How and Why to Convert Images to WebP in WordPress

Thomas McGee
22 Dec 202112:41

TLDRIn this informative video, the presenter discusses the benefits of converting images to the WebP format for WordPress websites. WebP images are up to 26% faster than PNGs and 25-34% smaller than JPEGs, which is crucial for mobile users who often access sites through data plans. The video introduces Imageify, a plugin that automates the conversion and compression of images to WebP format, enhancing website performance and user experience. The presenter guides viewers through the plugin's installation, activation, and configuration, highlighting features like auto-optimization on upload, resizing of large images, and the option to create WebP versions of images. The summary emphasizes the importance of optimizing website images for faster load times and reduced data usage, especially for mobile users.


  • 🌐 WebP is a newer image format that offers better efficiency compared to PNGs and JPEGs, with WebP images being up to 26% faster than PNGs and 25-34% smaller than JPEGs.
  • 📱 Over 56% of website traffic is accessed through mobile devices, many of which use data plans with limited data, making efficient image formats like WebP crucial for faster load times and better user experience.
  • 🚀 Large images can significantly slow down a website, especially on WordPress, where images that are too big without compression can consume up to 25 megabytes each.
  • 🔧 There's a plugin called Imageify that can automate the conversion of images to WebP format and compress them without manually going through the entire WordPress image library.
  • 📈 Imageify offers a free tier and a paid service with varying levels of optimization, from normal to ultra, which affects the balance between file size and image quality.
  • ⚙️ The plugin allows for automatic optimization of images upon upload, and you can choose to back up original images or not, with the trade-off of losing the ability to re-crop or re-optimize.
  • 🖼️ WebP format can be enabled within the plugin settings to serve lighter and faster-loading images, which can improve user retention on the website.
  • 📌 The plugin provides an option to resize larger images, which is useful for reducing server space usage by not storing unnecessarily large image files.
  • 🔗 There's a limit to the number of free image compressions per month with Imageify's free account, but for most users, it's sufficient unless dealing with a large library.
  • 🛠️ For heavy use, upgrading to a paid account with Imageify is recommended to unlock unlimited compressions and handle larger libraries efficiently.
  • ✅ After setting up and configuring Imageify, you can optimize your entire media library with a single click, converting and compressing images to WebP for improved site performance.

Q & A

  • What is the main advantage of using WebP images on a WordPress website?

    -WebP images are significantly more efficient than PNGs or JPEGs, with WebP images being up to 26% faster than a PNG and 25 to 34% smaller than a JPEG, which results in faster loading times and reduced data usage, especially beneficial for mobile users.

  • Why is it important to optimize images for mobile devices on a WordPress website?

    -Over 56% of website traffic is accessed through mobile devices, and many users access websites through their data plans rather than Wi-Fi. Optimizing images for mobile can reduce data usage and improve loading times, which is crucial for maintaining user engagement.

  • What is the Imageify plugin and how does it help with WebP conversion?

    -Imageify is a free WordPress plugin that can be used to convert images on your site from PNGs and JPEGs to WebP format. It also compresses images, offers different optimization levels, and can automatically optimize images upon upload.

  • How does Imageify's optimization level affect the image quality and file size?

    -The optimization level in Imageify determines the compression strength. 'Normal' results in lighter compression and higher quality, 'Aggressive' is a balance between size and quality, and 'Ultra' achieves the smallest file size, potentially at the cost of image quality.

  • What is the significance of the 'Auto Optimize Images on Upload' option in Imageify?

    -This option, when checked, ensures that every image uploaded to the WordPress library is automatically compressed in the background, optimizing the image for faster loading and reduced file size.

  • Why might someone choose not to use the 'Backup Original Images' feature in Imageify?

    -Unchecking this option saves server space by not storing the original, uncompressed images. However, it means that if you need to re-crop or re-optimize an image, you would have to re-upload the original file.

  • How does the WebP format setting in Imageify affect the display of images on the website?

    -Enabling the 'Create WebP versions of images' and 'Display images in WebP format on the site' options in Imageify will serve WebP versions of images instead of PNGs or JPEGs, leading to faster loading and lighter weight images.

  • What is the purpose of the 'Resize larger images' feature in Imageify?

    -This feature allows users to scale down very large images that are uploaded to the site, which can significantly reduce the amount of space these images take up on the server and improve load times.

  • What is the limitation of using the free account with Imageify for image compressions?

    -The free account has a limit on the number of image compressions that can be performed per month. For heavy use, an upgrade to a paid account is necessary to perform unlimited compressions.

  • How can users optimize all existing images in their WordPress media library using Imageify?

    -Users can access the 'Bulk Customizer' or 'Bulk Optimizer' feature in Imageify, set their desired optimization level, and start the optimization process to compress and convert all existing images in the media library to WebP format.

  • What are the benefits of serving WebP images on the front end of a WordPress website?

    -Serving WebP images can lead to faster loading times and reduced data usage for visitors, which can improve the user experience, particularly for those on mobile devices or with limited data plans.

  • What is the recommended approach for users who are only uploading a few images at a time with Imageify?

    -For users with low to moderate image upload frequency, the free version of Imageify should suffice. However, for those with a high volume of images, a paid plan with unlimited compressions might be more suitable.



🌐 Introduction to WebP for WordPress Websites

The video begins by discussing the importance of converting images to the WebP format for WordPress websites. It covers the growing use of WebP, which offers significant efficiency over traditional formats like PNG and JPEG. WebP images are up to 26% faster than PNGs and 25-34% smaller than JPEGs. The script emphasizes the importance of this for mobile users, who often access sites through limited data plans and potentially poor reception areas. The video promises to show viewers how to use the Imageify plugin to convert images to WebP and compress them for faster loading times.


🔧 Setting Up Imageify for WebP Conversion

This paragraph explains the process of installing and using the Imageify plugin to optimize images on a WordPress site. It details the steps to install the plugin, create an account, and use an API key for the service. The settings for image optimization are discussed, including the choice of optimization levels (normal, aggressive, ultra), the option to auto-optimize images on upload, and the decision to back up original images. The paragraph also covers the plugin's ability to create WebP versions of images and serve them on the site, as well as the option to resize larger images to save server space.


🚀 Bulk Optimization and Serving WebP Images

The final paragraph demonstrates how to use Imageify to bulk optimize the entire media library, converting and compressing images to WebP format. It shows how to save and apply settings to start the optimization process and monitor its progress. The video concludes with a practical example of downloading an optimized WebP image and emphasizes the option to pay for a pro plan for unlimited compressions. It encourages viewers to like the video and comment if they need further assistance or have suggestions for future tutorials.




WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. It is up to 26% smaller than a PNG and 25-34% smaller than a JPEG, which makes it significantly more efficient. In the context of the video, WebP is highlighted as a solution for improving website performance, especially on mobile devices where data and reception can be limited. This efficiency can lead to faster loading times and reduced data usage for users, which is crucial for maintaining engagement on WordPress websites.


WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used for creating and managing websites. In the video, the focus is on optimizing WordPress websites by converting images to the WebP format. The script discusses the importance of image optimization for WordPress sites, as large image files can significantly slow down a site's performance, affecting user experience and potentially leading to higher bounce rates.

💡Image Compression

Image compression is the process of encoding images to reduce their file size, making them faster to download and less data-intensive. The video emphasizes the importance of compressing images for WordPress websites to enhance their performance, especially considering the high percentage of mobile users. Image compression tools like the plugin 'Imageify' mentioned in the script, can automatically compress images upon upload, leading to a leaner and more efficient website.

💡Mobile Traffic

Mobile traffic refers to the users accessing websites through mobile devices. The video script highlights that over 56% of website traffic is now accessed via mobile devices. This statistic underscores the importance of optimizing websites for mobile users, who often rely on data plans with limited data and may experience slower connection speeds. WebP images, due to their smaller size, can help load websites faster on mobile devices, improving the user experience.

💡Data Plan

A data plan is a subscription-based service offered by mobile network providers that allows users to access the internet on their mobile devices. The video discusses how many mobile users access websites through their data plans, which can be limited and potentially expensive. Optimizing images to be smaller, as with WebP, can reduce the amount of data a website consumes, making it more accessible and user-friendly for those on data plans.

💡Imageify Plugin

Imageify is a WordPress plugin that automates the process of converting and compressing images to the WebP format. The plugin offers both free and paid services, with the free version being suitable for small to medium-sized websites. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to install and use the Imageify plugin to optimize images on a WordPress site, emphasizing its ease of use and the benefits of automated image optimization.

💡API Key

An API key is a unique code that allows third-party software to interact with a service's application programming interface (API). In the context of the video, an API key is provided by Imageify after creating a free account. This key is used to enable the plugin's features and connect the WordPress site with Imageify's services for image optimization. The script demonstrates how to input the API key in the plugin settings to activate the image optimization process.

💡Optimization Level

The optimization level in the context of the Imageify plugin refers to the degree of compression applied to images. The video mentions three levels: normal, aggressive, and ultra. Each level corresponds to a different balance between file size and image quality, with 'ultra' providing the smallest file size at the cost of potential quality loss. The choice of optimization level is crucial for maintaining image quality while achieving the desired file size reduction.

💡Bulk Optimizer

Bulk Optimizer is a feature within the Imageify plugin that allows users to compress and convert multiple images in the WordPress media library at once. This is particularly useful for existing WordPress sites with a large number of images, as it saves time and effort compared to optimizing images individually. The video demonstrates how to use the Bulk Optimizer to apply WebP conversion and compression to the entire image library.

💡Picture Tag

The picture tag is an HTML element used to specify multiple sources for an image, allowing the browser to choose the most appropriate one based on the user's display or other factors. In the context of the video, it is mentioned as a simple way to serve WebP images to browsers that support it, while falling back to other formats like PNG or JPEG for those that do not. The script suggests that for most users, using the default settings provided by the Imageify plugin and the picture tag is the easiest way to implement WebP images on their WordPress site.

💡Rewrite Rules

Rewrite rules are instructions that tell a web server how to rewrite a URL that a client has requested into a different URL that the server can process. In the video, it is mentioned in the context of serving WebP images and suggests that developers who are familiar with rewrite rules and using a content delivery network (CDN) might have more advanced options for implementing WebP images. However, for most users, the plugin's default settings and the picture tag are recommended for simplicity.


Images on WordPress websites can be converted to WebP format for improved efficiency.

WebP images are up to 26% faster than PNGs and 25-34% smaller than JPEGs.

Over 56% of website traffic is accessed through mobile devices, often with limited data.

WebP enables serving images that load faster and use less data, improving user experience.

Large images can significantly slow down a WordPress website.

Imageify is a free plugin that can convert and compress images to WebP format.

The plugin provides a step-by-step process for easy installation and activation.

Users can create a free account with Imageify to get an API key for the plugin.

The plugin offers different optimization levels: Normal, Aggressive, and Ultra.

Auto-optimize images on upload can be enabled for automatic compression.

Option to back up original images to preserve the original file.

WebP format can be enabled to serve lighter and faster loading images.

The plugin can resize larger images to save space on the server.

Users can specify which image versions to optimize to manage monthly limits.

Bulk optimization feature allows converting the entire image library to WebP format.

Paid plans are available for unlimited compressions and larger libraries.

The process of converting and optimizing images with Imageify is straightforward and user-friendly.