DreamStudio AI (Stable Diffusion) FIRST LOOK and Guide - Stable Diffusion Full Release

MattVidPro AI
20 Aug 202224:51

TLDRThe video provides a comprehensive first look and guide to the official release of Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image AI that has been gaining popularity. Stable Diffusion, which will be open-source, offers a platform for users to create apps, programs, and Discord bots by modifying its code. The video introduces Dream Studio, the new home for Stable Diffusion, which is user-friendly and intuitive with an easy-to-use interface. It covers various features such as image resolution adjustment, pricing for server usage, prompt creation guidance, social media links, and FAQs. The narrator also discusses the importance of the 'cfg scale' for matching prompts and the 'steps' parameter for image generation, offering tips on fine-tuning these settings. Additionally, the video demonstrates the process of generating images using different prompts, aspect ratios, and settings, highlighting the creative potential of Stable Diffusion.


  • 🚀 **Stable Diffusion Release**: The official release of Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image AI, is now available after being accessed as a closed beta on Discord.
  • 🌐 **DreamStudio Integration**: Stable Diffusion is transitioning to the DreamStudio website, which provides an intuitive interface for users to generate images without worrying about code.
  • 📖 **Open Source**: Stable Diffusion will be open source, allowing users to legally redistribute and modify the software, use it to create apps, programs, and Discord bots.
  • 💻 **Cross-Platform Compatibility**: The DreamStudio website is accessible on any PC, Mac, phone, or tablet, making it widely available to users.
  • 🔗 **GitHub Access**: The full version of Stable Diffusion will be available on GitHub, allowing developers to access the source code and contribute to the project.
  • 📈 **Resolution and Pricing**: The resolution of the generated images can be adjusted, with higher resolutions costing more in terms of processing power and generation cost.
  • 💰 **Affordable Pricing**: Despite the cost associated with using higher resolutions and more steps, the pricing for image generation is considered cheap, with base values at 1 cent per image generation.
  • ⚙️ **Customization Options**: Users can adjust various settings such as the CFG scale, which determines how closely the AI matches the prompt, and the number of steps, which affects the image's detail and cost.
  • 🔄 **Regeneration Feature**: The 'Redream' button allows users to recreate images with the same settings, providing a way to fine-tune prompts and achieve better results.
  • 🌀 **Sampling and Seed Customization**: Users have control over the diffusion sampling method and can input custom seeds for more consistent results or to recreate specific images.
  • 🎨 **Creative Freedom**: The system allows for a lot of creative freedom, with the ability to experiment with different prompts and settings to generate unique and interesting images.

Q & A

  • What is the official release of Stable Diffusion?

    -The official release of Stable Diffusion is a text-to-image AI that has been transitioning from a closed beta on a Discord server to being available through the Dream Studio website.

  • How is Stable Diffusion different from Dolly 2?

    -Stable Diffusion is open source, allowing users to modify and use the software in various ways, including creating apps, programs, and Discord bots. It also offers more flexibility with image aspect ratios and additional settings like CFG scale and steps, which are not available in Dolly 2.

  • What is the significance of Stable Diffusion being open source?

    -Being open source means that the original source code is freely available and it is legal to redistribute and modify it. This allows the community to contribute to the development, make improvements, and use the software in a wide range of applications.

  • How can users access Stable Diffusion through Dream Studio?

    -Users can access Stable Diffusion through the Dream Studio website, where they can sign up or log in using their email, Google, or Discord accounts. The interface allows for intuitive control over various parameters for image generation.

  • What are the costs associated with using Stable Diffusion on Dream Studio's servers?

    -Using Dream Studio's servers to generate images comes with a cost, which is based on the resolution and the number of steps taken to generate the image. However, the software itself is free to run on one's own machine if it fits within the required hardware specifications.

  • How does the pricing system work for generating images with Stable Diffusion on Dream Studio?

    -The pricing system is based on the resolution and number of steps chosen for image generation. For example, an image with a resolution of 512x512 at 50 steps costs about 1 cent per generation. Higher resolutions and more steps increase the cost accordingly.

  • What is the purpose of the CFG scale in Stable Diffusion?

    -The CFG scale determines how closely the AI tries to match the prompt with the generated image. A higher CFG scale may result in more accurate but less creative images, while a lower scale allows for more creative freedom but might miss the prompt's details.

  • What is the 'redream' button in Dream Studio used for?

    -The 'redream' button in Dream Studio is used to recreate an image with the same settings that were used to generate it previously. This allows users to make minor adjustments to the prompt while keeping other parameters constant.

  • How does the aspect ratio affect the generation of images in Dream Studio?

    -The aspect ratio, controlled by the width and height sliders, changes the shape and resolution of the generated image. Different aspect ratios can create a more cinematic look or a portrait-style image, depending on the user's preference.

  • What is the role of the 'steps' parameter in image generation?

    -The 'steps' parameter determines the number of iterations the AI goes through to generate an image. More steps can lead to more detailed images but also increase the cost and computation time. However, simpler or more common subjects may require fewer steps for a good result.

  • How does Dream Studio ensure users can recreate images they are satisfied with?

    -Dream Studio provides users with the seed for each generated image, which is a unique identifier that can be used to recreate the same image. This allows users to fine-tune their prompts while keeping the same overall look or feel of the image.



🚀 Introduction to Stable Diffusion and Dream Studio

The video introduces the official release of Stable Diffusion, an AI text-to-image generator. It discusses how Stable Diffusion has been gaining popularity in the AI space, initially accessed through a closed beta on Discord and now transitioning to the Dream Studio website. The software is open source, allowing users to modify and use it freely to create apps, programs, and Discord bots. The video also mentions that Stable Diffusion will be available on the Dream Studio website, which is user-friendly and accessible on various devices. The Dream Studio interface is highlighted as intuitive, with an easy-to-use UI and sliders for customization. The video promises to provide the website link and the Stable Diffusion GitHub link in the description.


📈 Understanding Dream Studio's Interface and Pricing

The video provides an overview of the Dream Studio interface, including the image generation area and the sliders that affect the final image output. It explains the importance of image resolution and aspect ratio, and how these factors impact the cost of image generation. The pricing model is discussed, with the video noting that while Stable Diffusion is free open-source software that can be run on personal machines, using the company's servers for image generation incurs a cost. The video outlines the base pricing and how it compares to another AI, Dolly 2, emphasizing the cost-effectiveness of Dream Studio. It also mentions a free trial of 200 generations upon signing up with Dream Studio.


🎨 Customizing Image Generation with Dream Studio

The video delves into the various settings available in Dream Studio for customizing the image generation process. It explains the CFG scale, which determines how closely the AI matches the prompt, and the steps, which affect the image's processing time and cost. The number of images that can be generated from a single prompt is also discussed, with the option to generate up to nine images. The video highlights the sampler, the diffusion sampling method, and the seed, which is used for fine-tuning prompts. It demonstrates how these settings can be adjusted to achieve desired results and the creative potential they offer.


🔍 Fine-Tuning Prompts and Exploring Creative Possibilities

The presenter shares their approach to fine-tuning prompts in Dream Studio, starting with lower steps to reduce cost and gradually increasing them once a good result is achieved. They experiment with various prompts, including a 'lemon character' and a 'black cat in the desert,' adjusting settings like the CFG scale and steps to refine the output. The video also touches on the content filter, which automatically blurs out inappropriate content, and its current state as a work in progress. The presenter emphasizes the importance of finding the right balance between prompt specificity and allowing the AI creative freedom.


🎭 Character Generation and Final Thoughts

The video showcases the generation of character images, such as an evil Superman and Walter White, demonstrating how the same seed can produce different results with tweaked prompts. It also highlights the ability to recreate images using the 'redream' function with the same settings. The presenter shares their satisfaction with the results and provides tips on when to increase steps for better image detail. The video concludes with a simple prompt for generating a watermelon image, showing how fewer steps are needed for straightforward subjects. The presenter expresses enthusiasm for the creative potential of Dream Studio and encourages viewers to explore and experiment with the tool.



💡Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is an AI model for generating images from text prompts. It has been compared to the DALL-E 2 system but is distinct in its approach and capabilities. The term is central to the video's theme as it discusses the features and usage of Stable Diffusion through the DreamStudio platform.


DreamStudio is a website that hosts the Stable Diffusion model, allowing users to generate images without needing to understand complex coding. It is presented as the new home for Stable Diffusion and is a key platform for interacting with the AI as depicted in the video.

💡Open Source

Open source refers to software whose source code is made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute the software. In the context of the video, Stable Diffusion being open source means that it can be freely accessed, modified, and used to create various applications, which is a significant aspect of the technology's appeal.


Discord is a communication platform initially designed for gamers but has since expanded to cater to various communities. In the video, Discord is mentioned as a platform where the Stable Diffusion beta was initially accessed, and it is also used as a method to log in to DreamStudio, indicating its role in fostering community and accessibility.

💡Text-to-Image AI

Text-to-Image AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that generate images based on textual descriptions provided by users. The video's main focus is on Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image AI, and how it can be used to create images through DreamStudio.

💡CFG Scale

CFG Scale is a parameter within the Stable Diffusion model that determines how closely the generated image adheres to the text prompt. A higher CFG Scale means the AI tries harder to match the prompt, while a lower scale allows for more creative freedom. It is a crucial setting for users looking to fine-tune their image generation process.


In the context of the video, 'steps' refer to the number of iterations the AI goes through to generate an image. More steps can lead to more detailed images but also increase the computational cost and time. It's a key parameter for users to balance between image quality and generation time/cost.

💡Aspect Ratio

Aspect ratio describes the proportional relationship between the width and the height of an image. The video discusses how DreamStudio allows users to adjust the aspect ratio, offering more creative flexibility compared to fixed aspect ratios in other systems.

💡Content Filter

The content filter is a feature that automatically blurs or censors parts of an image that may be inappropriate, such as explicit content. The video mentions that DreamStudio's content filter is a work in progress, indicating the platform's ongoing efforts to manage the output of the AI-generated images.

💡Creative Commons

Creative Commons is a type of license that allows creators to communicate which rights they reserve on their creative works and which they waive. In the video, it is stated that images generated with DreamStudio are licensed under Creative Commons, meaning users can use the generated images for various purposes as long as they adhere to the terms of the specific license.

💡AI Upscale

AI Upscale refers to the process of using artificial intelligence to increase the resolution of an image without losing quality. The video suggests using an AI upscaler to enhance lower resolution images generated by Stable Diffusion, as a cost-effective way to achieve higher quality images.


The official release of Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image AI, is now available.

Stable Diffusion is similar to DALL-E 2 but differs in key ways and has been a significant development in the AI space.

Initially accessed as a closed beta on a Discord server, Stable Diffusion is transitioning to the Dream Studio website.

Stable Diffusion will be open source, allowing the original source code to be freely available and legally redistributable and modifiable.

Users can utilize Stable Diffusion to create apps, programs, and Discord bots in its open-source code form.

Dream Studio is the new home for Stable Diffusion, featuring an intuitive interface and various creative controls.

Dream Studio Light, the current interface, suggests a more advanced version will be released in the future.

The platform is accessible on any PC, Mac, phone, or tablet, offering a user-friendly experience without the need for coding knowledge.

The pricing for using Dream Studio's servers is cost-effective, with base values at one cent per generation.

Users receive 200 free generations upon signing up with Dream Studio, with the potential for prices to decrease as the platform optimizes.

The Dream Studio interface allows users to adjust image width, height, and aspect ratio for creative flexibility.

The number of steps in the generation process can affect the cost and quality of the final image.

Dream Studio provides sliders and settings to fine-tune the AI's adherence to the prompt, known as the CFG scale.

The platform offers the ability to generate multiple images from a single prompt, up to nine images, which is more than DALL-E 2 offers.

Users can select different diffusion sampling methods, although the default k_lms is recommended for beginners.

Each generated image has a unique seed that can be used to recreate or fine-tune the image.

Dream Studio provides a history section to track previous creations and their parameters.

The platform includes a prompt guide for beginners to learn how to create effective prompts for Stable Diffusion.

Dream Studio's interface is designed to be user-friendly, with easy-to-understand UI elements and color schemes.

The generated images are licensed under Creative Commons, allowing for flexible use in various projects.