ComfyUI : NEW Official ControlNet Models are released! Here is my tutorial on how to use them.

Scott Detweiler
20 Aug 202315:59

TLDRThe video script introduces the release of official control net models for the sdxl platform, emphasizing their efficiency and versatility. It guides viewers through the installation of a manager for node management, the integration of models from the hugging face repository, and the use of preprocessors. The tutorial showcases the application of these tools in creating detailed and customized workflows, highlighting the importance of selecting appropriate models and preprocessors for each step. The video also demonstrates the practical use of control net models in image processing, offering insights into the depth map and edge detector functionalities. The presenter encourages experimentation with different settings and control nets for optimal results, and expresses gratitude to the channel's supporters.


  • 🚀 The official control net models for sdxl are now available and will be released progressively.
  • 🔧 It is highly recommended to install the manager for easier handling of custom nodes and models.
  • 🛠️ The manager can be installed via a git clone from the provided repository link.
  • 📦 Preprocessors are essential and can be obtained from the sdxl official Hugging Face repository.
  • 💡 Control net preprocessors like the Candy Edge detector and depth maps are useful for image conditioning.
  • 🖌️ Using multiple control nets in sequence can enhance the output by combining their strengths.
  • 🔎 The control net models are memory efficient and designed for specific tasks within the workflow.
  • 🎨 The process of using control nets is about the backend processing rather than the frontend display.
  • 🔄 By using a models.yaml file, one can streamline the installation of models for both Comfy and Automatic 1111.
  • 📸 Images used in the control net need to be preprocessed according to the model's requirements.
  • 📈 The script demonstrates the practical application of control nets in creating an image of an alien cyborg female on a spaceship.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The main topic of the video is the introduction and usage of the official control net models for the Comfy platform.

  • What is the first step in using the control net models?

    -The first step is to install the manager for the control net models, which simplifies the process of installation and management.

  • How can you install the manager for the control net models?

    -You can install the manager by cloning the repository from GitHub and following the instructions provided in the video.

  • Where can you find the control net models?

    -The control net models can be found in the official Hugging Face repository.

  • What are the two types of control net preprocessors mentioned in the video?

    -The two types of control net preprocessors mentioned are the Candy Edge detector and the Depth Map.

  • Why are control net models useful in the Comfy platform?

    -Control net models are useful because they provide a way to manage and customize the workflow, allowing users to create their own unique processes rather than relying on pre-built packages.

  • How can you use multiple control nets in a single workflow?

    -You can chain multiple control nets together in a workflow by duplicating the control net node and connecting them in sequence, each with its appropriate preprocessor or image.

  • What is the purpose of the 'strength' setting in the control net application?

    -The 'strength' setting determines how much influence the control net has over the image generation process. It can be adjusted to control the balance between adherence to the control net and creative freedom.

  • How does the 'start' and 'end' settings in the control net application work?

    -The 'start' and 'end' settings allow you to control at what point in the generation process the control net's influence begins and ends, providing a way to fine-tune the adherence to the control net throughout the image creation.

  • What is the significance of the 'depth map' in the control net process?

    -The 'depth map' provides information about the relative distance of objects in the image from the camera, which can be used to create more realistic and depth-aware image generations.

  • How can you support the creator of the video?

    -You can support the creator by becoming a sponsor of the channel or a higher-level member, which helps to keep the channel running and allows access to additional resources like the YouTube member area.



🚀 Introduction to SDXL Control Net Models

The paragraph introduces Scotty Weather and the availability of SDXL official control net models. It emphasizes the importance of installing a manager for handling custom nodes in Comfy, a 3D modeling software. The speaker corrects a previous mistake about using 'fetch' instead of 'clone' and provides a quick guide on installing the manager from a GitHub repository. The goal of the video is to teach viewers how to use these new models effectively, focusing on the process rather than just the installation.


🛠️ Utilizing Preprocessors and Custom Nodes

This section delves into the utilization of preprocessors and custom nodes in Comfy. The speaker discusses the frustration of managing numerous custom nodes and introduces a manager developed by Lieutenant Dr. Data. The manager simplifies the installation process, allowing users to search and install custom nodes, including control net preprocessors, directly from the interface. The speaker also explains the importance of selecting the right package that provides the necessary components for creating personalized workflows.


🌟 Exploring Control Net Preprocessors and Models

The speaker explores the functionality of control net preprocessors, emphasizing the use of edge detectors and depth maps for enhancing images. The paragraph describes how these preprocessors can be combined to achieve better results, such as using candy edge detector for outlines and depth maps for depth information. The speaker also explains how to install SDXL models from the Hugging Face repository and how to integrate them with Comfy. The focus is on the architectural efficiency of these models and the flexibility they offer in creating various visual effects.


🎨 Applying Control Net Models in Comfy

In this part, the speaker demonstrates how to apply control net models in Comfy, detailing the process of using positive and negative encoders, selecting appropriate control net models, and adjusting settings for optimal results. The paragraph also discusses the use of depth maps in conditioning the image, rather than as part of the image processing. The speaker provides a step-by-step guide on setting up the workflow, including the use of a latent node, a VAE (Variational Autoencoder), and choosing the right sampler and scheduler for the task. The goal is to create a visually appealing and accurate representation of the desired output, such as an alien cyborg female on an alien ship.



💡sdxl official control net models

The 'sdxl official control net models' refer to a set of models that are now available for use. These models are part of a technology that allows for the management and manipulation of custom nodes within a software, as mentioned in the video. They are essential for the video's theme of teaching how to install and use these models to enhance workflow and create custom applications.


The 'manager' is a tool recommended for installation to simplify the process of handling custom nodes in the software. It is developed by Lieutenant Dr Data Love and is used to streamline the management of the various nodes, making it easier for users to install and organize them according to their needs.

💡Hugging Face repository

The 'Hugging Face repository' is a platform where the sdxl official control net models are hosted. It is a source code hosting service that allows developers to store, manage, and collaborate on their projects. In the context of the video, it is where the models for the control net are obtained from.


In the context of the video, 'preprocessors' are specific types of models that are used to prepare and process data before it is fed into the main model for further analysis or generation. They are necessary components for the control net models to function correctly and are used to transform input data into a format that the control net can understand.

💡custom nodes

Custom nodes are user-defined components that can be added to a software application to perform specific tasks or functions. They are a fundamental aspect of the video's content, as the manager tool is introduced to help manage these nodes more efficiently.


A 'workflow' refers to the sequence of steps or processes involved in completing a particular task or project. In the context of the video, it is emphasized that the goal is not just to use pre-built workflows but to understand and create one's own workflow by using the control net models and preprocessors.

💡Candy Edge detector

The 'Candy Edge detector' is a specific type of preprocessor mentioned in the video. It is used to detect and highlight the edges within an image, which can then be utilized by the control net models to generate new images based on the detected edges.

💡depth map

A 'depth map' is a visual representation that provides information about the distance of objects from the viewer, with lighter areas indicating closer objects and darker areas indicating objects that are farther away. It is used in conjunction with other preprocessors to add depth and dimension to the images being processed.


In the context of the video, 'latent' refers to a vector representation that captures the underlying structure of data. It is used as input for generative models to create new data points or images that are similar to the training data.


CFG, or Content Generation, is a parameter that controls the balance between the model's adherence to the input instructions (prompt) and the randomness or creativity introduced in the generated content. A lower CFG value allows for more freedom and interpretation of the prompt, while a higher value results in more accurate and less noisy outputs.


A 'sampler' in the context of the video refers to a mathematical model used to extract information from a latent vector to generate new data. Different samplers can produce different results, affecting the quality and characteristics of the generated images.


Introduction of the official control net models and their availability.

Recommendation to install the manager for handling custom nodes efficiently.

Instructions on installing the manager using git clone and the correct procedure.

Explanation of the need for preprocessors and how to install them from the sdxl official Hugging Face repository.

Discussion on the importance of choosing the right package for control net that allows for workflow creation.

Demonstration of the manager's functionality in installing custom nodes and its role in simplifying the process.

Clarification on the use of control net preprocessors and their impact on the workflow.

Illustration of the difference between normal maps and depth maps, and their applications.

Explanation of the combination of different preprocessors like candy and depth for enhanced results.

Introduction to the sdxl models on Hugging Face and their architectural implementation for memory efficiency.

Instructions on installing sdxl models using the three-dot menu and the model paths.yaml file for convenience.

Demonstration of the preprocessors' functionality by loading an image and using the candy edge detector.

Description of the control net model's expectations regarding the type of image input and the use of the depth loader.

Explanation of the control net's conditioning part and its significance in the process.

Discussion on the use of control net in a chain and the importance of loading the appropriate model for each step.

Details on the settings for the control net, including strength, start, and end, and their impact on the final output.

Final demonstration of creating an image using the control net model, with a focus on the prompt's influence on the result.