Creating Embeddings and Concept Models with Invoke Training - Textual Inversion & LoRAs

30 Mar 202430:41

TLDRThe video script discusses training custom models using open-source scripts for embeddings and concept models. It explains the tokenization process, the importance of model weights in defining generation possibilities, and the creation of datasets for training. The script provides a step-by-step guide on using the invoke training app for configuring and starting training, emphasizing the role of captions in concept model training. It concludes with evaluating the training results and importing the trained embedding into invoke for generating artwork with a specific style.


  • 📚 Training custom models involves understanding high-level concepts and applying examples.
  • 🛠️ There are two types of tools used in the generation process: embeddings and concept models.
  • 🔍 Textual inversion is used for training embeddings, while Laura and Dora training are for concept models.
  • 💡 Tokenization breaks down prompts into smaller parts that can be analyzed mathematically by the system.
  • 🧠 Model weights determine the relationship between the tokens and the visual content they relate to.
  • 🔬 Analogy: Prompt and text encoding can be seen as light sources passing through a lens, which shapes the final output.
  • 🎨 Embeddings allow efficient manipulation of the prompt layer, consolidating prompts into a single token.
  • 🏗️ Concept models extend the base model to include new information and concepts, redefining the model's interpretation at a foundational level.
  • 📁 Creating a dataset involves organizing images and, for concept models, captioning them to define the subject or style.
  • 🚀 The training process is tuned by adjusting configurations such as learning rate, seed, and validation prompts.
  • 📈 Training involves monitoring the progression and selecting the most useful step's output for further use.

Q & A

  • What are the two main types of tools that can be trained using the open-source scripts provided?

    -The two main types of tools that can be trained are embeddings and concept models.

  • What is tokenization in the context of the generation process?

    -Tokenization is the process of breaking down the prompt into smaller parts or pieces that can be mathematically analyzed by the system.

  • How does the model weights and text encoding influence the generation process?

    -The model weights and text encoding determine the relationship between the numerical tokens and the visual content, essentially shaping the output based on the prompt and model's understanding of those relationships.

  • What is an analogy used in the script to help understand the generation process?

    -The analogy used is that of a set of light sources being passed through a lens, where the shape of the lens dictates how each light is refracted and ultimately determines the resulting picture.

  • What is the role of embeddings in the generation process?

    -Embeddings allow for more efficient manipulation of the prompt layer by consolidating a lot of the desired prompt information into a single token, making it easier to prompt for specific concepts or styles.

  • How do concept models differ from embeddings?

    -Concept models extend the base model to include new information and concepts, redefining how prompts are interpreted at a foundational level, whereas embeddings work within the existing model content to manipulate prompts more effectively.

  • What is pivotal tuning and how does it relate to training?

    -Pivotal tuning is an advanced technique that allows training a new embedding that works with a specific concept being trained in a concept model, effectively creating a complete structure to be used as a tool in the generation process.

  • What is the significance of the data set size when training embeddings and concept models?

    -For textual inversion (embeddings), a relatively small data set is sufficient, while for concept models, more data is better as it helps inject new understanding into the model. Higher quality models may require even more data, such as 100 to 200 images.

  • How does the training script's interface help in preparing and organizing data sets for training?

    -The interface allows users to load or create data sets, caption images for concept models, and organize images in a structured manner to be used in training, making the process more efficient and organized.

  • What are some of the configurable settings in the training script that affect the training process?

    -Configurable settings include the base training model, training outputs directory, training run duration, model saving and validation frequency, learning rate, and various data loading and processing options.

  • How can the validation images in the checkpoints help in determining the effectiveness of the trained embedding?

    -The validation images at different steps throughout the training process show the progression and changes in the model's understanding, allowing users to identify which step produced the most desirable output and embedding for their specific needs.



🤖 Introduction to Custom Model Training

The video begins with an introduction to training custom models using open-source scripts available for free. It emphasizes the importance of understanding high-level concepts and provides examples. The discussion focuses on two types of tools used in the generation process: embeddings and concept models, explaining their training methods, namely textual inversion for embeddings and Laura and Dora training for concept models. The video simplifies the technical aspects of tokenization and text encoding, and introduces an analogy of light sources and lenses to help viewers grasp the generation process. It also touches on the limitations of model weights and the necessity of retraining models to incorporate new content.


📚 Understanding Data Sets and Model Training

This paragraph delves deeper into the creation of data sets for training embeddings and concept models. It explains the differences in captioning images for each type of model and the importance of variation in the data set. The video provides guidance on the ideal data set size for textual inversion and concept models, highlighting the benefits of more data for concept models. It introduces the invoke training app, a simple tool for preparing and training data sets, and demonstrates how to organize images and use the app for training.


🛠️ Configuring Training Settings and Data Options

The focus of this paragraph is on configuring the training settings within the invoke training app. It outlines the basic configurations for setting the base training model, output locations, and training duration. The video explains how to adjust settings for model saving and validation. It also covers data loading options, such as using different data sources and formats, and the importance of captions in training. The paragraph further discusses advanced settings like the shuffle caption delimiter and resolution preferences, providing a comprehensive overview of the training configuration process.


🎨 Customizing Textual Inversion and Embeddings

This section focuses on the specifics of textual inversion configurations for training embeddings. It explains the role of the placeholder token and the initializer token, emphasizing the need for uniqueness. The video discusses optimizer configurations, including the learning process and rate, and the impact of these settings on the training outcomes. It also touches on advanced settings and hyperparameters, advising viewers to stick to defaults unless they have a clear understanding of these parameters. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of the speed and memory configuration section and its purpose.


🚀 Launching the Training Process

The paragraph details the process of launching a training session using the invoke training app. It explains how to review and save the configuration settings, the importance of validation prompts, and the different training configurations like learning rate scheduler and batch size. The video then demonstrates the training process, showcasing the output folders for checkpoints, logs, and validation images. It provides insight into evaluating the training progress and selecting the most effective step for the desired outcome.


🖼️ Evaluating and Importing the Trained Embedding

This part of the video script describes the evaluation of the trained embedding and its integration into the invoke system. It shows how to examine the validation images at different stages of the training process and choose the most satisfactory result. The video explains the process of importing the selected embedding into invoke, giving it a unique name for future use in prompts. It then demonstrates the use of the new embedding in creating prompts, comparing its output with the original 'watercolor' term to illustrate the enhanced specificity and style achieved through the custom training.


💬 Inviting Feedback and Future Training Improvements

The video concludes with a call for feedback from the viewers, emphasizing the importance of their input in improving the training interface and scripts. It encourages viewers to share their experiences and challenges in using the training tools. The speaker highlights the ongoing development of training scripts and tools for professionals, expressing a commitment to evolving based on user feedback. The video ends with a reminder to stay connected and engaged for future content and updates.



💡Custom Models

Custom Models refer to the personalized models that are trained using open-source scripts, which are available for free. These models can be tailored to specific needs by the users, allowing them to generate content that aligns with their unique requirements. In the context of the video, custom models are central to the theme of training and utilizing AI for creative outputs.


Embeddings are a type of tool used in the generation process that allows for more efficient manipulation of the prompt layer. They are essentially a representation of information, such as words or phrases, in a mathematical form that AI systems can understand and process. In the video, embeddings are one of the two types of tools highlighted for training custom models, emphasizing their role in enhancing the generation process.

💡Concept Models

Concept Models are another type of tool used in the generation process, which are designed to inject or extend the base model with new information and concepts. Unlike embeddings, concept models redefine how prompts are interpreted at a foundational level, allowing the AI to understand and generate content that includes new styles or subjects. The video emphasizes the importance of concept models in expanding the capabilities of AI in content creation.


Tokenization is the process of breaking down prompts into smaller, mathematically analyzable parts. It is a crucial step in the AI generation process where the input text, or prompt, is transformed into tokens that the AI model can understand and process. In the context of the video, tokenization is a key concept that underpins the understanding of how AI systems handle and generate content based on user inputs.

💡Model Weights

Model weights refer to the parameters within an AI model that determine the output based on the input data. These weights are adjusted during the training process to improve the model's performance. In the video, model weights are described as a complex set that dictates the relationship between the numerical tokens and the visual content generated, emphasizing their importance in the AI generation process.


A prompt is the input text or information provided to an AI system to guide the output. It serves as a starting point for the AI to generate content based on the information given. In the context of the video, prompts are a key aspect that users have control over, and understanding how to effectively use prompts is essential for achieving desired outputs from custom models.

💡Textual Inversion

Textual Inversion is a training technique used to create embeddings. It involves the process of converting text into a form that can be used as a reference or conditioning element in the AI generation process. In the video, textual inversion is specifically mentioned as the method used to train embeddings, which are then utilized to manipulate prompts more efficiently.

💡Laura Training

Laura Training is a method mentioned in the script used for training concept models. It is a technique that allows the AI to understand and generate content that includes new concepts or styles. In the context of the video, Laura Training is a key part of expanding the AI's capabilities and is essential for creating custom models that can produce content with new information.

💡Dora Training

Dora Training, as mentioned in the script, is another method used for training concept models. Like Laura Training, it is aimed at teaching the AI new concepts or styles to enhance its generative capabilities. Dora Training is part of the process of creating custom models that can produce content with extended or new information, which is a central theme of the video.

💡Pivotal Tuning

Pivotal Tuning is an advanced technique mentioned in the script that allows for the training of a new embedding specifically designed to work with a concept being trained in a concept model. This technique effectively creates a comprehensive structure for use in the generation process, enhancing the AI's ability to understand and produce content that aligns with specific concepts.


The session focuses on training custom models using open-source scripts available for free.

Two types of tools can be trained: embeddings and concept models.

Textual inversion is used for training embeddings, while Laura and Dora training are for concept models.

Tokenization breaks down prompts into smaller parts that can be analyzed mathematically by the system.

Model weights developed during training determine the relationship between numbers and visual content.

An analogy of light sources passing through a lens is used to explain the generation process.

Embeddings allow for efficient manipulation of the prompt layer by consolidating prompts into a new tool.

Concept models extend the base model to include new information and concepts.

Pivotal tuning trains a new embedding that works with a specific concept being trained in a concept model.

Creating a dataset for embeddings involves images without captions, while concept models require captioned images.

The training process can be customized using the invoke training app, a simple application for preparing datasets and training models.

The UI allows for the organization of images and captioning for specific training purposes.

Different training configurations can be selected based on the type of model being trained.

The training process involves adjusting settings like learning rate, seed, and validation prompts.

Validation images are generated during training, allowing users to monitor the progression and select the most useful step.

The resulting embedding can be imported directly into invoke, providing a new prompt option for generating content.

The session concludes with an invitation for feedback to improve the training interface and scripts.