DON'T Serve Unoptimized Images - Webp, Srcset, ImageKit, and more!

James Q Quick
8 Jul 202118:28

TLDRIn this informative video, James Hugh Quick discusses the importance of image optimization in web development. He emphasizes the negative impact of serving unoptimized, large images on user experience and data usage. The video presents various strategies for optimizing images, including dynamic transformations and the use of ImageKit for on-the-fly resizing and format conversion to more efficient types like WebP. Additionally, the concept of 'srcset' and 'sizes' attributes is introduced to serve different image resolutions based on the user's device capabilities. The tutorial also touches on lazy loading techniques and the potential for using smaller, low-quality images as placeholders before loading high-resolution versions. The use of ImageKit's URL transformations allows for a high degree of customization and optimization, ensuring that only the minimal, appropriate image size is delivered to the user, resulting in improved application performance.


  • 🚫 Avoid serving unoptimized images to enhance user experience and reduce data usage.
  • ⚙️ Use dynamic transformations and services like ImageKit to optimize images without manual work.
  • 🖼️ Start with large, unoptimized images and progressively reduce their size for different use cases.
  • 📱 Ensure images are responsive and look good on different screen sizes using techniques like the Chrome DevTools device toolbar.
  • 📉 Compress images using tools like TinyPNG to significantly reduce their file size without compromising quality.
  • 🌐 Utilize modern image formats like WebP, which offer better compression and are supported by most major browsers.
  • 🔄 ImageKit can automatically serve images in the optimal format based on browser capabilities.
  • 📦 Implement source set and size attributes to serve different image resolutions based on the user's screen size and pixel density.
  • 🔄 Use ImageKit's URL transformations to create on-demand, dynamically-sized images that are cached for faster loading.
  • 📈 Optimize image delivery by serving the smallest possible image that maintains quality, thus improving application performance.
  • 🔧 ImageKit offers various image manipulation options such as cropping, resizing, and adding overlays, providing extensive control over image optimization.

Q & A

  • What is the primary issue with serving unoptimized images on a web application?

    -Serving unoptimized images can significantly slow down the user experience and consume extra bandwidth, potentially leading to increased data costs for users on limited data plans.

  • What are the two main reasons for optimizing images on a website?

    -Optimizing images is important to enhance user experience by reducing load times and to save bandwidth, which can be costly for users with limited data plans.

  • How does using ImageKit help with image optimization?

    -ImageKit provides dynamic transformations through URLs, allowing for on-demand creation of different image versions or sizes without manual work. It also automatically selects the optimal image format for the browser, such as WebP, which can be smaller than the original JPEG.

  • What is the benefit of using the WebP image format?

    -WebP is a highly optimized image format that offers better compression and quality compared to traditional formats like JPEG. It results in smaller file sizes, which leads to faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

  • How does the 'source set' attribute in HTML help with image optimization?

    -The 'source set' attribute allows the browser to choose the most appropriate image size based on the device's screen width and pixel density. It can define multiple image versions, enabling the browser to load the best fit for the current conditions.

  • What is the role of the 'tiny png' tool in the image optimization process?

    -TinyPNG is a tool that compresses images without significant loss in quality, reducing their file size. This makes images load faster and use less bandwidth when served on a website.

  • How does ImageKit handle browsers that do not support WebP?

    -If a browser does not support WebP, ImageKit will automatically serve the original JPEG image to ensure compatibility across all browsers.

  • What is the purpose of using image transformations with ImageKit?

    -Image transformations with ImageKit allow for dynamic resizing and formatting of images based on the request. This means that the image served is only as large as necessary for the user's device, leading to faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.

  • How can the 'source' attribute be used as a fallback in the 'source set'?

    -The 'source' attribute can be set as a default image to be used if the browser does not support the 'source set' attribute. This ensures that an appropriate image is displayed even in older or less capable browsers.

  • What are some of the additional transformations that can be done with ImageKit?

    -ImageKit allows for a variety of transformations including resizing, cropping, adjusting quality, smart cropping, and overlaying watermarks or text on images.

  • How does the process of optimizing images contribute to the overall performance of a web application?

    -Optimizing images contributes to web application performance by reducing the overall page load time and the amount of data that needs to be transferred. This results in a better user experience, especially for users with slower internet connections or on mobile devices.



😀 Image Optimization Basics

James Hugh Quick discusses the importance of not serving excessively large images in web applications as it can slow down user experience and consume extra bandwidth. He introduces the concept of image optimization and outlines methods to achieve it, including dynamic transformations and the use of ImageKit. The video demonstrates how to optimize images by reducing their file size, which is crucial for maintaining fast load times and conserving users' data plans.


📚 Utilizing ImageKit for Advanced Optimization

The video continues with a demonstration of using ImageKit, a sponsor of the video, for advanced image optimization. James uploads the original large images to ImageKit and uses its URLs to serve optimized images. He explains how ImageKit automatically converts images to the WebP format when supported by the browser, which results in even smaller file sizes. Additionally, he covers how ImageKit allows for dynamic image transformations through URL parameters, enabling the creation of on-demand images that are optimized for the user's screen size and device capabilities.


🔍 Implementing Source Set for Responsive Images

James explores the use of the 'source set' attribute to serve different image sizes based on the screen's width and pixel density. He demonstrates how to define multiple image versions within the 'source set' and let the browser choose the most appropriate one. The video also touches on the concept of lazy loading, where a low-resolution image is initially loaded and then replaced with a higher-resolution version as needed. This technique, combined with ImageKit's capabilities, allows for a highly responsive and performant image delivery system.


🎨 Customizing Image Transformations with ImageKit

The final part of the video delves into the various image transformations available through ImageKit. James shows how to adjust the width, height, and quality of images, as well as how to apply smart cropping and overlays. He emphasizes the flexibility of ImageKit's URL-based customization, which allows developers to optimize images for different use cases without manual intervention. The video concludes with a reminder of the importance of image optimization for web performance and user experience, and James encourages viewers to experiment with ImageKit for their own projects.



💡Image Optimization

Image optimization refers to the process of minimizing the file size of an image while maintaining its quality, to improve the performance and load times of a web application. In the video, the host discusses the importance of image optimization to reduce loading times and save bandwidth for users, which is crucial for a better user experience, especially on mobile devices with data limitations.


WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. The video mentions that WebP is widely supported by major browsers and offers a highly optimized format that results in smaller file sizes compared to traditional JPEG images. ImageKit automatically serves WebP images to compatible browsers, which can significantly reduce the size of the images being loaded.


Srcset is an HTML attribute used in responsive design to specify multiple image sources and their respective sizes. It allows the browser to select the most appropriate image based on the device's screen resolution and pixel density. In the video, srcset is used in conjunction with ImageKit to serve different image sizes, enhancing the performance and user experience by loading images that are optimized for the user's device.


ImageKit is a cloud-based image processing and optimization platform that provides dynamic image transformations through URL parameters. The video demonstrates how ImageKit can be used to upload images and generate URLs that serve optimized images in various sizes and formats. It emphasizes ImageKit's role in simplifying the process of image optimization without requiring developers to manually adjust image sizes or formats.

💡Dynamic Transformations

Dynamic transformations refer to the on-the-fly adjustments made to images based on user requests. ImageKit uses dynamic transformations to create and serve images in the desired size and format without the need for developers to pre-generate multiple versions of each image. This is showcased in the video through the use of URL parameters to specify image width and format, resulting in faster load times and reduced bandwidth usage.


Bandwidth in the context of web development refers to the amount of data that can be transferred over a network connection in a given time period. The video stresses the importance of optimizing images to reduce bandwidth usage, especially for users with limited data plans or on slower connections. By serving smaller, optimized images, developers can ensure a smoother and more cost-effective experience for users.

💡Responsive Design

Responsive design is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. The video demonstrates a responsive image gallery, showing how the gallery adapts to different screen sizes using the Chrome Developer Tools' device toolbar. This ensures that images are appropriately sized for the viewer's device, enhancing the user experience across different platforms.

💡Vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript refer to using these core web technologies without any additional libraries or frameworks. In the video, the host mentions creating a gallery using only vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which means the gallery is built with standard web technologies without relying on third-party libraries, keeping the code straightforward and accessible.


TinyPNG is an online image compression tool that reduces the file size of PNG images without losing quality. The video script mentions using TinyPNG to compress the cover images for the podcast, significantly reducing their file size from megabytes to kilobytes. This tool is part of the optimization process discussed in the video, highlighting its utility in preparing images for web use.

💡Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed. It is used in the context of the video to describe serving a very small, low-quality image initially and then loading the higher-quality version as the user scrolls down or as the page continues to load. This technique can improve the initial load time of a web page by reducing the amount of data that needs to be downloaded upfront.

💡Device Pixel Ratio

Device pixel ratio, often abbreviated as DPR, is the number of physical pixels in a device's display that correspond to a single CSS pixel. The video discusses how the srcset attribute can be used in conjunction with the device pixel ratio to serve images that are optimized for the user's screen, ensuring that images appear crisp and clear without unnecessary strain on bandwidth or processing power.


Optimizing images is crucial for web applications as unoptimized images can slow down user experience and use extra bandwidth.

Serving optimized images can reduce loading times and save users' data when they are on limited data plans.

ImageKit can be used for dynamic image transformations and provides different versions or sizes of images through URL modifications.

Using ImageKit, you can upload images and then use their URLs to request optimized images without manual work.

WebP is a highly optimized image format supported by most major browsers and can result in smaller file sizes.

ImageKit can automatically serve images in the WebP format if the browser supports it, otherwise, it defaults to the original JPEG.

ImageKit allows for on-demand dynamic image generation, which are then cached for faster subsequent requests.

By using the 'srcset' attribute, you can serve different versions of an image based on the screen width and pixel density.

The 'srcset' attribute, along with 'sizes', helps the browser choose the most appropriate image size to load.

ImageKit provides a range of image transformations, including width, height, crop, quality, and smart cropping.

Overlaid watermarks or texts can be added to images using ImageKit's transformation features.

Lazy loading techniques can be combined with ImageKit's small image delivery to show a low-resolution image while loading the high-quality version.

Optimizing images with ImageKit can lead to more performant applications and an improved user experience.

ImageKit's dynamic transformations and optimal image format selection contribute to better website performance.

Uploading images directly to ImageKit or integrating it with other providers like Amazon S3 or Google Storage can streamline your image optimization process.

Using ImageKit, you can ensure that users only receive the minimal necessary image size, enhancing the overall efficiency of web applications.

The video provides a hands-on demonstration of how to integrate ImageKit with a web application for dynamic image optimization.