How to Create A User Persona in 2022 [FULL GUIDE]

13 Oct 202210:32

TLDRCreating user personas is essential for businesses to understand and connect with their target audience. A persona represents the needs, goals, and pain points of potential customers, helping businesses to empathize, provide clear marketing direction, and maintain consistency across teams. To create an effective persona, include basic information, an archetype, a picture, personality traits, and pain points. The process involves researching and analyzing data, segmenting users into groups, and crafting three to five distinct personas. Utilize tools like Visme to build and visualize these personas, ensuring they resonate with your audience and enhance your marketing efforts.


  • 😀 User personas help businesses shift their focus from selling to solving customer pain points, emphasizing a solution-oriented approach.
  • 😀 A user persona is a fictional character representing a target audience, detailing their needs, goals, behaviors, and demographics to guide marketing efforts.
  • 😀 User personas are beneficial as they build empathy, direct marketing efforts effectively, and ensure consistency across teams by aligning them with the target audience's perspective.
  • 😀 Essential elements of a user persona include basic demographic information, an archetype or personality, social media preferences, and a photo to humanize the character.
  • 😀 Adding personality traits to your user persona helps in not judging by appearance alone and provides deeper insights into how they might react in various situations.
  • 😀 Pain points are crucial in a user persona as they guide content and campaign strategies to directly address the challenges and frustrations of the target audience.
  • 😀 Creating multiple user personas (ideally three to five) helps in covering a broader range of your target market without diluting the focus of your marketing efforts.
  • 😀 Research for creating user personas can include interviews with actual customers, analyzing customer support logs, and studying web analytics to gather necessary data.
  • 😀 User personas should be dynamic and may include goals, motivations, and scenarios that describe a day in their life to provide context on how they interact with your product.
  • 😀 Tools like Visme provide templates and intuitive interfaces for creating user personas, making the process more accessible and aligned with real business needs.

Q & A

  • What is a user persona?

    -A user persona is a fictional character that represents your target audience. It's a detailed portrayal including aspects like needs, goals, behaviors, pain points, and demographics, meant to guide businesses in tailoring their products and marketing strategies to suit the specific audience.

  • How does creating a user persona help a business?

    -Creating a user persona helps a business focus on solving their audience's pain points by providing a clear understanding of who the audience is. It shifts communication from talking at customers to engaging with them as real people, which in turn enhances marketing effectiveness and product development.

  • What are some key elements to include in a user persona?

    -Key elements of a user persona include basic demographic details like age and location, deeper insights such as employment and family status, personality traits, goals, pain points, and preferred social platforms. Visual aids like photos and infographics are also important to make the persona relatable.

  • What impact does a user persona have on marketing strategies?

    -A user persona guides marketing strategies by ensuring all efforts are directed towards addressing the specific needs and preferences of the target audience. It builds empathy within the marketing team, provides a clear direction, and ensures consistency across different teams and campaigns.

  • Why is it recommended to create multiple user personas?

    -It's recommended to create multiple user personas to cover a broader spectrum of the target audience without losing focus. Each persona can represent different segments, capturing unique characteristics and needs, thus ensuring that marketing efforts resonate well with diverse groups within the audience.

  • How should businesses collect data to build a user persona?

    -Businesses should collect data through a mix of field research like interviews with actual or potential customers, and digital data from customer support logs, web analytics, and surveys. This helps in understanding real user needs, preferences, and behaviors to create accurate personas.

  • What role do visuals play in a user persona?

    -Visuals such as photographs help personify the user persona, making them appear more real and relatable. This aids in building empathy and a deeper connection for the team with the persona, which is crucial in designing user-centric marketing strategies and product features.

  • What is the importance of including pain points in a user persona?

    -Including pain points in a user persona is vital because it highlights the specific problems and frustrations that the product or service can address. Understanding these pain points allows businesses to tailor their offerings and communications to better meet the needs of their customers.

  • How can a user persona influence product development?

    -A user persona can significantly influence product development by providing clear insights into the user's needs, behaviors, and preferences. This ensures that product features and functionalities are designed to effectively solve real problems and enhance the user experience.

  • What are some common archetypes used in creating user personas?

    -Common archetypes used in user personas include the Hero, who represents ambition and courage; the Motherly figure, symbolizing nurture and care; and others like the Outcast or the Explorer, each embodying specific traits that resonate with certain segments of the target audience.



🎯 Introduction to User Personas

This paragraph introduces the concept of user personas and their significance in marketing and business growth. It emphasizes the shift from viewing the audience as customers to users, and how creating user personas can help businesses provide solutions to their audience's needs. The speaker explains that user personas are fictional representations of the target audience, consisting of customer's needs, goals, behaviors, pain points, and demographics. The purpose of this section is to highlight the importance of understanding the audience and aligning marketing efforts to provide a unique experience for them.


🤝 Benefits of Creating User Personas

This paragraph delves into the benefits of creating user personas. It outlines three key advantages: building empathy for the user, providing a clear marketing direction, and creating consistency across teams. The speaker explains that user personas help businesses understand their audience's needs, see them as real people, and market their solutions effectively. It also emphasizes the importance of including basic information, archetypes, and pictures in the persona creation process to humanize the representation and foster empathy within the team.


🛠️ Steps for Building User Personas

This paragraph outlines a five-step process for building user personas. It begins with conducting field research and gathering analytical data about the target audience, such as age, gender, and behavioral patterns. The speaker advises grouping users into different categories based on their behaviors and loyalty to the product. The recommendation is to create three to five personas to avoid being too broad or too narrow. The paragraph concludes with the final step of building the graphic representation of the user persona, which includes a header, demographics, psychographics, end goals, and additional information like social channels and favorite brands.

🙌 Conclusion and Call to Action

In this final paragraph, the speaker thanks the audience for watching and encourages them to engage with the content by liking and subscribing. The speaker reiterates the value of using Visme to create user personas, describing it as intuitive, practical, and user-friendly. The aim is to motivate the audience to apply the knowledge they've gained and to continue learning more about effective information presentation and user persona creation.



💡User Persona

A user persona is a fictional character or representation that encapsulates the characteristics, needs, behaviors, and pain points of a target audience. In the context of the video, creating user personas helps businesses to shift their focus from a generic marketing approach to one that is more personalized and solution-oriented, addressing specific audience needs. For example, a user persona for a programming platform might target beginners and intermediate programmers, focusing less on demographics and more on their common challenges and goals.

💡Marketing Direction

Marketing direction refers to the strategic approach a business takes to promote its products or services. It involves understanding the target audience's preferences, needs, and behaviors to tailor marketing efforts effectively. In the video, user personas play a crucial role in providing a marketing direction by helping businesses to visualize their ideal customers and craft messages that resonate with them. This ensures that marketing efforts are not just random ideas but are grounded in the wants and needs of the target audience.


Empathy in the context of user personas is the ability to understand and share the feelings and experiences of the target audience. By creating detailed user personas, businesses can put themselves in the shoes of their customers, seeing them as real people with unique needs and challenges. This fosters a deeper connection and allows for more effective communication and product development that addresses the users' pain points.

💡Pain Points

Pain points refer to the challenges, frustrations, or issues that a target audience faces, which a business aims to address with its products or services. Identifying these pain points is crucial for creating user personas as it allows businesses to focus their marketing and product development efforts on solving these specific problems, thereby providing more value to their customers.


Demographics are the statistical characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, location, and family status. In the creation of user personas, demographics help to define the basic information about the target audience, providing a framework for understanding who the business is trying to reach. However, the video also suggests that for some user personas, the focus might be more on pain points and behavioral patterns rather than just demographics.


An archetype is a typical example of a character or behavior pattern that is universally recognized and understood. In the context of user personas, archetypes help to quickly convey a character's general traits and behaviors, making it easier for businesses to understand and relate to their target audience. Archetypes can be used to give a user persona a more defined and recognizable personality.

💡Personality Traits

Personality traits are the distinctive characteristics that make up an individual's personality, such as being funny, serious, professional, or introverted. In user personas, these traits help to create a more nuanced and realistic representation of the target audience, allowing businesses to understand not just what the user is looking for, but also how they might react in different situations.

💡Field Research

Field research refers to the collection of data or information directly from the source, in this case, the target audience. This can involve interviews, surveys, or observations to gain insights into the behaviors, interests, and other traits of potential users. Field research is essential for creating accurate and useful user personas, as it provides firsthand information about the audience's needs and preferences.

💡Analytical Data

Analytical data is the quantitative information collected through various analytical tools and methods, such as web analytics or customer surveys. This data provides insights into user behavior patterns, preferences, and other characteristics that can be used to segment users and create user personas. Analytical data is crucial for validating and refining the assumptions made during the creation of user personas.


Psychographics refers to the psychological characteristics of a person, such as their attitudes, values, interests, and lifestyle preferences. In the context of user personas, psychographics help to understand the user's likes, dislikes, motivations, and what encourages or annoys them. This information is vital for creating a comprehensive understanding of the user's mindset and for crafting messages and products that resonate with them on a deeper level.

💡End Goals

End goals are the ultimate objectives or outcomes that a user seeks to achieve by using a product or service. Identifying these goals is crucial for creating user personas because it helps businesses to understand the motivations behind the user's actions and to design products or services that meet these needs effectively.


Shift your focus from customers to users by creating user personas.

A user persona is a fictional character representing your target audience's goals and objectives.

Creating a user persona helps in providing solutions to your audience's pain points.

User personas promote a unique experience for your audience by understanding their needs and preferences.

Building empathy for the user is crucial in understanding their perspective and needs.

User personas provide a clear marketing direction by aligning your marketing ideas with their preferences.

Consistency across teams is achieved through user personas, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Basic information about the persona includes age, gender, location, and a name.

An archetype gives a typical example of a common characteristic, like the 'hero' or 'motherly figure'.

Adding a picture to your persona humanizes it and helps build empathy for the user.

Personality traits are essential in describing how your user persona reacts in different situations.

Identify and focus on the audience's goals, motivations, and pain points through the user persona.

Field research and interviews with your target audience are crucial in creating accurate personas.

Analytical data from customer support logs or web analytics can inform your user personas.

Organize users into groups based on patterns to create multiple, distinct user personas.

Creating 3 to 5 user personas is recommended to not be too broad or too narrow in focus.

Use templates and graphics to visually represent your user personas for better understanding and communication.

Include demographic and psychographic information to fully understand and represent your user persona.

Outline end goals and daily scenarios for your user persona to understand their motivations and environment.