more realism. The video explains how to import and use both types within Unreal Engine 5.

💡TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing)

TAA is a technique used in video games to smooth out jagged edges in graphics by using information from the previous frame. The video discusses the option to use TAA in Gaussian Splatting files, noting that files with TAA are lighter on the system and can improve performance.

💡Project Creation

Project creation in the video refers to the process of setting up a new project in Unreal Engine 5 specifically for using Luma AI's Gaussian Splatting. The video provides instructions on how to create a C++ project to avoid errors when packaging the game, and how to install necessary plugins for working with Luma AI files.


Gaussian Splatting is a technique that can significantly enhance visual effects in Unreal Engine 5.

The technique is made accessible and easy to use through Luma AI's integration with Unreal Engine 5.

Luma AI offers a scanning process that captures high-quality 3D models with minimal noise.

Scanning with Luma AI involves moving slowly and capturing from as many unique angles as possible.

Luma AI provides sample scenes for practice, eliminating the need for initial physical scanning.

The scanning and uploading process takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete.

Sample scenes can be downloaded directly from Luma AI's website for immediate use.

Two types of Gaussian Splatting files are available: Luma Interactive Scene and Luma Field.

The .py file format is optimized for Unreal Engine 5 and is recommended for its efficiency.

Luma AI's plugin is essential for working with their files within Unreal Engine 5.

The process of importing scans from Luma AI involves logging into their website and downloading the optimized .py file.

Unreal Engine 5 projects should be set to use C++ to avoid errors when packaging.

The baked version of Gaussian Splatting keeps the splats immutable to lighting changes.

The Dynamic version of Gaussian Splatting allows splats to be affected by lighting, providing more realism.

The no TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) option results in a lighter file, which is easier on the system.

Using TAA can help manage files more effectively and improve performance.

The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on implementing Gaussian Splatting in Unreal Engine 5.

Upcoming videos will cover dynamic lighting and share scanned assets, allowing users to bypass scanning.