Creating a user persona (template in description)

Tanishq Bhatia
12 Jun 202109:21

TLDRThe video emphasizes the importance of user research and defining it through user personas when creating a new company or social media page. It explains that personas are realistic, fictional representations of target users, including their needs, motivations, and demographics. The tutorial demonstrates how to design a user persona using Figma, highlighting the need for solid qualitative research to inform the creation of an effective and relatable persona.


  • 🔍 Conduct extensive user research before starting any project, such as creating a new company or social media page.
  • 📊 Define your research by creating memorable and actionable user personas based on real data, not assumptions.
  • 🏢 A user persona is a fictional yet realistic representation of a target user, acting as a prototype for design and marketing purposes.
  • 👤 Include comprehensive details in the persona, such as needs, motivations, frustrations, and demographic information like age, behavior, and occupation.
  • 🎨 Use design tools like Figma to create a visual representation of the user persona, making it relatable and believable.
  • 🖼️ Avoid using avatars or illustrations that don't represent real people to maintain authenticity in the persona.
  • 📝 Segment your user research into different categories or groups to create multiple personas that represent various user segments.
  • 💬 Include quotes that the persona might say to give a personal touch and make the persona more relatable to the brand.
  • 🎯 Clearly define the persona's goals and frustrations to understand their pain points and aspirations.
  • 🌟 Highlight the persona's personality traits, preferred channels, and dream companies for a more nuanced understanding of the user.
  • 📚 Use the created user persona as a guide in product design and marketing strategies, ensuring that the product meets the needs of the target audience.

Q & A

  • What are the two essential things to keep in mind when starting a new company or social media page?

    -The two essential things are conducting ample user research and defining that research effectively.

  • What is a user persona based on the script?

    -A user persona is a fictional yet realistic description of a target user, acting as a prototype or representation of a specific user segment.

  • What should a user persona include?

    -A user persona should include details about the persona's needs, motivations, frustrations, and background or demographics such as age, behaviors, and occupation.

  • How can user personas be made memorable and actionable?

    -User personas can be made memorable and actionable by creating a thorough and believable description, including quotes that the persona might say, and adding visual elements and colors to make them more relatable.

  • Why is it important to base user personas on real data?

    -User personas should be based on real data to ensure they accurately represent the target audience and to make the design and product development more effective and relevant.

  • What is the purpose of creating user personas?

    -The purpose of creating user personas is to help designers and companies understand their target audience better, which in turn guides the development of products or services that meet the needs and preferences of those users.

  • How does the process of creating user personas contribute to inclusive design?

    -Creating user personas contributes to inclusive design by considering a diverse range of user characteristics and needs, avoiding assumptions based on gender or other demographics, and ensuring that the design caters to a wide audience.

  • What is the significance of adding a quote to a user persona?

    -Adding a quote to a user persona helps to humanize the persona and provides insight into their thought process, making the persona more relatable and easier to understand for the design team.

  • How can user personas guide the design of a specific product or service?

    -User personas can guide the design of a product or service by highlighting the goals, frustrations, motivations, and preferred channels of communication of the target user, enabling designers to create solutions that specifically address these aspects.

  • What is the role of user research in the process of creating user personas?

    -User research plays a crucial role in creating user personas as it provides the qualitative data needed to build accurate and realistic representations of the target audience, ensuring that the personas are grounded in actual user insights and behaviors.



📝 The Essentials of User Research and Personas

This paragraph emphasizes the importance of user research when starting a new company, social media page, or creating content for any platform. It outlines that user research should be conducted before beginning any project and that the research should be well-defined to create user targets and segments. The paragraph introduces the concept of user personas, which are realistic and fictional descriptions of target users, based on real data. It explains that personas should be detailed, believable, and include information about the user's needs, motivations, frustrations, and demographics like age, behavior, and occupation. The paragraph also briefly touches on using design tools like Figma to create a user persona, highlighting the need for solid qualitative research before defining a persona.


🎨 Crafting Detailed and Memorable Personas in Figma

This paragraph delves into the process of creating a user persona using Figma, a design tool. It explains how to create a frame and add elements such as a representative image, demographic information, and quotes that reflect the persona's voice. The paragraph discusses the importance of including detailed information such as technical ability, goals, frustrations, personality traits, and preferred channels of communication. It also mentions the option of adding favored companies or brands that resonate with the persona's personality. The paragraph concludes by encouraging further research and application of the created persona in relevant contexts, and it invites viewers to access more resources on the Figma community platform.



💡User Persona

A user persona is a fictional yet realistic representation of a target user, created based on real data from user research. It serves as a prototype to understand and design for the needs, behaviors, and motivations of a specific group of users. In the video, the speaker guides the audience through the process of creating a user persona in Figma, emphasizing the importance of including demographics, goals, frustrations, and personality traits to make the persona believable and actionable for product design.

💡User Research

User research is the process of gathering and analyzing data about users to inform and validate design decisions. It involves understanding the users' needs, preferences, and pain points through various methods such as interviews, surveys, and observations. In the context of the video, the speaker highlights the necessity of conducting ample user research before creating a user persona or starting any new venture, as it provides the foundation for designing products or services that truly meet the target audience's requirements.

💡Social Media Page

A social media page refers to a public profile or account on a social networking platform, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, that is used by individuals, businesses, or organizations to share content, engage with their audience, and build their brand. In the video, the speaker mentions creating a new social media page as one of the scenarios where creating user personas can be beneficial, as it helps in tailoring the content and interactions to attract and retain the desired user base.


Figma is a cloud-based design tool that allows users to create, prototype, and collaborate on user interface designs for websites, applications, and other digital products. In the video, the speaker uses Figma to demonstrate how to design a user persona, showcasing its features such as creating frames, selecting images from Unsplash, and organizing the layout to visually represent the persona's characteristics and information.


Demographics are the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, occupation, education level, and income, which are often used to segment and understand target audiences. In the video, demographics are an essential component of creating a user persona, as they provide a basic understanding of the persona's background and help in making design decisions that cater to their specific needs and preferences.


Goals refer to the desired outcomes or objectives that individuals or organizations aim to achieve. In the context of user personas, identifying the goals of the target user helps designers and product developers to create features and experiences that align with what the users are trying to accomplish. The video illustrates this by adding a section for goals in the user persona, such as finding better income or improving health, which can guide the design of products or services to support these objectives.


Frustrations are the feelings of dissatisfaction, annoyance, or disappointment that users may experience when interacting with a product or service. Identifying these frustrations in a user persona helps designers empathize with the users and address these issues in the design process. In the video, the speaker includes a section for frustrations in the persona, emphasizing the importance of understanding and mitigating these negative experiences to enhance user satisfaction and engagement.


Personality refers to the unique set of characteristics, traits, and behaviors that define an individual's identity. In the context of user personas, incorporating personality traits helps to create a more relatable and realistic representation of the target user, allowing designers to better understand and design for the user's preferences and behaviors. The video mentions adding a section for personality to the user persona, suggesting the inclusion of hashtags to represent different aspects of the persona's character.


Motivations are the driving forces or reasons behind an individual's actions and decisions. Understanding the motivations of a user persona helps designers to create products or services that resonate with the users'内在 desires and aspirations. In the video, motivations are discussed as an important aspect to include in the persona, providing insights into what compels the user to engage with a brand or use a product, and how these motivations can be leveraged to improve the user experience.


Channels refer to the various mediums or platforms through which users prefer to receive information, communicate, or engage with a brand or product. Identifying the preferred channels in a user persona helps designers and marketers to tailor their communication strategies and content distribution to effectively reach and interact with the target audience. In the video, the speaker mentions the importance of understanding whether users prefer mobile, e-commerce, social media, or real-life interactions, as this information can guide the selection of appropriate channels for product promotion and user engagement.


The importance of user research before starting any project.

Defining user research through memorable and actionable segments.

Creating user personas based on real data for a more accurate representation.

A persona is a fictional yet realistic description of a target user.

The persona description should include details about needs, motivations, and frustrations.

Inclusion of background and demographic information like age, behaviors, and occupation.

Avoiding the use of avatars or illustrations to make personas look more real.

Creating a basic structure for a user persona without specific company details.

The necessity of solid qualitative research before creating a persona.

Dividing interviews into segments to identify commonalities and create multiple personas.

Adding quotes that the persona might say to make the user segment more relatable.

Defining goals and frustrations of the persona based on interview data.

Incorporating personality traits, pain points, and preferred channels of communication.

Using Figma for designing and creating a visually appealing user persona.

The trend of adding hashtags inside the persona's personality for increased engagement.

Utilizing the created user persona for product design and development.

Sharing the user persona template available on the Figma community for wider access.