9 Ways To Use ChatGPT To Write A Literature Review (WITHOUT Plagiarism)

Academic English Now
19 Jul 202313:44

TLDRThe video discusses the ethical use of ChatGPT in writing literature reviews, emphasizing not to use it for entire texts to avoid plagiarism. It highlights the AI's limitations, such as outdated information and incorrect references, but also its potential in providing outlines, summarizing trends, and offering definitions and criticisms. The presenter, Kovic, suggests using ChatGPT as a tool to aid the writing process, while cautioning against over-reliance on its outputs.


  • 📚 Use AI like ChatGPT to aid in writing literature reviews, but do so ethically and avoid plagiarism by not using entire texts or paragraphs directly.
  • 🚫 Be aware of the limitations of AI; ChatGPT's knowledge is up to date only until 2021, which may not reflect the most recent research.
  • 📈 Request an outline from ChatGPT based on your thesis title, aims, or broad topic to get a structured starting point for your literature review.
  • 📝 Ask ChatGPT to shorten the outline to fit the requirements of a research paper, maintaining a logical flow from general to specific.
  • 🔍 Use ChatGPT to provide references on specific topics, but verify their accuracy as it may sometimes provide incorrect or fabricated references.
  • 📊 Get a summary of the latest research trends on a specific topic to understand the current landscape and explore them further in your literature review.
  • 📌 Request definitions of key concepts from ChatGPT to include in your literature review, ensuring they are conceptually accurate and well-structured.
  • 🕰️ Explore how a particular definition has evolved over time by asking ChatGPT to provide historical context and changes in understanding.
  • 🧐 Utilize ChatGPT to identify main criticisms of a concept to add a critical perspective to your literature review.
  • 📖 Ask ChatGPT to produce a paragraph on a specific topic from your literature review outline to get a starting point for writing.
  • ✍️ Request ChatGPT to make paragraphs more concise or coherent by adding linking words, but adjust the prompt to avoid losing valuable information.

Q & A

  • What is the main purpose of the video?

    -The main purpose of the video is to demonstrate how to utilize AI, specifically ChatGPT, to effectively write a literature review without plagiarism.

  • Why is it important to use ChatGPT ethically?

    -Using ChatGPT ethically is important to avoid plagiarism and because anti-plagiarism software can detect AI-generated content. It's also crucial as the AI's knowledge is limited to information up to 2021.

  • How can ChatGPT help in creating an outline for a literature review?

    -ChatGPT can provide an outline based on a given topic, which can be used as a starting point for a literature review chapter or paper. It helps in organizing thoughts and structuring the review logically.

  • What are the limitations of using ChatGPT for providing references?

    -ChatGPT often provides incorrect or made-up references, including titles and links that do not correspond to actual papers. This limits its usefulness for accurate citation and research.

  • How can one use ChatGPT to summarize the latest research trends?

    -ChatGPT can provide a general overview of recent developments and trends in a specific field, which can help in understanding the current state of research and identifying gaps.

  • What is the role of ChatGPT in providing definitions for key concepts?

    -ChatGPT can offer definitions for key concepts, which can be used in a literature review to establish a common understanding of terms and concepts.

  • Can ChatGPT help in making a paragraph more concise?

    -Yes, ChatGPT can assist in making a paragraph more concise by eliminating unnecessary words and phrases, thus improving clarity and focus.

  • How can ChatGPT aid in improving the coherence of a paragraph?

    -ChatGPT can suggest the addition of linking words and phrases to enhance the flow and logical connection between ideas within a paragraph.

  • What should one do if they need further assistance beyond AI capabilities?

    -If further assistance is needed beyond AI capabilities, one can book a free one-to-one consultation with a team of real human beings who can provide personalized guidance on writing and publishing papers.

  • How does the video demonstrate the practical use of ChatGPT in literature review writing?

    -The video demonstrates the practical use of ChatGPT by showing examples of how it can generate outlines, provide references (with caution), summarize trends, offer definitions, and help in paragraph refinement for a literature review.



📝 Utilizing AI for Literature Review

This paragraph discusses the use of AI, specifically chat GPT, to assist in writing a literature review. It emphasizes the importance of using AI ethically, avoiding plagiarism, and acknowledging the limitations of AI in terms of information up-to-dateness. The speaker shares their experience with AI-generated outlines and the need for critical evaluation and human input in refining the content. The paragraph also touches on the potential of AI in providing a structured approach to literature review writing.


🔍 Challenges with AI-Generated References

The speaker addresses the challenges of using AI-generated references, noting that while AI can provide a starting point, the references are often inaccurate or non-existent. They share their experience with chat GPT providing incorrect authors, publication years, and journal names. Despite these limitations, the speaker suggests that AI can still be useful for identifying potential research papers and trends, but emphasizes the need for verification and careful use of AI in academic writing.


🤖 Enhancing Literature Review with AI

This section highlights various ways AI can enhance the literature review process, such as providing definitions, summarizing recent trends, and offering critical perspectives on concepts. The speaker shares examples of how AI can help in defining key concepts and tracing the evolution of these definitions over time. They also discuss the potential of AI in generating specific examples and making paragraphs more concise and coherent. The paragraph concludes with a reminder to use AI responsibly and to seek human expertise when necessary.



💡Literature Review

A literature review is a scholarly paper that evaluates and synthesizes existing research on a specific topic. In the context of the video, it is used as a method for PhD students and researchers to critically assess the current state of knowledge in their field, often as part of a larger thesis or research paper. The video discusses how ChatGPT can assist in structuring, organizing, and writing a literature review more efficiently.


ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI. It is capable of generating human-like text based on the prompts it receives. In the video, ChatGPT is presented as a tool that can aid academic writers in various stages of writing a literature review, from outlining to summarizing trends and providing definitions, while emphasizing the importance of ethical use and avoiding plagiarism.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without proper attribution, thereby presenting it as one's own. The video stresses the importance of not using ChatGPT to generate entire texts or paragraphs verbatim to avoid plagiarism, as modern anti-plagiarism software can detect AI-generated content. It encourages users to use ChatGPT as a辅助工具 to aid in the writing process, not as a substitute for original thought and writing.


AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. In the video, AI is exemplified by ChatGPT, which is used to facilitate the literature review process. The discussion highlights the benefits of AI in streamlining certain aspects of academic writing while also cautioning about its limitations and ethical considerations.

💡Ethical Use

Ethical use pertains to the responsible and morally correct application of a tool or technology. In the context of the video, ethical use of ChatGPT involves not using it to produce entire sections of a literature review without proper attribution or modification. It is important to utilize AI as a辅助工具 to enhance the writing process while maintaining academic integrity and originality in one's work.

💡Research Trends

Research trends refer to the popular or significant patterns, topics, or methodologies that emerge within a field of study over time. In the video, ChatGPT is suggested as a means to summarize the latest research trends on a specific topic, which is crucial for a literature review to be up-to-date and relevant. Understanding these trends helps researchers situate their work within the broader academic discourse.

💡Key Concepts

Key concepts are the main ideas or terms that are central to a particular field of study or research topic. In the video, defining key concepts is highlighted as an important step in writing a literature review, as it sets the foundation for understanding and discussing the subject matter. ChatGPT can assist in providing accurate definitions and historical overviews of these concepts, aiding in the organization and clarity of the literature review.


References are the sources cited in a piece of academic writing to provide evidence for claims made and to give credit to the original authors. The video discusses the limitations of ChatGPT in providing accurate references, as it may sometimes generate made-up citations. It advises viewers to verify the references using proper academic methods to ensure the credibility and authenticity of their literature review.


An outline is a structured plan that summarizes the main points and the order in which they will be presented in a written work. In the context of the video, ChatGPT can help create an outline for a literature review, which is essential for organizing thoughts and ensuring logical flow. The outline provided by ChatGPT can serve as a starting point that needs to be refined and expanded upon by the writer to fit the specific requirements of their literature review.

💡Critical Analysis

Critical analysis involves evaluating and discussing ideas, arguments, or theories in a thoughtful and systematic way. The video emphasizes the importance of critical analysis in a literature review, where ChatGPT can provide insights or starting points for critique. However, it is the researcher's responsibility to further explore these ideas, provide evidence, and form well-supported arguments in their writing.


Coherence refers to the quality of being logically consistent and unified throughout a piece of writing. In the video, coherence is important for creating a well-structured literature review. ChatGPT can suggest ways to improve the coherence of a paragraph by adding linking words or reorganizing content. However, the writer should ensure that the final text maintains a coherent flow of ideas and arguments.


Utilizing AI, specifically Chat GPT, can significantly aid in writing a literature review.

It's crucial to use Chat GPT ethically and avoid plagiarism by not using it to write entire texts or paragraphs.

Chat GPT's knowledge is limited to information up to 2021, which might not include the most recent research.

Chat GPT can provide an outline for a literature review based on a given topic, title, or aim.

The AI can shorten a literature review to fit the requirements of a research paper.

Chat GPT may provide references, but they might be inaccurate or fabricated, requiring verification.

The AI can offer a summary of the latest research trends on a specific topic.

Chat GPT can provide definitions of key concepts for a literature review.

The AI can explain how a particular definition has evolved over time.

Chat GPT can give specific examples of research or studies on a given subtopic.

The AI can help in being critical by identifying main criticisms of a concept.

Chat GPT can assist in writing paragraphs for a literature review that can serve as a starting point.

The AI can help make paragraphs more concise to improve wordiness.

Chat GPT can enhance coherence by adding linking words to paragraphs.

For further assistance, one can book a free consultation with a team of real human beings for guidance on writing and publishing papers.

The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Chat GPT for writing a literature review.