Elicit vs. SciSpace Literature Review Tool: How to use both tools to quickly find literature

Science Grad School Coach
23 Aug 202315:39

TLDRThis video compares Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool, two free AI-based literature review tools. It assesses their features and performance in retrieving relevant literature on the separation of steroid isomers using ion mobility spectrometry. The comparison includes the accuracy of the information provided, the range of papers retrieved, the filtering and sorting capabilities, and the ability to export or save search results. The video concludes that both tools can be used complementarily for a comprehensive literature review.


  • 🔍 Both Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool are free tools designed for literature review, with a focus on comparing their features and performance in finding relevant literature.
  • 📊 The comparison begins with a specific question about techniques used to separate steroid isomers in ion mobility spectrometry, a field well-known to the speaker.
  • 🕒 Both tools take a similar amount of time to retrieve results, providing a list of relevant papers and summaries.
  • 📈 The accuracy of the provided information is evaluated, noting that both tools correctly identify techniques like TWINS and trapped ion mobility spectrometry.
  • 📚 The papers provided by each tool are analyzed, with Elicit offering more recent papers and SciSpace providing older, potentially less relevant ones.
  • 🔎 Filters are an important feature, allowing users to refine their search based on criteria like publication year, access type, and study type.
  • 🌟 Elicit has a unique filter for searching papers based on specific keywords within the abstract.
  • 📊 Both tools offer sorting options, such as by relevance, citations, and publication year, with Elicit providing an alphabetical sort by title.
  • 📋 Information extracted from the papers is presented in a tabular format, with options to expand and include more detailed information.
  • 🤖 SciSpace integrates its AI research assistant, Co-Pilot, for asking questions about the papers and building knowledge, a feature not present in Elicit.
  • 💾 Exporting and saving search results is possible in both tools, with Elicit offering a more comprehensive export of detailed information.

Q & A

  • What is the main focus of the video?

    -The main focus of the video is to compare and contrast the features and performance of two literature review tools, Elicit and SciSpace, in finding the most relevant literature for a specific question.

  • How does the presenter choose the field for comparison?

    -The presenter chooses a field they are familiar with, as it allows them to quickly determine if the tools are providing correct information.

  • What specific question does the presenter ask both literature review tools?

    -The presenter asks about the techniques used to separate steroid isomers using ion mobility spectrometry.

  • What are the differences in the results provided by Elicit and SciSpace?

    -Elicit provides a broader range of papers, while SciSpace offers older and less relevant papers for the specific topic. Elicit also includes more of the presenter's own papers in the results.

  • How can you filter results in SciSpace's literature review tool?

    -In SciSpace, you can filter by whether the paper has a PDF, is open access, the publication type, and the publication year.

  • What unique feature does Elicit offer that SciSpace does not?

    -Elicit offers the ability to filter down to specific keywords to ensure the papers talk about those keywords, increasing the relevancy of the search results.

  • How do the sorting options differ between Elicit and SciSpace?

    -Both tools allow sorting by relevance, citations, and year, but Elicit also allows sorting by title alphabetically, abstract summary, and whether a PDF is available.

  • What information can you extract from the articles using these tools?

    -Both tools provide an abstract summary, and additional options to search for intervention, outcomes measured, number of participants, and detailed abstract summaries.

  • How does SciSpace's integrated Co-Pilot feature enhance the user experience?

    -SciSpace's Co-Pilot allows users to ask questions about the papers and engage in a back-and-forth conversation to build knowledge and get additional insights.

  • What are the limitations of exporting information from SciSpace and Elicit?

    -SciSpace allows exporting as CSV but lacks some detailed information in the exported columns. Elicit does not currently have a way to save searches but allows exporting as a BibTeX or CSV file, including the columns added by the user.

  • What is the presenter's final recommendation regarding the use of these literature review tools?

    -The presenter suggests using both tools in a complementary way, as they offer different insights and can provide a more comprehensive view of the literature.



🔍 Comparing AI Literature Review Tools

This paragraph introduces a comparison between two AI literature review tools, Size Spaces and Elicit. The focus is on evaluating their features and performance rather than pricing, as both are free tools. The comparison begins with a specific question about techniques used in a field the speaker is familiar with, allowing for an accurate assessment of the tools' effectiveness in providing relevant literature. The results from both tools are analyzed for accuracy and relevance, with a discussion on the types of papers provided and the filters available to refine the search.


📈 Analyzing Results and Paper Selection

The speaker delves into the results obtained from the AI tools, noting differences in the papers selected by each. Elicit is observed to provide a broader range of papers, while Size Spaces offers a deeper analysis within a specific type of analysis. The speaker also highlights the importance of checking the accuracy of the AI tools' findings and the ability to sort and filter results for a more tailored research experience. The paragraph emphasizes the value of having access to recent and relevant papers in the field of interest.


📊 Examining Extracted Information and Exporting Features

This section discusses the type of information extracted from the research articles by the AI tools and the features for exporting or saving this information. Both tools provide a table format with key details from the articles, but they differ in their export capabilities. Size Spaces has integrated a chatbot, Copilot, for further inquiries about the papers, while Elicit allows for exporting results in different formats. The speaker compares the effectiveness of exporting features, noting that Elicit's export function is more comprehensive, while Size Spaces' chatbot feature offers additional interaction for deeper insights.


💡 Final Thoughts and Additional Resources

The speaker concludes the comparison by emphasizing the complementary nature of both AI tools. They suggest using both systems for a more comprehensive research experience and encourage viewers to explore both software options. The speaker also offers additional resources for those looking to enhance their research skills, including a 30-day research jumpstart guide and links to both AI tools in the video description.




Elicit is an AI-powered literature review tool that helps researchers find relevant literature for their inquiries. In the video, the tool is compared with SciSpace Literature Review Tool to determine which one provides more accurate and relevant information. Elicit is noted for its ability to filter results by study type and keywords, as well as its export capabilities.

💡SciSpace Literature Review Tool

SciSpace Literature Review Tool is another AI-based platform designed to assist researchers in their literature search. It is compared with Elicit in the video, focusing on the features and performance in delivering the most relevant literature. The tool offers filtering options such as access to PDFs, publication type, and publication year, which can help refine the search results.

💡Literature Review

A literature review is a critical assessment of the existing body of research on a particular topic. In the context of the video, literature reviews are the focus of the comparison between Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool. The video aims to determine which tool is more effective in finding literature relevant to a specific question in the field of ion mobility spectrometry.

💡Steroid Isomers

Steroid isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula as steroids but differ in the arrangement of atoms within the molecule. In the video, the speaker asks the literature review tools to find techniques used to separate steroid isomers using ion mobility spectrometry, highlighting the specificity of the query and the tools' ability to provide accurate information.

💡Ion Mobility Spectrometry

Ion mobility spectrometry is an analytical technique used to separate ions or molecules based on their mobility in a gas. The video discusses the use of this technique in the context of separating steroid isomers, and it is the central topic around which the comparison of the two literature review tools is made.


Filters are used in literature review tools to refine search results based on specific criteria. In the video, the speaker demonstrates how both Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool use filters such as publication year and study type to narrow down the search results and improve the relevance of the literature found.

💡Abstract Summary

An abstract summary is a brief overview of the main findings, methods, and conclusions of a research paper. In the video, both literature review tools provide abstract summaries for the papers in their search results, allowing the user to quickly understand the content and relevance of each paper to their research question.

💡Exporting Information

Exporting information refers to the ability to save or download search results from a literature review tool. The video discusses the export features of Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool, highlighting the importance of being able to save searches and export results in different formats for further analysis or reference.


Co-Pilot is an AI research assistant chatbot integrated into the SciSpace Literature Review Tool. It allows users to ask questions about the papers found in the search results and receive additional insights or clarifications. In the video, the speaker notes this as a unique feature of SciSpace that is not available in Elicit.

💡Research Papers

Research papers are detailed written reports presenting original research and findings within a specific field of study. In the video, the main objective of using Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool is to locate and review research papers relevant to the techniques used in separating steroid isomers with ion mobility spectrometry.


Relevancy refers to the degree to which the information or content is closely related to the topic of interest. In the video, the comparison between Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool centers on their ability to provide relevant literature, with a focus on the accuracy and pertinence of the search results to the user's query.


Comparison between Elicit and SciSpace Literature Review Tool, both free AI tools for literature review.

The focus is on the features and performance of the tools, not pricing.

The presenter uses a specific question about techniques used to separate steroid isomers and ion mobility spectrometry.

Both tools take similar time to provide results.

Elicit provides a list of papers with an abstract summary, while SciSpace gives a summary of the top papers.

Elicit's results contain a mix of correct and incorrect citations, while SciSpace provides older but relevant research.

Filters in SciSpace allow for sorting by PDF availability, publication type, and year.

Elicit offers the ability to filter by study type and specific keywords within the abstract.

Both tools provide a list of recent papers, but Elicit includes more of the presenter's own work.

Elicit's broader search results contrast with SciSpace's deeper focus on a specific type of analysis.

Both tools allow sorting by various criteria, including relevance, citations, and year.

Elicit can filter for papers with a PDF, while SciSpace does not have this feature.

The tools extract and present information from articles in a tabular format for easy access.

SciSpace's Co-Pilot AI chatbot allows for interaction and questions about the papers.

Elicit's export feature is more effective in preserving the added columns of information.

Only about half of the papers overlap between the two tools, suggesting using both for a comprehensive review.

The presenter recommends double-checking AI-extracted information for accuracy.

Both tools can be used complementary to each other, enhancing the literature review process.

The presenter provides resources for further learning and research in the field.